Saturday, January 12, 2008

Illegal MP3 Downloading?

Recent conversations with a few of those who have been aware of the investigation against me for some time now have revealed that as a last ditch effort to somehow involve me in publicly reprimanded internet crime ... the investigators are considering approaching me on supposed illegal MP3 downloading.

This is sort of humorous ... but, technically, it could happen at a stretch (humorous though it may be).

It's humorous because my activity around such issues is extremely infrequent.

Compared to the average internet savvy 17 year old ... my few downloads from open/public directories is sort of akin to a grain of sand on a beach.

Most kids will download, literally, gigabytes a month from file sharing networks and otherwise ... so how come the feds aren't knocking on their doors a thousand times a day?


Online Music

I'm not a big music downloader, never have been.

I have, however downloaded some music in the past few months.

The music I download is generally from sites covered by The Fair Use Act ... folks who publish mix cd's for public review, etc.

Also, there are some sites like Glorious Noise which comb the internet for free releases from Indie artists and then make them available for download from their main site.

All perfectly legal to the best of my knowledge.

And lastly, I sometimes will use google to search for open directories containing MP3 files ... again, something I'm pretty sure is acceptable as persons like myself could just as well consider such files free releases as not since they have no accompanying information applied to them or otherwise indication of being copyrighted material.

The practice of searching for music with google however, on my part anyway, is rather limited ... and since the files found in open directories are generally of sub standard quality, I will always purchase the CD in the long run.

More on Using Google to find MP3's

The following is copied from and is a pretty good introduction in how to search for .MP3's with google:


There's an easy way to find free MP3 files with Google; actually, there's quite a few easy ways. Here's one (this particular method via Tech-Recipes):

-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" "Last modified" mp3

Okay, so let's break this down. You are attempting to find directories, so you don't want a a Web page (hence the minus sign in front of both the htm and html extensions). You're looking for the root directory, so that's where the "index of" in the title (intitle) comes in. And that mp3 file designation? You can change that to any file you are wanting to look for: wma, pdf, etc.

Now, how about looking for specific artists? Easy:

-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" mp3 "beethoven"

Make sure you put the artist's name in quotes at the end of the search string.

Now, there's another way to do this that might be a little bit easier; you're just changing the order of your search query around.

intitle:index.of + mp3 + "beethoven" -html -htm -txt

Basically, you're doing the same thing that you did in the first search string. You can narrow it down even further if you want to:

"index of" + intitle:mp3 + beethoven

All you're doing here is looking for directories with MP3 in the title and Beethoven.


So there you have it from ... an easy way to find MP3's via google searches.

I must say, it's rather effective.

I've downloaded MP3's using this method only a few times in the past three months and since it's searching random public root directories, I can find no reason for why it would be prosecutable to download such content.

Much more likely, in the event that some authority or otherwise were observing a user downloading content in such a way ... and should said authority have issue with such activity ... the norm is for the ISP to contact the individual to request that such activity be halted (or otherwise, even ... to simply inform the user that it is indeed questionable traffic).

Using file sharing networks is another story, however as the intention there is, blatantly, to purposefully make copyrighted works available for download.

That's my own non-professional take on things, however and I could well be wrong.

That said, I use, and would suggest you yourself use some discretion in finding content via such methods; it's a gray area to be sure ... but one that theoretically could be problematic.

The most appropriate use of such activity is to simply demo artists and then purchase the CD.

The Rumors

Yet the rumors 'on the street,' as it were, have indeed indicated that those behind the rather winded, and at this point completely peculiar, investigation of myself (the reputable and supposed internet criminal) do wish to grasp at this particular straw that they see in my downloading of the occasional MP3.

That it would be a foot in the door.

That it would start the ball rolling.

That it would be a gateway event into a more winded, mandated deliberation on any and all past and present actions involving the use of computers, up to and including my decades ago role as administrator of the notoriously 37173 hack board, HoWL! BBS (as well loose discussions around topics like pirated software, internet porn, pedophilia, child stalking, my own sexual history, details of past romantic partners, favorite flavors of ice cream, my racial preferences in partners, where I was on a given night, what my alibi is, what I have to say for myself, bank robbery, home invasions prompted by supposed undieing affections/obsessions with ex-girlfriends, where I keep my supposed stash of drugs and weed, my drinking habits, how often I masturbate, who my first sexual partner was, if I've had a homosexual experience, whether or not I tortured small animals as a child, whether my pupils just dialated or not, what I find frightening, how I feel about my Mother, my relationship with my siblings and what my most recent video rental happened to be.)

Yes. Those topics and more are the end all be all desires of the whackos running the investigation.

And yes ... I've recently heard they want to use MP3 downloading as a potential spark to get the whole party going.

(I mean, lacking anything else, really ... who can blame them?


this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.



Friday, January 11, 2008

Recent online purchases ...

As I've reiterated over and over ...

Family members and close friend's credit cards and checking accounts have been a favorite target of the investigators in their attempts to falsely incriminate me.

I've offered plenty of links regarding such in the past.

That said, this post is simply a precursor to a more elaborate break down explaining and making public several online purchase I've made in the past month, on an agreed basis, using family member's credit cards.

As explained in past posts, I don't have a credit card of my own and so it is a normal practice of mine to use a family members established credit card and then reimburse said family member with immediate cash or regular payments.

This is old hat by now.

Anyway, several of such purchase have been made in the past month and once all transactions are complete I will post a detailed account here on my blog citing both products purchased and dates of online activity.

Until we recieve the actual invoices from American Express, I will list briefly here the loose dates and amounts of all such purchases:


12/28/2007: Purchased Creative X-fi @ $269.53 from

12/28/2007: Purchased Sennheiser HD595 @ $222.49 from

01/11/2008: Purchased Shure SE530 @ $350.00 from Ebay/Anthony Devo

02/16/2008: Purchased Shure SE530 @ $350.00 from Ebay/Anthony Devo


The Sennheiser purchase was a foul up on my part as I had originally intended to return those for a refund/exchange on the Shures but I failed to read the small print which stated that Audiomidi did not accept returns on headphones.

So anyway, ...

That's the rundown.

As is my usual habit, I will post the actual AMEX bill as soon as it arrives.

Otherwise ...



this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.



Saturday, January 5, 2008

Other Person's Money

As I've written in the past, one of the longstanding methods employed by the investigators in their ongoing attempts to wrongfully incriminate myself has been to create the illusion of my supposedly stealing from a family member or friends personal bank account.

This, of course, in a way that involved computer use and also most probably a way that would demand/require removal from my current work and home environs. Two requirements which have been on the investigators wish list for a long time.

A past example:

Persons close to my family (fathers side) who have acted as collaborators in the investigation once used my father's bank account to subscribe to several online, questionably legal pay-for-porn sites (think lassie, but much more than just a friend).

Follow the link if you care to read the details of that documented, thoroughly squelched attempt to wrongfully incriminate me some several years ago.

Possible Christmas Incrimination?

Anyway ... tis the season and all ... folks are spending money, dreaming up their most desired gifts and maybe even (as I'm currently employed at) making a bunch of stuff to give to other people as gifts.

That said ... this is the perfect time and seasonal environment for those running the ongoing investigation to attempt to dream up further acts along the lines mentioned above.

Considering the imaginary prospect that such a move against my person were to be made this time of year, the post event comments from the investigators could easily go something like this:

"Well, maybe he was just wanting some new stereo equipment ... you know he doesn't get paid much working in politics ... and you know he's had this new hobby of buying expensive audio gear ... seems his family members (or friend's) credit card account was just a bit too tempting for him to resist ... we see a lot of this around Christmas, you know ... people get depressed ... needy ... that sort of depressive mood, combined with alcohol or drugs ... well, it just added up to a lose this time ... but we'll get him the help he needs"


Dramatic ... but a fun imaginative romp nonetheless.

So, as a preemptive move ... I thought I'd go ahead and write about it before it actually had a chance to transpire (you know ... just in case and all).

Besides ... it's Friday ... just got home from work ... having a beer and all; I can think of nothing more appealing than writing for an hour or so.

Importance of a Detonation Event

Since publishing the content viewable at, I have made it very public and very clear that a known goal of those behind the investigation is to end it along lines they "approve of" or otherwise that let them publicly justify the amount of time and resources dedicated to the efforts against me.

That being the case ... the investigations goals have been unchanging for almost six years now.

Number one ... a charge and a punishment ... even if that punishment is not jail time but the (known) and much more preferred "alternative" sort of punishment which would include the expected and grotesquely mandated court ordered psychiatric rubbish.

Number two (hinted at in number one) ... a clean entry into some sort of court mandated, supposedly very necessary and longwinded (oh, 3 months or so) psychiatric evaluation that would necessarily include the necessary authority to remove me from my current home and work situation.

I speak at great length regarding these objectives, HERE, at my main website and so won't go in to any more detail than that.

That said ... and considering those very briefly discussed objectives of the ongoing investigation, what do I continuously need to be wary of in so far as possible actions employed to make the above musings a reality?

The sort of set up I refer to here, one which would get the proverbial ball rolling towards the above mentioned goals is what I've termed a "Detonation Event." Meaning ... it's the ignition for the main spectacle, of course.

Meaning ... some sort of criminal setup which incorporates the necessary, er, "qualities" so as to allow a prosecutor (or judge) to say, "Hmmm, these facts are worrisome; I can quite conscientiously say that the defendant may at some point in the future cause possible harm to himself or others and so therefore a court recommended process of ... (blah blah blah)" Etc. Etc.


Really ... it's that simple.

Detonation Event: the likely types

It will/would involve theft (generally of some other close friend or family members property), computers and possibly even the inclusion of subjects/items of more dangerous nature ... say a planted gun found in my closet or something.

Anything that could be called, even possibly, "harmful to himself or others," would fit the bill towards sending me down the very well known and desired course of alternative sentencing.


Regarding the term "detonation event" and why I've chosen to introduce that as a necessary and defined term, please read my more detailed comments related to such, at the following address: More on Detonation Events


Otherwise ...

Have a great Christmas and a kick ass new year!

this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.



The Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.