Today I arranged several purchases using a family members credit card.
This immediate family member occasionally lets me make online purchases with his credit card and I then reimburse him with cash.
In the past, there has been some questionable activity on his card around the same times I borrowed it ... and therefore I make this cursory post.
Here's some more reading on the above mentioned past examples where a particular family members personal financial data has been either tampered with or used fraudulently:
1. Other Person's Money
2. Family and Credit Cards
3. Farm Secrets!
So ... regarding the investigations claims against me, there's really only *two* explanations:
I'm either doing it and totally forgetting about it (NOT!) ... or someone associated with the investigation of myself is behind this activity and in a way that is designed to, ultimately, incriminate myself.
That said, this post is simply to make public the fact that I've used his card to make a purchase which it is known I will and am reimbursing him for.
Briefly, here's a list of the purchase made on 9/25/07:
1. (Chargers for MP3 Player) : $18.98
2. (Protective Case for MP3 Player) : $9.49
3. (Headphone amplifier) : $164.00
I'll post more later if necessary.
I've already informed the secretary at this family members business that I am going to print copies of the AMEX bills for the month in which I made the purchases.
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
Daily blog of general status of circumstances made public in more detail at my personal website and domain: WWW.jbhFILE.COM. Subjects and daily events are discussed quite casually here and nothing stated in this blog should be considered matter of fact. For the details of the circumstances that this blog further discusses, please see my main site, at WWW.jbhFILE.COM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Truth vs. Fantasy
This bit is copied from my main website and domain,
Fact vs. Fiction
One interesting fact regarding the claims made via the rumor mill and slander campaigns, is that, for the majority of the accusations, there is generally some small bit of truth, or at least a kernel of fact that an effective slander or rumor campaign could be based upon.
Here find discussion of my own experiences, limited as they may be, with the types of behaviors that have been applied to me, with such destructive effect, by the agencies and community watch groups involved in the investigation.
Computer Crime
I have worked in the field of computing, specifically software interface design and corporate intranet development for about 11 years; prior to this and going all the way back to my early twenties, I have been somewhat fanatical about anything related to computers, be it hardware or software.
In my early twenties I began hanging out with several individuals here in houston who were somewhat notorious among my social circles, and even among federal and local law enforcement, as being 'hackers,' and 'pirates.' In other words, these persons regularly took part in the practice of hacking other computers and were regular users, and even distributors, of pirated software. Some of these persons were eventually indicted for such actions.
For the record, and this should be easily verifiable with my social circles at the time, I myself never took part in the hacking of websites, VAX systems, mainframes or anything else hackers, historically, have targeted.
In fact, today even, I would not begin to know how to launch the most basic of offensive attacks from my own computer; that is not to say, however, I am not aware of the nature and details of most of the types of attacks that hackers can make, I simply lack the expertise and software to carry such attacks out.
Furthermore, I have indeed used pirated copies of software in my life, or at least borrowed, but have never been in the business or practice of distributing such.
But it is a fact, that at one time, especially in my early twenties, borrowing software was the number one means by which I learned the basis of any application that today I personally own and am proficient at. This would not be news to anyone who was close to me at that time as I was never shy about discussing my progress in learning any given application.
Howl BBS
During the late 1980's and early 1990's, I was the system administrator and owner of Howl BBS, a very popular Houston-based computer bulletin board system (BBS) dedicated to the rapidly expanding (at the time) culture of hacking and computer networking in general.
Furthermore, Howl was in large part dedicated to the discussion of literary matters and we, on a semi-regular basis, published an electronic magazine ('zine) called, Tamer Shrew. You can follow the provided link to see all such zines produced by those involved with Howl.
Some of the most well known and talented hacks and virii creators in the Houston and Texas area called Howl BBS on a regular basis; there were, as well, many out of state calls.
Howl was split in it's content direction, roughly, between the discussion of subjects related to computer hacking and phone phreaking and, because I was in college for creative writing at the time, all things literary, especially poetry.
This is in large part, why it's absurd that now, in my late 30's, the FBI is claiming to have no records of myself as a person of interest, when I knew for a fact, and based on the testimony of others, that in my early 20's such agencies were regularly survielling and participating in Howl BBS due to it's association with such topics as computer hacking and phone phreaking, not to mention the local authorities who, at that time and considering the infancy of the internet and 'cyber-crime' in general, were sort of in a race with the federal agencies to see who could develop enforcement and investigative protocols the quickest.
Suffice it to say, Howl BBS was high on the list of local Houston boards that factored into both ongoing federal and local law enforcement investigations and, since I built the damn thing and owned the hardware it was run on, it goes without saying that I became a member of that list as well.
The point here is that Howl BBS factors into the investigation as a very real kernal of truth in the agencies efforts towards creating computer crime spin within my current circumstances. Howl was not a criminal bulletin board.
Howl was not used to distribute or otherwise make available the tools with which one could hack or phreak, it simply distributed text based information regarding such practices; furthermore, Howl BBS, to my knowledge and since the BBS software and hardware changed ownership on several occasions, was never employed to distribute illegal software or pornographic material of any kind.
Howl BBS was a great thing. I miss it and those that were members of our brief community … Xann, Nils, and even Homer™, (that bastard!).
Pardon me, I'm getting all misty-eyed.
Porn! / Sexual Deviance
Regarding the claims of the investigators that I am a porn addict or regular consumer of pornographic content, I have the following to say.
I have definitely looked at pornographic magazines, seen porno movies and have seen porn online, and specifically regarding the latter, have even seen sites online which I would have been hard pressed to say were legal or not.
These things have passed my screen, as they have passed many other persons.
Furthermore, I know that the content I have occasionally seen online is not exceptional, as such materials go, because I have made a point to discuss such things, not only with friends and family, but as well with a number of psychological professionals who have, not once, commented that having seen such content online is exceptional in anyway.
In fact, across the board, these persons, friends and professionals alike have confirmed that such experiences are rather normal insofar as online experience goes.
What the investigation contends, however, is that I am a regular user of pornographic content, that I have an obsessive disorder and especially that my tendency is to seek out content that is questionably legal, such as child pornography, bestiality, violent porn, etc., and for the record and stated plainly, this is not true.
Mental Illness / Paranoid Schizophrenia
Central to the agencies claims against me has been the notion that I suffer from a mental disorder such as paranoid schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder. This myth has been generated, 100%, based on my ongoing claim that I am the subject of a federal investigation and also, that I refuse to cease in my legal efforts to prove this as true.
In other words, the investigators, be it the FBI or otherwise, *need* me to appear mentally ill, as, providing proof of the investigations existence would absolutely prevent them from realizing any of their known objectives.
Nothing else factors into this myth of mental illness; the mental illness spin began upon my first, publicly uttering that I was the subject of an investigation. According to much of my research around others who have experienced circumstances similar to my own, this seems to be a fairly classic model for victims of gang stalking and harassment operations.
But the fact is, I am 38 years old, have many successful professional projects under my belt, have been involved in many wonderful friendships and romantic partnerships over the past 20 years and have a wealth of testimony from each and all that this is the case.
The lie about mental illness reared it's ugly head, just after I was dosed with PCP and just as soon as I started discussing, publicly, my knowledge of being the subject of an investigation; furthermore, the agencies behind the investigation have shown great skill in magnifying the mental illness myth and have used it to constantly discredit my efforts, especially when it comes to the early influencing of my immediate family, who I am confident have never been brought in as persons who are involved in or are aware of the investigation.
Early 2000 or so, when the harassment and constant surveillance at the bank and in my personal life and neighborhood had increased to such a terrible degree, I did indeed have a break down of sorts.
My mind could simply not process the sudden shift in my professional and personal environments that I was witnessing, the surveillance teams, the street theater and gang stalking, being overdosed on PCP, ... and I simply broke down. But, after learning that I would get no place with community leaders and psychologists, I decided to simply take matters into my own hands and do everything in my legal power to obtain the data related to the investigation.
Memory Dysfunction
The claim of memory dysfunction is an absolute lie.
This wholly generated myth also happens to be one of the most important weapons in the arsenal of lies employed against me, serving one purpose and one purpose alone, to make more likely the realization of the behavioral sciences goals of the investigation, namely court mandated psychiatric and psychological testing and therapy.
If, via a set up or some other wrongful incrimination attempt, the investigators can create the illusion that I suffer from some sort of chronic and severe memory dysfunction, be it alcohol/drug induced or resulting from some other sort of hard to diagnose, anomalous biological disorder such as lupus, then the better for the investigators because then it becomes a shoe-in during hearings to get a judge to absolutely require my participation in forced medication and/or testing.
Just another nail in the coffin of my credibility.
For more reading along the same lines as the above, please visit my main website at
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
Fact vs. Fiction
One interesting fact regarding the claims made via the rumor mill and slander campaigns, is that, for the majority of the accusations, there is generally some small bit of truth, or at least a kernel of fact that an effective slander or rumor campaign could be based upon.
Here find discussion of my own experiences, limited as they may be, with the types of behaviors that have been applied to me, with such destructive effect, by the agencies and community watch groups involved in the investigation.
Computer Crime
I have worked in the field of computing, specifically software interface design and corporate intranet development for about 11 years; prior to this and going all the way back to my early twenties, I have been somewhat fanatical about anything related to computers, be it hardware or software.
In my early twenties I began hanging out with several individuals here in houston who were somewhat notorious among my social circles, and even among federal and local law enforcement, as being 'hackers,' and 'pirates.' In other words, these persons regularly took part in the practice of hacking other computers and were regular users, and even distributors, of pirated software. Some of these persons were eventually indicted for such actions.
For the record, and this should be easily verifiable with my social circles at the time, I myself never took part in the hacking of websites, VAX systems, mainframes or anything else hackers, historically, have targeted.
In fact, today even, I would not begin to know how to launch the most basic of offensive attacks from my own computer; that is not to say, however, I am not aware of the nature and details of most of the types of attacks that hackers can make, I simply lack the expertise and software to carry such attacks out.
Furthermore, I have indeed used pirated copies of software in my life, or at least borrowed, but have never been in the business or practice of distributing such.
But it is a fact, that at one time, especially in my early twenties, borrowing software was the number one means by which I learned the basis of any application that today I personally own and am proficient at. This would not be news to anyone who was close to me at that time as I was never shy about discussing my progress in learning any given application.
Howl BBS
During the late 1980's and early 1990's, I was the system administrator and owner of Howl BBS, a very popular Houston-based computer bulletin board system (BBS) dedicated to the rapidly expanding (at the time) culture of hacking and computer networking in general.
Furthermore, Howl was in large part dedicated to the discussion of literary matters and we, on a semi-regular basis, published an electronic magazine ('zine) called, Tamer Shrew. You can follow the provided link to see all such zines produced by those involved with Howl.
Some of the most well known and talented hacks and virii creators in the Houston and Texas area called Howl BBS on a regular basis; there were, as well, many out of state calls.
Howl was split in it's content direction, roughly, between the discussion of subjects related to computer hacking and phone phreaking and, because I was in college for creative writing at the time, all things literary, especially poetry.
This is in large part, why it's absurd that now, in my late 30's, the FBI is claiming to have no records of myself as a person of interest, when I knew for a fact, and based on the testimony of others, that in my early 20's such agencies were regularly survielling and participating in Howl BBS due to it's association with such topics as computer hacking and phone phreaking, not to mention the local authorities who, at that time and considering the infancy of the internet and 'cyber-crime' in general, were sort of in a race with the federal agencies to see who could develop enforcement and investigative protocols the quickest.
Suffice it to say, Howl BBS was high on the list of local Houston boards that factored into both ongoing federal and local law enforcement investigations and, since I built the damn thing and owned the hardware it was run on, it goes without saying that I became a member of that list as well.
The point here is that Howl BBS factors into the investigation as a very real kernal of truth in the agencies efforts towards creating computer crime spin within my current circumstances. Howl was not a criminal bulletin board.
Howl was not used to distribute or otherwise make available the tools with which one could hack or phreak, it simply distributed text based information regarding such practices; furthermore, Howl BBS, to my knowledge and since the BBS software and hardware changed ownership on several occasions, was never employed to distribute illegal software or pornographic material of any kind.
Howl BBS was a great thing. I miss it and those that were members of our brief community … Xann, Nils, and even Homer™, (that bastard!).
Pardon me, I'm getting all misty-eyed.
Porn! / Sexual Deviance
Regarding the claims of the investigators that I am a porn addict or regular consumer of pornographic content, I have the following to say.
I have definitely looked at pornographic magazines, seen porno movies and have seen porn online, and specifically regarding the latter, have even seen sites online which I would have been hard pressed to say were legal or not.
These things have passed my screen, as they have passed many other persons.
Furthermore, I know that the content I have occasionally seen online is not exceptional, as such materials go, because I have made a point to discuss such things, not only with friends and family, but as well with a number of psychological professionals who have, not once, commented that having seen such content online is exceptional in anyway.
In fact, across the board, these persons, friends and professionals alike have confirmed that such experiences are rather normal insofar as online experience goes.
What the investigation contends, however, is that I am a regular user of pornographic content, that I have an obsessive disorder and especially that my tendency is to seek out content that is questionably legal, such as child pornography, bestiality, violent porn, etc., and for the record and stated plainly, this is not true.
Mental Illness / Paranoid Schizophrenia
Central to the agencies claims against me has been the notion that I suffer from a mental disorder such as paranoid schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder. This myth has been generated, 100%, based on my ongoing claim that I am the subject of a federal investigation and also, that I refuse to cease in my legal efforts to prove this as true.
In other words, the investigators, be it the FBI or otherwise, *need* me to appear mentally ill, as, providing proof of the investigations existence would absolutely prevent them from realizing any of their known objectives.
Nothing else factors into this myth of mental illness; the mental illness spin began upon my first, publicly uttering that I was the subject of an investigation. According to much of my research around others who have experienced circumstances similar to my own, this seems to be a fairly classic model for victims of gang stalking and harassment operations.
But the fact is, I am 38 years old, have many successful professional projects under my belt, have been involved in many wonderful friendships and romantic partnerships over the past 20 years and have a wealth of testimony from each and all that this is the case.
The lie about mental illness reared it's ugly head, just after I was dosed with PCP and just as soon as I started discussing, publicly, my knowledge of being the subject of an investigation; furthermore, the agencies behind the investigation have shown great skill in magnifying the mental illness myth and have used it to constantly discredit my efforts, especially when it comes to the early influencing of my immediate family, who I am confident have never been brought in as persons who are involved in or are aware of the investigation.
Early 2000 or so, when the harassment and constant surveillance at the bank and in my personal life and neighborhood had increased to such a terrible degree, I did indeed have a break down of sorts.
My mind could simply not process the sudden shift in my professional and personal environments that I was witnessing, the surveillance teams, the street theater and gang stalking, being overdosed on PCP, ... and I simply broke down. But, after learning that I would get no place with community leaders and psychologists, I decided to simply take matters into my own hands and do everything in my legal power to obtain the data related to the investigation.
Memory Dysfunction
The claim of memory dysfunction is an absolute lie.
This wholly generated myth also happens to be one of the most important weapons in the arsenal of lies employed against me, serving one purpose and one purpose alone, to make more likely the realization of the behavioral sciences goals of the investigation, namely court mandated psychiatric and psychological testing and therapy.
If, via a set up or some other wrongful incrimination attempt, the investigators can create the illusion that I suffer from some sort of chronic and severe memory dysfunction, be it alcohol/drug induced or resulting from some other sort of hard to diagnose, anomalous biological disorder such as lupus, then the better for the investigators because then it becomes a shoe-in during hearings to get a judge to absolutely require my participation in forced medication and/or testing.
Just another nail in the coffin of my credibility.
For more reading along the same lines as the above, please visit my main website at
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
New Cel Phone
I discuss throughout, the long standing desire of the investigators to somehow forcibly create the illusion of my having inappropriate obsessions with certain women and especially ex girlfriends.
You know ... the unrequitted lover, the stereotypical stalker that constantly drives by a woman's work place or that follows her home, or that ... and especially this ... makes random and spooky calls to her home phone and either hangs up or leaves threatening messages.
That guy ... that's the profile the investigators have desired to force upon myself.
I write about that aspect of the investigation here: Nature of Investigation
That said, for well nigh five years now, I have refused to own any type of cellular phone for the obvious reason that the nature of such digital devices makes them prime targets for remote manipulation by others.
Got a Phone Anyway
The above concerns and comments considered ...
This past week a certain family member of mine who happened to have an extra number and phone with a popular cellular phone company, took it upon themselves to allow me the use of such a phone.
I have decided to accept this opportunity simply because it will help with my work situation and otherwise keeping in touch with certain family members.
Here's what the phone looks like:

It's a neat little device. Has a built in walkman that plays MP3's ... plays movies ... and of course ... it's a phone to boot.
Personal Affirmations
Regarding the use of this phone and especially the sort of public affirmations that need to be made when considering the vulnerability it represents.
It should go without saying that it will be used for no inappropriate activities.
By this I mean specifically and most obviously ... stalking ex girlfriends or anyone else for that matter.
Similarly the phone will never be used for anything else obviously inappropriate when considering the long standing desires of the investigators to wrongfully incriminate me around issues of sexuality and predation (sex lines, etc.).
I'll be writing a proper update article for in the next week or so regarding this new phone and will post an update here at this blog.
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
You know ... the unrequitted lover, the stereotypical stalker that constantly drives by a woman's work place or that follows her home, or that ... and especially this ... makes random and spooky calls to her home phone and either hangs up or leaves threatening messages.
That guy ... that's the profile the investigators have desired to force upon myself.
I write about that aspect of the investigation here: Nature of Investigation
That said, for well nigh five years now, I have refused to own any type of cellular phone for the obvious reason that the nature of such digital devices makes them prime targets for remote manipulation by others.
Got a Phone Anyway
The above concerns and comments considered ...
This past week a certain family member of mine who happened to have an extra number and phone with a popular cellular phone company, took it upon themselves to allow me the use of such a phone.
I have decided to accept this opportunity simply because it will help with my work situation and otherwise keeping in touch with certain family members.
Here's what the phone looks like:
It's a neat little device. Has a built in walkman that plays MP3's ... plays movies ... and of course ... it's a phone to boot.
Personal Affirmations
Regarding the use of this phone and especially the sort of public affirmations that need to be made when considering the vulnerability it represents.
It should go without saying that it will be used for no inappropriate activities.
By this I mean specifically and most obviously ... stalking ex girlfriends or anyone else for that matter.
Similarly the phone will never be used for anything else obviously inappropriate when considering the long standing desires of the investigators to wrongfully incriminate me around issues of sexuality and predation (sex lines, etc.).
I'll be writing a proper update article for in the next week or so regarding this new phone and will post an update here at this blog.
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Wake up!
Wake up everybody ...
It's all true!
(of course ... *they* would say there are two sides to every story but for some reason *they* can only tell their version after wrongfully incriminating me!)
Look here for more reading:
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
It's all true!
(of course ... *they* would say there are two sides to every story but for some reason *they* can only tell their version after wrongfully incriminating me!)
Look here for more reading:
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
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The Official Daily Blog
- Joel Harris
- Houston, Texas, United States
- This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.