Thursday, October 31, 2024

*THIS* is why I've never seen a psychiatrist and why I never would, EVER...

In light of the whole "Joel has been diagnosed with paranoid" schizophrenia idiocy propagated by so many of my own family members, all of them, actually.

As mentioned, I've never seen a psychiatrist who would kind of be required for such a "diagnosis" of a literally totally made-up disorder.

But this fellow here speaks for only 9 minutes and very expertly mirrors how I've always felt about the absolutely horrific pseudoscience that is psychiatry.

And he especially points out the idiocy of the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual (DSM), the "psychiatrist's bible," if you will, because like the complete quackery that is psychiatry as a whole?  

Every disorder described in the DSM is *ALSO* 100% wholly made up and manufactured to serve the psychiatric cult and has nothing to do with treating anybody. 

Every single "disorder" described in the DSM is fiction with zero basis in science or real medicine. Dangerous terrain. 

A brilliant bit of commentary:

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Joel Daily Work Log July 23 to Present



  • Received assumed name docs from ACCOUNTANT Cannon with intstructions for completing the form and how/where to file.  ACCOUNTANT suggested that the necessary file be filled out and notarized and filed in person at Pasadena Courthouse Annex; 101 S. Richey eSt.; Pasadena 77506; ACCOUNTANT Cannon noted that after filing: “Once it is complete, we can apply for a new EIN.  Then a new bank account can be opened and we can close the corporation as of July 31, 2023”; **TOMMY SAYS WE ARE NOT SHUTTING DOWN CORPORATION UNTIL ESTABLISHED IN HOUSE 100%** and I then communicated this to ACCOUNTANT.

  • Gathered and organized “new work” folder from dining office8

  • Planned/made call to Jada for discussion of basic statements process she has always followed.

  • Phone meeting with ACCOUNTANT Cannon at 10:30am - discuss statements, new Harris Tire DBA/Assumed Name procedure/also discuss first steps in possibly migrating all existing physical files/filing cabinets to home office and starting complete new on-site files for TOMMY to work with a shop. Noted to ACCOUNTANT and myself that in cases where TOMMY might need to have data from any legacy physical files moved to the house, he can call and I can find and convey the info (specific prices, etc.).  Might be easiest to move everything here on the chance that ACCOUNTANT and I might have to regularly meet to discuss any items and eliminate the “files in two places problem considering that TOMMY will be bringing any new work home each day and I can file at house until he’s off property by end of July.

  • Picked up several new documents from TOMMY at shop including some Harris County Toll Road Authority billings,

  • Had phone conversation with ACCOUNTANT Cannon regarding the process of starting on June/July statements.

  • Had phone call with Jada and we agreed I would need to gather hand written paper statements that have been posted from Jun and July before starting statements for those months; I have most from June and July already at home office files and need to get any others from cabinet files at shop.

  • Researched outstanding Prince Minerals invoice from 12/08/22 and emailed Bobby an invoice copy from our company file; copied TOMMY and ACCOUNTANT Cannon on ACCOUNTANT e-email;

  • i WILL G


  • Email new posted invoices back to chris at TGS and file in quickbooks

  • Dealt with TOMMY’s dl issue

  • Covered at shop from 930 to 11am

  • Checked in with ACCOUNTANT after noon to find out if quickbooks is safe to work with

  • Gathered all paper invoices from june/july necessary to do statements with

  • Checked with Greg C. if sending positions document would be informative and safe to do

  • Checked with Dr. Stautberg’s office about amended documentation for leave of absence request

  • Completed and scheduled drivers license renewal for TOMMY via the TXDPS website and filed associated hard copies of vital information in dining room office.

  • Coordinated via phone with ACCOUNTANT to complete outstanding invoices necessary for creation of statements

  • Coordinated with TOMMY INVEST ADVISOR to obtain authorized access to Fidelity account and filled out subsequent Docusign requirements

  • Created files in TOMMY’s office for Fidelity and other investment groups


  • Emailed TOMMY INVEST ADVISOR to update him on TOMMY’s access to his Fidelity account

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about his ongoing updates to inputs in Quickbooks and planned my own remaining inputs necessary before printing/sending statements

  • Informed ACCOUNTANT Cannon of our move to Qbox as a company file sync/management tool instead of Dropbox.

  • Began research of Qbox for Quickbooks company file management.

  • Organized and provided all of TOMMY’s 2022 W2-G gambling tax documents and provided in digital format to ACCOUNTANT Cannon.

  • Organized meeting with ACCOUNTANT Cannon to hand off matching physical W2-G forms for verifying against digitally provided copies and to get the invoices previously given to ACCOUNTANT at our last shop meeting for input to QB.

  • Noticed an issue with the work Nadine and I did to transfer myself as the Primary in Quickbooks and made note to address that with Intuit at a later date.

  • Forwarded screenshots of Quickbooks licensing information to ACCOUNTANT Cannon

  • Picked up check for CPA payment from shop and met with Fernando at house to give check and receive ACCOUNTANT’s QB work.

  • Spoke with EZTAG representative and found out what TOMMY needs to do to change important HTIRE account information: Phone/Email/Address

  • Spoke with Nadine about EZTAG account problems; she could not help and TOMMY has to make any changes


  • Worked two hours on configuring Square CC account to allow ACCOUNTANT Cannon accountant-level access so he can reconcile newly processed payments with hand-printed invoices and sent ACCOUNTANT Cannon an invite as an official Square account team member

  • Paid Seascape POA 2022 Annual dues via TOMMY’s personal Discover card. Printed copy for TOMMY’s review and filed digital copy on our secure online storage. 

  • Made a note to meet with TOMMY for mailing an official protest letter regarding the Seascape POA 2022 payment. Will have to get the exact details of the letter and then write and send it.

  • Gathered Quickbooks accounts receivable report so as to gather all necessary paper/handwritten invoices for the creation of June/July statements.

  • Went to the shop to gather any outstanding invoices for the creation of June/July statements.

  • Met with PERS ADVISOR FRIEND for lunch and casual discussion of TOMMY’s current investment methods with Covenant and TOMMY INVEST ADVISOR and to gather any quick comments/recommendations that Greg might be able to provide outside of a formal/paid advisor meeting.

MON 07/24/23 THRU TUE 07/25/23

  • Spoke several times with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about his returned invoices/deposits/checks which were handed off to him on 07/11/23 to post/record in Quickbooks while meeting at the shop and to double check that there were no questions outstanding.

  • Organized ACCOUNTANTs returned work, received from Fernando on 07/20/23 at home office and then combined that work done by ACCOUNTANT with my own previous and ongoing invoice/vendor/check/deposits entries in Quickbooks and verified with him via phone that our account/company file was properly synchronized.

  • Sent and received back two new invoices to Chris at TGS, applied the provided PO numbers and filed with others to be invoiced in Quickbooks.

  • Per TOMMY’s request, I contact J.T. at Gulf Stream Marine and provided the outstanding invoice copy to him via email which he said he could not locate a copy of but which he showed as having issued a PO for.

  • Spoke several times with Intuit/Quickbooks representatives to finalize the confirmation that all of the old addresses and ownership rights had been transferred out of Nadine Helmers name and into mine. Also ensured that our license was cancelled and confirmed license ownership through March of 2024 at which point our license will expire and ACCOUNTANT/I will begin using Quickbooks online.

  • Contacted Harris County Toll Road authority to begin the process of transferring Nadine Helmers ownership/management permissions of that account in to my name so that I can remove the EZTAGS that were associated with already sold service trucks. 

  • Notified TOMMY that in order to adjust the Harris County Toll road administration rights from Nadine and to myself, that he and I would have to organize a specific time to call them in a joint call because only James Harris can speak with Harris County Toll road authority in regards to changing ownership/representative data. (still need to do this).

  • Phoned At&T to begin the process of having a non-contractual land line installed at the Westmont address for the purpose of receiving Harris Tire related calls as well as using the ACCOUNTANTe line to occasionally send/receive faxes. 

  • Began research in to having any/all mail addressed to Harris Tire and arriving at either the 12984 or 12988 Market st. address forwarded to the 1121 Westmont address

  • Began organizing a preliminary database of primary Harris Tire clients and vendors to update our addresses with them so that all future mail from clients/vendors will come to the 1121 Westmont address.

  • Began organizing a database of existing and regularly employed contractors for further jobs after beginning work from home office.  

  • Organized the 15 remaining invoices/checks/deposts to input into Quickbooks in order to have June/July statements out by August 1st. All of this is properly filed and ready for input which will begin Wednesday morning 07/26/23. Statements will be printed and sent out Monday 07/31/23 and 08/01/23

  • Ordered further filing cabinets for dining room office and one small two drawer cabinet for personal office space to begin forming new primary client billed/payed files received after 08/01/2023

  • Ordered other necessary, common office items we will need such as 10x13” manilla clasp folders and more file folders for the new client files we will be starting when the main company filing cabinet arrives later this week.

  • Researched cheapest, wireless, hand held phone for use at the house and specifically for the land line that will be installed first week of August 2023

  • Spoke with TOMMY about getting existing two company file cabinets transferred to home space to have on hand in case older invoices are needed; plan is for me and kevin to bring both cabinets over to the Westmont space at some point this week. 

  • Began organizing bedroom and bedroom closet so as to use as much of that closet space for office supplies as possible. Temporarily put broken up dresser/drawers on side of house till heavy trash pickup next Thursday.

WED 07/26/23

  • Posted all outstanding invoices to Quickbooks in prep for end of month JUNE/JULY statements, stamped posted and filed.

  • Corrected one outstanding TGS invoice with a math error on the total charge for two spin balances; emailed revised/PO applied copy to Chris at TGS and informed of correction and to destroy old, incorrect invoice and file the new, revised copy.

  • Printed/cut 50 new, blank Harris Tire invoices

  • Ordered basic slide cutter for home office (AMZ/AMEX 7005) for cutting any new blank invoices printed; cutting the bottom with scissors results in an uneven edge which does not feed correctly into the scanner we use when creating invoices

  • Posted all outstanding VENDOR orders to Quickbooks, stamped posted and filed.

  • Discussed/resolved questions around a certain NorthChannel EMS invoice which I found had already been paid/deposited.

  • Made plans to have conversation with ACCOUNTANT CANNON about having him process all incoming deposits each month as many of the deposits made by TOMMY might not have invoices entered in Quickbooks at the time of the deposit. Perhaps schedule an end of month time for ACCOUNTANT to see to the compiled deposits each end of month and after statements have been sent out.

  • Met Kevin out front to hand off impact wrench that was forgotten

  • Received and applied POs to new TGS invoices then posted in Quickbooks

  • Assembled spare furniture/light for living room

  • Moved new storage unit from dining room to living room

  • Disposed of old boxes off back porch to make room for other stuff with next step to cut them all up and place in trash bins after trash on thursday

  • Picked up old filing drawers and files from shop and brought to the house to help with statements

THUR 07/27/23

  • Updated TOMMY about DL renewal appointment

  • Updated TOMMY about prescription pickup information at Walgreens and emailed and printed discount codes

  • Organized new invoices to post to QB along with all outstanding company checks written

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about organizing a temporary arrangement whereby he will handle incoming deposits until we finish transitioning to a home office arrangement. He agreed and we will work out an official weekly process shortly.

  • Spent an hour at shop doing a credit card processing for client then picked up two tires from Jee

  • Drove to UPS office at Wallisville/BW8 to return for refund several items bought for TOMMY office computer which were not needed.

  • Spoke with AT&T to schedule a “dummy” land line to be installed at Westmont address to have shop 0237 number transferred once we need it activated at the house.  Documented details/costs of the line and ensured it could be canceled at any time without penalty and was not a contractual arrangement.

  • Received and prepared to install new small office filing cabinet

FRIDAY  07/28/23

  • Set up initial Qbox account for eventual collaboration work on Quickbooks company file; installed dumm second user account and tested fo functionality; will continue using the current Dropbox solution with ACCOUNTANT until we have time to focus on official transfer

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon a copy of July MGM CC statement and requested that he pay it and send confirmation of payment

  • Cut up and disposed of all unnecessary boxes on back porch and those in bedroom closet to clear up space for office supply storage.

  • Completely re organized bedroom closet keeping important product boxes and getting rid of everything else freeing up most shelvings space for office supply storage and other items like AC filters, etc.

  • Scanned and stored digital copies of new MGM and AMEX June statements on the Harris Tire cloud server

  • Used new space in bedroom closet to begin storing incoming office supplies like printer  ink bottles, staples, various types of portable envelopes, different types of tapes, file folders, etc.

  • Assembled bedroom office, mobile two drawer filing cabinet and started planning primary client billed/paid filing system.

  • Pulled existing June invoices from old files brought from shop to include in statements production process

  • Recieved June AMEX statement from ACCOUNTANT and marked up with the many items purchased in equipping dining room office and other area of the house, computer parts, printers, shelves, printer paper, different types of bulk, basic tabbed and hanging file folders, extended  warranty information for computer/printers/memory/etc.

  • Continued finalizing of install of residential land line with AT&T

  • Gathered all outstanding physical invoices from legacy file folders for preparation of statements

  • Spoke with TOMMY about last Friday of each month being the cut off date for preparation of statements

  • Spoke with Jada about how she typically submitted statements each month

  • Brought plastic storage box home from shop which includes certain items TOMMY wants to save for future reference.

SATURDAY  07/29/23

  • Printed and cut 100 extra Harris Tire Invoices; began researching into affordable invoice options that include carbons

  • Deposited cash payment at Woodforest bank, printed and filed physical/digital copis

  • Installed temporary light in bedroom closet/office equipment storage space

  • Ordered lithium ion rechargeable batteries for AA and D sized batteries and copied AMEX invoice to physical/digital files

SUNDAY  07/30/23

  • Transferred all old 2022/2023 billed invoices from old Harris Tire file cabinet to new bedroom file cabinet and began planning organization of ongoing client billed/payed filing system

  • Set up light in new bedroom closet office supply closet

  • Ordered various office supplies from Amazon with AMEX 7005 and printed/filed in physical file and secure digital online storage

  • Installed new external driveway video surveillance camera and configured on mine and TOMMY’s phone

MONDAY  07/31/23

  • REGISTERED NEW EPSON ET-4880 Printer with Epson and set up email print

  • Inputted all new invoices and payed those that had been payed via Square POS device

  • Contacted Heather at Dynamic Products for provision of invoice copy related to work done on 07/24/23; created new client contact in GMAIL contacts

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon to inform of my all-day work on company file to avoid possible conflicts

  • Isolated all outstanding, JUNE/JULY posted invoices and grouped by company for creation of statements.

  • Spoke with Jada and got okay for occasionally calling her for any tips/pointers should they be necessary (how each company has traditionally received deposits, whether via email or USPS mail, etc.)

  • Went to shop office to retrieve alphabetical file folder dividers to start a new company file at the home office

  • Ordered secure enclosure for one of my spare memory devices which will be used as an encrypted disc drive to store all Harris Tire/TOMMY Investment account information and other sensitive personal details; printed AMEX receipt and filed in TOMMY office as well as digitally online.

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT and organized a schedule via which I can submit new deposits at the end of each week and in a digital document so that I can maintain physical copies of all deposit slips here at the house and store online as well.

  • Received and payed Kingdom Storage bill for 08/23

  • Organized all jun/jul 2023 outstanding balances and printed statements for each; organized corresponding invoices and statement printe outs, per company, in dedicated folders in prep for sending out.

  • Noted the few outstanding companies that statements were generated for and which I had no invoices for and marked them in an “outstanding ???” folder also kept in the main statements file folder. Will have to investigate those once the initial statements are either emailed or send via USPS

  • Spoke with Jada for about 45 minutes re: statements.  Jada emailed me every statement she has personally EMAILED to clients for the entire 2023 year prior to June so I could build an email list to send the Jun/Jul 2023 statements according to.  Also noted those companies that Jada said (a few) that she had to actually print and send via USPS and will have to mark those to do the ACCOUNTANTe or call said client to see if I could send via email instead.

  • Began grouping deposits to send to ACCOUNTANT at end of week for processing in Quickbooks

TUESDAY  08/01/23

  • Began ongoing list of HTIRE customer information for statement delivery (emails/phones/addresses)

  • Finalized weekly deposit delivery schedule with ACCOUNTANT Cannon for regular, end of week inpu to Quickbooks company file

  • Ordered office/household items via AMEX 7005 and filed receipts with descriptions in TOMMY office filing cabinet

  • Scanned and filed TOMMY Mercedes 2023 Registration form

  • Organized digital storage of all household/harris tire info on cloud server

  • Entered few last remaining invoices to be included in June/July statements

  • Created file for Henderson property in TOMMY filing cabinet

  • Sorted out all waiting deposits from past two weeks and posted associated invoices with each company as PAID in QB company file. 

  • Organized posted/invoiced/paid deposits into individual groups to hand off to ACCOUNTANT Cannon

  • Gathered all contact information forwarded by Jada for statements delivery

  • Emailed any questionable contacts for statements asking for confirmation of the correct address

  • Phoned those companies I could not email and obtained correct email address for future statements delivery

WEDNESDAY  08/02/23

  • Forwarded two invoices per TOMMY’s request to JT at Gulfstream Marine

  • Spoke with TGS accounting department for further validation of correct email to send monthly statements to and copied Chris Lyle on our discussions 

  • Forwarded request July TGS invoice to TOMMY for pricing information on a new order

  • Spoke with Greg at Westwood group regarding advice on TOMMY Financials

  • Scanned/digitized and emailed all outstanding statements other than North Channel EMS and Gulf Stream Marine.   NCEMS I still need a delivery email address for and Gulf Stream Marine needs to be reconciled against the latest Woodforest deposits in order to identify any invoices that need to be posted as payed before re printing a statement and delivering to them.

  • Began ornanizing company directory on Harris Tire cloud storage server for ongoing scanning and storage of monthly statements.

  • Received email reminder from Galena Park ISD that the one billing on their statement had already been paid and I replied noting that this had been updated in our company file and then forwarded a revised statement showing a zero balance.

  • Installed new wall mounted file organizer in TOMMY office

  • Replaced bathroom/back porch/laundry room with five minute time out “auto on/motion activated LED bulbs

  • Sent out all outstanding JUNE/JULY statements for posted invoices

  • Updated Galena Park customer account after hearing back that one bill on their statement had been previously paid and then sent updated statement to Galena Park ISD

  • Moved all heavy trash from side of house out to road for this months heavy trash pick up

  • Stored newly purchased (AMEX 7005) house cleaning items in TOMMY/joel bathrooms and kitchen with surplus stored in bedroom closet

THURSDAY/FRIDAY  08/03/23 / 08/04/23

  • Began working out the problems with establishing remote connection from my personal computer to TOMMY’s personal computer in dining room; more work to do; problems with logging in

  • Posted outstanding vendor bills to QB and filed in paid file folder

  • Began draft of questions list for ACCOUNTANT Cannon related to future payments TOMMY might make via check and which might not be reported as personal income that I have to pay taxes on at end of year

  • Began reconciling Gulf Stream Marine ACH payments to Woodforest Bank with existing invoices and latest statement. Made note on ACCOUNTANT questions document as to how best to handle Gulf Stream Marine. Will I simply just keep inputting new invoices and payments will be recorded in QB as they appear on the Woodforest account?  Will every ACH deposit made by Gulf Stream Marine necessarily correspond exactly to a specific invoice or will they at times simply be paying against their outstanding balance?

  • Inputted all remaining company written checks in Quickbooks

  • Talked with ACCOUNTANT about the method I am being paid

  • Did beginning search for missing Square deposits indicated by ACCOUNTANT

  • Met with Fernando and handed off packet of past two weeks deposit slips with personal notations on each for a few invoices which I could not match with certain deposits

SUNDAY  08/06/23

  • received weather stripping and pepared to install on back door

  • received replacement secure storage enclosure for Harris Tire computers imaging and backup data

  • cleaned the bathroom

  • assembled new 4 drawer filing cabinet and arranged in TOMMY office

  • began plan for filing solution as well as how to print labels for each company file

  • purchased and installed imaging software on joel/TOMMY work computers and processed initial images for both machines

  • copied redundant backup of new image files to secondary drives until fixed network storage system is in hand and configured.

  • spent three hours resolving deposit discrepancies between Square CC transactions and deposits made by square and figured out what the problem was (deposited amounts made by Square do not match to an exact invoice amount because Square combines all transactions for any given date and deposits the total of all at once. Furthermore, the deposited amount is after Square has deducted their 2.60% +$.10 cent fee that is applied per transaction among.

  • sent necessary emails to ACCOUNTANT Cannon explaining progress and any associated transaction records printed from Square account.

MONDAY 08/07/23

  • replied to call from TOMMY then found and sent image of previous invoice with a specific contact phone number from TGS

  •  latest invoice from Gulfstream for 11R22.5/11R24.5 sent to TOMMY via text

  • added Gulfstream marine contacts for Richard and Robert to TOMMY’s Google account so they would be accessible in his phone contact list

  • began weather stripping tests on back door; will have to fine tune but decent start and learned a few things.

  • spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about working out some issues we are having reconciling Square credit card purchases with actual invoices.  We are 50% done with figuring it out.

  • spoke briefly with Greg about TOMMY’s recent investment changes. His main, quick comment was that he would not have chosen to put so much in only one bond. Greg also gave some pointers on my meeting with Dan which were very simple, 1) 

TUESDAY 08/08/23

  • conversation with ACCOUNTANT Cannon regarding updating or mutual Quickbooks installations to the new 2023 versioni

  • conversation with ACCOUNTANT Cannon regarding provision of Fidelity June/July Corporate statements

  • conversation with Pat/Janelle at Jee Tire to deal with discrepancy between TOMMY provided Jee bill with AMEX payment attached that was greater than the TOMMY provided Jee bill.  Spoke with Pat and he discovered that the attached Amex payment receipt was actually for two Jee invoices, one being the TOMMY provided copy and another that was not given to me and that Pat is forwarding via email so that I may input both invoices and apply the Amex payment two both and correctly

  • entered all new checks and invoices waiting, made copies and stored digitally. Left originals on TOMMY desk for deposit.

  • spent an hour taking out all old boxes and cutting up to fit in outside garbage cans

  • spent two hours working on configuring new NAS device.

  • emailed ACCOUNTANT cannon as first step towards trying to figure out what the “balance forward” amount means on quickbook statements.

WEDNESDAY 08/09/23

  • spent 2 hours minimum back and forth emailing Dan at Covenant and also speaking with Fidelity representative to straighten out the Fidelity login issues

  • spent hour speaking with Greg  at Westwood WM about TOMMY’s recent re investments and found out many points that should be discussed with Dan/TOMMY. Namely the single $750K investment in a single CD which is only FDIC insurance covered up to $250K there by leaving an obvious $500K loss potential should the single, lesser known bank that the CD is attached to fails.  Better scenario is 3 CD’s at $250K each spread across three different banks so that TOMMY’s full $750K investment is 100% covered by FDIC’s maximum allowed coverage of $250K per CD.  Also discovered that the Virg Col bond that $442K was invested in is categorized by all three major rating entities (S&P/Moody’s/Fitch) as a “Junk bond” which is considered “speculative” and a bad choice for investments.  A suggestion from Greg was to invest $50K aross 8 different mid to high grade INVESTMENT rated bonds and that putting the entire $442K in a single junk bond was more risky than his previous situation of being 100% in stocks.

  • received new Htire work from TOMMY and filed for inputting.

  • went to shop to run multiple credit cards for Cheetah/Larry, files in personal Quickbooks new work folder to be inputted in company file

  • sent multiple emails to ACCOUNTANT Cannon requesting he refrain from attempting to access TOMMY’s Fidelity account

  • sent multiple emails to Dan/Covenant regarding why TOMMY has no access to his Authorize user function

  • received new switch and home network attached storage device for secure archiving of my/TOMMY/harris tire sensitive documents and began first stages of setting it up on home network.

  • configured new network switch necessary to connect all of our home office machines/network storage device and printers and configured all machines except for TOMMY’s which will require routing wire through attic

  • emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon regarding the acquisition of a private domain name for Harris Tire and also informed him of a future email wherein we will discuss managing the Harris Tire company file via Qbox instead of Dropbox

  • printed return slips for items purchased for home office that are being returned for refund to AMEX 7005 card

  • received new lighting fixtures for TOMMY/joel office

THURSDAY 08/10/23

  • Began unboxing and planning installation of office lights

  • began planning the printing of file folder labels to organize all htire client and vendor files in new 4 drawer dining room filing cabinet

  • continued configuration of new network secure storage server

  • covered for TOMMY at the shop from 12:30pm to 3pm while he saw to doctors appointment

  • began draft of letter to Dan to discuss the possibility of rearranging TOMMY’s cd/bond investments in a manner tha guarantees 100% FDIC coverage of his CD investments and also gets his $442K out of the single junk bond and re invested in multiple, investment grade, high rated bonds across multiple banks

  • emptied all home trash cans and took two city bins out to sidewalk

  • ensured that all heavy trash had been properly picked up including the old dresser from joel room as well as any/all heavy trash that had been dumped on the side of the house for a very long time.

  • returned unneeded ram and 5 port home office equipment to UPS drop off to be refunded to amazon

  • 2 hours driling/mounting new lights for left right entryway to TOMMY office.  Need new light bulbs and to replace one malfunctioning (but working) light

FRIDAY 08/11/23

  • 3 hours drafting Amazon leave of absence extension documents and submitting to Amazon HR department in advance of my Dr. Stautberg 08/16/23 appointment

  • Scanned and saved digital copies of all new customer checks received as well as IRS overpay refund check

  • Scanned digital copy of IRS overpay refund check and submitted the check as well as associated documentation to ACCOUNTANT Cannon

  • Posted paid invoices associated with the three scanned/saved custom checks within Quickbooks company file and prepared posted/paid physical invoices for filing in appropriate company files in cabinet

  • Made note to discuss the authoring of Gulfstream Marine statement letter explaining recent inquiry by J.T. as to the price differences in two recent orders of 11R22.5 and 11R24.5 trailer tires that we delivered. 

  • Received new EFT notice from Gulf Stream Marine and posted paid all corresponding invoices in Quickbooks company file and prepared the posted/paid original physical invoices to be filed.

  • Cut up and disposed of more excess boxes associated with orders of various office equipment.

  • Received various new Amazon orders to be stored in office equipment closet (various light bulbs, multiple types/lengths of extension cords and surge protectors

SATURDAY 08/12/23

  • Two hours with Dan simply trying to schedule a single phone call to speak with me about TOMMY’s investments; Dan continues to not be responsive to my meeting request and continues to not answer any specific questions I ask about TOMMY’s investments. When confronted on the 750K CD investment not being fully FDIC insured he first screamed back at me that “FDIC INSURED MEANS IT’S INSURED!”; then, when I replied with the fact that no single CD invested at a single bank is insured beyond $250K, he suddenly changed his tune and sent me an immediate second email that he could spread the $750K across multiple CD’s if that’s what TOMMY wanted which in essence was admitting he’d been caught in a lie and that what I said was actually accurate and that currently TOMMY has $750K invested in a single CD but only $250K of that CD is FDIC insured.  The remaining $500K is 100% subject to complete loss especially considering Dan put the entire $750K investment in a single CD at a single bank

  • Two hours troubleshooting new office network centralized digital storage solutionTwo more hours re configuring a different storage routine using only the hard drives purchased via HTire AMEX and installed as a central unit inside of existing computer case; this will work much better.

  • Printed labels for the two items (5-port switch/NAS Storage Unit) to be dropped off at UPS on Monday.

  • Created secure backups of TOMMY/Joel HTIRE work computers and stored in two separate locations

SUNDAY 08/13/23

  • Spent two hours cutting, measuring all newly purchased weather stripping and them installed to completely seal back office porch doors. This was 100% effective.

  • Also removed external, bottom plastic weather stripping that original contractors installed and redrilled new holes to lower it so it properly sealed from the outside of the dining room office back porch doors

  • Set up new weekly imaging software on TOMMY office computer for scheduled backups of his entire system so as to be able to easily restore an immediate working system should there be a system breaking crash of some kind.

  • Researched the purchase of small, encrypted flash drives for TOMMY/Joel to keep on key chains with important passwords and other digital data necessary to access certain sites. Eventually will use these for key based login so passwords will not be necessary and we can simply insert the small flash drive which will automatically authenticate with the appropriate security info for any given site.

  • Printed labels for all main/priority HTIRE clients file folders and completed installation of only the printed labels and file folders in the top “BILLED” drawer of new dining room filing cabinet

  • Temporarily organized all existing “PAID” customer invoices that were brought home from the shop in the second top drawer of new dining room filing cabinet. Next will be to print and properly label new hanging folders as has already been done in the top “BILLED” drawer.

  • Researched where to download printable templates for hanging file folder labels and spent an hour working out the proper formatting and printing method in order to easily remove the pre-perforated file folder labels for insertion into the plastic tabs which are installed with each customer file folder

  • Reminded TOMMY that he needs to set aside five minutes so that we can write the letter he needs to send to Gulf Stream Marine regarding recent price discrepancies

  • Continued researching transition to Qbox as a central collaboration hosting service for ACCOUNTANT Cannon and I to take turns working on the HTIRE company file

MONDAY  08/14/23

  • Authored official letter to Gulf Stream marine explaining price discrepancy associated with order/invoice# 45447 and emailed to J.T. at Gulf Stream Marine.

  • Had official first phone conversation with Dan/Covenant regarding TOMMY’s investments and mutually agreed that things were fine as they are at the moment.

  • Received more office filing supplies and stored and arranged in dining room office

  • Continued organizing personal and TOMMY filing solution

  • Returned two previous AMEX 7005 items for refund that ended up not being needed for office network

  • Emailed Dr. Stautberg’s office in advance of our Wednesday appointment

  • Updated leave extension with AMZ and supplied necessary documentation in support of the ACCOUNTANTe

TUESDAY  08/15/23

  • 3 hours posting vendor/custome/checks info in Quickbooks and marked items needing clarification

  • Backed up Quickbooks company file

  • Ordered more office supplies: two key ring data drives for TOMMY/self for storage of vital info such as passwords, etc. also two new invoicing stamps

  • Met with Rex regarding possible consulting on setting up his pc and configuring a reliable imaging solution

WEDNESDAY  08/16/23

  • Ordered new storage device for office laptop and backup purposes

  • Watched shop for an hour while TOMMY picked up generator

  • Found parts provider for generator and bookmarked manual

  • Had appointment with Dr. Stautberg re: AMZ LEAVE

  • Helped TOMMY find GWM invoice

  • Updated medical bill records to reflect payment made at Stautberg office today

  • Recieved docusign agreement from Woodstock Wealth Management for review from TOMMY INVEST ADVISOR/Covenant; will have to carefully review before signing and also ask if TOMMY has ever signed such an agreement before and if so, why would he be required to sign it again. Doesn’t make sense.

THURSDAY 08/16/23

  • Worked on configuring new backup storage drive for office laptop; removed old drive and installed new drive

  • Made copies of recen AMEX 7005 purchases related to office laptop

  • At the shop 10am to 3:30pm; Bill Baxter dropped off cash and was given a paid invoice; Cheetah driver came by to have a sparemount done on his personal trailer and payed via CC.

  • Received update from Gulf Stream Marine with notification of a new EFT payment; also made notes according to three separate, previous payments that Logistec sent copies of requesting that I properly update our company file to reflect those past payments as made.  Also to update our company file showing payment and then send three individual .PDF files for each payment with copies of the corresponding invoices showing as paid. 

  • Made note in company file that all future statements/invoice matters be sent to  Also noted that for general correspondence of invoices related to Gulf Stream Marine I should use the email address and that no official statements or invoices should be sent there.

FRIDAY  08/17/23

  • Worked at house from 6am to 7am setting up new AMEX 7005 paid account for remote access to TOMMY/Joel office computers when working at shop. Printed invoice related to this for reference against AMEX statement at end of month.

  • At the shop by 7am

  • Brought oil from house for company delivery truck (Kevin)

  • Fixed the shop alarm and found out the issue was with the remote control battery then swapped for the spare remote I had previously stored in office desk. Have to get new battery for dead remote.

  • Took photos of switch replacement needed for Westinghouse generator. 

FRIDAY  08/18/23

  • Conversations with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about the time frame for processing of deposits in QB company file

  • At shop all day

  • Up all night gaming/chatting with friends in other states

SATURDAY  08/19/23

  • Did the preliminary work to run a hardwire connection from TOMMY computer to home router and got rid of any wi-fi communications from his office/personal computer (much more secure). Decided to run the network cable through living room/bedroom windows instead of the attic as the attic is difficult to navigate.  Properly insulated windows where they seal and considering the addition of the network cabling impacting proper closing.  Used the ACCOUNTANTe foam stripping I used to seal the dinining room/porch doorway. Worked good and network connection is solid.

  • Installed shelving in personal/Joel office and boxed up several unneeded or non-functioning new items recently purchased from Amazon which need to be dropped off at UPS for return

  • Purchased two additional new office equipment items for testing and specifically to improve/upgrade our secure storage solution for personal/financial data; both items will possibly be returned if found to offer no value

  • Purchased various other office supplies like new black printer ink and a new box of printer paper.

  • Saved/noted copies of all recent AMEX 7005 invoices related to office/home purchases to print and give to TOMMY for reference with indication of amounts and purpose for each

  • Worked with Jada to have a annual subscription to a worthwhile computer antivirus service transferred into my name.

  • Informed ACCOUNTANT Cannon that Jada was still receiving balance updates from Woodforest Bank and that this needed to be terminated and also have myself added as the person who recieved any future balance statements related to Woodforest account.

  • Digitally stored/verified that all PaySafe credit card processing service/merchant accounts were legally signed and official

  • Spoke with Greg a bit about TOMMY’s financial arrangement with Woodstock WM and Dan/Covenant

SUNDAY 08/20/23

  • Installed new shelving in TOMMY office above his computer monitor

  • Spent 3 hours working out the technical details of ensuring that all of our office computers are scheduled for daily backups and also that a solid, multi level means of restoring any/all of them was in place and functioning.  Several recent AMEX 7005 purchases were central to this process and will have to make TOMMY aware of these invoices and why/what they were for.  But did succeed in setting up both a solid daily computer backup/imaging of all three home office computers as well as redundant methods to both store the daily backups but also to adequately and quickly restore any of the machines.  

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about the need to get any data I need in order to be assigned official access to Woodforest bank account info including online access as required.

  • Reviewed all upcoming work that needs to be done in quickbooks and regarding new invoices/deposits. 

  • Spoke with Logistec EFT payment people associated with Gulf Stream marine to ensure out ongoing process was understood.

  • Configured dedicated utilities, portable/bootable hard drive to see to system maintenance/technical work

  • Received one important new computer part that may or may not be kept

MONDAY 08/21/23

  • All day at shop

  • Home by 3pm after returning two AMEX 7005 home office purchases that were unneeded

  • Spoke a bit with Greg  about my latest request to Dan at Covenant for an overview of payment structures TOMMY is bound to with Woodstock Financial and Covenant.  Dan did not simply send an overview of TOMMY’s current payment scheme but instead sent an official Docusign agreement requesting TOMMY’s signature which was very odd as it implied that an agreement was not already in place.  Greg  recommend to definitely NOT sign a thing and that Dan should be able to simply send over an overview of TOMMY’s current fee structure as it pertains to his existing agreement with Woodstock Wealth management and Covenant.  Greg also recommended I ask for a complete, 3 year record log of all payments TOMMY has made to both Woodstock Wealth Mangement and Covenant and that nothing need be signed for that and it should be easily provided.

  • Bed by 8pm

Tuesday  08/22/23

  • Sent TOMMY copy of latest Gulf Stream Marine Payment needed for a new order

  • Inputted/PAID new Gulf Stream Marine EFT payment in Quickbooks

  • Gathered last three Gulf Stream Marine EFT payments from Logistecs, reconciled with invoices paid in Quickbooks company file, then created 3 separate .PDF digital folders showing each of the past three EFT payments from Logistecs/Gulf Stream Marine and sent to as per their request earlier last work week.  Also sent these ACCOUNTANTe binders to ACCOUNTANT Cannon for records purposes

  • Consolidated all old PAID and VENDER files from 12988 Office file cabinet drawers and re situated in new HOME office filing cabinets so that the old file cabinet drawers can be taken back to the shop

  • Taped/glued 10 new extra large file folders with cardboard bottom supports for newly consolidated, old files from shop and so as to better fit everything in the new HOME OFFICE filing cabinet in dining room

  • Saw Lynn for a hair cut

  • Inputted two of the latest deposits into our Quickbooks company file as officially deposited and indicated each existing paid client invoice was associated with each deposit.  Sent ACCOUNTANT cannon a .PDF digital copy of these two new deposits that were inputted since they were two that I was going to let him do but ended up being able to see to myself

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon that we would meet this Friday for hand off of any new deposits including the one that TOMMY deposited HTIRE checks along with a single US Treasury check on the ACCOUNTANTe deposit since I have no clue how to handle that in Quickbooks.

  • Scheduled Dr. appointment for Wednesday 08/23/23 with local doc for checkup

  • Sent TOMMY latest RD Crumley statement so he could call and ask about when checks were coming

  • Talked to ACCOUNTANT via voice call about getting login access to Woodforest bank and other TOMMY related online accounts and scheduled a later voice call to transfer that data

  • Researched home land line for business voice and fax

Wenesday  08/23/23

  • Handled all waiting new Harris Tire work and inputting to Quickbooks (new invoices posted, new paid invoices posted, new checks scanned and stored on HTire secure archive

  • Sent new TGS invoices to Chris for PO numbers to be applied

  • Sent recent Gulf Stream Marine invoices to J.T. for confirmation/verification and then posted to Quickbooks

  • Received/replied to ongoing dialogue with Greg  at Westwood Wealth regarding TOMMY’s efforts to get a historic log of all past fees from Covenant/Woodstock and made notes of how to follow up with Dan, specifically the intent to let him know I’d be filing a complaint against Covenant and Woodstock should we not receive a record of fees soon

  • Dr. appointment from 10:30am to 12 noon

  • Ordered new document editing software (Master PDF Editor) neeed for Harris Tire office work and filed licensing information and digital receipt to Harris Tire/AMEX 7005 secure storage

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon notice that I would need to be inputting all of the home office/Harris Tire related AMEX 7005 purchases made in the past two months (and ongoing) to our QB company file for tax (write off) purposes.

  • Dropped off two most recent AMZ returns to UPS off Wallisville rd.

  • Finished inputting outstanding invoices to Quickbooks company file

  • Assisted with restoring desktop links on TOMMY laptop

  • Made plans to swap internals of TOMMY laptop with identical laptop formerly used for bookkeeping

Thursday 08/24/23

  • Continued work on draft version of Covenant/Woodstock payment log request

  • Emailed draft revision of CWM/WWM document to Greg C. for review before sending

  • Copied TOMMY on draft revision of CWM/WWM document dialogue

  • Recieved and filed direct invoice from K&M which should mate with a physical copy left by their driver when tires are delivered at HTire.

  • Reconfigured existing TOMMY/Joel backup storage devices for daily scheduled backups

  • Phone call with Kyle from Nextiva phone service working out details/timeline for movement of harris tire land line voice/fax numbers to home activation of internet based phone.  Six week minimum process to have form filled out that will handle the “porting” of the existing phone numbers over to the new VOIP service. This process is so that the current analogue phone service carrier responsible for the two numbers will be informed of the intention to transfer the numbers and set to have them moved to the new internet Nextiva service the moment we decide to activate our phone service.

  • Inputted outstanding paid invoice from walk-in/SQUARE payments and payed all in company file

  • Inputted new checks received from Hollico and Morrison Enterprises against invoices awaiting payment in company file and posted said invoices as paid in company file

  • Spoke briefly with ACCOUNTANT Cannon re: TOMMY’s 1099 tax info needs; must refer to TOMMY as he thinks the paperwork he needs may be included with box on back porch

  • Received new EFT payment from Gulfstream Marine/Logistech and scanned and marked as paid in our company file.  Then built .PDF digital “binder” including our original invoice showing as “PAID” and sent that back to Logistech along with their EFT payment notification as per their earlier instructions; copied ACCOUNTANT on email to Logistec

  • Noted one Galena Park ISD new invoice that was paid at our Square Terminal but TOMMY charged them a total greater than the line items listed on the invoice.  This was a Square POS entry so the amount would have to be refunded, or some portion thereof if he indeed made a math error. Filed this Galena Park ISD invoice to discuss with him for how to handle in new hanging file folder titled “INVOICES ???”

Friday 08/25/23

  • Inputted new/outstanding invoices and vendor bills to company file

  • Inputted new checks received from North Channel EMS and Crumley and posted all invoices as paid

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon to inform of deposit process and request a copy of TOMMY’s $11K+ deposit made on 08/24/23 which Woodforest Bank could not print for him at time of deposit

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about handing off deposits and also TOMMY’s “box of tax stuff” when I meet with Fernando

  • Ordered replacement wheels for TOMMY/Joel office chairs for better rolling on hard floors and carpet

  • Copied all AMZ office purchases and returns to new dropbox folder for ACCOUNTANT to review if he needs to

  • Began posting new office purchases made on AMEX 7005 in Quickbooks company file as vendor bills

  • Took old file cabinet drawers back to shop

  • Sent Atlas truck sales invoice to TOMMY for review possible math error

  • Began planning of swapping TOMMY laptop components into old office laptop 

  • Returned Quad NVME PCIe card to UPS off Wallisville and marked invoice as RETURNED

Saturday  08/26/23

  • Several hours dealing with Covenant and Woodstock bullshit

  • Had TOMMY call Dan and finalize separation from Covenant and Woodstock; all TOMMY assets in current allocations will remain as they are and be transferred to a Fidlity Retail “INDIVIDUAL BROKERAGE” account on Monday.

Sunday  08/27/23

  • Vacumed and mopped kitchen/dining room floors

  • Removed lage cardboard boxes from back porch and cut up and then disposed in trash bins

  • Vacumed and mopped bathroom, changed cat litter and cleaned toilet

  • Swept front porch

  • Ordered items from Amazon for house: box cutter blades, wall hangers

  • Ordered laptop/electronics repair mata and x2 USB thumb drives for TOMMY/Joel rescue discs for system restore

  • Swapped internal components from old quickbooks laptop and into TOMMY’s laptop, configured all the new devices that needed driver updates due to slightly different hardware between the two computers.

  • Created full system restore image of TOMMY laptop and stored the recovery image on the portable drive that all home/office computer images are stored on

  • Ensured all new hardware that was transferred into new TOMMY laptop was error free

Monday  08/28/23

  • Inputted all waiting checks and invoices to Quickbooks company file

  • Inputted several new home office AMEX purchases to company file and marked as paid via AMEX 7005

  • Copied all recent AMZ AMEX 7005 home office purchase receipts to shared Dropbox folder

Tuesday  08/29/23

  • Inputted latest check to company file and marked as paid and ready for deposit; left on TOMMY Desk

  • Ordered new replacement switch for Westinghouse generator and inputted to Quickbooks and filed digital/paper receipt (AMEX 7005).

  • Finalized Nextiva home office/Harris Tire VOIP voice/fax phone service agreement and ordered/paid for all hardware and arranged immediate shipping to Westmont address

  • Filed existing phone number port documents for future reference; will need a solid (30 day max) cut off date for the existing Harris Tire phone numbers to become active on new home phone system

  • Ordered misc cables needed for Nextiva home phone service

  • Printed and digitally stored all AMEX 7005 receipts associated with new Nextiva phone service contract

  • Inputted various new vendor bills in Quickbooks company file

Wednesday  08/30/23

  • Purchased backup SSD drive for secure storage of all new Nextiva voice/fax data in case of power outage and/or lack of online access so that we can still access call logs, voice recordings and existing faxes

  • Installed two new hooks over sink for drying sink rags

  • Forwarded RD Crumley invoices to TOMMY for pricing of new order

  • Contacted TOMMY INVEST ADVISOR to verify that TOMMY Fidelity account has been converted to Fidelity Retail account and prior to our logging in and re arranging/re securing all accounts

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon 07/23 MGM CC statement with indication of specific charge to decline payment on and report as fraud

Thursday 08/31/23

  • Inputted outstanding invoices in Harris Tire company file

  • Emailed various invoice copies to TOMMY at shop

  • Received and installed new shelving in bathroom space

  • Filed several new office related AMEX purchases as Harris Tire vendor purchases in Quickbooks

  • Researched purchase of second desktop monitor for Joel office to allow better work in Quickbooks and other software simultaneously

Friday  09/01/23

  • Inputted outstanding invoices/checks/vendor bills  in Harris Tire company file

  • Hour on phone with ACCOUNTANT working out confusion about old Gulf Stream Marine payments which were actually items which had already been paid

  • Recieved new EFT payment from Logistec/Gulf Stream Marine and recorded as paid invoice in Quickbooks

  • Created multi page digital receipt showing both recent EFT Payment and associated, paid invoice and then mailed back to Logistec as confirmation of receipt

  • Began process of consolidating Gulf Stream Marine’s remaining outstanding invoices for August statement delivery

  • Received new Nextiva VOIP phone hardware

  • Received new, extra long shelving for bathroom

  • Ordered second Joel office monitor from Dell and applied to AMEX 7005 as company expense

  • Rearranged entire Joel office in preparation to receive new 38” monitor

Saturday  09/02/23

  • Emailed DFS to arrange the usage of AMEX 7005 to cover cost of recent new monitor purchase for Joel office so that it could be treated as a company expense and or tax write off purposes.

  • Ordered bunch of stuff for office; mobile cart for TOMMY office/new desk lamp/etc.

  • Printed August overview of Square CC income for TOMMYas an example of the type of reports he can generate

  • Recieved and put together mobile cart for TOMMY office

  • Received printer desk for dining room office

  • Began set up of Nextiva phone system and organized forms for transfer of phone numbers

Sunday  09/03/23

  • Two hours working on setting up Nextiva phone service online details; assigned Joel/TOMMY as primary admin users and added extensions 7777 for Joel and 7778 for TOMMY.  Still need to get Nextiva support on the phone to figure out why I can’t get hand set to pair with base station.  

  • Arranged return of 3 HDMI audio extractors to AMZ that are not needed.

  • Finalized function of new Nextiva phone system. 

  • Unboxed dining room cabinet and got ready for setup.

Monday  09/04/23

  • Received new trash cans for joel/office/bath

  • Emailed Creaitve Labs with details on SXFI Carrier optical input damage

  • Made notes for Tuesday Harris Tire work list

  • Did temp fix on bathroom toilet light

  • Made notes to begin health insurance research for evaluation

  • Made notest to begin documenting Amazon process requirements: heights/weights/distances/etc.

Tuesday  09/05/23

  • Produced and emailed all outstanding Harris Tire statements

  • Inputted single waiting past Woodforest deposit

  • Phone Blue Cross/Marketplace for sourcing evaluation provider

  • Began document outlining Amazon process measurements

  • Talked with John about getting latest statement for HTIRE 0237 and 3928 numbers

  • Set up new scanner desk in office

  • Scanned two new HTIRE checks and filed for new work folder and to post as payed in Quickbooks

Wednesday  09/06/23

  • Phoned Nextiva to discuss phone number porting and legacy line account now being owned by new property owners

  • Received phone call from Kim at Great Western about a past due invoice and must investigate it showing on their latest statement.

  • Phone call with Nextiva to get details of phone number transfer; will require latest statement associated with 0237 and 3928 numbers and when filling out the docusign, the current AT&T statement name and email must match what is first inputted in the porting docusign process.  This will be followed up within three days with communication to both John/East Texas Parts as well as ourselves (Nextiva account owners). Must discuss details of getting copy of latest AT&T statement with John

  • Printed latest Harris Tire Woodforest statement for TOMMY to provide for Belagio stuff

  • Emailed Belagio people providing TOMMY personal checking balance for gambling stuff

  • Checked into delayed TOMMY credit card provision and determined the cause was animal interference. Printed copy of this and provided to TOMMY

Thursday  09/07/23

  • Began Letter of Authorization Docusign process to transfer existing HTIRE phone numbers to new home service

  • Scheduled personal meeting with John Espinosa to discuss the final signing of the phone number Docusign form and to be sure that all of the information is accurate

  • Scheduled meeting with Larry at Cheetah to meet and run his outstanding invoices via credit card

  • Received notification of TOMMY Mercedez registration renewal being confirmed and printed and supplied him with a temporary registration letter until his actual sticker arrives

  • Received EFT payment from GulfStream/Logistec and handled the associated posting/paying in Quickbooks

  • Compiled a digital binder of Logistec EFT payment and associated/paid Gulfstream Marine invoices and emailed to payables@logistec as official confirmation of payment receipt and posting to proper invoice

  • Assembled dining room printer stand and configured new Epson Printer

  • Inputted Dynamic Products and Seaboard Marine new checks and posted associated invoices as payed in Quickbooks

  • Electronically submitted ACCOUNTANT Cannon’s monthly $500 fee and paid via HTIRE Woodforest checking account.

  • Inputted new ACCOUNTANT Cannon payment in Quickbooks as new vendor payment associated with Woodforest HTIRE checking account

  • Emailed Heather at Dynamic products an updated August 2023 statement and also a digital binder showing their most recently submitted check/payment with the associated invoice posted as payed in our company file

  • Cut up and disposed of 100 spare boxes and put out with weekly trash and recycling bins

  • Stored the main dining room bureau in it’s box in the garage for later assembly as it will require half a day minimum.

  • Printed copies of ACCOUNTANT Cannon payment and newest Gulf Stream Marine payement and provided to TOMMY

  • Gave TOMMY ride to work

  • Double checked all home office computer backup processes and backed up redundant copies of HTIRE Quickbooks company file to secure online storage

Friday  09/08/23

  • More work talking to John about getting our HTIRE phone numbers transferred over to the home office

  • Set up TOMMY new sound bar and mounted shelf next to main living room chair

  • Began rearranging room to get the TV off of the mobile stand and onto the wall

  • Inputted various HTIRE work into Quickbooks company file

  • Ensured that both printers on home network were identified correctly so that TOMMY computer would print to dining room printer and not mine since they are both on the ACCOUNTANTe network

Satuday  09/09/23

  • Lots of housework, organizing back porch/sweeping and what not.

  • Continued research on what is needed to get HTIRE phones transferred to home office line

Sunday  09/10/23

  • General house keeping; lots of work in room getting new laptop station and monitor configured

  • Lounging about. 

Monday  09/11/23

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about his access to the MGM credit card online account; still need to find out the details on that and get back with him

  • Three hours in Quickbooks adding and paying new invoices; emailed GSTREAM and Logistec receipt of latest EFT payment

  • More work in room getting new laptop workstation in order

  • Moved mobile stand out to back porch till I can take photos and list it for sale

  • Spoke with Creative Labs about new soundbar

  • Began plans to photograph old Katana V2 sound bar kit and put up for sale at various forums

  • Emailed TOMMY various invoices he needed for Romar 12.00x20 pricing

Tuesday  09/12/23

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about his access to the MGM credit card online account; still need to find out the details on that and get back with him

  • Inputted various new info in Quickbooks

  • Joint call with MGM/ regarding regaining access to his online account and finalized the details and security setup of that.  Also called ACCOUNTANT Cannon and informed him of the changes as well as adding him to the email alerts list

Wednesday  09/13/23

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about his access to the MGM credit card online account; still need to find out the details on that and get back with him

  • Texted ACCOUNTANT Cannon most recent statement/payments info for MGM credit card

  • Gave  ride home from shop

  • Picked up tools package from shop

  • Emailed price quote for two 500x8 tubes to contacts at Jacinto Port

  • Made note to call MGM regarding ACCOUNTANT Cannons $7658.46 payment scheduled for 09/14/23.

  • Inputted all remaining Cheetah Square payments and recently submitted checks posted as payed in Quickbooks company file

  • Recoded most recent TOMMY/Woodforest deposit in Quickbooks company file.

  • Spent time on phone with ACCOUNTANT Cannon arranging his personal access to Woodforest checking account including adding his mobile phone as a authorized verification number

Thursday  09/14/23

-At home doing Quickbooks work first part of the day and at shop rest of day

Friday  09/15/23 

-At shop all day/TOMMY out of town

Saturday  09/16/23 

-At house all day/cleaning/organizing/re arranging

Sunday  09/17/23 

-At house all day/cleaning/organizing/re arranging

Monday  09/18/23 

  • Spoke with Sasol invoicing department about corrections needing to be made on an invoice and will forward amended invoice when clear on tax exemption status

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about outstanding invoices for Coopers Marine, Pince Minerals, Sasol and Trans Global and made notes on Harris Tire to do list kept as daily task in G Calendar.

  • Watched shop for one hour for TOMMY

  • Paid ACCOUNTANT Cannons July fees/invloce and emailed Fernando the information.

  • Phoned Blue Cross to start research into how/where to get Functional Capacity Examination performed.  Was referred to my PCP to seek direct referral from him to ensure that whatever facility performs the examination is within the Blue Cross network; Also made note that the Blue Cross person said it should be treated as personal wellness and possibly therefore fully covered by my current policy

  • Spoke briefly with TOMMY about his current investments and some random 40K he suddenly has that he needs to put somewhere.

  • 1 hour on phone with Fidelity; verified my authorized access status to only the INDIVIDUAL - TOD account; found out more about the nature of his Fidelity account still being considered a “Managed Account” despite the fact that he has ended relations with Woodstock/Covenant; found out information on what is needed to open new account and transfer all existing assets to a new 100% individual account at Fidelity, and the close the previous account that was opened by Woodstock/Covenant

  • Spoke with TOMMY about the Fidelity call and explained a small bit about how the CD and BOND work

  • Explained the workings of FDRXX and how it is SIPC insured and not FDIC insured (Securities Investor Protection Corporation)

Tuesday  09/19/23 

  • Recieved 07/23 - 08/23 YE statements and notes from ACCOUNTANT Cannon and filed on hosting server; also filed individual .PDF digital files ACCOUNTANT Cannon forwarded that are associated with that YE statement

  • Created new file in dining room file cabinet for Flamingo home/property for placing anything everything related to that property

  • Recieved word from ACCOUNTANT Cannon that his personal work in the Quickbooks company file was complete and I was clear to begin new HTIRE work.

  • Finialized Sasol 09/15/23 service call invoice and provided copies to Joe and Rhonda at Sasol for approval; also invoiced this work in QB company file

  • Created digital binder of latest GSTREAM/LOGISTEC EFT payment and sent to payables@logistec as confirmation of payment received and corresponding invoice as posted as paid.

  • Received new IRS Employee Retention Refund estimate letter and forwarded to ACCOUNTANT Cannon

  • Inputted all new invoices, checks and vendor bills in Quickbooks

  • Received Kingdom Storage notification of insurance provider change and noted a -$1.00 reduction in previous fees

  • Received, scanned new checks; updated all corresponding company invoices as paid in quickbooks which each check was submitted for

  • Fixed back door so that it will stay closed

  • Installed new walkway mats replacing the bath towels

Wednesday  09/20/23 

  • Most recent Dynamic Products invoice 17.5 TRL Tire

  • Found weedeater line

  • Printed 100 new blank invoices for shop location

  • Emailed WParts about status of generator power wiring harness

  • Emailed Dr. Stautberg requesting that they forward his latest directive for Functional Capacity Evaluation to my PCP so that Dr. Wilson can then refer me to an in-network provider of such services.

  • 1 hour on phone with Nextiva discussing the complexities of swapping harris tire legacy numbers over to new service; discovered the difference between “PORTING IN” and “PORTING OUT”.  It would seem that “PORTING IN” applies to a situation where a person transfers their existing phone numbers that they own with another provider into the Nextiva network.   “PORTING OUT” seems to apply to a customer with a certain phone provider who moves their existing number to another service perhaps not owned by themselves.

  • Printed documents necessary for discussion of creation of new Fidelity account to get away from the Woodstock/Covenant created “Advisory Manged Brokerage” account.

  • Filed new work for posting.

  • Spoke with TOMMY about lack of any TGS checks for over a month.

  • Paid $200 against my DFS account and new monitor charges.

Thursday  09/21/23 

  • Researched phone issues around “PORTING IN vs PORTING OUT”

  • Worked on Flamingo property ROI form issue; recorded Southland Title’s contact information

  • Found and emailed the Flamingo property ROI form to Vanna at Southland Title which they had not received.

  • Inputted all new outstanding invoices and deposits from “new work” folder

Friday  09/22/23 

  • Conversed with Jacintoport  contacts and forwarded their single statement outstanding balance

  • Watched shop for an hour

  • Made short list of absolutely necessary info needed when John/I call AT&T

  • Gathered three specific companies who have old unpaid invoices and set out to be addressed

  • Updated Harris Tire Custome information document with new invoicing and contact information for Jacintoport

Saturday  09/23/23 

  • Figured out how to easily forward all shop calls to our home phone system (*72 and *73)

Sunday  09/24/23 

  • Home cleaning, chores, etc.

Monday  09/25/23 

  • At shop for three hours at various times to cover for TOMMY

  • Worked out some issues with the new call forwarding temporary solution

  • Had several conversations with Jennifer from TGS and received the past years payment checks copied to my email for resolving with Quickbooks

  • Emailed Chris new recent invoice with PO applied

  • Took notes on how to create new Fidelity account for TOMMY’s asset transfer to

  • Emailed with Jacinto Port and confirmed current statement status for both Seaboard Marine and Jacinto Port

  • Located and forwarded several of the latest TGS 20.5x25 hand written statements to TOMMY

Tuesday  09/26/23 

  • Two hours doing massive cleanup of Joel/TOMMY/HTIRE secure storage server

  • Meeting with John/Nextiva to discuss final concerns of transferring numbers to home service

  • Scheduled new Dr. appt.for discussion of functional capacity exam referral

  • Sent new message and confirmation files to Amazon network to inform of upcoming dr. appt.

Wednesday  09/27/23 

  • Researched and order 2 new, higher powered batteries for DeWalt impact wrench as well as a new,  quick charging unit.

  • Organized “new work” folder and readied for input into Quickbooks

  • Discovered a major problem with Quickbooks software running to slow to work with

  • Updated Kingdom Storage account with new MGM CC information as the primary payment card

  • Printed AMZ DeWalt impact wench receipts to be inputted in company file and stored digital copies on server

  • Inputted all outstanding invoices/vendors/checks to Quickbooks

  • Emailed Chris for PO for invoices

  • Emailed Joe Garcia for PO for invoices

  • Phone conversation with Fidelity rep to discuss details of opening a new account

  • Created new digital file containing TOMMY three Woodforest accounts with account numbers and associated wire deposit/routing information to tie in to new Fidelity account

  • Stored redundant copies of new financial data on all external secure devices

Thursday  09/28/23 

  • Received, printed and stored new EFT payment from Gulf Stream Marine then marked paid/posted and left copy for TOMMY

  • Spoke with Gary Woodard to get a PO for a new Sasol invoice

  • Organized past three months of most recent TGS checks to reconcile in Quickbooks

  • Took DeWalt battery chargers back for AMZ return

  • Ordered single new DeWalt 6amp battery for impact wrench

  • Emailed several insurance cancellatio documents, signing as TOMMY and from his persona email to Al Nicks at Allstate

  • Recieved, scanned and digitally stored new customer checks from North Channel EMS and Sasol

  • Paid TOMMY $100 cash for reimbursement on Kitty Condo and gas from SPARK card

  • Made note to message ACCOUNTANT Cannon about SPARK card payment

Friday  09/29/23 

  • Scanned and stored a secure digital copy of recent offer on Henderson property; then filed paper copy in “Henderson” folder in dining filing cabinet.

  • Recorded new Gulfstream Marine EFT payment and posted all associated invoices as paid in company file

  • Created digital receipt binder for Gulf Stream Marine/Logistec and emailed as per Logistech’s request when recording individual invoices paid against a new EFT payment. Also updated payables group that a new statement is forthcoming.

  • Posted new TGS invoices to company file with newly received PO’s from Chris.

  • Sent new Sasol invoice with PO applied to Gary Woodard (Garcia on vacation)

  • Inputted new payments for North Channel including the double payment for an invoice already paid in August

  • Recorded new deposit in Quickbooks made on 09.28.23

  • Received new check from Crumley and posted necessary invoices as paid; scanned and stored digital copy of check and place the original on TOMMY desk

Saturday  09/30/23 

  • Up by 8am due to shouting

  • Did various computer project work most of the day

  • Messaged John Espinosa about scheduling a meeting to finalize phone number transfer first of work week October

  • Took sig photos of Katana V2 for posting to forums

Sunday  010/01/23 

  • Did various work around house: cut/weed eat front yard and swept/cleaned back porch/garage and front porch/walkway and driveway

  • Cleaned bathroom and kitchen and mopped floors in bathroom and kitchen

  • Gave hasha kitty double ear treatment with earmite medicine

  • Organized room and solved problems with network switch not connecting to any hard wired office computers or printers

  • Organized invoices and check copies to handle communications witn NCEMS regarding their double payment of invoice 13134

  • Bed early by 7:30pm

Monday  010/02/23 

  • Created digital PDF files and messaged/emailed Shaun at North Channel EMS to notify of their double payment of inv 13134 and asked how they would prefer to handle the over payment (account credit or direct refund)

  • Made note to call John Espinosa to schedule a meeting this week for phone number transfer

  • Made note to deposit cash at bank

  • Reconciled all of the check copies that Jennifer w/ TGS sent with properly posted/paid invoices in Quickbooks

  • Created digital binder for each check that Jennifer sent copy of and included a copy of all associated invoices showing as paid in our company file

  • Sent photo of latest TGS invoice to TOMMY for pricing on new work being done this day

  • Contacted Bobby at Prince Minerals and obtained a copy of an invoice which was showing as past due in our company file; Bobby sent copy of hand written invoice as well as credit card payment receipt with authorization number; then marked the single Prince minerals outstanding invoice as posted/paid in Quickbooks; emailed Bobby a copy of the posted/paid record from company file.

Tuesday  010/03/23 

  • Looked through and made itemized notations on latest AMEX bill; printed copy for TOMMY and stored a digital copy

  • Inputted all new checks and invoices in preparation for printing of statements

  • Recorded latest deposit in company file

  • Sent Chris new INV for PO application

  • Messaged Rigo for unit number on machine worked on for TGS on 10/02/23

  • Processed all outstanding customer statements and emailed to each client

  • Met with John Espinosa to finalize the number transfer process for moving phones to home location/Nextiva Service

  • Saw doctor to get secondary order for functional capacity exam

Wednesday 010/04/23 

  • Sent TOMMY personal banking balance to the Bellagio people

  • Processed ACCOUNTANT Cannon’s latest payment for accounting services and inputted in Quickbooks

  • Inputted any outstanding invoices/checks/deposits in Quickbooks which needed to be done 

  • Filed information for Healthrite in order to contact them for discussion of functional capacity exam

  • Spoke with AMZ and Dr. Stautberg’s office to arrange a Nov 1, 2023 appointment depending on whether or not I will have the functional capacity exam completed by that time.

  • Paid Dr. Stautberg $100 on my outstanding balance from 2021

  • Sent ACCOUNTANT Cannon Flamingo property insurance cancellation refund information for TOMMY Tax purposes

Thursday 010/05/23 

  • Inputted new checks and invoices to quickbooks

  • Began AMAZON leave extension process

  • Received confirmation that phone transfer was in place and Nextiva forecasted a 10/10/23 finalization date

Friday 010/06/23 

  • Gave TOMMY ride to mechanics

  • Updated various quickbooks inputting items

  • Scanned and stored digital copy of Flamingo property insurance refund notice and then sent ditital copy to ACCOUNTANT Cannon for tax purposes

Saturday 010/07/23 

  • Did cat stuff and more work on Amazon leave

  • Spoke with Texas Workforce Commission and arranged a 10/16/23 meeting with Madeline Gnagassi at the TWC offices in Katy to submit application for financial assistance to pay for functional capacity evaluation

  • Emailed important TWC/Doctor forms to Dr. Stautberg informing of my process with TWC and requesting a new Physician’s statement reflecting the new dates

Sunday 010/08/23 

  • Sent further important documents to Dr. Stautbergs office

  • Worked on various computer projects

  • Did kitty stuff

  • Went to store for sundries

Monday 010/09/23 

  • Picked TOMMY up from mechanics again off old 90

  • Met with Larry Whitlock at the shop to run Cheetah invoices via CC

  • Filed newly paid Cheetah invoices for paying in Quickbooks

  • Recieved word from Dr. Stautberg’s office that the forms had been received and there would be a $30.00 charge per form moving forward

  • Recieved word from Amazon HR and leave services that my leave had been approved through November 1 2023

Tuesday 10/10/23 

  • Inputted new Cheetah invoices and posted as paid

  • Scanned and saved new Hollico check and then posted as paid in Quickbooks and readied for deposit

  • Noted need to pay a Liberty Tire Sales invoice but have no check or credit card receipt; need some sort of payment method to invoice and/or create a deposit to post in Quckbooks

  • Configured Nextiva Home Phone system with new Harris Tire voice mail greeting; recorded and uploaded

  • Ensured Nextiva James Harris phone was 713-455-0237 and also that “always forward” was currently enabled and to route all calls to 713-455-0240 (the open voice line still at the shop)

  • Made note to contact Nextiva to figure out how to associate our 3928 number with the Nextiva fax service as the fax service is a separate portal than the typical Nextiva login page.

  • Cut up big boxes left from TOMMY shredder and other items and put in recycle bin

  • Cut front and back yards; swept side walks, etc.

  • Received 4 gallon refill pack for Zep spray stuff

Wednesday 10/11/23 

  • Scanned and stored new Seaboard Marine check 

  • Inputted new invoices and recorded single deposit in quickbooks

  • Followed TOMMY to Julia’s and then took him to airport

  • Emaid Texas Workforce Commision notice of my proof-to-work docs to be ready for Monday meeting at 2pm

  • Backed up Quickbooks company file to secure storage server

Thursday 10/12/23 

  • At shop all day covering for TOMMY

  • Began planning way to handle mail and transfer of mail to house during months of November/December. Considered using the small window slots of our main bay shop doors as an obvious place to post a notice for mail to be dropped through the slot and into the shop so that we could pick up on occasion and until 100% settled that all 12984 Market St. mail should be forwarded to the 1211 Westmont address

  • Determined that the phone transfer process is working fine

  • Sent John Esp a short email letting him know which of the existing legacy four lines to keep and the other three that were save to terminate

  • Handled Watco at the shop, invoiced and ran credit card; ordered 1 235/80R16 from K&M for the Watco work and stored vendor invoice for inputting

  • Handled one Cheetah trailer at shop and invoiced and placed with other existing Cheetah paper invoices at shop

  • Handled Xtreme Hardware order of two 19.5 steer tires for their main truck; stored paper K&M invoices

  • Handled Wally/Magellan order of new 20.5x25 loader tire and received from NTW; stored paper NTW invoice for inputting

  • Handled waiting Jacintoport single tire mount and invoiced Alvia a new statement at Jacintoport reflecting the new invoice and work.

  • Mailed small computer part that I gave away to a forum user

Friday 10/13/23 

  • Shop by 7am

  • Got food for everybody

  • Handled drive in lady/air/etc.

  • Confirmed pickup of 20.5x25 by Louis and notified Wally at Magellan that he was on the way to see to the installation of the new tire

  • Received call from TOMMY informing of possible call from a company called “Chip Seal” and regarding improvements to driveway at house.

  • 2 hours writing inquiry regarding further activities around TOMMY investments and posted to professional forum for potential advise/review

Saturday 10/14/23 

  • At house all day, cleaning/etc.

  • To the park before noon for the elipse

  • 4 to 5 hours working on essay/post for investment group community

Sunday 10/15/23 

  • Morning cleaning and doing chores

  • Drove in to town for food and sight seeing

  • 2 to 3 hours working on speaking with investment group online about TOMMY rearrange

Monday 10/16/23

  • Gave TOMMY ride to Old 90 to pick up service truck

  • More meetings online with investment  people

  • Organized documents for Amz updates and meeting with TWC

  • Received letter from Kserpas and Stautberg confirming leave extension

  • Met with TWC in Katy  from 2pm to 5pm applying for financial assistance/capacity evaluation

Tuesday 10/17/23 

  • Gave TOMMY ride to work

  • Inputted new invoices/checks to Quickbooks and filed posted

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon refund invoices for Flamingo property insurance refunds

  • Scanned and filed paper copies of Flamingo property ins refunds

  • Paid Harris Tire water bill and posted payment in Quickbooks

  • Emailed Chris three new invoices at TGS for PO application

  • Printed 100 new blank HTire Inovices for TOMMY use

Wednesday 10/18/23 

  • Inputted outstanding invoices/vendor payments in Quickbooks

  • Handed Quickbooks company file over to ACCOUNTANT Cannon for his end of month work

  • Continued researching bonds/cds and how best to manage transfer of Fidelity account to TOMMY individual acount

Thursday 10/19/23

  • Inputted outstanding invoices/vendor payments in Quickbooks

  • Housework/etc.

  • Shopping

Friday 10/20/23

  • Made call to Fidelity to prepare for TOMMY account creation

  • Spoke with Fidelity rep for half hour discussing current bond/cd positions

  • Cleaned bathroom

Saturday 10/21/23

  • Assisted TOMMY with configuration of new Fidelity account and confirmed all was in order ;need to double check to see if things transferred appropriately

  • Received alert from USPS that SS card was in mail but did not receive

Sunday 10/22/23

  • Scanned TOMMY health insurance cards and TRIED to send to MD Anderson but issues with logging in to website

  • House work/amazon stuff

Monday 10/23/23

  • Made calls to TWC about AMZ functional capacity exam

  • Checked for Fidelity new account transfer status

  • Emailed Chris at TGS five new invoices with PO attached

  • Inputted outstanding Quickbooks Harris Tire work

Tuesday 10/24/23

  • Received new SS card

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon copies of various Harris Tire and NFS tax documents

  • Confirmed new Fidelity account transfer and inputted all TOMMY account specifics

  • Requested and completed Docusign legal forms for authorized user access to TOMMY Fidelity account

  • Inputted all new checks/vendor bills/invoices to Quickbooks

  • Posted two new checks from Great Western Metals and Jacintoport and posted paid in Quickbooks

  • Made note to call TWC office to further discuss functional capacity evaluation date

  • Spoke directly with Claire/TGS accounting rep and she requested paper copies of every outstanding invoice on the latest statement sent (10/24/23); I created a multi-page digital “binder” showing the general outstanding balance/statement as of 10/24/23 followed by a scanned copy of all corresponding paper invoices showing TOMMY handwritten line items and the PO number applied.  According to Claire, she had received no invoices from Chris that were evident on the statement and directly requested a copy of each hand written invoice as necessary for processing of any payment.  That was done and provided to hera as well as copies sent to Jennifer Beenan and Chris Lyle. I also created a secure download link/option in case TGS network restricted the size of email attachments since the digital binder was over 12mb. The download was secured by only allowing those three persons access to the file and I made that clear in the emai.

  • Received notification from Madeliene at Texas Workforce Commission vocational rehab that she had submitted my application for authorization of a functional capacity exam at Healthrite clinic; she provided me a written confirmation of this and I then submitted a digital copy to both Amazon HR/DLS as well as Dr. Stautberg’s office informing them of the possibility of having to reschedule my tentative follow-up visit with Dr. Stautber on Nov 1.

Wednesday 10/25/23

  • Scanned all new work and stored on cloud server

  • Inputted waiting quickbooks invoices/deposits/vendor bills

  • Emailed Dan at Crumley a revised copy of INV 11165A for math error correction

  • Made note to get TOMMY new phone belt holder

  • Emailed Jennifer at TGS latest statement with all printed invoices

  • Modified AMZ leave through Nov 30th due to waiting on TWC process

  • Emailed K Serpas details of meeting with Dr. Stautberg on Nov 1

  • Uploaded TOMMY insurance cards to his MD Anderson “MyChart” account

Thursday 10/26/23

  • 4 hours of investment research

  • Scanned individual digital copies of all outstanding TGS invoices and provided with current statement as individual PDF files (per invoice) for better understanding by TGS accounting department

  • Sent email to MD Anderson informing of TOMMY’s conversation with Wellcare including updates with his current DL and current Wellcare PPO card.

  • Consolidated simple, exact overview of TOMMY current entire 3 position portfolio explaining maturity dates, dates of dividend payments as well as approximate total returns on both CD and BOND at time of final maturation when dividends and original principle purchase amount is dumped back into his core FDRXX reserve.  Also explained what the current “paycheck” is that is deposited every month into is FDRXX and when considering the 5.01% current 7-day yield and how that would increase as a simple “monthly steady income” amount once CD/BOND are matured and returned to core FDRXX position.

  • Wrote up simple explanation of how FDIC and SIPC both work as solid insurance for both CD purhases and money market accounts like FDRXX, specifically showing how SIPC functions as dependably as FDIC but with a much higher maximum coverage per money market fund (500K vs 250K)

  • Wrote up/printed brief, simple overview of what the most stable and profitable money market funds are currently offered with emphasis that such should be considered no-brainer options when considering one’s desire to have a guaranteed monthly pay check while being the absolute safest investment path possible.

Friday 10/27/23

  • Inputted outstanding invoices/bills/paments to Quickbooks

  • Emailed Gulf Stream Marine confirmation of latest payment received with associated invoice included and marked as paid

  • Scanned all new work from Thursday and stored on company server


Saturday 10/28/23

  • Authored overview of TOMMY’s lead on Phoenix Group corporate bonds; quickly determined them to be a very sketchy investment and printed brief overview of data/facts supporting said determination.

  • Spoke with MD Anderson via voice and received specific data for TOMMY to supply to Wellcare PPO (MDA tax ID and MDA NPI#). Printed brief overview document and provided TOMMY copy for further talks with Wellcare

  • Submitted a formal request for opinions onn The Phoenix Group bonds at the Vanguard forums (Bogleheads) and immediately recieved a lot of very useful information; all of which boiled down to “stay the hell away from that company”.

  • Continued planning/preparing upgrades to personal desktop computer (larger case for better cooling, dedicated RAID controller to handle the six internal drives associated with secure storage needed for ongoing Harris Tire work, etc.

  • Scanned/filed all “new work” from Harris Tire folder brought home by TOMMY on Friday and readied for inputting/posting in Quickbooks on Monday

Sunday 10/29/23

  • Gave TOMMY printed overview of Phoenix Group research and spoke briefly about the findings

  • Went into town for next weeks food (Star Pizza and Middle Eastern food stuff)

  • Continued research on TOMMY investment options

  • Began research necessary to establish a monthly wire transfer of $150.00 per month to pay off the remaining $2000 owed on the Community Bank load he decided to pay off.  Need to figure out the most strategic monthly day to have this auto wire transfer made and also how to configure a $2000 wire transfer that applies to that static amount while also automatically ceasing when the established initial amount reaches a $0.00 balance; I think this is simple and will need to call Chase to finalize exactly how to do this.

Monday 10/30/23

  • Inputted waiting work in Quickbooks

  • Filed several westmont/henderson property documents (bills/tax statements/etc.

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon recent documents as requested by TOMMY (IRS refund chk/etc.)

  • Scanned previous days work

  • Inputted waiting vendors/client/banking information in Quickbooks

  • Began organizing documents for Dr. Stautberg appointment on Wednesday

Tuesday 10/31/23

  • Received okay for purchase of larger case for Harris Tire related hard drives

  • Sent two revised TGS invoices back to Chris with PO number attached

  • Set TGS official payment record of their recent large check received

  • Scanned previous days work

  • Spoke with Healthrite Rehab who called randomly wanting to know if I could do the capacity exam this coming Friday and informed him of my available dates

  • Went to shop and showed TOMMY how to enter a credit card transaction over the phone or when the card is not actually there.

Wednesday 11/01/23

  • Recieved word from Jason at Magellan regarding his card being double charged. 

  • Reconciled double charge information with our Quickbooks file, original printed invoice and Square credit card processing transaction history to confirm the double charge

  • Processed refund for Magellan double charge and emailed Jason at Magellan with a notification and also sent a refund receipt from within the Square credit card processing dashboard.

  • Sent Chris new work for PO number and then sent revised invoice back to chris

  • Consolidated all info in advance of meeting with Dr. Stautberg at 1pm

  • Updated AMZ and all others of evaluation progress

  • Saw Dr. Stautberg for Nov 1 followup associated with AMZ leave of absence

Thursday 11/03/23

  • Scanned/filed/checked Oct AMEX 7005 statement

  • Scanned new RD Crumley invoice

  • Emptied trash cans

  • Began preparing open october invoices for statement

  • Set aside previous statements invoices for reconciling against recent payments before doing new statements

Friday 11/04/23

  • Resolved issue with single Sasol invoice and then sent latest statement to Sasol

  • Resolved issue with ATD bills/statement and reconciled with AMEX statement to ensure the ATD statement invoices had not already been paid.

  • Also discovered that certain of TOMMY ATD invoices are payed immediately and some are not; the bills I receive with an amount visible in the “PAYMENT AMOUNT” box are those which have already been payed.

  • Sent TOMMY copy of latest Extreme Fab 17.5x25 tire repair 

  • Completed Functional Capacity Evaluation at Healthrite clinic

Saturday 11/04/23

  • Packaged spare keyboard that sold on Ebay and printed label/took to USPS for shipping

  • Helped TOMMY with printing new Kyle tire orders for review

  • Went across town to pick up new GPU for new office workstation; split payment $1100 on my own MicroCenter and $800 or so on AMEX 7005

  • Set up TOMMY ATD Online account and stored user name and password

  • Helped TOMMY/Julia get set up for movie time

  • Began preparations for building out new workstation for Harris Tire data storage

  • Breakfast at Classic

Sunday 11/05/23

  • Went across town and picked up food for week

  • Kroger to pick up Kitty supplies and other bathroom stuff

  • Ordered Electronics cleaner from Amazon on AMEX 7005

  • Ordered various other cleaners on personal account

  • Backed up main C and D drives to Google drive for work week system rebuild

  • Configured my own machine for ATD Online access and made notes to pay outstanding balance

  • Printed order status for TOMMY re: Kyle’s hotrod tires

Monday 11/07/23

  • All day working on system/hardware rebuilding

Tuesday 11/07/23

  • All day working on building new systems

  • Called ATD and spoke with representative about outstanding invoice payment; rep noted that their online payment system was currently undergoing maintenance and made comments on our file that we had attempted to pay.  Rep also commented that late payment fees would not be a factor since the issue with clients being able to pay outstanding invoices was on ATD’s end due to their payment portal being inaccessible

Wednesday 11/08/23

  • All day working on building new systems

  • Emailed Karen Serpas at Dr. Stautberg’s office regarding the need for an updated physician’s statement and that I had completed my FCE.  

Thursday 11/09/23

  • At shop first part of morning while TOMMY at doctor

  • More system rebuild work and organizing waiting Quickbooks work for posting

  • Verified that ATD online payment portal was functional and paid outstanding invoices via AMEX 7005; called and notified TOMMY of 2.25% surcharge applied to all credit card charges

Friday 11/10/23

  • System work/rebuilding

  • Inputted latest Quickbooks work (invoices/deposit/etc.

  • Dropped hardware returns at UPS

  • Shop in the morning to add paper to CC machine

  • Recieved results of functional capacity exam from Healthrite Physical Therapy

  • Stored FCE results on cloud server and made note to send to K Serpas at Dr. Stautberg’s office the following Monday

Saturday 11/11/23

  • System work/rebuilding

Sunday 11/12/23

  • System work/rebuilding

  • Cat cleanup/bathroom clean

  • Trash housewide

Monday 11/13/23

  • System work/rebuilding; troubleshooting new company computer gear to see what existing equipment can be kept and what can be sent back for refund

  • Spoke with Dr. Stautberg’s office and received latest physician’s statement confirming 12/01/23 return to work date as well as specific notes in advance of our 11/29/23 appointment (“sedentary work only/no repetitive lift/no lifting overhead with weight over 5lbs”).

  • Uploaded new physician’s statement to Amazon HR department

  • Modified my leave case files to reflect new dates specified by Dr. Stautberg and also uploaded new physician’s statement vai the AMZ HR portal

Tuesday 11/14/23

  • Talked with ACCOUNTANT Cannon and arranged hand off of Quickbooks work to him and Fernando on Wednesday

  • Inputted latest waiting company invoices/checks and posted/paid new invoices waiting

Wednesday 11/15/23

  • Gave ACCOUNTANT Cannon okay for working in Quickbooks

  • Returned items to UPS that were not necessary for new work machine

  • Sent TOMMY copy of most recent 245R tire repair receipt for TGS

Thursday 11/16/23

  • Took TOMMY to airport at 6am

  • At shop all day; mounted two tires for Frank which he will get back to TOMMY on for payment

  • Received new check from Atlas Truck sales and filed for inputting/posting/paying

  • Made copy of Atlas Truck Sales check and marked at scanned/posted and left original check on TOMMY’s desk at house

  • Boxed up unneeded equipment for return to AMZ on Friday

Friday 11/17/23

  • At shop all day

  • Received notice via Jada of a payment company attempting to pay two of Chaparral’s outstanding statement invoices; filed copies and made note to run the amounts manually at Square Terminal

  • Talked with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about Quickbooks and to see if he and Fernando had finished their work

  • Emailed Amazon Accomodations/DLS department for another copy of the Accomodations statement because the .docx file they forwarded was not rendering properly

  • Phoned Amazon about extra parts delivered

  • Took unneeded hardware to UPS for return to Amazon

  • Sent copies of last three months Harris Tire Fidelity statements to ACCOUNTANT Cannon

  • Manually processed Chaparral payment of two outstanding invoices after receiving word from their payments processor that they had not been charged.  Emailed Chaparral payment processor that I had charged the credit card information that they sent to me.

Saturday 11/18/23

  • House work/etc.

  • Installed new power strip next to microwave

Sunday 11/19/23

  • Took several AMZ purchases to UPS for return as they were no needed

  • At Julia’s from 2pm to 430pm fixing TV and installing front porch camera

Monday 11/20/23

  • Double checked Harris Tire quickbooks entries and downloaded latest changes made to the company file by ACCOUNTANT and Fernando

  • Gave TOMMY ride back to shop

  • Mowed front/back yards

  • Organized dining room filing cabinets and filed/shredded other paper work left out by TOMMY

Tuesday 11/21/23

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

Wednesday 11/22/23

  • Cut front and back yards; removed plastic border from front and placed in recycle bin

  • Blew out front/back porches and garage

Thursday 11/23/23

  • Spoke with AMZ Accomodations department about return to work documents and scheduled a phone conversation to happen before Dr. Stautberg appointment on 11/29/23

  • Thanksgiving; home, chores/etc.

Friday 11/24/23

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Inputted latest invoices/bills/deposits in quickbooks

  • Processed Ed Carothers/Chaparral payment via telephone and emailed Ed Carothers copy of credit card authorization; made note that I would send Ed a revised hand written copy when TOMMY had completed it.

  • Emailed two new invoices to Chris at TGS for PO provision

  • Emailed Beth at Hollico with copies of two recent invoices noting a math error on the original hand written invoice which was corrected when posting

  • Emailed Rhonda at Sasol asking for copies of the last three payment checks sent from Sasol

Saturday 11/25/23

  • Returned parts to UPS not needed for new work computer

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work

  • Organized and facilitated payment of new Keen Co invoice via phone and handling the credit card payment remotely via the CC company phone app

  • Emailed Raymond/Keen Co original written receipt along with the CC authorization/payment receipt

  • Spoke with Ed Carothers/Keen Co to address his error when giving me the total to run for his invoice

  • Used CC mobile app to refund the overcharged amount back to Ed Carothers and emailed him subsequent invoices showing the refund in process

Sunday 11/26/23

  • More testing on parts for new office computer

Monday 11/27/23

  • Went to Microcenter to get parts for new office computer

  • Researched other parts online for new office computer

  • Organized what existing parts I already own that I can use in the new office computer and tested them outside of a case

  • Returned several items UPS that were not needed

  • Sent TOMMY several old invoice copies for pricing information

Tuesday 11/28/23

  • Did all waiting Quickbooks work: new invoices posted/deposits recorded/checks inputted

  • Emailed Chris two new invoices for PO 

  • Sent ACCOUNTANT Cannon dividend distribution tax documents per TOMMY request

  • Emailed TOMMY invoices for price verification

  • Spoke with AMZ accommodation department regarding return to work dates and the accommodation request approval process

Wednesday 11/29/23

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Inputted latest invoices/bills/deposits in quickbooks

  • Saw Dr. Stautberg at 1pm for follow up and return to work discussion

  • Filed TX Workforce Commission refund request letter which will have to be signed by TOMMY and mailed to their PO box.  Refund is available for request until 07/2024 

Thursday 11/30/23

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Inputted latest invoices/bills/deposits in quickbooks

Friday 12/01/24

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Inputted latest invoices/bills/deposits in quickbooks

Saturday 12/02/24

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Inputted latest invoices/bills/deposits in quickbooks

Sunday 12/23/24

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Inputted latest invoices/bills/deposits in quickbooks

Monday 12/04/24

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Inputted latest invoices/bills/deposits in quickbooks

  • Received accommodations documents from Dr. Stautberg and submitted to AMZ disablity and leave department for approval and final steps

Tuesday 12/05/24

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Inputted latest invoices/bills/deposits in quickbooks

  • Processed all open Harris Tire client statements and emailed to appropriate client departments

  • Purchased a $30,000.00 renters insurance policy to cover housewide electronics and property; Joel self-pay

  • Printed and filed new home insurance policy details

  • Received two outstanding invoices from ACCOUNTANT Cannon for Oct/Nov services which need to be paid

Wednesday 12/06/24

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks work

Thursday 12/07/23

  • Gathered and organized waiting Harris Tire Quickbooks work

  • Collected and cut up all housewife empty boxes and placed in bins for City pickup


Friday 01/03/24

  • Sent latest Extreme Fab invoice for 17.5x25 repair to TOMMY for pricing information on new work

  • Sent Alvia Hamilton $0.00 statement for Jacintoport

  • Purchased Modafinil from Modafinia and encountered issues with Bitcoin payment; sent inquiry to Modafinia support due to order showing as cancelled.

Saturday 01/04/24

  • Chores about house; went to store for supplies/kat stuff

  • Home on projects with online friends

Sunday 01/05/24

  • At house; Kroger early then back with personal projects/design/AMZ communication stuff

  • Blew off front drive and walkway and sent julia an update that thing were fine with her camera

Monday 01/06/24

  • At house; Kroger early then back with personal projects/design/AMZ communication stuff

  • Blew off front drive and walkway and sent julia an update that thing were fine with her camera

Tuesday 01/07/24

  • Inputted/posted latest HTIRE invoices and deposits; scanned new checks and stored on digital server

  • Check latest water bill and broke down list of charges showing how we are riding on a balance
    $14.35/$5.52/$7.78/$1.49/$4.89/$1.20/$0.21 / TOTAL:  $35.44W

Monday 01/08/24

  • Inputted/posted latest HTIRE invoices and deposits; scanned new checks and stored on digital server

  • Spoke briefly with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about work hand off

  • Arranged hand off of physical docs with ACCOUNTANT/Fernando

  • Emailed new TGS INVs to Chris at TGS

Thursday 01/25/24

  • Fixed TOMMY’s broken shredder; ordered back up that will be returned if the original shredder keeps working okay. 

  • Took new work home and filed for work over the weekend. 

  • At shop covering for TOMMY from 11am to 2pm

Friday 01/26/23

  • At shop from 8am to 2pm covering for TOMMY

Saturday 01/27/24

  • All day fixing/reconfiguring Joel office space and household networking setup

  • Configured housewide networking to allow sharing on our private network between all three household workstations (daily scheduled imaging/etc.)

Monday 01/29/24

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon to confirm that Tiana’s work had actually been posted to our QB company file; ACCOUNTANT confirmed that it was but I’ll double check to be sure

  • Received last batch of work from Tiana at Westmont address and began organizing for consolidation with waiting work from January.

  • Finished tuning/setting up recent redux of home networking to ensure proper daily imaging of all three main household workstations

Tuesday 01/30/24

  • More work early on organizing waiting Quickbooks work

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about transitioning from Quickbooks Pro Desktop to Quickbooks online

  • Began research in to Quickbooks Pro Desktop “multi-user” mode

  • At shop from 10am to 2pm covering for TOMMY

  • Returned newly purchased replacement shredder to UPS/AMZ after fixing TOMMY’s “broken” Amazon Basics shredder

Monday 02/05/24

  • Begain organizing ACCOUNTANT/my work in prep to do 01/24 statements

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about certain issues with old invoices needing to be entered in Quickbooks that are outside of our current billing cycle

  • Returned unnecessary item to Amz via UPS on Wallisville

Tuesday 02/06/24

  • Continued work on 01/23 statements/Quickbooks

  • Continued sorting out the mess made by being out for a month (reconciling ACCOUNTANT work with mine)

  • Spoke with Dan and the accounting department regarding verification of their past payment checks and invoice numbers

Wednesday 02/07/24

  • Finished all remaining client statements

  • Emailed Jason at Magellan re: paying his open invoice

  • Lots of investment discussion and research online

  • Mailed missing remote to Katana V2 purchaser

  • Emailed Extreme Fab to get them signed up to make ACH payments

  • Did 2023 Taxes

  • Received new Lazy Boy recliner from UPS

Thursday 02/08/24

  • At shop all day covering for TOMMY

Friday 02/09/24

  • Inputted waiting invoices/chks to quickbooks

  • Received new lazy boy via UPS

Saturday 02/10/24

  • Attempted to assemble new lazy boy and found critical part missing

  • Made note to contact home depot for exchange of base unit of 

  • Contacted home depot and arranged for chair vendor w/ home depot to contact me regarding exchange of chair base unit

Sunday 02/11/24

  • Movies

Monday 02/12/24

  • Inputted all waiting work from former week (invoices/deposits/payments/etc.)

  • Made note of missing Crumley check from recent deposit; one check was in “new work” folder but the other check deposited was not provided in folder

  • Made note to contact Crumley directly for copy of missing check should I not be able to find it via TOMMY

  • Set up ACH payments with ExtremeFab; filled/signed ACH new vendor form and submitted to accounts receivable department at Extreme Fab

  • Sent Htire Tax Sales/Use permit signed and filled out to Apache wholesale at the request of Minerva

  • Spoke with Tiana at Cannon office to arrange hand off of QB file to her for second half of today so she can do Jan closing work.

  • Delivered AW34” monitor to UPS hub in Baytown for shipping to new buyer in Ohio

Tuesday 02/13/24

  • Sent second email to Lazy boy manufacturer to facilitate exchange of chair base

  • Spoke with Tiana at Cannon office and notified of her having clearance to do 10/24 closing

  • Ordered new cat feeder and food

  • Cut front yard

  • Vacuumed/cleaned house

Wednesday 02/14/24

  • Sent second email to Lazy boy manufacturer to facilitate exchange of chair base

  • Recieved word from Tiana at Cannon office that she needs more time in QB file

Thursday 02/15/24

  • Scanned new TGS check and filed on cloud server

  • Scanned new TGS invoice and applied PO/emailed to Chris Lyle

  • Inputted waiting check, invoices, vendor bills and paid invoices against new checks

  • Sent TOMMY latest Jan invoice for Great Western Metals

  • Spent time on the phone with Home Depot; arranged for complete return of defective chair. Refund issued to AMEX.  

  • Packaged base unit of faulty chair and prepared for UPS pickup tomorrow morning

  • Received word from ACCOUNTANT Cannon that they had finished with Quickbooks.

  • Cut back yard

Friday 02/16/24

  • Inputted new invoices/chcks//bills/deposits

  • Scanned new TGS invoice and applied PO/emailed to Chris Lyle

Monday 02/19/24

  • Inputted new payments from Atlas Truck Sales and TGS; posted associated invoices as paid

  • Spoke with Jason Puerto and ran CC via Square for his outstanding invoice from 02/02/24

  • Facilitated EFT transfer from TOMMY fidelity cash reservers ($1000) to TOMMY personal “throwing money away” gambling account

  • Printed EFT Fidelity transfer confirmation information highlighting the 1 to 5 day processing time

Tuesday 02/20/24

  • Inputted new waiting invoices/bills/checks/deposits in Quickbooks

  • Spoke with Santos Jimenez and scheduled meeting to arrange fence project at Westmont property

  • Arranged for TOMMY’s parking reservation at Hobby airport for trip on 21st and printed instructions and scan code to get him in garage

  • Fixed TOMMY’s new cel phone that had a conflict between two email accounts

  • Changed Fidelity password and updated TOMMY’s desktop password manager with new password; this due to TOMMY’s repeated attempts to log in to Fidelity from phone and getting locked out. Suggested he not use his phone to log in to Fidelity at all in the future.

Wednesday 02/21/24

  • Inputted new waiting invoices/bills/checks/deposits in Quickbooks

  • Spoke with Santos Jimenez and rescheduled fence meeting for Thursday at 7am due to Santos having something come up with his daughter.

  • Received $400 cash from TOMMY to give Santos to get started on fence project with materials

  • Received word from ACCOUNTANT Cannon office about “Statement of Employer” tax document that he needed to sign; applied TOMMY’s signature to statement and returned to ACCOUNTANT Cannon office

  • Detected infrastructure issue with phones at shop; dead line.  Confirmed that Nextiva home VOIP system is not an issue as changing the forward number to my personal cel phone works fine.  

  • Cleaned house, vacuumed, etc.

Thursday 02/22/24

  • Met with Santos to get fence work started at house; gave $400 cash for materials and to get started; will finish paying and inspect work when he finishes later ACCOUNTANTe day

  • At shop by 8am to cover for TOMMY

  • Discovered 4 tires we have here to mount for Romar employee are wrong size and will have to take back to Jee for exchange before Kevin can complete work today

  • Scanned and emailed new Harris County Tax appraisal form to ACCOUNTANT Cannon for review and advice on how to proceed

  • Called Bryan at JW Comms to come out to shop and troubleshoot what might be the issue with the single open AT&T line we have that is not working as of 02/21/24 here at the shop.  Still forwarding 0237 to my personal cel until 455-0204 is working.

  • Got shop phones working

  • Left Santos his remaining $350 with Roman’s son next door and discussed provision of invoice for fence work

  • Made note not to stain new fence for at least two weeks or until the new wood has dried out

Friday 02/23/24

  • Spoke with Santos to ensure he knew his remaining money was at Roman’s house next door; he confirmed he will be leaving an invoice for the fence work

  • At shop all day covering for TOMMY

  • Missed Ed Caruthers tire hand off as we closed too early for him to pick the tire up

Saturday 02/24/24

  • Recieved word from Fidelity that year end tax forms were ready for three accounts at Fidelity; one account being the previous advisor managed account that we transferred all assets from in 10/2023

  • Emailed all Fidelity 1099 tax forms to ACCOUNTANT Cannon

  • Made note to call Fidelity and close old advisor managed account if it did not close automatically at end of year

Sunday 02/25/24

  • Cleaned house; organized waiting work for TOMMY and placed at office desk for review

Monday 02/26/24

  • At shop from 10am to 11:30am covering for TOMMY 

  • Home rest of day troubleshooting issues with home office network connectivity

  • Ordered three new Cat6 cables for testing to resolve home network speed drop issue

Tuesday 02/27/24

  • Inputted all new waiting invoices/bills/payments/checks in Quickbooks

  • Sent revised invoices to TGS/Great Western/Romar that had math errors

  • Made note to call McGee about new bill to find out how such are paid

Wed 02/28/24

  • Inputted all new waiting invoices/bills/payments/checks in Quickbooks

  • Cut front yard; cleaned bathroom

  • Sent various photos of invoices per TOMMY’s request

  • Spoke with NCEMS accounting department and handled some questions they had regarding a recent statement and credit to their account that was applied to statement.

  • Recorded new contact for NCEMS to send further statements to as well as CC to Shaun.

  • Emailed PDFs to new NCEMS contact clarifying the latest statement and verbally explained where/how credit from 10/23 was applied to the statement resulting in a ~$600 reduction in the amount due on the statement.

Thurs 02/29/24

  • Inputted all new waiting invoices/bills/payments/checks in Quickbooks

  • At shop from 8am to 9am while TOMMY saw to Doctor issues

  • Started TOMMY sign up at 23andMe to get his DNA/Ancestry kit ordered but the Discover card was rejected; think he might have gotten a new/replacement card.

  • Emailed Amazon accommodations department about possible return to work in mid March

  • Began Sasol vendor onboarding process; emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon for some assistance withsome of the documents they needed uploaded as well as making sure I was inputting the right information for “Tax ID”.

Fri 03/01/24

  • Inputted all new waiting invoices/bills/payments/checks in Quickbooks

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon re: questions about Sasol onboarding; needed copy of W9 which ACCOUNTANT provided.

  • Completed Sasol onboarding process

  • Ordered 23andMe DNA kits via TOMMY Discover

  • Configured authorized user access on TOMMY MGM and Discover cards

Mon 03/04/24

  • Spoke with Tiana at S Cannon office regarding hand off of QB company file so she could do end of month closing

Tue 03/05/24

  • Gathered waiting work for inputting in Quickbooks on Monday

  • Cleaned kitchen, mopped floors and vacuumed house. 

  • Received 23andMe DNA kits and informed TOMMY; also suggested he have a look to inform himself of the package contents since the package was addressed to him but he showed no interest. Made note to look at kit and sort out submission process on the following morning

Wed 03/06/24

  • Received email update from Jada forwarding a current T-mobile bill (TOMMY); replied to Jada for assistance in re configuring T-Mobile online access into my name and also mentioned the need to re configure HCTR Auth as well.

  • Started sign up process for TOMMY T-Mobile online account

Thur 03/07/24

  • Waiting on ACCOUNTANT for Quickbooks work; was at shop from 11am to 2pm covering for TOMMY doctor appointment

Fri 03/08/24

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT for word on QB clearance

  • Informed TOMMY of DnA kit being ready

  • Cut up all the giant boxes on back porch and placed in recycle bin

  • Took photos of shipping label for chair base that Home Depot shipped which we do not need since the extra chair was returned. Have to call Home Depot to inform and arrange a pickup

Sat 03/09/24

  • Received word from Tiana at Cannon office that QB file is clear to work in

  • Readied 23andMe DNA test for TOMMY/my submission

  • Received Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas questionnaire to fill out

Sun 03/09/24

  • Made sure EGO mower battery was charged for front/back yard cut on  Mondy

  • Inputted waiting QB work

  • Generated and emailed all open invoice statements for all Harris Tire Customers

  • Received confirm email from Discover that I had been approved for account manager access

Mon 03/10/24

  • Made sure EGO mower battery was charged for front/back yard cut on  Mondy

  • Inputted waiting QB work

  • Cut front and back yards

Tue 03/12/24

  • Washed bathroom rug

  • Inputted waiting QB work

  • Generated digital binders of all open client invoices and sent statements out to accounts payable

  • Cleaned and dried electric mower

Wed 03/13/24

  • Got TOMMY DNA kit ready for shipping

  • Inputted various QB work

Thur 03/14/24

  • Inputted waiting QB work

  • Packed TOMMY’s broken iron and prep’d for shipping

Fri 03/1524

  • Inputted waiting quickbooks work

  • Sent various invoice scans to TOMMY

  • Sent new work invoices to Chris at TGS

Sat 03/16/24

  • House work, hardware configuration work

Sun 03/17/24

  • House work, hardware configuration work

  • Kept looking into Quickbooks license issue

  • Took TOMMY’s iron back to UPS for return and arranged shipment of new, replacement iron

  • Ordered two new power strips for kitchen

Mon 03/18/24

  • House work, hardware configuration work

  • Several hours on the phone with Intuit support trying to get Quickbooks licensing to stick. Currently 100% unable to work in QB company file

  • Phone ACCOUNTANT Cannon for opinion on QB licensing issue


  • House work, hardware configuration work

  • On phone with Intuit for more Quickbooks liciensing discussion

  • Got QB license issue resolved; had to use direct debit from WF Bank as there was some sort of issue with the AMEX purchase

  • Processed latest Keen Co. credit card payment over the phone with Ed Caruthers

  • Emailed Ed binder of invoice paid receipts

  • Went to Walgreens

  • Spoke with Tiana at Cannon office about software hand off and my time frame of usage before I can turn it over to her

Wed 03/20/24

  • House work, hardware configuration work

  • On phone with Tiana to notify of QB company file hand off

  • Sent in request to 23andMe for a replacement DNA kit for the new one I have that has no seal cap

Thur 03/20/24

  • House work, hardware configuration work

  • Placed all three city trash bins out for pickup including two full bins of a ton of old boxes we were storing in the closet

  • Brought bins in from street in afternoon

  • Emptied all house garage cans and replaced bags

  • Worked on office networking cable replacement

  • Spoke with Tiana at Cannon office about voiding a missing ticket

  • Forwarded 23andMe their requested data for a replacement DNA submission kit

  • Spoke with Shaun at NCEMS and ran their latest single invoice

Fri 03/21/24

  • House work, hardware configuration work

  • Still waiting on Cannon to finish with company file

Mon 03/25/24

  • House work, hardware configuration work

  • Emailed Cannon to check on Quickbooks work completion

  • Emailed J.T. at Gulf Stream Marine

Tue 03/26/24

  • House work, hardware configuration work

  • Created payment receipt binder of latest TGS check and sent to their payables department as confirmation of payment.  Also notified them of upcoming statement to include recent work completed.

  • Entered all waiting invoices/bills/deposits/etc. And updated paid invoices.

Wed 03/27/24

  • Broked down living room lazy boy and then helped TOMMY load for transport to Julia’s house (he is donating it to her).

  • Showed TOMMY how to connect the connectors

  • Sent email of new work invoice to Chris at TGS

Thur 03/28/24

  • Spoke with UsAutoForce representatives and set up Harris Tire retailer account at

  • Ordered x4 Toyo Tires from USAutoForce per TOMMY directions

  • Registered TOMMYs AMEX 7005 as the main digital wallet for USAutoForce use

  • Confirmed order of x4 Toyo tires with USAutoForce rep and printed copy for TOMMY             

Fri 03/29/24

  • Checked x4 Toyo order at USAutoForce account page and confirmed that the order has been invoiced/charged.  

  • Printed USAutoForce invoice copy and left on TOMMY desk

Sat  03/30/24

  • Cut front/back yards; weed eating, blowing off of all sidewalks/driveway

  • Cut up more spare boxes that TOMMY had left on back porch and stowed in recycle bin

  • Cut up other, large boxes off porch and recycled

  • Cleaned EGO electric mower with eparts contact cleaner at battery input terminals and on the battery itself.

  • Cleaned entire EGO mower and blew dry

  • Received my  personal 23andME DNA submission kit replacing the previous one with no lid

Sun 03/31/24

  • Did updates to HTIRE Quickbooks license/software; namely, opted out of the Intuit “Data Collection/Analytics” program which operates full time in the background to collect user usage pattern data when using Intuit products. 

  • Notified TOMMY of heavy trash pickup and asked about junking old iron fence laying in the driveway

  • Helped various online friends with hardware/software issues

Mon 04/01/24

  • Inputted all waiting QB invoices/bills/payments/deposits

  • Generated statements and created digital binders including statement and all associated scanned invoices then sent to clients

  • Called JT at Gulf Stream marine and spoke voice about re establishing an ongoing tire purchasing arrangement with Gulf Stream Marine; emailed JT with a copy of our phone conversation so that he could send me information about their current tire needs

  • Transferred $1000 from TOMMY SPAXX cash reserves to his personal Woodforest checking account via the Fidelity account portal

  • Got message from Nadine about investigating a “FGG” gov financial aid program

  • Gave TOMMY prelim results from his 23andME report; with word that there is much more information online

Tue 04/02/24

  • Scanned and sent several Great Western Metals invoices to TOMMY

  • Inputted small bit of waiting QB work for HTIRE.

  • Followed up with Katherine at NCEMS regarding Feb 2024 statement which has never been paid; this is also the statement that includes/shows where their $600 credit was applied. Copied Shaun and TOMMY on ACCOUNTANTe email

  • Fixed TOMMY email problem on his company laptop

Wed 04/03/24

  • Printed TOMMY abbreviated DNA results and created a DNA folder for dining room office files

  • Used TOMMY DISC card to order a printed DNA results book for him and ordered via 23andMe website

  • Inputted small bit of waiting QB work for HTIRE.

  • Scanned and emailed new TGS invoices to Chris at TGS

  • Emailed Larry at Cheetah to arrange meeting to run invoices

Thur  04/04/24

  • Ordered new back up thumb drives and other hardware for HTIRE office workstations; recorded as CC expense in QB

  • At shop from 11am to noon running Cheetah invoices

  • Shop til 12:30pm further assisting John setting up his personal laptop for scanner access in the back office.

  • Organized waiting work to finish before giving handoff of company file to ACCOUNTANT for March 2024 closing work.

Fri 04/06/24

  • Inputted waiting quickbooks work.  Deposits, invoices, paying invoices, sending payment receipt to TGS for latest check received, etc.  Double checked backup copies of HTIRE QB company file

  • Ran various Quickbooks tools to repair my QB install as it’s been operating very slowly

  • Prep’d newly ordered NVME drive for install in second main workstation

  • Emailed Tiana/ACCOUNTANT that they were clear to do their month end work in Quickbooks and that I was officially out until I heard from them

Sat 04/07/24

  • House all day.

  • Cut up old boxes on porch and from dining room and moved to recycle bin

  • Began creating two new “Medicat” rescue USB thumb drives (128gb) for TOMMY/Joel emergency restoration of computer systems

Mon 04/08/24

  • At house all day; house work and rando computer maintenance

  • Prep’d newly ordered NVME drive for install in second main workstation

  • Took photos and did proper seller listings for the KTC MINI-LED monitor at both Hardwareswap and OCN

Tue 04/09/24

  • Installed new storage drive in second work computer

  • Redesigned the backup/imaging schedule and configuration for both main office workstations. Saving only 10 incrementals for each C/D drive on either main machine to maximize space on RAID10 file server.

  • Received and archived end of month documents from ACCOUNTANT Cannon

  • Talked to TOMMY about details of his Watco ticket where there is a Tax thing going on; marked invoices for inputting correctly

  • Took 23andME DNA ACCOUNTANTple and dropped at post office

Wed  04/10/24

  • Set up TOMMY’s Coinbase account for Crypto research/play

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work for inputting

  • Showed TOMMY the correlation between when I sent a payment receipt to TGS for their March payment and the day their latest payment check arrived (ACCOUNTANTe day I sent the former receipt).

  • Did more testing on office network and computer equipment

Thur  04/11/24

  • Received TOMMY 23andME DNA overview printed book in mail

  • Went shopping for groceries; took out trash

  • Added/discussed new work for inputting in QB 

  • Researched commodities trading briefly and posted an inquiry on Bogleheads about TOMMY and his questions about Rolex watch; printed current replies at Bogleheads and provided for TOMMY to read.

  • Messaged watch friend about TOMMY Rolex question

  • Recieved an NTW invoice (paid) from Jada via email and archived in waiting work

Fri  04/12/24

  • Fixed TOMMY’s computer password problem and notified that I would be ordering a UPS backup battery for his computer to prevent it from rebooting during our frequent black/brown outs.

  • Scanned/archived emailed new LPL statement to ACCOUNTANT Cannon per TOMMY’s instruction

  • Discussed 23andME DNA project with TOMMY and how to get rest of family involved

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks invoices/bills/checks/deposits

  • Sent new statement to Dynamic Products

  • Sent three new work invoices with PO applied to Chris at TGS

  • Much time researching gold and commodities investment

  • Inputted and filed most recent AMZ HTIRE purchases for reconcile with AMEX statement end of month; noted items that would be returned. 

  • Ordered spare AA/AAA/C/D batteries for closet from Amazon with AMEX 7005

  • Helped TOMMY over the phone with some MGM login stuff

  • Cleaned floors in bathroom and changed cat litter

  • Emptied all office trash cans and replaced bags

  • Vacuumed house

  • Took out, cut up and discarded multiple large boxes in recycle bin

  • Assembled three new flash lights and installed batteries; placed each in separate locations in house.

  • Gathered/arranged/charged all rechargeable AA/C batteries in office closet for storage

  • Swiffer Wet Jet failed during bathroom cleaning; changing batteries did nothing

  • Ordered new Swiffer Wet Jet from AMZ

Sat  04/13/24

  • Researched skin cancer stuff

  • Showed TOMMY how to access his Crypto histogram at Fidelity

  • Ordered Omega watch for TOMMY from

  • Had issues with Omega watch order and AuthenticWatches declined both orders but Discover is showing them both as “pending.”  

  • Called AuthenticWatches to straighten out the Discover card/watch purchase.

  • Picked up AA/AAA/C/D batteries from AMZ pickup locker and stored in home/office equipment closet; showed TOMMY where battery stores are

  • Ordered two new UPS systems; one for TOMMY office workstation and one for second Joel office workstation. AMZ  purchased with AMEX 7005

  • Fourth call to Discover to sort out the watch issue and my authorized user card issue.

Sun  04/14/24

  • Signed up for ErthWellness referral program

  • Began draft of Hurricane Prep list and documented items we already have and that we need to get

  • Printed draft prep doc and shared with TOMMY

  • Installed and configured 2 new UPS battery backup units for TOMMY and Joel workstations

  • Assembled new Swiffer mop and tested with new batteries

  • Recieved pack of new AAA batteries and stored with others in dining office

  • Cut up and recycled multiple shipping boxes

Mon  04/15/24

  • Checked on Omega watch order and delivery status and updated TOMMY

  • Received new email from Chris at TGS approving latest invoices sent

  • Cut front yard and blew out back porch, garage and entire door walkway path and drive

  • Ordered fence stain and brush  from AMZ with AMEX 7005; recorded/filed in QB and physical

  • Ordered 10 small reflectors for mailbox and driveway light pole; AMEX 7005; recorded/filed in QB and physical

  • Began job search at AMZ JOBs. Nadda…

  • Deposited paycheck

  • Aired up all car tires

  • Washed car

  • Messaged Santos about driveway work

  • Took photos of drive way to discuss contractual work possibilities and for planning

  • Recieved new payment check from TGS and inputted/posted it then created payment receipt binder and sent to accounts payable at TGS including copies of individual paid invoices.

  • Kroger for groceries

Tue  04/16/24

  • Recieved delivery update for TOMMY Omega watch and forwarded it to him

  • Cut back yard

  • Emptied TOMMY/Joel office shredder bins and recycled

  • Used pump weed killer to spray back fence and all other areas (driveway) to kill vines/weeds

  • Gathered and organized waiting QB work and filed for input

  • Arranged TOMMY’s reserved parking at Hobby airport for his Las Vegas trip; printed entry codes and gave him bound folder with double copies for parking garage entry

  • Received FedEx notice of TOMMY watch delivery exception; called FedEx and talked for 30 mins; only solution was attempted redelivery next day due to value of item

  • Swept all drives and porch

  • Picked up .16 screws from Ace hardware for reflectors

  • Installed 8 reflectors via screw to mailbox post and driveway light post

  • Emptied all dead items from fridge and recycled; cleaned all fridge glass shelving

  • Swept and mopped kitchen floor

Wed  04/17/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Emptied all trash cans and replaced liners; took everything to bin and curb for pickup on thurs

  • Verified delivery of TOMMY new Omega Watch

  • Unboxed new Omega watch and set it out for TOMMY to get to know

  • Created OMEGA file folder and added to Dining room office for watch paperwork

  • Organized waiting QB work into respective folders for inputting

  • Unboxed two new UPS units and prepared for install on TOMMY/Joel workstations

  • Signed up for Experian Identity protection (AT&T data breach freebie)

  • Began planning for sleep room/LG C1 TV re arranging (assemble bureau, get new monitor for office, install corner ambient lighting, mount surround speakers in corners, rig up HDMI connector for laptop usage in sleep room

  • Spoke with Hector at TGS and arranged work details for TGS job first thing Thursday morning (tire size/location/phone/etc.), printed and gave to TOMMY for invoice creation

  • Found the latest new tire size invoice for TGS for TOMMY invoice creation/pricing

Thur  04/18/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Organized hard copy work for inputting to QB

  • Helped  fix his password at Fidelity

  • Stored old hunting rifle in TOMMY hallway closet

  • At shop from 10am to 3pm covering for TOMMY

  • Notified Leah/Rodney per TOMMY call about his being late in Vegas; got Rodney to call her as my number was not good

Fri  04/19/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • At shop from 8am to 3pm covering for TOMMY

  • Took order from Jacintoport for x3 500x8 tires/tubes/flaps (jee)

  • Emailed Alvia receipt of quote for x3 tire at Jacintoport

  • Picked up x2 tires from K&M for NCEMS

  • Began running cable for outdoor camera (dogs)

  • Gave Julio 4 catfish things

Sat  04/20/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Emptied trash and recycled spare boxes

  • Play day

Sun 04/21/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors/kitty litter

  • Installed front drive camera and did outdoor wiring for AC power to camera

  • Installed 3 900W UPS battery backup units on all three office workstations and tested for proper function

  • Filed new UPS battery unit purchase/warrany information on digital secure server

  • Put last friday work out on TOMMY desk for him to have a look at before inputting

Mon 04/22/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Checked AMZ Jobs site for openings

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work for inputting

  • Printed .50 new HTIRE blank invoices

  • Updated TOMMY on waiting Jacinto Port work and tire delivery

  • Removed all old storage boxes from back porch so TOMMY could access gas generator for pre-season testing; cut up older, large boxes and recycled and stored smaller boxes for recent purchases (x2 UPS) in garage on the chance we might have to return either of them.

Tue  04/23/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Inputted waiting quickbooks work / invoices/new payments/checks/deposits/bills

  • Emailed x4 new invoices to CLyle at TGS with PO applied and inputted in Quickooks

  • Noted math error in TOMMY hand written TGS invoice and corrected (was $10.00 under priced)

  • Emailed payment check receipt to payables department/Jennifer Beeman at TGS indicating specific invoices as paid and making a note that new statements will be coming out first of May

  • Emailed GrtWstrnMetals with payment receipt for latest check received and also a copy of GWSTRNS latest outstanding balance/statement

  • Created physical file folders for TOMMY Amica auto insurance and filed latest statements on hand

  • Created physical Stellar Bank file folder for TOMMY and filed latest statement on hand

  • Made note to print SPARK card statement and ultimately close that CC

  • Texted Orlando at Magellan for phone/shop CC payment of invoice 3028-A $515.00

  • Used ladder to install external camera on roof over entry of front door to house

  • Ran outdoor wiring from roof camera along outside of house and into house for AC power to the new camera

  • Installed second camera at house driveway/kitchen window and ran wiring/configured software

Wed  04/24/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Inputted waiting quickbooks work / invoices/new payments/checks/deposits/bills

  • Sent latest Dynamic Products invoice to TOMMY for pricing information

  • Sent Alvia at Jacintoport an update on pickup time for their new 500x8 tires/tubes

  • Received a DNA invite for TOMMY from Random 4th cousin and printed for his viewing

  • Further worked on configuring house/office outdoor cameras

Thurs  04/25/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Did litter

  • Inputted waiting quickbooks work / invoices/new payments/checks/deposits/bills

  • Emailed Del Gunnell’s for referrals/quote sources for 1121 Westmont driveway repair work (per TOMMY’s ongoing request over past year)

  • Emailed Heather at Dynamic Products with copy of most recent work invoice

  • Worked on video production training projects; primarily working with HDR HLG captures within Vegas Pro and successfully editing them in HDR HLG format and then rendering them in proper HDR format that YouTube render systems can accept and present properly/consistently. Lots of new stuff. Research. Repetitive renders/tests.

Fri  04/26/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Ran ozone gen in bathroom for 1 hr mins

  • emptied/cleaned office shredder bins

  • Saved the latest AMEX statement and filed for markup of the exceptionally large amount of office related AMEX purchases in April

  • Sent copy of latest TGS 245/17 work invoice to TOMMY for pricing purposes

  • Deep cleaned entire kitchen and all appliances

  • Vacuumed and mopped kitchen and dining room office tiled floors

  • Dusted all joel/TOMMY office equipment and cleaned monitor panels

  • Sent NCEMS invoice copy to TOMMY for Pricing

  • Spoke with Larry (Cheetah) and arranged a meeting to run outstanding invoices on Tuesday April 30 since I’ll be at the shop all day then.

Sat 04/27/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Vacuumed all house office/kitchen/living area floors

  • Dismantled the 3+ year old tower fan in my room and cleaned all internal fans and electronics; about a pound of dust/dirt debri came out.  

  • Set project reminder to do tutorial video for YouTube on tower fan cleaning

  • Dismantled and cleaned the Dyson hand vac that was failing; large debris stuck up in the inner chamber; used contact cleaner and iso to further clean Dyson vac filters

  • Set project reminder to do tutorial vid for YouTube on Dyson vac cleaning

  • Organized latest HTIRE work from Friday for QB inputting on Monday and statements creation middle of next week

  • Organized all Joel office cable mess on metal shelving and stored in bedroom office/tool room.

Sun 04/28/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Vacuumed all house office/kitchen/living area floors

  • Set up TOMMY TV for Internet and Netflix access

  • Lots of hardware testing and planning for review publication on forums

  • Lots of video capture for doing YouTube tutorials (electronics cleaning/etc.)

Mon 04/29/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Vacuumed all house office/kitchen/living area floors

  • TOMMY requested for me to investigate exchanging his new Omega watch for a different model at AuthenticWatches

  • Printed AuthenticWatches warranty and watch purchase info and made TOMMY a folder and provided, including AuthenticWatches contact phone

  • Spoke with Orlando at Magellan and forwarded him a needed copy of an April 3 2024 invoice which he had a CC receipt for but not a line item invoice of work performed.  Printed Quickbooks system invoice and forwarded Orlando a .PDF (copy TOMMY)

  • Began work on redesign of Harris Tire statements template using QB Template Designer

  • Emailed CLyle new TGS work invoice with PO applied

  • Emailed Alvia at Jacinto Port their latest statement and copy of most recent work invoice for x3 500x8 tires/tubes.

  • Made note to call SPARK CC folk or logon and lock the card and then investigate if actually closing TOMMY’s SPARK card would negatively impact his credit

  • Logged in to Capital One and placed a lock on TOMMY SPARK CC. Printed two obvious options for redeeming his $70 in rewards cash (mail a check or apply to balance)

  • Printed document describing SPARK CC actions

Tue 04/30/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Vacuumed all house office/kitchen/living area floors

  • At shop from 730am to 1pm covering for TOMMY

  • Spoke with Atlas and arranged service call to Shell in Baytown (rigo)

  • Spoke with Sony support and received shipping label for headphone repair

  • Printed TOMMY several copies of OMEGA watch options

  • Spent time with TOMMY in Joel office, perusing OMEGA watch possible exchange options for him; used my office large screen to call up the 100 or so different models and let him scroll through them visually as he doesn’t know how to do so at his own computer.

  • Retrieved one extra wifi camera from shop for use at house; thinking of four point install: NE/NW/SE/SW corners of house

  • Looked into Xfinity “Pods” for wifi extension at home office so TOMMY/outdoor cameras can have solid, dependable connection

  • Looked over most recent AMEX 7005 statement and highlighted all items that were Harris Tire/Office related; also included mark up notes showing what items I had to return for exchange for refund.

Wed 05/01/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Vacuumed all house office/kitchen/living area floors

  • Filed renewed flood insurance receipt in TOMMY office

  • At shop from 11am to Noon to meet Larry for Cheetah invoices but he re scheduled till tomorrow.

  • Delivered equipment return item to FedEx for shipping

  • Organized waiting QB work for statements

  • Two hours re designing the Quickbooks Harris Tire statement template to be more presentable/professional and made plans to do the ACCOUNTANTe for other QB templates (invoices/etc.)  Whole system is a wreck.

  • Noted all work/TOMMY/joel related AMEX 7005 purchases on latest statement; printed revised statement with notes and left on TOMMY desk.

  • Measured bedroom for re arranging 9.5’ x 10.5’

  • Spoke with Larry on phone and he had to re schedule our meeting one day due to a delay; scheduled to meet on Wed 05/02/24 at 11am instead

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannnon office informing them of my time frame for statement completion so that I can hand the QB company file over to them middle of next week

  • Checked Julia porch camera for night time activity reports per TOMMY request

  • Received and file notification from Kingdom Storage of price increase from $90 a month to $109 per month

  • Recieved forward from Jada for NTW payment confirmation; made note to call next day and change NTW’s records with me as main contact.

  • Printed and explained the NTW payment email to TOMMY

Thurs 05/02/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Vacuumed all house office/kitchen/living area floors

  • Contacted TBCCorp, the payment processor for NTW and requested an update to their contact information so that I would receive future payment confirmations instead of Jada

  • Did weekly/manual maintenance routines on office workstation computers

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon/Fernando and confirmed Wednesday 05/08 as the day to hand off QB company file for their end-of-month tax work

  • Received call from TOMMY to discuss not using the AMEX for food items or anything that could not be argued as a company expense (Discover instead).

  • Began planning simple web based system for TOMMY to quickly use a web browser and view all recent/past invoices for important clients.  Problem to eliminate is having to take phone calls multiple times a day just to take a picture of an invoice and text it to him for pricing.  Web based, simple click through based on date/time would be much more efficient

  • Time on phone with Blue Shield TX to provide required coverage information

  • Started April statements; completed TransGlobal and left note/copy on TOMMY desk

  • Researched how to batch print multiple invoices from within QB (1 HR+)

Fri 05/03/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Vacuumed all house office/kitchen/living area floors

  • Took gave TOMMY ride to shop to pick up service truck (VENZA)

  • Received message from Fidelity inviting me/TOMMY to a webinar live presentation on estate planning; emailed copy to TOMMY/Greg C for review

  • Signed on and opted in to paperless with Blue Cross/Shield of TX; no more snail mail.

  • Created several new file folders in TOMMY office filing cabinet for house specific utilz companies and re arranged existing mixed up statements in respective utility folders

  • Recieved and inputted latest TGS payment check (~$4000).

  • Sent TGS receipt of their latest payment via PDF binder including copies of TGS payment check, payment receipt and individual invoices marked as paid

  • Handled linking of Fidelity account with TOMMY new Woodforest account so that he can liquidate all Woodforest funds to his Fidelity portfolio (FDRXX)

  • Received confirmation from Fidelity that link was successful and to look out for the typical few deposits over the next few days to finally confirm/finalize the bank link.

Sat 05/04/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Vacuumed all house office/kitchen/living area floors

  • Weed eater on front of house/too wet to mow

  • Used electric blower to blow entire front area as well as garage internals

  • At park around noon for a run

  • Fixed the bathroom light which has been hanging at stomach level from the ceiling for past week (past repair failed)

Sun 05/05/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors

  • Cleaned entire bathtub and tiles/fixtures with bleach/comet; cat has occasionally bee napping (peeing) in there

  • Vacuumed all house office/kitchen/living area floors

  • Emptied kitchen trash and moved to outside recycle bin; installed new trash liner

  • Began researching flow meter acquisition/installation//options for placement out of site on all main daily-use water pipes: kitchen/bathroom sinks, outside faucets, washing machine water input, TOMMY/Joel showers, water heater, etc.  Point of beginning this project is to reconcile last months water bill (2000 gallons?!) with what I perceive as a much less use of water on TOMMY/Joel part throughout any given work week.Simple indication of inputs to  do the work on this:

    EXAMPLE: If two showers equals approximately ~20 gallons per shower (that’s slightly generous) then considering TOMMY/Joel take a max of one showers per week EACH, then that’s just 40 gallons for showering alone every week and across the billing month..  What piques my interest is where the other 1740 gallons went? 

    ** one important factor is that I recently enrolled household in an “average based monthly’ pay plan so that 2000 gallon might be considering the entire time before (only a month ago) enrolling us in the month-average plan so will look into that too; immediate hunch is that it makes sense….

  • Verified my earlier effort to link TOMMY personal “savings” account at Woodforest (Emrld Pckge) bank with his investment portfolio at Fidelity; made plans to speak with TOMMY to determine how much he wants to move to SPAXX at Fidelity and how much he wants to leave in the “lingering” Woodforest savings account (Emrld).

  • Fine tuned various all day/everyday audio recording methods I currently use to capture every minute of (at least) my waking/working moments 

  • Cleaned lenses of outdoor cameras as it’s been torrential of late

  • Made plans to bild simple “shield” to mount on out eacj outdoor carmear that sees regular rain exposure; this to prevent having to cclean the lens(s) after every heavy rain

  • Time on OCN helping kid with new laptop purchase options (used)

  • Researched how to reset JOel Omron blood pressure test device (remove batteries for 30mins)

Mon 05/06/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Checked emptied all trash cans

  • Spoke with TOMMY about approaching commodities (gold) investment and made notes to research options

  • Confirmed with TOMMY that his Emerald Savings Woodforest account is “in process” and will be linked to his Fidelity investment account by mid week and after I confirm Fidelities verification deposits

  • Gave TOMMY ride to shop and back home

  • Began new daily audio log of activities for 24/7 capture/archiving and for possible reference in future

  • Began work on completion of all Harris Tire customer statements

  • Completed Fidelity/Woodforest TOMMY Emerald bank link confirmation process and printed verification for filing (digital) in TOMMY filing cabinet

  • Checked Julia front porch for night activity

  • Emailed Greg and ACCOUNTANT about leads for commodities investment research

  • Spoke with CLyle at TGS about a PO correction for work done on unit 90310

  • Emailed Paula at Romar for PO number to apply before issuing statement

  • Sent out all client statements including digital copies of all line item invoices on statement

  • Rearranged dining office file cabinets; trashed many useless files and created new ones along with new tabs; organized business/investment data in top drawer and household/personal data in bottom drawer; aligned tabs to more easily navigate between business/TOMMY/joel data

  • Received email from MD Anderson re: TOMMY cancer status; went online and filled out questionnaire for h im and made him a copy

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon and informed him of my ETA for QB company file hand off

Tue 05/07/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Checked emptied all trash cans

  • Checked/refilled paper in all printers

  • Checked/emptied all office shredders

  • Good amount of research into life logging

  • Confirmed verification of link completion/verification between TOMMY Woodforest personal savings acct with Fidelity representatives so that he can now transfer cash from his two cash reserve positions into the Woodforest as he choses (and vice versa).

  • Made note to discuss Fidelity/Woodforest account verification with TOMMY

  • Received confirmation letter from Fidelity confirming link of TOMMY/Erld/WF account. Printed Fidelity notice and provided to TOMMY and filed digital copy in cloud

  • Messaged Omar (contractor) for machine information on TGS job from 05/06

  • Received directive from TOMMY to transfer $150K to SPAXX and the remainder into FDRXX, leaving only $1000 in his original Woodforest Emerald Savings acct.

  • Implemented TOMMY’s requested funds transfer at Fidelity

  • Mowed front yard

  • Blower on front of house and driveway

  • Cleaned EGO electric mower battery and mower contact points with sensor cleaner and then DeOxit D5 to prevent corrosion; cleaned entire mower top/underside.

  • Removed one home surveillance camera and replaced with spare; old one just died. Set up new camera with “harris home” camera network and tested for function before placement.

  • Sent a copy of latest ROMAR to TOMMY for invoice pricing

  • Recieved email from ACCOUNTANT Cannon (accountant) requesting four outstanding 1099-Int forms he needs from various institutions; already found one and forwarded to ACCOUNTANT Cannon and will have to speak with TOMMY about the other three as I don’t know anything about them.

  • Received Joel 23andME hard cover DNA/ancestry book in mail

  • Cleaned all junk out of fridge and cleaned interior glass shelves

  • Phone call with TOMMY requesting that I access his email and print his (and Julia’s) temporary liability auto insurance card; I did so and placed five copies in the mail box per TOMMY request

Wed 05/08/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Received monthly sub of cat litter (joel pay)  and stored in bath area

  • Checked emptied all trash cans

  • Checked/refilled paper in all printers

  • Spoke with Paula at Romar about sending two new invoices; Paula clarified that all new invoices should be sent to her upon day of services rendered and to copy Cedric; copied TOMMY on email and updated HTIRE primary contact list

  • Sent Paula latest two new work Romar invoices

  • Organized waiting QB work in NEW WORK folders for inputting when ACCOUNTANT Cannon completes end of month tax work in QB company file

  • Set up TOMMY personal Social Sec online account to allow for printing of 1099-Int forms for ACCOUNTANT Cannon Tax/TOMMY personal tax (not htire) purposes; verified creation of social security account and began process of finding/printing 2023 1099-Int info for ACCOUNTANT

  • Received request to find old Crumley invoice with specific Michilen tire size/price from some time in 2023; dug through archived printed 2023 invoices, found invoice/tire in question and sent copy to TOMMY for pricing.

  • Filed details of two Stellar Bank Promissory note PAID receipts in TOMMY dining office file cabinet; also scanned and store encrypted digital copies on cloud server

  • Created priority file folder in TOMMY office wall hanging organizer for new/in-process Fidelity/Investments (not htire) and filed the current $250K in-process transfer information there; also created one in ACCOUNTANTe location for new/in-process Stellar bank personal (not htire) invesment/promissory note info (maturity dates/etc). And filed paper copies of promissory note details in the Stellar folder

  • Call from TOMMY requesting me to go out and remind Kevin to bring back a gas can to the shop (??)

  • Cut back yard and swept/blew out back porch wash area

  • Time on Amazon Jobs site; no available positions within 50 miles

  • Begain reorganizing all client PAID invoices into individual, company specific folders for eventual ease of obtaining pricing information for TOMMY. Finished Crumley and others will be continuously added/refined

  • Spoke with Heather at Dynamic products re: last statement; she clarified one invoice had already been paid which I confirmed and sent her a copy of the payment check to verify.

  • Discovered SSA request from June 2023 when I was not working for TOMMY; something to do with incorrect wage reports/discrepancies/etc.  I scanned and sent to ACCOUNTANT Cannon as well as filed digital copy on cloud server

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about how my wages are being reported.

  • Sent ACCOUNTANT Cannon TOMMY’s 2023 1099 personal info for tax prep

Thurs 05/09/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Emptied, disposed old litter/cleaned/disinfected litter box and refilled

  • Vacuumed house

  • Cut Back yard and blew out back porch and laundry area

  • Made reminder/note to contact Dell Gunnell’s for leads on affordable driveway work

  • Time measuring width/length of Westmont property grass drive way area preparing to seek contractor quotes to have new drive filled in the grass area. Chipseal, gravel compound, affordable but durable options that will work well with existing concrete driveway

  • Created a “full frontal” info graphic showing our entire existing front drive areas and making notes of distances and lengths; also clearly designated the main area of concern using photoshop and also included main points such as materials/cost/etc.

  • Designed graphic for contractor reference (digital photography, physical measuring, design work to create the necessary data and info graphic (Photoshop, etc.)

  • Began contacting contractors and requesting information on drive way work (messaged John E, Joe O, Mike O, Wally M, DeWayne L, Mike H)

  • Spoke with multiple contractors and obtained initial quotes (~$4000.00) on driveway work; filed all contractor specific contact info in database

  • Spoke with TOMMY about driveway and learned he wants to do the ENTIRE thing so will have to start over on the schematic and discussions with contractors after I get the details and measurements of the drive space he actually wants to re work. Actually, a good thing as gives me a “side quest” in the re design of the contractor overview graphic ;-)

Fri 05/10/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Cleaned house floors

  • Filed new QB work for inputting after ACCOUNTANT hands company file back

  • Spoke with Erik R for a bit via text

  • Messaged all current contractors that I would have to send them new information on the driveway project once I get the details

  • Filed several new driveway quotes in TOMMY office for general reference purposes

  • Made $16.00 food purchase at Taco Cabana using DISCOVER card; printed receipt and left in DISCOVER file folder in TOMMY office.

  • At shop from 10am to 2pm covering for TOMMY while he saw to medical appointment

  • Spoke with Shaun from NCEMS about latest statement; he called to let me know that he and their bookkeeper are currently writing checks to cover our latest invoice sent to NCEMS

  • Updated Xfinity account to be paid via Harris Tire AMEX 7005; I have paid for home/company internet personally for past year or more but the Gov Broadband Tax Credit was done away with recently and I can’t personally afford to pay the whole internet bill that’s currently serving all of Harris Tire’s phone and internet and bookkeeping needs as I have for the past year. Gov Tax credit was only reason I never mentioned assistance with household/Harris Tire internet

  • Made note to discuss the AMEX payment and internet in advance of next AMEX statement

Sat 05/11/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Emailed invoice copy to TOMMY for random call in from NCEMS

  • Cleaned/completely reorganized Joel office (wiring improvements/contact cleaning/etc.)

Sun 05/12/24

  • Cleaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Received TOMMY request to source/purchase him new bottle of Bulvari cologne; ordered from AMZ, printed/archived receipt and left a copy on TOMMY desk

  • Spoke with TOMMY re: his Bvlgari order and there was some confusion; made note in office audio/video recordings log of the date/time for future reference.

  • DID LAUNDRY (joel only home laundry device use in May)

Mon 05/13/24

  • Ceaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Vacuumed all household floors

  • Messaged Ed Caruthers (Keen Co.) to call to discuss payment of latest Keen invoice

  • Organized new work into personal file folder/cabinet for inputting today or tomorrow (waiting on ACCOUNTANT Cannon hand off).

  • Spoke with AMZ support and arranged a “gauranteed” refund on first TOMMY BVLGARI purchase

  • Ordered 2nd BVLGARI COLONGE for TOMMY

  • Created receipt folder for AMZ chat transcript and receipt for the new BVLGARI item he wanted instead of the first that is being returned. Filed digital copy of receipt info online as wel as printed TOMMY copy and left on desk in file folder

  • Got call from TOMMY at 08:30 saying his laptop at the shop suddenly wasn’t working.

  • Went to shop around 9am to fix TOMMY laptop computer

  • At shop for hour fixing TOMMY’s laptop and also troubleshooting the Square credit card processor. Issue with latter was TOMMY not pushing card in all the way; I encountered the ACCOUNTANTe problem when running a $.75 cent test charge on my own card.

  • Got call from Orlando but he will call back to run CC that TOMMY was unable to process at shop

  • Sent email to ACCOUNTANT Cannon asking about SPARK card and notifying him it had been locked; also requested an ETA for when I could begin work in Quickbooks again

Tue 05/14/24

  • Ceaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Organized waiting quick books work; emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon for ETA on QB file hand off (2am)

  • Spoke with Ed at Keen Co. and ran outstanding CC charges over phone (7am)

  • Scanned/created digital payment binder including printed invoice and CC receipt and emailed to Ed at Keen Co.

  • Received second call from Ed at Keen Co about pricing information on his tires we just processed payment for; I deferred to TOMMY (9am)

  • Spoke with TOMMY about Keen Co and he said he would contact and discuss rise in prices

  • Received call from TOMMY at 3:30pm to open garage door and meet him to help bring in six small grocery items while he was returning from shopping (random phone call at 3:30pm)

  • Just before night work bed time (4:30pm) TOMMY has collapse of dining shelf; assisted with getting failed shelf down; let TOMMY know I would patch the small holes left and re instal shelving with better drywall anchors

  • Ordered new/HD drywall anchors frm AMZ for shelf repair; 

  • Began drafting simple plan to move all 2023/24 invoices into TOMMY dining office so he can access any invoice he likes from his office when I am unavailable after 4pm

  • Spoke with Orlando at Magellan and ran two outstanding invoices totaling ~$1200; printed CC auth and receipts and created digital binder which was sent to Orlando as payment receipt.

Wed 05/15/24

  • Ceaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Organized waiting quick books work

  • Ordered drywall anchors for TOMMY dining office shelf repair from AMZ using AMEX 7005

  • Filed/archived Joel daily audio journal and work log files

  • HOUR+ work on TOMMY phone: removed empty “swipe” home screens so that he’d have only one main screen on his phone.  Removed all the default trash-apps from main home page. Placed links to TOMMY most used apps (email/phone/message/photo/youtube/weather/search) directly on the single home page. Also copied the few essential apps (email/phone/messages/cam) to the home page quick launch bar at bottom of phone. Made note to explain changes to TOMMY

  • HOUR+ work installing CloudEdge app on TOMMY phone; configured CloudEdge app to allow TOMMY 24/7 viewing of four wifi surveillance cameras: Julia front porch, Westmont front drive, Westmont front yard/drive and Shop Camera

  • Time spent drafting plan to migrate all *active* and working billed/paid invoices to TOMMY dining offices for his pricing purposes (when I’m not at house or sleeping); set timeline to do the work; ordered small, plastic portable file folder box to keep all new work in  (any invoice/bill/check/deposit slip/etc. that I have not had time to actually post yet)

  • Cut front yard and swept back porch/driveway

  • Doctors appt. From 9:30am to 10:30am

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about QB company file hand off; also discussed TOMMY recent purchase of $7000 Omega watch. ACCOUNTANT fielded the Omega question as he didn’t know how to treat it in QB.

Thur 05/16/24

  • Ceaned bathroom and mopped floors/did cat litter

  • Printed TOMMY BVLGARI first purchase invoice and marked as returned

  • Printed TOMMY BVLGARI second (the right one) purchase and filed digital copy (also filed returned first purchase)

  • Phoned AMZ to let them know I was not available to deny the delivery of the first BVLGARI purchase and arranged for a return label to be sent so that I could return the first item personally to our local pickup location; discussed logistics of the above with TOMMY

  • Printed 30 blank HTIRE invoices, cut all to size and left on TOMMY desk

  • Processed recent payment checks and sent all customers PDF digital binders with payment receipt/check copy and updated statement

  • Sent TOMMY two copies of invoices for pricing

  • Sanded/prepped dining office wall for shelf re installation; waiting on spackle and drywall anchors

  • Cut back yard and stowed mower

  • Woke at 6pm due to randomly occurring mini-hurricane; assisted with the obvious problems 

Fri 05/17/24

  • All day dealing with the mini hurricane aftermath at westomont property

  • Fixed WE generator for household emergency power

  • Did video/photo walk arounds of all house damage for Amica claim purposes

  • Recieved and filed new Amica claim documents and noted means of logging on and providing photo/videos related to claim

  • Isolated front door UPS battery/surge unit which had gotten wet; dried/cleaned and setup to dismantle an clean internals

  • HTIRE: Received call from Magellan re: flat on a truck; copied info and handed off to TOMMY

  • Printed/filed multiple K&M purchase invoices

Sat 05/18/24

  • Work day start 11pm

  • Updated calendar with new info on Amica claim process

  • Took photos of APC UPS damaged by incoming water at front door during mini hurricane; filed to be reported as loss with existing amica claim

  • Took apart damaged UPS and began cleaning internals for reuse

  • Logged on to Nextive and configured Nextiva voice HTIRE phone to forward all calls to TOMMY cel phone

  • Resized property damage photos via Photoshop for for submission to Amica

  • Logged on to Amica and uploaded 10 photos of house damage

  • Messaged TOMMY copy of Joel authorized user Discover card (per TOMMY request)

  • Printed/laminated copy of Joel authorized user Discover card and left on TOMMY Desk

  • Vacummed/mopped kitchen/dining office floors

  • Archived Amica home claim information and created calendar/reminder entry for Ryze/Amica inspection first of week

  • Added Amica claims adjuster contact information to contacts list as well as Ryze (with inspection company)

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon that I would provide Nov 2023 to date statements for TOMMY “Corporate” account at Fidelity as soon as our internet is restored.

  • Went to Walmart to get cat food

Sun 05/19/24

  • Cleaned and mopped bathroom

  • Changed plastic linings in bathroom trash bins

  • Filed Campos (yard guy) contact information

  • Configured  TOMMY SPARK Rewards card to send “rewards” via check (~$60.00) to James Harris @ 1121 Westmont address;; printed update of order status and left copy on TOMMY chair; stored digital copy on company cloud server

  • Per TOMMY request, logged on to Fidelity investment portal and  transferred $3000 from TOMMY Fidelity core/cash position (SPAXX) to his personal Woodforest checking account.  Left print out of details on TOMMY chair; saved digital copy on company cloud server

  • Emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon Fidelity Corporate Brokerage account statement details for Nov 2023 thru April 2024; saved and filed digital copies to TOMMY cloud storage folder

  • Organized waiting Quickbooks work for inputting

  • Me

Mon 05/20/24

  • Cleaned and mopped bathroom

  • Met with Amica claims adjusters at Westmont property; assisted with inspection

  • Met with Campos contracting crew and ensured Westmont property clean up had no issues

  • Time on phone with ACCOUNTANT Cannon addressing some accounting errors while inputting

  • Printed BVLGARI updates on both TOMMY cologne orders (one returned / one kept)

  • Inputted all new invoices in Quickbooks

  • Emailed CLYLE at TGS 4 new work invoices with PO applied

  • Emailed Paula at Romar for PO on one outstanding invoice

  • Created PDF binder of all Romar outstanding invoices, PO applied and sent to Paula at Romar for payment

  • Printed and laminated copy of Joel DISCOVER auth rep card and gave to TOMMY to keep in his wallet

  • Inputted three recent new deposits in QB

  • Sent multiple invoices to TOMMY for pricing purposes at shop

  • Logged on to TOMMY SPARK CC account and requested that his ~$61.00 in “reward points” be redeemed via a personal check sent to him at Westmont address; ensured SPARK account was still open but locked

  • Logged on to Amica insurance internet account site, created account for TOMMY and ensured that my photos from storm damage had been properly received in support of TOMMY claim on weather damage

  • Created contacts for essential Amica claims adjuster/inspectors

Tue 05/21/24

  • Inputted all waiting invoices/deposits/bills/payments

  • Emailed Kim at GWMetals with two new work invoices

  • Created Kollin Hurt Forestry contact in TOMMY phone contacts list (henderson property)

  • Scanned and saved Kollin Hurt Forestry original hand written note (TOMMY provided)

  • Filed KHurt Forestry contact info in hard copy TOMMY office “Henderson” file folder

  • Updated/checked TOMMY Fidelity contact info (no emergency contacts defined for main brokerage account)

  • Ordered replacement UPS unit for one that was destroyed in storm on 05/16/24

  • Scanned copy of Campas Lawn bill for tree clearance at Westmont; filed digital copy on cloud storage and placed printed copy in TOMMY office “Household” file folder

  • Ordered shelving brackets/screws for dining and office shelves

  • Sent Watco invoice to TOMMY for pricing information

Wed 05/22/24

  • Fixed outdoor rooftop surv cameras and prepared project folder to archive all 05/16/24 storm footage

  • Reconnected other outdoor cameras and ensured proper function/sd card space

  • Created “First Baptist” physical file folder in dining office per TOMMY request

  • Received question from TOMMY about his online SS account creation; I had created his SS user account online a few days earlier and also notified him (see this log up a few lines)

  • Archived all outdoor cam storm footage on cloud server; manually converted native cam RAW captures to MP4 for eventual editing purposes.

  • Manually adjusted TOMMY office workstation desk to be about 8” higher

  • Spackeled drywall where shelving damage occurred

Thur 05/23/24

  • Ordered portable air conditioner per TOMMY request from AMZ; printed and stored digital archive on cloud server

  • Ordered drywall anchors and bath mat from AMZ for common bath (DISCOVER)

  • At shop by 8am for day

  • Ran Watco outstanding invoice over the phone with Albert; filed for inputting

  • Took two items back to UPS drop off on Wallisville

  • Placed HTIRE shop mail items on TOMMY home office desk

  • Began archiving roof top camera storm footage

Friday 05/24/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clearn/house vac

  • At shop by 8:30am

  • Real Madrid_2GEXT / Julio010203

  • Cheetah drive in at shop; mounted one new trailer tire; Ray/TRL4 L/F;  invoiced and filed with other cheetah invoices at shop

  • Main shop impact broke; began process of returning/exchaning wit AMZ/DeWalt

  • Self paid extra $20 on ATT wireless bill for data overage due to storm

Sat 05/25/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clearn/house vac

  • At shop by 8:30am to check property

  • At house all day; cleaning; prepping wall for shelf

  • Printed and stored hard copy and digital copy of discover purchases for food/gas/other things while TOMMY in vegas; filed in dining office cabinet

Sun 05/26/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clearn/house vac

  • Finished patching dining room drywall and then sanding for shelf install and painting

  • Installed dining shelf in original location using heavy duty drywall anchors

  • Repainted all new spackle drywall repair areas and wall around new shelf installation

  • Captured storm footage from roof camera and saved to digital storage and also to youtube

Monday 05/27/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clearn/house vac

  • House all day

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work 

  • Discussed Atlas misplaced check with TOMMY

  • Discussed DeWalt impact wrench warranty claim with TOMMY and scheduled info for phone call/email to DeWalt

  • Informed TOMMY of Discover charges for food/gas while on his Vegas trip; referred to dining office file folder where I store and note any/all Discover card charges

  • Provided TOMMY with recent “Rigo” TGS invoice for completion/revision

  • Printed invoice for TOMMY AMEX order of portable AC unit, citing ETA for arrival as well as info on the unit ordered (photos/reviews/etc.)

  • Ordered (JOEL PAY) new socks/underwear/t-shirts/ear bud foam tips from AMZ (JOEL 2166 VISA)

Tue 05/28/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clearn/house vac

  • Emailed Atlas and notified of missing check; sent new Atlas statement with missing check line item invoice showing as still due as well as a new 05/16/24 work invoice.  Agreed to wait a few days and if missing check does not show up then Atlas rep will issue new check for entire outstanding statement.

  • Signed up at DeWalt to facilitate exchange/RMA of recently failed DeWalt shop impact; informed TOMMY of process and printed/archived ongoing docs

  • Emailed Clyle at TGS with new work invoice showing pre applied, typical PO number

  • Emailed TOMMY latest TGS invoice for 12.5x80x18 per request for new invoice pricing information

  • Went to AMZ hub locker to pick up recent personal (JOEL PAY) items (shirt, boxers, etc.)

  • Per TOMMY request, emailed ACCOUNTANT Cannon (accountant) new Capital Bankcorp dividend check; filed printed copy in dining office for TOMMY and stored digital copy on household cloud server

  • Researched purchase of new JOEL phone (HTIRE PAY).

Wed 05/29/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Moved spare chair out of bathroom and next to TV in common living room; clearing out bathroom of unnecessary objects and also thought chair would help for quick/easy adjustment of TOMMY TV antenna

  • Archived photos of damaged DeWalt impact and prepared for filing claim with either DeWalt or via our Amazon Full Protection plan (whichever is faster)

  • Spoke with ATT about upgrade possibilities for my personal/work phone

  • Emailed per TOMMY request latest Crumley invoices and also texted a note that a previous text message I had sent in the ACCOUNTANTe phone thread had a large number of the most recent Crumley invoices that he could refer to by “scrolling up.”

  • Planned placement of HD shelf supports for dining office main shelf and x3 brackets installed in bedroom storage closet. Marked intended installation locations for upcoming install work

  • Organized waiting Quickbooks work and emailed Clyle invoice of latest TGS work w/ PO applied

Thur 05/29/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Emptied house/office trash cans for city pickup day

  • Sent TOMMY copy of recent TGS invoice for pricing purposes

  • Found missing shelf for fridge and installed in freezer

  • Recycle and trash taken out to road

  • Metal scrap from recent storm moved to recycle bin

  • Organized photos for DeWalt impact return

  • Looked into TOMMY found “termite”/found nothing

Fri 05/30/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Printed TOMMY EGO blower receipt and delivery update (today)

  • Printed brochures for EGO blower product and EGO weed/trimmer product lines for TOMMY to look at

  • Ordered APC UPS replacement for unit that was damaged during storm/insurance claim

  • Printed AMEX 7005 receipts from AMZ noting which items had been returned

  • Picked up JOEL personal items from AMZ hub locker

  • Took two items back to UPS for AMZ return (unused office items)

  • Shop from 10:30am to noon covering for TOMMY

  • Filed claim at DeWalt site for replacement impact; printed/filed associated info

  • Unboxed/assembled new EGO electric blower and left out for TOMMY inspection

Sat 06/01/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Confirmed that DeWalt warranty claim was in process at dewalt web site

  • Met with Santos at 6pm to discuss trim/house work and confirmed to have a quote in the next week

  • Also discussed (loosely) the future possibility of drive way additions

  • Installed new UPS battery backup at front window/living room location for power outage backup of HTIRE/home Xfinity internet; central xfinity/internet device is installed there.

  • Received new UPS battery backup (AMEX 7005) ordered to replace storm damaged unit and filed with AMICA CLAIM

Sun 06/02/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Assembled EGO electric blower

Mon 06/03/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Phone time with ACCOUNTANT Cannon working out TGS invoicing stuff

  • Phone time with Jennifer Beenan at TGS discussing invoicing

  • Phone time with ATD to have contact information and statement delivery process modified; received latest statement from ATD with information how to pay online

  • Emailed TGS several new work invoices

  • Inputted all waiting invoices/bills/deposits/checks

  • Organized waiting work in prep for statement creation

  • Created digital binder of latest TGS payment check and emailed to TGS

  • Signed up for ATD online and paid HTIRE balance with AMEX 7005

Tue 06/04/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Phone call with ACCOUNTANT Cannon to solve an invoicing/statement issue; was resolved

  • Organized all current outstanding customer invoices for statement creation

  • Inputted new bills/deposits/invoices/payments in Quickbooks

  • Signed up at McGee Tire online account to pay bills and order; made note to call Carrol and pay current HTIRE balance with McGee

  • Filed physical copies of latest WF “Emerald” and “HTIRE” checking statements in TOMMY dining office; filed/noted digital copies as well

  • Inputted seven new NCEMS checks and sent payment confirmation receipt to NCEMS payables department

  • Emailed Anders Watson at Amica regarding our claim payment and asked that he file my info as primary contact moving forward

  • Logged into Progressive and set up HTIRE online account access; noted another F150 account open with Progressive which they asked to confirm as ours or not; made note to phone Progressive to discuss this “ghost” account

  • Sent ACCOUNTANT Cannon latest Capital Bank Corp dividends payment check copy

  • Returned several items to UPS on Wallisville

  • Emailed Larry at Cheetah to arrange meeting on Friday 06/07 to run outstanding Cheetah invoices

Wed 06/05/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Emailed Atlas invoice to TOMMY for pricing information

  • At shop from 10:30am to noon covering for TOMMY

  • Spoke with DeWalt about our ongoing warranty claim on failed impact wrench; submitted info requested by DeWalt to facilitate the warranty claim; awaiting response

  • Spoke with Larry at Cheetah and confirmed meeting for Thurs 06/06 to run CC invoices

  • Spoke with Santos re: home repairs/insurance/storm damage; Santos quoted $700 to repair front/side facing facia and front facing underlying wood structure where damaged; said would phone him as soon as I discussed with TOMMY

  • Made deposit at personal bank

  • Boxed unnecessary recent office purchase to return to UPS drop off

  • Second call with Santos confirming to begin house work this saturday; spoke with TOMMY and informed him that Santos would require $400 for initial materials purchase.

  • Received $500 cash from TOMMY for Santos materials/work on Saturday

  • Spoke with TOMMY about Chase deposit problem and received $100 reimbursement from HTIRE since Chase had been erroneously reading the hand written checks, thinking the deposits were for less than they actually were

Thurs 06/06/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Cut front yard/blew off front porch/drive/garage

  • Filed recent JOEL DISC food purchases in TOMMY filing/office cabinet

  • Printed and verified all new AMEX 7005 statement charges and marked those HTIRE/JOEL/TOMMY related accordingly (including AMEX HTIRE returns)

  • Encountered a conflict with Dropbox QB company file; my recent input/statements work was not visible; I then restored my earlier QB company file backup from my last work session and my most recent work was then present; deleted all QB files from dropbox folder and copied my new/restored company file over to the Dropbox folder so ACCOUNTANT Cannon’s office/users will have their copy updated in their own Dropbox folders; made notes to find a less problematic way to collaborate each month on QB company file work and planned a conversation with ACCOUNTANT Cannon to resolve

  • Inputted new invoices/bills/deposits

  • Sent Atlas Truck Sales a revised new statement to include the most recent Atlas work invoice from 06/05/24; emailed copy of new statement and new invoice to Kim and Reese at Atlas

  • Worked on troubleshooting issues with outdoor camera network connectivity

  • At shop from 10am to 1pm covering for TOMMY

  • Took TOMMY to Hobby airport from 2 to 3pm

Fri 06/07/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Cut back yard

  • washed/cleaned ego mower and stowed

  • Shop from 8am to 2pm / TOMMY in Vegas

  • Spoke with Reese at Atlas; he needs x2 225/70R19.5 tires and will speak with TOMMY on Monday to get started

  • Messaged TOMMY in Vegas with new Reese/Atlas info for tire order

  • Spoke with Paula at Romar and arranged for her to send photo of her tire size so we can order the tires in advance of monday

  • Messaged Santos (contractor) to confirm our Sat 8:30am meeting to begin house work

  • Checked ambient temp of house interior and attic at 3pm after leaving AC completely turned off while at shop all day, then compared difference of attic/home interior temperature versus outdoor temp to determine whether the fan/radiant barrier was functioning correctly.

    Outdoor temp: 96F -> house interior w/o AC: 80F -> inside of house with no AC all day was 16F lower than outdoor temp (ideal/far better than average S TX home). 

    Outdoor temp: 96F -> attic temp: 105F -> attic temperature with no AC on all day was 9 degrees hotter than the outdoor temp (S TX state recommendation is attic temp should never be over 20 degrees higher than outdoor temp; therefore, an attic temp of only 9 degrees hotter than the outdoor temp is exceptional considering the 20 degree delta/threshold published by the state of Texas.

    Conclusion: The radiant barrier/insulation/solar exhaust fan are working very well.

Sat 06/08/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • 9am to 4pm: wall mounted surge protector in living space N/W corner; wall mounted broom/mop organizer on back porch; wall mounted Dyson Vac charging/docking station in TOMMY dining office and configured wiring for charging at the wall mount station; installed metal support brackets under TOMMY dining office shelf over ironing board; wall mounted surge protector in TOMMY dining office (ironing board area); sanded/repainted all wall surfaces in dining office shelf area (ironing board area); painted newly installed metal support bracket under TOMMY office shelf; used remaining paint to go through house (not TOMMY room) and repainted any areas that showed paint damage.

  • Organized/cleaned TOMMY office desk; left two manilla folders out clearly labled. One containing two random, very small value checks and the second folder with items I found that he might still need. Otherwise, shredded any needless paper material

  • Some time in the painting/installing, I left the sink food disposal running (cleaning paint brushes/water based paint); Insinkerator won’t currently start; my suspicion is the unit might have burned up due to my not turning it off before returning to house work.

  • Took photos of (apparently) failed Insinkerator food disposal in preparation for warranty claim if possible

  • Spoke with Santos (contractor) due to his needing to re schedule our project start till Monday morning; citing wife in hospital; replied said any time is fine

  • Made list of home stuff needing completion (bathroom block out curtain, shelf supports, TOMMY office stock and organizing of supplies)

  • Logged onto DeWalt HTIRE account and checked status of DeWalt impact return; my latest message with them was only 3 days ago so will wait till mid next week before pressing with the support team

  • Spoke with TOMMY in VEGAs; updates on Romar and Atlas

  • Kroger for groceries

Sun 06/09/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Cleaned baseboards in dining office

  • Cleaned kitchen/mopped floors and troubleshooting on sink food disposal

  • Kroger for groceries

  • Organized waiting info in labled folders on TOMMY office desk

  • Cut up large amount of large old boxes in Joel bedroom closet and from garage

  • Moved old, unused heater out of living room and into garage for summer time storage

  • Emptied all office shredder bins

  • Discussed TOMMY issue with claiming to have lost a $3800 check from Amica re: our recent storm damage claim

  • Emailed Anders Watson at Amica to confirm if such a check was ever mailed and to discover what the fundamental issue really is (Did TOMMY recieve/misplace the Amica check or was there a bit of confusion somewhere and in fact, the check has simply not been mailed at all? 

  • Noted the date of Amica’s claim and the “Date Paid” which was 06/03/24 and then looked at every piece of mail we have received at 1121 Westmont since 06/03/24 to find that, according to the USPS Informed Delivery account, no mail from Amica (via USPS at least) has not been received.

  • Printed and explained the mail verification process I saw to at USPS to TOMMY and noted that it’s possible he never received a check at all but was simply remembering the Claims Payment Notice which he did indeed leave on his desk and which I found and filed for him when cleaning

  • Went through all data received from Amica to-date to ensure the check was not somewhere in my office; found no indication of any check from Amica ever being on my desk/files

Mon 06/10/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Spoke with DeWalt re: HTIRE impact warranty replacement and confirmed an acceptable resolution; DeWalt is shipping us a replacement impact but it is the newer generation model since our exact unit was discontinued some time back and replaced with the new version they will be sending us

  • Printed copies of new DeWalt DCF900 tech specs and place copy on TOMMY desk and filed in Joel files; also saved digital archive to HTIRE cloud server

  • Spoke with TOMMY and emailed him latest Atlas invoices for pricing purposes

  • Continued ongoing effort to organize all primary HTIRE clients paid invoices into file folders for eventual migration to TOMMY office filing cabinet

  • Moved kitty condo in bathroom cause cat started freaking again

  • Spoke with various Amica representatives and determined first check was printed on 06/04/24; rep said that it’s highly unlikely that the check would have arrived before 06/06/24 (Thursday, time of TOMMY departure to Vegas) and that is likely why I can find no verification with USPS that anything from Amica came to our mailbox last week.

  • Had amica (Anders Watson) void first check and re issue the Amica payment check; Anders confirmed that he had done such and we should see the re issued check within a week (ACCOUNTANTe as first check)

Tue 06/11/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Emptied garage of all old junk boxes; cut up all boxes and put in outdoor recycle/trash bins

  • Put TOMMY $500 cash for contractor work under his desk calculator

  • Cut back yard/blew off front/back porch and garage

  • Isolated any item from garage clean up into TOMMY various storage spaces: old slides/old pics/etc.; placed all items in living bureau glass cabinets

  • Organized few items left on garage shelves

  • Logged on to Hobby airport parking portal and made reservations for TOMMY vegas trip; emailed hobby garage login receipt to TOMMY and filed digital archive

  • Emptied house trash bins

  • Spoke with DeWalt support and received confirmation of impact replacement (MAX XR)

Wed 06/12/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Finished waiting quickbooks work and organized waiting work into archives for hand off to ACCOUNTANT; made note of the two items needing ACCOUNTANT to look at (TGS wierd imbalance and $5000 deposit I can’t make sense of

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon about QB file hand off as well as ways to improve file sharing while avoiding conflicts

  • Met with Santos (contractor) and discussed home renovations; we agreed that the best approach would be a quote on the whole house, doing only the “facia” or front facing wood trim and not considering the replacement of the metal as that requires custom fabrication from structure to structure and greatly increases the cost.

  • Emailed Anders Watson at Amica requesting that our 1121 Westmont account mailing address be adjusted from 12988 Market St (legacy mailing address) to our home address.

  • At shop from 10am to 2pm

  • Took Krista back to Romar after her tires were mounted

  • Spoke with McGee and left REP a message

  • Spoke with Acadia insurance (HTIRE DELIV TRK) and they say they have no policy under HTIRE currently annd the last one expired in June 2023.

  • Photographed and archived HTIRE delivery truck info (VIN/PLATE/ETC)

  • Created project folder on cloud server and archived photos for HTIRE delivery truck for confirmation of insurance

  • Created DOCS for tracking HTIRE insurance and TOLL ROAD accounts info update

  • Scanned/archived latest toll road statement and identified TOMMY Merc on statement but the other two plates visible do not match the delivery truck; most likely an error with HC Toll Road Auth which is still under Nadine’s name

  • Updated HTIRE to-do list with the above new items

  • Submitted request to have HTIRE phone caller ID switched to “Harris Tire Company” (currently says “Nextiva - Harris Tire Temp”

  • Got call from TOMMY informing me that Bella may call about having her car towed to the shop for work

Thurs 06/13/24

  • Shop from 8am to 3pm

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Spoke with Santos about home facia repair; he quoted $2800 for entire house, front facing Hardy Plank with paint.

  • Spoke with Krista at Romar to inform of her waiting invoice and $10 change on Monday w/ TOMMY at shop

  • Followed up with REP at McGee to begin setting up a COD payment process to solve the problem of how to constantly make payments as need; confusion is occurring as some times TOMMY orders tires and pays on the spot and other times he orders via phone. Goal is to agree on a consistent process moving forward.

  • Emailed John at ETP to see what he thought about installing a AT&T wif fi extender, explaining that HTIRE would take on the additional cost each month and he could keep it or return it to AT&T if/when TOMMY no longer needed it for useable internet at front of shop.

  • Spoke with Fernando at Cannon office and recieved clearance to use company file


Friday 06/14/24

  • Shop from 8am to 3pm

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac



  • Helped a dude on a bike who got hit by a car

  • Assisted with AAA towing of property owners car

Saturday 06/15/24

  • Shop from 8am to 3pm

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Cut yard/cleaned mow

  • Kroger for groceries and water and stowed in advance of brewing tropical storm in gulf

Sun 06/16/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Clean/vac house/bath

  • Emptied trash cans housewife

  • Installed new curtain rod and black out curtain in bathroom to replace the years old generic blinds which were falling apart

Mon 06/17/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Informed TOMMY of my beginning to request data related to 01/11/24 incident

  • Spoke with ACCOUNTANT Cannon re: particular old TGS invoice amount of $464.64 which we determined was a remnant of old work error; I requested that he simply delete that invoice record after he suggested that the likely best option as the item was a “phantom” entry

  • Did research on legal aspects of archiving daily data archival

  • Gave ACCOUNTANT Cannon clearance to work in QB company file to fix the TGS “phantom invoice” issue.

Tue 06/18/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Organized waiting quickbook work

  • Set up archival process for daily log files (cloud and x2 local)

  • TXT messaged REP at McGee requesting her email

  • Informed Santos (contractor) that TOMMY was considering his $2800 contract quote and we’d get back to him on things once TOMMY decides what he wants to do

  • Received and filed notice from Amica that storm damage payment had been reissued on 06/14/24; messaged Anders Watson to confirm the specific mailing address since he had changed our mailing address about the ACCOUNTANTe time (for USPS Informed Delivery photo verification upon arrival)

  • TOMMY requested that $1000 be moved from his core position to an experimental Crypto account at Fidelity

  • Logged on to TOMMY Fidelity account and transferred $1000 from core to experimental/research Crypto account

  • Received confirmation from Anders Watson at Amica that latest storm damage check will arrive at our recently updated account mailing address (1121 Westmont); can now watch for it before it’s delivered via USPS Informed Delivery.

  • Emailed chair company to see if we can get replacement arms/back for the stand up chair base we have on the porch

  • Shop from noon to two.

Wed 06/19/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Organized waiting quickbook work

  • Inputted all waiting bill/checks/invoice in Quickbooks

  • Several hours working on JOEL personal work

  • Printed batch of new invoices and left in mailbox for TOMMY retrieval

  • Did research on network wi-fi extender for home outdoor cameras

  • Purchased new Wi-fi extender from Amazon

  • Emptied trash and took to bins for COH pickup on Thursday

  • Recieved confirm from ACCOUNTANT Cannon that I was clear in Quickbooks

  • Inputted latest QB work

Thurs 06/20/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Organized waiting quickbook work

  • Inputted all waiting bill/checks/invoice in Quickbooks

  • Most of day working on JOEL work

  • Researched an ESCO Tire Demounting tool and emailed product info at ESCO site as well as a demonstration video to watch at YouTube

  • Recived notice from SANTOS (Contractor) that he could reduce his facia home repair from $2800 to $2500 if it might help with getting started; notified TOMMY and printed info for filing

FRI 06/21/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • JOE/BETTY organizing for day

  • Recieved TOMMY confirm that he had received the final Amica claims check

  • Discussed Romar even next week (RETIREMENT PARTY)

SAT 06/22/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Gathered new work and organized for inputting on Monday

  • Printed/filed TOMMY latest eye care payment (print and digital)

  • Printed/filed TOMMY latest Amica (AUTO/HOME/UNBRELLA) PAYMENT  (print and digital)

  • Checked proper function of back porch “auto dim” lights; working fine after taping the switch to “ON” position. 

  • Created new file folder in TOMMY office for AMICA which holds everything AUTO/HOME/UMBRELLA related

  • Scanned/ and stored digital copy; filed physical copy in TOMMY office file cabinet.

  • Spoke with Home Depot support to get source for purchasing new arms/backs for the stand-up chair base we currently have.

  • Contacted AOOLIVE to request info on purchase options for new stand-up-chair; emailed contact providing photo of chair base SKU as reference for matching arms/back

  • Cut back yard grass/cleaned/stowed mower and left out for the front yard work the following morning.

  • Worked on personal projects

  • Left message with Santos Jimenez (contractor) that TOMMY had agreed to his offer of $2500 and to call me at his convenience to discuss planning work start

  • Emailed requesting assistance with rehoming our Bengal cat

SUN 06/23/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Cut front yard. Cleaned/stowed mower/blew drive and porch 

  • Shopping at Kroger

  • Received email from Aisworth regarding replacement side/back parts for chair base on porch

  • Received email from Aiesworth regarding replacement side/bck parts for chair bason porch

  • Confirmed TOMMY Bay Area Surgicare (BAS) appointment and set login password/name

  • Printed PRE OP recommendations from BAS and highlighted items important to note before surgery; left PRE OP recs on  desk; photographed and dated.

MON 06/24/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Confirmed TOMMY Bay Area Surgicare (BAS) appointment and set login password/name

  • Printed TOMMY PRE OP recommendations from BAS and highlighted items important to note before surgery; left PRE OP recs on  desk; photographed and dated.

  • Unboxed TOMMY new portable A/C unit; set up, configured and tested

  • Stored AC unit till TOMMY decides where he wants to install it; will require minor cutting of burglar bars

  • Organized work from new work folder and filed in JOEL office files

TUE 06/25/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Signed TOMMY up at his Wellcare Health Ins portal / filled in missing personal data

  • Signed TOMMY up at Bay Area Surgical Care and confirmed upcoming appointment on 06/26/24

  • Printed current Wellcare Card, and procedure info for surgery and placed in folder on TOMMY desk 

  • Created new WELLCARE folder in TOMMY office file cabinet; printed all current WELLCARE plan documents as well as copy of latest WELLCARE ID card

  • Spoke with Connie Campbell at Coastal Eye Associates and confirmed that his portal process at Bay Area Surgicare was completed; also confirmed with Connie that I will  be the person handling the post op visit on Thursday so we can see to the HEPA information allowing me to speak for him over the phone/etc.

  • Resubmitted new Bay Area Surgical form with Mac as driver w/ contact info/etc.

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work; scanned all new payment checks and archived for inputting and receipt via email

  • Sent Clyle at TGS two new invoice scans with PO applied

  • Received note from TOMMY that Marvin Hicks would be at the shop by 9am and I was to order two new 275/55R20/XL STRATUS HT 117H tires for mounting on 06/26/24. Have two existing K&M invoices received today that show two separate invoice numbers so need to check and see if they are already on will call (seem to be).

  • Updated software and Quickbooks software on JOEL laptop in prep for possibly working from shop with laptop for multiple days

WED 06/26/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Received tracking info for replacement arms for TOMMY stand-up lazy boy chair

  • Purchased replacement arms/back for TOMMY stand up lazy boy electric base (DISCOVER)

  • Shop from 8am to 1pm (Watco Square inv, $400 cash from M for his personal tires

  • Installed new wifi extender at TOMMY shop for decent internet access

  • Set up/confirmed online K&M portal account for HTIRE customer number

  • Messaged ETXPRTS owner about installation location of wi fi extender

THUR 06/27/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Shop all day

  • Took TOMMY for post OP check up from 2pm to 5pm

  • Spoke with Aisworth chair contact and confirmed that the shipment was on the way

  • Aiesworth rep let me know that he is sending me a whole new chair ($690) (PAID W DISCOVER)

  • Tested both new wifi extenders at shop to determine which should be kept and which to send back

FRI 06/28/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • At shop all day

  • Lots of wif fi extender troubleshooting

  • Received replacement TOMMY LazyBoy; printed and provided DISC invoices for base unit and arm/back SKUS; copied to secure storage

  • Spoke with John E about possible assistance with two laptops he’s locked out of

SAT 06/29/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Assembled new TOMMY Lazy Boy chair and printed DISC invoices for the two SKUs

  • Installed new Dyson hand held vac wall unit; wired to charge when Dyson vac is inserted

  • Drywall work/repair mounting dyson kit/repainting of minor damages

  • Facilitated TOMMY request to transfer $1000 from his Fidelity brokerage core cash position to his personal checking account; printed receipt and forwarded to TOMMY; filed secure copy on cloud server

  • Printed TOMMY DISC card statement from 04/24 to 06/24; provided notes for all line items related to home or my own use

SUN 06/30/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc. Fixed issues with dyson vac install location; mopped kitchen floors and removed excess (loose/hanging) metal trim from front facing facia on roof; moved metal material to back corner for pickup day 

  • Shopping at Walgreens; personal/home items

  • Spoke with Joe/Betty re: loaning them a portable BT speaker for campaign trip to NYC

  • Took photos of new chair arm/back skus to see if I can find anything on Ebay or otherwise after confirming that Aisworth (chair mfr) could not sell me hte arms/back (reason why they had to sell the whole chair to TOMMY).

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work for inputting and statement creation during work week

  • Installed first (of four) corner shelves in JOEL bedroom

  • Began planning of both JOEL personal spaces; I expect a ~2 month effort since both rooms will have to be completely emptied first; goal is to have sleeping arrangements in both spaces with fully functioning desktop work stations in each location since I am mostly working/sleeping in both spaces on a 24 hours basis.

  • Ordered two new door knobs for JOEL personal spaces; reason was to have a single key for both spaces (AMEX 7005)

  • Ordered small, single hanging file folder to mount on main JOEL office door (outside) for Tommy to drop any random items or “off the cuff thoughts/note”  in should he need to do so when I am sleeping or otherwise working/inaccessible (post 4pm, generally). AMZ AMEX 7005

MON 07/01/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc. 

  • Inputted latest invoices in QB

  • Emailed Reece at Atlas with a recent work invoice that had to be revised due to the ORG invoice having math errors (copied TOMMY)

  • At shop from 10am to 11am; configured Tommy laptop to auto connect to the now functioning wi-fi signal provided by EastTXParts.  Much better and fully functioning for the main stuff he/we do like emails and especially quickbooks work that I might do when there alone.  QB software is highly sensitive to bandwidth breaks/errors. New extender(s) solved the problem well.   

  • Informed John E at ETP of the ongoing wi-fi extender work and also forwarded general info on the product for better understanding of how it works

  • Emailed TOMMY latest TGS invoice for pricing

  • Messaged Larry at Cheetah to arrange a day/time for invoice payment at shop

  • Bought $40 gas at Stop and JOy for JOEL car (lots of airport/doc/comp returns/etc. lately); printed DISC receipt and filed in TOMMY office

  • Purchased mileage log app to document work related driving as that’s most of what I do and want to research tax impact/possibilities (write offs, etc.).

  • Went to bank to deposit pay check

  • Filed sixth request for information from HPD/MHD to obtain body cam data (JOEL PERSONAL) from 12/11/23 incident report

  • Recieved confirmation from Larry that we will meet Wed 07/03/24 at 11am to run cheetah invoices

  • Spoke with TOMMY about DISC charges from previous day at Walgreens and also noted (see audio logs) he had visited Walgreens today (30 mins) before going to shop. My hunch was to investigate the charges made the previous day by myself (filed in DISC folder) and hence my conversation (see audio logs around 8pm today).


TUE 07/02/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc. 

  • Scheduled meeting with Santos (contractor) to start home facia repair on Saturday July 6 at 5pm

  • Set up JOEL/TOMMY workstations for remote support; need to do the same with TOMMY company laptop to assist from house if necessary

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work for statements; waiting until July 5th to do statements to account for any work coming in this week or even over holiday

  • Cut front yard/blower/etc.

  • Received call from TOMMY at 8am to request that I give Kevin a notepad he left at the house; photographed my note and the notepad in question and archived on cloud server

  • Printed/filed TOMMY lazy boy PayPal/DISC payment info in TOMMY filing cabinet and archived digital on cloud server

  • Updated USPS Informed Delivery to copy TOMMY on all daily incoming mail photos delivered to 1121 Westmont

  • Began process of setting up USPS Informed Delivery for shop address but may have to coordinate with John E as they will likely have to verify the informed delivery as property owners


  • Removed any hanging/loose old metal facia material and set in heavy waste corner at back of house

WED 07/03/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc. 

  • Installed three new wall hanging single space organizers; drywall anchors installed; two at front door for JOEL / BROTHER mail and one on JOEL main office door labled (WORK DOCS) for when I am asleep. TOMMY has been taping things to the bathroom mirror so thought this would be a worthwhile effort.

  • Cut back yard, cleaned EGO mower under carriage

  • Removed EGO mower blade(s) for sharpening and set on garage shelving along with tools necessary for re install (see photo log)

  • Spoke with Santos (contractor) to delay our project start until after we know what is happening with the storm in the gulf; informed TOMMY of this change of plans

  • Configured TOMMY phone/GOOGLE and confirmed syncing of photos/contacts/apps/etc. 

  • Returned unneeded curtain hanger/bart to UPS at Wallisville RD local

  • Innputted all waiting HTIRE payment checks in QB company file

  • Created payment receipt binders for all payment checks inputted, sent PDF binders showing payment confirm and reception of check; binders include system generated payment receipt, a copy of the payment check as well as individual scans of all invoices paid by each check.

  • Kroger for ice cream; 

  • JOEL PERS project work (4 hours)

  • Noted the kitchen food disposal had tripped again (no idea why); fixed it as per previous event (depress red button on bottom of unit)

  • Did temporary seal of JOEL main office windows (very leak); used lightweight spacking; easy to remove. (see photo log)

THURS 07/04/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc. 

  • Told TOMMY about EGO mower blades and where tools/parts/impact were locatedin the garage (see photo log)

  • Otherwise JOEL PROJECTS for most of day (HPD/MHD/RECORDS REQUEST/CEASE-DESIST LETTER/ETC). Legal research (Civil Rules of Procedure) re: Cease and Desist letter vs Cease and Desist ORDER (latter involves court process; former is a legally binding request/warning).

  • Spoke with Rodney brieflyl around 2:45pm (see audio log); he was distant, not normal, quick to get off the phone.

FRI 07/05/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc. 

  • JOEL PROJECT: Archived weekly audio logs locally and on cloud server

  • Paid Sam Cannon $500 montly invoice 888; printed/dated copy and left on TOMMY desk (see photo log)

  • Filed digital copy of Cannon 888 invoice on cloud storage server

  • Prepared stain and brushes for fence work over weekend

  • Prepared bureau boxed in gagare for assembly over the weekend

  • Continued sealing of JOEL rear windows/smoothed spackle and applied first coat of FlexSeal over dried spackle.  Needs a few more FlexSeal coats. Also applied FlexSeal first coat at all other window seals (see photo log)

  • Installed both new JOEL room door knobs with matching keys (was lacking any key for main bedroom door; now both use same key (convenient)

  • Installed TOMMY new “water cooled” mini ac unit in his personal bathroom (see photo log)

  • Took large bag of clothes to drop off box at good will

  • Bank to make deposit

  • Shopping/chores/etc.

  • Received TOMMY reservation receipt for LaBareGe Casino; printed and set on TOMMY desk (see photo lot)

SAT 07/06/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc

  • Continued work on sealing outside JOEL room windows

  • JOEL personal work (all day)

SUN 07/07/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc. 

  • Showed TOMMY the basics of working his new bath AC unit

  • Nap from 2pm to 6pm or so

  • Messaged Larry at Cheetah to arrange a new date/time to run Cheetah invoices

  • JOEL personal work (all day)

MON 07/08/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc. 

  • Woke by TOMMY around 10pm; he freaking out about water blowing into attic and needing to check my gear; inspected entire attic next day and everything was perfect. No water entry, no water soaking into blow insulation material and no displaced insulation material anywhere.  Radiant barrier sheet were also intact and stapled/nailed exactly where they were originally installed.  Filmed, photographed entire inspection (see audio/photo/video log from today)

  • Configured TOMMY main desktop to use his phone’s hotspot since home internet is still out due to storm

  • 11:2opm: set up Westinghouse generator in advance of possibly needing it due to incoming hurricane. Removed from stow position; re organized fuel containers; double checked the lead from gen to house input and left lying if needed. (SEE PHOTO LOG from today)

  • Noted several bags of (defrosted freezer bags) in corner that were leaking on floor and producing black mildew; left note  on bags and notified of the leakage and mildew build up (same freezer bags TOMMY removed from freezer and left on the kitchen floor for two weeks (see above photo log and note); took photo of my hand written notes on these random items thrown in the kitchen corner.

  • Drove about assessing neighborhood damage from storm

  • Did full walk about of post storm property; took full walk about  photo and video log of entire front/back property as well as a good amount of time video documenting the state of the attic space as this was the reason for TOMMY’s “crisis” moment earlier that night when he was banging on my door claiming the roof had been torn off the house (dramatic but gets the point across). Turns out the attic space, the radiant barrier install and all of the “blow in” insulation material was as new.  This is why  we document…

  • Received new portable keyboard (AMZ AMEX 7005 purchase) for use with my mobile workstation and when working at the shop. Printed invoice and filed in physical digital locations

  • Continued work in bathroom, repairing damaged drywall with spackling material and FlexSeal. 

  • Sealed all old wall holes where mounting had failed (with spackling); in prep for repaint

  • Marked area in own room that needed to be repainted/repaired (drywall, etc.)


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc. 

  • Lots of time troubleshooting TOMMY/JOEL internet hotspot issues

  • Time gathering and archiving photos/videos of recent hurricane damage; stored digital copies and isolated set amount of “FINAL” photos to submit to Amica/Anders Watson 

  • Drywall/spackle work on damaged bathroom shower wall/corner

  • Blew drive/yard and removed all heavy debris (not much) and moved to curb

  • Spoke with neighbor Cornell about sourcing tree removal services

  • Several hours on JOEL personal work

  • Began researching Starlink as internet source provider for disaster circumstances

  • Added additional layer of FlexSeal to JOEL outdoor window seams (working very well; near silent in room now)

  • Received call from TOMMY around 5pm to help him bring in groceries (well past our earlier agreed upon JOEL 3pm sleep/stop point which has happened several times since our conversation about my being inaccessible after 3pm any given day); oddly, as usual, not a lot of groceries. I think he just wanted company (or to do a breath check) lol

  • Messaged Rodney and informed him further about my HPD/MHD process and that it would take some time but that I was committed to seeing it through and that all of my efforts are benign and non-harmful to any persons who might become involved.  Also, clarified the primary concern that makes my work mandatory which is I 100% can address the very obvious claims against my mental health made during that 12/11/23 incident (and I absolutely should, according to counsel with personal legal/health resources).

  • Call from Sam Cannon about assisting him with access to the MGM website so that he could make a payment; successful. Need to add his number as a verification number

WED 07/10/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Spoke with Sam Cannon

  • Spoke with TOMMY about how to go about filing new AMICA claim for recent Hurricane Damage; needed to ensure he had not already started a process with AMICA

  • Researched cost of Starlink backup internet

  • Kroger for Groceries; bought two jars mayo for TOMMY using TOMMY cash and provided receipt and change all other items JOEL pay.

THURS 07/11/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Reassembled EGO mower blades post sharpening and cut yard; cleaned/stowed mower

  • Blew garage front drive/walkway and cleaned EGO battery

  • Received new Amica claims contact info for latest claim

  • 10 hours troubleshooting HTIRE home local area network to try and get reliable internet access for Quickbooks work

Fri 07/12/24

  • Recieved and printed new equipment purchase invoice from TOMMY (elec compressor for shop; scanned filed digial archives); created pdf binders for each and stored on cloud

  • Spoke with Santos about home inspection for today at 1pm; scheduled to meet

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work for inputting and statements 

  • Emailed Chris new TGS invoices

  • Created new AMICA CLAIM 2 file in dining office cabinet to track second claim progress

  • Filed new contact for Jasmine Weaver at Amica who will be our CLAIM 2 contact person and recieved word from her that the adjuster should be contacting us soon

  • Logged in to TOMMY gmail account (phone sync) and added new contact for the Amica rep handling our latest Hurricane damage claim

  • Messaged Larry/Cheetah to keep in the loop about running CC invoices once we get power back to the shop

SAT 07/13/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Cleaned underside of EGO mower and battery terminals and stowed

  • Emailed physician about alternatives to MODA

  • Met with Santos (CONTRACTOR) to discuss newest Amica claim; decided to begin work some time next week and according to Santos’ current job schedule.

  • Spoke with Greg M. about investment stuff in the near future

  • Had tire repaired (Personal Car) at Red Top; met owner and discussed possible meeting in future to discuss logistics of handling trailers (cheetah, etc.); he was very receptive and we exchanged information to schedule a sit down

  • Dropped clothes at wash/fold

  • Messaged Larry at Cheetah to arrange CC invoice processing; Larry stil recovering from surgery.

  • Spoke with Adam w/ Amica inspections and scheduled inspection for Sunday 07/14/24 at 10am

  • Copied TOMMY on all above conversations.

  • Hours of testing using both JOEL ATT and TOMMY TMOBILE phones to troubleshoot which service is best for a hurricane situation (ie: no power/etc.); 

SUN 07/14/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Cut back yard/blower on garage and front back porch areas

  • Cleaned EGO mower and stowed

  • Met with Adam Winstead, the Amica inspections person and assisted him with his hurrican damage inspection

  • Informed TOMMY of Amica meeting and that I would be contacting our radiant barrier installer to stop by and have a look at our installation in the attic to ensure no damage was done.

  • Recorded Adam Winsteads contact info and added to JOEL/TOMMY google contacts

  • MicroCenter for temporary wifi adapter purchase

  • Vac’d and mopped kitchen and dining office

MON 07/15/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Emailed several recent TGS/NCEMS invoices to TOMMY for pricing info

  • Received T-Mobile MiFi portable hotspot (hurricane bonus) and configured for household usage

  • Organized few new QB items and decided to wait till end of week to do statements as we are still waiting for household internet (don’t trust using hotspots for sensitive data).

  • Received TOMMY request to adjust the auto-forward information for our HTIRE Nextiva account back to the land line at our shop; updated/fixed that via Nextiva Portal and confirmed with call back to TOMMY at shop

  • Sent message to Ultimate Radiant Barrier folks to request an inspection for hurricane damage in attic; copied TOMMY on emai.

  • Showed TOMMY that dining office copier was functioning; he’d thought it was not working

  • Emailed contact at TMOBILE to explore moving my phone service and new phone to their network; will call today

TUE 07/16/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Emailed TOMMY various invoices for pricing information

  • Sent CLYLE at TGS latest work invoices; need to input still

  • Group messaged LANCE/TOMMY re: payment of recent magellan invoice; also asked for clarification on  

  • Organized several NCEMS older invoices (01/24) which no recent payment checks showing as having been paid. Will have to email main payables lady to clarify and see if she has any record of those two invoices being paid; also need to confirm that we will be paying all NCEMS statement invoices at the end of each month and via credit card (no more multiple checks or checks).

  • Called Robert Egan to check on paying 07/15 ALL TRANS TICKET.  He claimed to not be involved so must have misunderstood when TOMMY conveyed info about the job. Will discuss and adjust process.  

  • Received email from TOMMY DISC card people reminding him to activate his 5% cash back option as it has to be re activated each year.

  • Logged onto TOMMY DISC CC portal and activated his 5% cash back option; printed verification with dated/inititaled note and left on chair (photo logged).

  • Spoke with Yarisa at T-Mobil and signed up to have my ATT number transferred over via the Harris Tire T Mobile account; down payment was $500 due to my older phone only providing $800 credit but monthly bill will only be about $50 (compared to previous, legacy ATT line which is currently costing $100 or so a month).

  • Established agreement with Yarisa to upgrade our mobile hotspot for free 50gb per month service (from default of 10gb); she offered this as a random gift.

  • Determined I could return first ATT new phone at local store within first two weeks of ownership and plan to do so tomorrow since the TMOBILE phone arrives tomorrow as well; get to keep my old Note10+ phone, even though they still gave me the $800 credit (great backup/emergency phone)

  • Researched quality two way radio systems for disaster preparedness

WED 07/17/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Emailed TOMMY various invoices for pricing information

  • Left message with Lance for running of Magellan Invoice

  • Spoke with T-Mobile about new portable hotspot and new HTIRE line

  • Scanned and printed TOMMY most recent AMEX travel info/signed dated/photo logged

  • Double checked with TOMMY on $500 left under his adding machine (SANTOS contractor) as it was no longer there where I had left/photo logged it.  He explained that he had moved it.

  • Spoke with TOMMY and informed that I would be getting started with SANTOS on FACIA repair

  • Shop from noon till 3pm cover for TOMMY medical appointment

  • Spoke with Julia about visiting this Sunday to help fix her camera and maybe watch a movie with here and TOMMY

  • SpOKE with ATT about returning new phone

  • Visited local att store to return phone

THUR  07/18/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Finalized return of ATT new HTIRE phone and dropped off at UPS; took photos of all return and shipping labels as per ATT’s recommendation

  • Sent various invoices to TOMMY for pricing purposes

  • Sent latest work invoices with PO applied to Chris at TGS

  • Confirmed portable hotspot *free* upgrade to 50gb a month

  • Spoke with TMobile about delivery of new phone

  • Messaged Larry about running CC invoices and forwarded his response to TOMMY

  • Informed TOMMY that switching to TMobile for my HTIRE phone is saving us $50 a month

  • Walgreens for toiletries

FRI  07/19/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Prepared and printed “in process” HTIRE and WESTMONT property work and left copies on TOMMY chair; photo logged/dated and archived

  • Presented a simple explanation of how TOMMY current Fidelity portfolio is functioning, with maturity dates (only one remaining) as well as the specifics of the two CASH positions he will hold in SPAXX and FDRXX once the FIRST FED CD matures in August. Printed/signed/dated/photo logged and left copies on TOMMY chair

  • Emailed CHRIS/TGS the most recent work invoice(s) with PO applied; filed for posting once home internet is restored

  • Received confirmation that new TMobile phone will arrive today; left signed/dated/photo logged copy of this info on TOMMY chair, highlighting the $50 per month cost reduction the transfer to TMobile will save him.

SAT  07/20/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Cut front yard, cleaned mower and blew front/back areas

  • Used entire gallon of stain to treat the newly installed 13’ wooden fence on the north side of the property

  • Stain job noted/dated/photo logged

  • Contacted Santos (contractor) and scheduled to meet for project start on Wed 07/24

  • Informed TOMMY of meeting with Santos

  • Finalized set up of new phone (HTIRE)

  • Phoned Lance at Magellan and ran his outstandingi invoice; filed digital copy and left second, printed copy on TOMMY chair; dated/photo logged

  • Informed TOMMY that Louis at Alltrans was unreachable for invoicing

  • Sent TOMMY message quoting Larry’s comment on his situation and why he’s not currently able to run cards at the shop

SUN  07/21/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Cut back yard; cleaned underside of EGO mower and stowed;

  • Blew all front back areas

  • Informed TOMMY/J that we could not watch a movie over here until our internet was turned back on

MON  07/22/24


  • Vac/house/organize/etc.

  • Spoke with Sam Cannon about QB file hand off; explained situation with internet being down; gave approximate date of this wed

  • Entered all waiting vendor/bills/invoices/checks/deposits in Quickbooks

  • Logged into K&M online portal to print legible invoices for a large batch of “pink” hand written invoices where pricing information and invoice numbers were not readable.  Printed official receipts for each pink hand written invoice and then inputted

  • Created new Progressive file folder in TOMMY office for service truck insurance information

  • Contacted Xfinity about our internet still being out

  • Called and discussed the Quickbooks hand off with Fernando and arranged for him to be in the software over night and I would start invoices tomorrow

TUE  07/23/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Time on phone with accountant working out some issues related to using Dropbox with Quickbooks. Need to figure out a more reliable way to collaborate on the company file; Dropbox causes too many issues

  • All day inputting waiting items on hold during internet outage; bills, checks, credit card charges, invoices, deposits, payments, etc.

  • Mopped kitchen/dining/office areas

  • Attended 2 hour conference call wit LPAC friends in NYC (Zoom meeting)

  • Was asked by former co workers at LPAC if I’d like to work in NYC but declined; good news, though and will be working towards possibly making that transition if living circumstances become more problematic in the coming months

  • Confirmed restoration of home internet by not being able to stop working lol (all night, basically)

  • Organized all recent payment checks, stored digital copies on HTIRE cloud server and created individual payment receipt binders for each customer and per check received.

  • Emailed payment receipt binders to all respective clients

WED  07/24/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Began HTIRE work around 1am: posted waiting payment checks to Quickbooks and in advance of statement creation; organized all remaining HTIRE customer statement data and created digital statement binders for all HTIRE clients with outstanding invoices

  • Emailed statement binders to respective HTIRE clients (payables dept’s  cc’d TOMMY)

  • Spoke with Santos (Contractor) and confirmed 1pm meeting to hand off $500 cash starter material

  • Santos (contractor) informed me that his pay process is three part: the initial payment of $500 and then 2 more installments, one before starting facia replacement and the last payment before the painting/sealing step.

  • Met with Santos at 1pm and handed off the first  $500 cash installment towards full house facia repair; Santos will forward contract explaining further payment dates.  Essentially, once he has materials, the remaining balance is paid in three parts when work starts.  (appox $2500/3= $833 across 3 installments

  • Left update letter on TOMMY chair reminding him that Thursday is when our agreed upon 3 to 4 days of exclusive JOEL/pesonal time is in effect. 

THUR  07/25/24

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Spoke with Santos (contractor) and confirmed delivery of first materials for facia repair (in back yard against fence)

  • Second call with Santos confirming delivery of official quote document showing receipt of initial $500 materials payment as well as the payment schedule for rest of job; Santos or his wife will contact me tomorrow and if I’m unavailable, they will leave the document in our 1121 Westmont Driveway

  • Authored/edited various posts on personal legal blog

  • Discussed TOMMY personal filing system and explained that I’d been planning on building that out for months. No use to do so until he is here 100% of the time as allowing him to randomly rifle through the invoice system I’ve created for myself AS A CONTRACTOR for HTIRE would not function as his actions while I’m away would quickly destroy the work I’ve done creating a filing system that allows me to perform my contractual duties.  Texas laws make clear that such actions are unlawful if employing a contractor of any kind and that, in fact, anything I design and/or create that is central to my doing my contractual job is legally considered my (the contractors) intellectual property.

  • Informed TOMMY that today is when my personal time begins (thru Sun) and  other than simple things like needing an invoice for pricing could be handled in the typical fashion (IE: simple text instead of driving over and almost losing control emotionally because he claims he could not price an invoice for Magellan which was likely the only work they did at the shop that day).

  • For the record, every statement I send to any client includes a copy of every hand written invoice posted and reflected on the statements; I copy TOMMY on all such statements, so the data he needs at any given time, if it’s been posted and presented as a statement, is in his email already and so why waste gas driving over for trivial matters that could be solved by simply taking a photo of every invoice he makes out or simply re visiting past statements?.  This is exactly what I do every day and it makes finding past, important data quite easy.  He repels at such suggestions, though, like it’s too hard or something Or even more so, like he’s offended I’m offering viably good advice..

  • Several hours legal research on laws regarding contract work and landlord/tenant relations; printed important findings and filed for future reference in advance of expected upset once I start certain certified letter deliveries which will go out in the next two weeks (cease desist letters/etc. Related to 12/11/23 claims made against my mental health). Letters are drafted and am awaiting attorney proof read before sending.

  • Spoke with the Jennings family in NYC for an hour or more; was asked quite matter of factly if I’d like  to come and work/live there in NYC but declined, citing it will be held as a valuable reserve option if necessary in the coming weeks and if TOMMY psychosis continues to escalate. Also qualified that I’m more concerned for my TOMMYs well being than my own at the moment and that to simply gather my stuff and leave this week would not be appropriate. For the record, this is only one of about three immediate flight options I am researching in preparation for that last resort becoming necessary as all signs seem to indicate such will likely be necessary sooner than later..

  • Created new “LEGAL” file folder for my personal filing cabinet for research documents

  • Printed important LANDLORD/TENANT documents clearly outlining my rights regarding my personal spaces; set aside to certify and then mail.  Basics are that TOMMY (landlord) cannot ever enter my personal space without 24 hour notice stating the purpose for entry. This was relieving as he is quite fond of just walking into my room and standing over me as though I’m to stop what I’m doing and “serve” him immediately.  I will send this data to him in the next week or two.

  • Printed various legal documents regarding TX law and the destruction of a tenants personal property by landlord or any other individual and filed for future reference in the event of needing to pursue legal recourse should more violent events occur in my personal space (there have been many video/audio documented events over past few years with two specific persons responsible for about $8000.00 in intentional damage to my personal tools and property.  No compensation for such intentional, provable damage has ever been mentioned or offered by those who destroyed my property. So I will be prepared next time. I will ultimately publish extensive details on all such past violent events (including the complete destruction of my personal 

$5000 computer/workstation several years ago by TOMMY during one of his rage episodes (when he also dragged me all about the house, scalded me with hot water and then “made” me spend several hours cleaning the house with him following me about saying things like “oh yeah! We’re gonna get to work! Yeah, we’re not even close to being finished!” (to me, at the time, it sounded like he was speaking to my 15 year old self lol … very fucking wierd.; all the while full aware of what was transpring but deciding to just go along with his psychotic break as simply and quickly rendering him unconscious would not have played out well for me after the fact, though the thought crossed my mind.. Similar violence upon myself would go on to occur several times over the years between 2021 and 2024 with the last being the most severe.

  • Talked with B Jennings again about assisting her with setting up text to voice dictation on her personal computer

  • Copied past full week of 24/7 audio logs to cloud server and reset recording device

  • Printed more TX law documents outlining the nuances of a contract employee using his/her own equipment to fullfill ones contractual duties; findings all indicate that this should represent a notable increase in salary. As things stand, I am using all of my own persona equipment (outside of the hard drives HTIRE sourced for our cloud server) every day to see to my HTIRE contract work which, according to all research should factor  into an increased pay rate; I will be requesting legal meetings to define a legitimate contractual agreement within the next two months as $430 (after taxes) is realy only about ⅓ of what I should be charging as a contractor for HTIRE.

Fri  07/26/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Finalized quickbooks HTIRE work and confirm with Sam Cannon that things were accurate

TSAT 07/27/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Personal time but interrupted by TOMMY losing his keys again

Sun  07/28/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Personal time; lots of talk with friends in DC 

MON  07/29/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Gathered newly provided HTIRE paperwork and organized for inputting later this week

  • Met with Santos (contractor) and assisted with the beginning of our facia replacement project; I video and audo logged everything including the recommended, additional repairs Santos said would be important for the job to be done appropriately (replacing severely rotting wood *under* the facia material, etc.)

  • Video / audio recorded all Santos/Contractor interaction

  • Installed internal door jamb lock in personal space

  • EMailed latest Jacintoport statement to payables department at Jacintoport

TUE  07/30/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Emailed ACCT latest MGM statement

  • Received call from TOMMY for old TGS invoice (pricing purposes)

  • Checked on and documented the contractor work process at home office property

  • Updated personal blog

  • Spoke with ACCT about SPARK card and whether to leave it open or close it considering the annual $59.00 charge; called to explore credit score impact of closing card vs leaving card open. Sam said closing would have no notable effect

  • Created payment receipt for latest crumley and grt western checks received and emailed to payables at client end

  • Spoke with McGee in Houston and Colorado locations to resolve some system based errors in transactions not being charged

  • Spoke with Laurel in CO with McGee to further discuss bettering the billing/payment process.

WED 07/31/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Met with Santos (contractor) in process of replacing housewife facia material and discussed his latest findings of more damaged material under the facia that will need to be replaced to allow the facia to be installed. Santos informed me of the price increase vs our original quote due to this extra work. Also informed contractor that I TOMMY would have his next $xxx.xx project installment cash on hand for him first thing Thursday morning.

  • Informed TOMMY of all ongoing contractor developments

  • Emptied all full house trash cans and took out to bins for pickup on Thursday morning; replaced all bags

  • Inputted all outstanding QB work (bills/invoices/payments/etc.

  • Created individual PDF payment receipt binders for the latest three client payment checks received and mailed copies to the payables department at each client location.

  • Emaiiled invoice scans to TOMMY for pricing

  • Spoke with CO located rep at McGee company via voice call and confirmed that they only show invoice data for the tire changer which makes sense as I think I bought the Esko tool and inputted it already (not from McGee). Also confirmed once more that we are now (AFAWK) correctly set up to have all invoices paid at time of services rendered and via HTIRE AMEX 7005 since part of yesterday was speaking with her (in CO) and our local TX McGee rep on joint calls to identify a slight mismatch in invoicing which was resolved.

  • Received additional request to transfer $x,xxx.00 from TOMMY Fidelity brokerage to TOMMY personal checking account

  • Fullfilled the above mentioned brokerage to bank transfer via authorized user access at Fidelity

  • Photo logged all related notes/info on cash transfer and left copies on TOMMY desk

  • Spoke with HTIRE ACCT via voice call and confirmed my waiting HTIRE Quickbooks work was completed and that he could wait half an hour to ensure our files are sync’d (DROPBOX, atm) and then take over company file for end of month tax work

THUR 08/01/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • At shop location from 9am to 3pm (TOMMY ON TRIP)

  • SHOP: Mounted two new ST235/16’s for RAY w/ Cheetah and drafted written invoice which was placed with other waiting Cheetah invoices that will be ran via CC soon

  • SHOP: Arturo w/ Great Western stopped by but we had the wrong size trailer tires; called K&M and organized the delivery of the correct size (SUPERCARGO ST235/85R16).  Also arranged for the return of the two SuperCargo ST23580R16’s which were the incorrect size

  • Several phone calls with ACCT to resolve a single Cheetah Square payment that was not showing as inputted; found invoice in question and forwarded to Fernando to input so he could finish his closing work at the ACCT office

  • Phone call to Martinez Auto to address a check that was written to them which our ACCT said had never been deposited.  Resolved the issue with Jaime at Martinez when he checked to find that the check had actually been written to them for $262.00 instead of the $261.77 item that ACCT was showing in our company file. Problem solved.

  • Logged onto TOMMY brokerage account, generated investment statements for CORPORATE brokerage from last five months and forwarded .PDFs for each statement to HTIRE ACCT

  • Call GRTWSTRN and updated them that their tires had arrived (correct ones) and that Arturo could come by any time Friday to see to the work.

  • Met with Santos (contractor) and provide 2nd installment payment for house work; Santos provided final payment amount of $1460 which includes the last $860 installment against our original estimate as well as an additional $600 for extra work found along the way.  

FRI 08/02/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • At shop location from 9am to 3pm (TOMMY ON TRIP)

  • Mounted two 16” ALLSTEEL trailer tires for GWESTRN MTLS for TOMMY’s disabled employee who said he was too weak to do the work; handled driver and paper work and informed client/driver.

  • Organized incoming mail and filed for leaving on TOMMY desk at home office

  • Fixed stopped up toilet at shop location (mens bath) and opened the typically locked, LADIES room for the ETParts guys till I could get the mens bath going.  Let the ETPRTS guys know the MENS room was fixed once I fixed it (just a clogged toilet).

  • Received FedEx letter for ETPrts Owner and left on his desk in back of property; left note, dated, initialed, photos (J.E. Owner of ETPrts had asked that I receive any random small packages such as that delivered today). Also informed ETPrts driver of the FedEx delivery for J.E.

  • Spoke with Santos (contractor) and confirmed final work on home Facia repair; Santos will be providing two separate quotes, specifically for insurance submission as we have two open claims with INSURANCE CO and he will write one quote for the first claim and one quote for the second claim, specifying that the quotes intended for insurance submission will be made out as though to a random client (IE: will reflect a significantly higher cost than our personal arrangement which he said might assist with getting as much from insurance as possible)

  • Santos said the job we are (when complete) paying for will cost us $3100 once factoring in the additional cost of extra work found along the way but the job would typically run a client upwards of $6000 to $8000, showing where he’d done a lot of work which he just “threw in” and did not charge for.

  • Photo documented all of Santos’ indicated extra work

  • Messaged TOMMY on trip with updates to work ongoing at shop

  • Organized new vendor/bills/etc for Quickbooks work on MOnday when ACCNT finishes end of month closing tax work

  • Several hours personal legal research/writing

SAT 08/03/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Kitchen and bath cleaning

  • Fixed two panels on my personal vehicle where OG/factory brackets had begun breaking; found parts at local auto store; super cheap, easy fix. No more sagging side panel.

  • Cut front lawn and blew off front walkway and drive area, including assisting with some of Santos’ (contractor) debris left from still in process housewife facia replacement

  • Spoke voice with Santos (contractor) and he informed me that for the last part of his facia repair project he would have to source a taller ladder and would be continuing work first thing Monday morning (expecting to also finish on Monday or at least be at the point of painting/finishing the material.

  • Also cut immediate neighbors front lawn as generally there’s not enough battery charge left in the EGO lawnmower to do our own backyard so it’s an easy 20 minutes of extra exercise to simply keep mowing and over into their front yard. I had let them know some months ago, that I might be doing this at random and if their lawn was free of the many cars that are often parked in the grass. IE: fully informed and they had no issue with my proposition (duh). 

  • Installed new solar panel/charger for personal wi fi cam installed on CITY pole that is positioned within our drive space. This is a new, JOEL/PERSONALLY purchased camera installed specifically to monitor only my personal vehicle; I also self-payed for the solar charger (which works amazing considering it was only $18). I leave my car unlocked every night simply to avoid broken windows (it’s happened) and about six months ago, my car was entered and ran sacked (but no windows broken!) and the camera will help in at least identifying such activity in the future.

  • Took photos of new camera/solar panel installation and archived on cloud server on the chance others who have damaged my personal property in the past (specific fam member) might do so again, allowing me to follow proper legal recourse in such an event.

  • Before starting yard work, noticed brother had left his personal 55” TV on our back porch with the main glass panel exposed to the constant contractor and my personal machine work around that space. Phoned brother to let him know that I would not be responsible for any damage to the TV due to it’s placement but needed to inform him as damage to the panel is almost guaranteed considering the way he left it.  I also let him know I would not be touching the property (TV) he left but would try and avoid damaging it as I saw to the work I need to do in that same area.  (my necessary protocol currently is to remain  100% uninvolved in random storage of other person’s property here at the home; reasons should be obvious.

  • Took photos of TV left on back porch by brother with signed/dated note and archived for future reference

  • Shopping for groceries/etc.

  • Several hours personal legal research and documenting/general writing

Sun 08/04/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Kitchen and bath cleaning

  • Rest of day cleaning/reorganizng room/etc.

  • TOMMY home by 1pm; at which point protocol required that I deal with any important business conversation and then retreat to my locked personal space

MON 08/05/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Kitchen and bath cleaning

  • 30 min meeting with Santos (contractor) to discuss the finishing steps of house repair; re visited the authoring of two quotes as we have two claims open with HOME INS.

  • Left impact wrench (was in living room) out on the drive for Kevin to come pick up after TOMMY calling asking where it was when it was (literally) right in the middle of the living room since Saturday.

  • TOMMY left message in my door file folder that he could not access Fidelity; user error guaranteed as I log on to his Fidelity account every day from both of or main home work stations; for the nth time, I instructed him to not try and access Fidelty via his cel phone or laptop due to the stringent/super problematic security protocols that such brokerages are naturally inclined to emply.  Super easy to get locked out, etc.

  • Called and confirmed that Kevin picked up the mysteriously unfindable impact wrench off the front drive. FYI> The shop impact wrench, in it’s HUGE ASS DeWalt baq was right in the middle of the living room so how TOMMY didn’t notice it is beyond me. More cognitive decline? He left a note on my door saying he looked in my car which is stupid since the giant ass impact (and bag) were, literally, sitting right in front of him all night previous. Considering the degree with which he scrutinizes my personal spaces (looking for god knows what) … I think it’s impossible that he’d not have seen the GIANT ASS DEWALT impact bag sitting between himself and the TV that he spends all of his free time in front of (endless Joe Namoth commercials lol).

  • Messaged contacts at Amica for two separate insurance claims in the works atm; letting both contacts, associated with both claims know that I would have an official contractor quote within the week.

TUE 08/06/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • SENT multiple invoices to TOMMY for pricing. Feck’d up the first time as I sent him TGS invoices when he was requesting Atlas invoices. My bad. Important to note.

  • Quickbooks work.

  • Updates with contacts in NYC orgnaizing with Dian Sare.

  • Sent severa invoices to TOMMY bit semt TGS arcjo

  • Meeting with Santos (contractor) to discuss recent fascia job; received final quote;

WED 08/07/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Swept and mopped kitchen and dining office area

  • At shop from 8am to 1030am (TOMMY medical stuff)

  • Cut back yard/cleaned/stowed Ego Mower

  • Spoke with Santos (contractor) via voice and confirmed that he would be returning to work on Thurs 08/08/24

  • Spoke with ACCNT about TOMMY tax form that will be handled by Sam

  • Emailed new work invoices with PO applied to CL at TGS

  • Emailed new work invoice to Sam Jung and Jennifer at GRTWSTRN

  • Organized waiting paper invoicing and other materials for Quickbooks work Thurs/Friday

  • Received email from Fernando at SC office confirming that next Wednesday was ideal for handing off Quickbooks company file for the July 31st tax year closing work.  Also followed up with Sam to keep him in the loop.

  • Contacted Alfredo w/ Watco and ran an outstanding invoice over the phone via our home office CC processor; created receipt binder and sent to Alfredo and also printed a hard copy for TOMMY informing.

  • Filed several household items in dining cabinet (water bills/T-mobile/Progressive/etc.)

THur 08/08/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Tried to get keys made but ACE was closed so put off

  • Went by shop to troubleshoot the SQUARE CC terminal which had powered down during the last Hurricane event; simply needed to be started; informed TOMMY of future events and that all he needed to do was simply hold down the single power button to power the device back on

  • Trip across town to MicroCenter to return a network adapter we did not need (bought for temporary use during recent power outage

  • Sent several invoices to TOMMY for pricing purposes (I repeatedly suggest he simply use his phone to take a picture of any invoice he completes and everything will always be right there on his phone which would save him the need to call me three times a day to photo and send him a copy of an invoice he could simply photo as soon as he makes it out (and so on); but this is typically received as offensive or “how dare you” kind of thing but it’s so obvious and such a simple solution to his constantly needing to look at old invoices for new invoice pricing data that I still mention it from time to time; it’s exactly how I maintain a solid archive of every document I need to retain or refer back to. In fact? I photo document at least 5 to 20 work related documents every day simply to have quick access to them in the future.

  • Received call from TOMMY while seeing to persona; matters about town (Thurs thru Sun are considered JOEL personal time; during out initial discussion, I asked that he just consider those days as my being back at AMZ working) asking me, literally for “surviellance” info on his disabled employee who had been sent over to weed eat. Basically asking me (while in the middle of MicroCenter) when Kevin arrived at the house and if he was still there and basically just a senseless, problematic (for me) phone call.  I tried to express this tactfully but don’t think he got it.

  • Met with Santos and was updated that he would be done with home facia repair (final sealant of hardyplank) and we could finish paying for the job by weeks end. Informed TOMMY of Santos conversation

  • Spoke with friends in NYC to receive semi regular political briefing about organizing efforts currently happening there.

  • Spoke with friends about possibly attending a Shakeaspeare production in/around the Austin area on Sunday; not sure if I will be able to attend but am going to make an attempt

  • Random maintenance on personal/TOMMY workstation; double checking scheduled imaging scripts/etc. (weekly stuff)

  • Spoke with personal surgeon office about data collections and the time frame within which I will have paid my surgeon off for a procedure performed about ~4 years ago.

FRI 08/09/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Completed large batch of unpaid Cheetah invoices via direct call to company owner and a single CC transaction of $x,xxx,xx over the phone.  Printed all invoices and CC auth receipt, created digital binder and emailed to client

  • Printed same Cheetah payment binder and left on TOMMY desk/noted/dated/photo logged

  • Finalized house wide facia repair with Santos (contractor) and assisted him with final clean up (blower, etc.)

  • Attended 3 hour Zoom conference call with 360+ others from all over the world (literally) and via a scheduled Schiller Institute invite from 10am to 1pm

  • RSVP’d for another important, global Zoom conference with Schiller Institute starting tonight at 8pm CDT

  • Informed TOMMY of Santos (contractor) final provision of official quotes for work so as to be sent to our home insurance company (I’m managing two claims at the moment).

  • Received $x,xxx.00 cash from TOMMY for final payment to Santos for facia repair work

  • Spent time outside doing housewide photographing and video of completed contractor work for provision to insurance company representatives

  • Received $550.00 weekly paycheck from TOMMY and deposited

SAT 08/10/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Met with Santos (contractor) and made acquaintance with his son who handles the business end of his contracting company; David (contractor) and I exchanged information for future work

  • Paid Santos (contractor) $x,xxx.xx for completed contract of replacing entire housewife facia

  • Left note on TOMMY desk as receipt of my payment to Santos

  • Spoke with N facing neighbor about recent changes to their property

  • Attended several online political conferences (personal time)

  • Exchanged information with N facing neighbor, offering any assistance that she might need during transitioning

  • At home all day otherwise, made a point to use slide lock to prevent TOMMY from forcing into room but took a chance around 2pm to go to the kitchen to refill my water bottle but within 30 seconds, TOMMY had created a random reason to immediately rise (from his Joe Namoth commercial chair) and literally follow me right into my office and hover over me. This confirmed that I should just keep my door completely locked as his reason for walking without notice into my personal space had nothing to do with his claimed reasons.  

  • Otherwise, tried to enjoy a few private moments which required carefully monitoring TOMMYs movements so as to ensure my personal spaces were locked (it’s becoming a problem, his absolute lack of anything to do but watch commercials all afternoon just WAITING for an opp to find some way into my office where the only thing he does, once walking in like it’s his own space, is immediately begin scanning the entire space looking for whatever “conjured demons” that continue to grow in his mind

  • I would prefer to leave my door partially open but with the slide lock engaged but even that, after today, is not going to be sufficient and I will have to simply lock my bedroom and office door simply to keep him out.

  • Wrote more on the above topic at

SUN 08/11/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • All day personal time; shopping for groceries, checking emails, etc. Lots of national geographic, etc. It was nice.

  • Inspected/photographed entire outside house new installation of facia material to provide to home insurance for the two open claims we have at the property

  • Intentionally closed my door at 2pm to indicate that I should not be disturbed

  • Up till around mid night; once “coast was clear” I did the normal bathroom, kitchen cleaning and necessary  research/writing

MON 08/12/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Mowed front lawn, weed eating, blew off housewide drive/walkways

  • Bank for deposit and other matters

  • Time on phone with Magellan folk discussing invoice issues; agreed on plan and to revisit in coming days

  • Time on phone processing recent invoice/work done for San Jac; CC payment take over phone. Created digital receipt binder and sent to client (hand written inv and CC auth slip

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work for finalizing tomorrow and before hand off to ACCNT this coming Wed for year end tax closing

  • Time spent researching porting solutions for portable AC exhaust hose (thru wall most likely); permanent installation in multiple locations. Hardest part will be cutting brick but not that hard.

  • Removed freezer ice maker to troubleshoot it’s recent failure; discovered main rotating mechanism in rear of freezer had been completely iced over. Cleaned ice maker unit and chipped away ice blocking the rotator (also hot water/salt spray to help melt).  So far,, the unit is now making ice correctly.

  • RSVP’d for 830pm zoom meeting with Schiller Institute folk

  • Attended 830pm Schiller event

  • Ordered new EGO Mower blades for electric mower

  • Received second Amica claim check and filed for discussion against Stantos (contractor’s) final quotes that will be generated specifically to submit to Amica for claims purposes

TUE 08/13/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Inputted all waiting bills/invoices/deposits/payments in Quickbooks

  • Received new EGO mower blades and informed TOMMY of arrival

  • Received new personal (JOEL PAY) items from AMZ (bath stuff/etc.)

  • Received official Amica settlement letter and scanned check for CLAIM 2 (hurricane beryl); archived on cloud server and filed in dining filing system

  • Experienced failure of important ScanJet multi document scanner which was alreadly broken and taped back together several times during Jada’s years with the machine; will have to order new unit as it’s central to all HTIRE invoicing and statement creation processes

  • Time on phone with Sam Cannon

  • Noted math error on RD Crumley invoice, adjusted, created new invoice binder and emailed to Dan at Crumley and also informed Tommy with photo log/dated copy left on TOMMY desk

  • TOMMY noted what he thought was an error on a previously ran Cheetah CC invoice; as it turns out, the paid amount was correct and the error was in my not filling in a few of the typical line items common to that invoice; made note to update invoice in system and then notify Larry/Evan at Cheetah

WED 08/14/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Inputted remaining Cheetah invoices and paid in Quickbooks file against our recent (Evan) batch payment of multiple Cheetah invoices

  • Revisited the Cheetah invoice that TOMMY (and I) believed had line items omitted and not paid for; adjusted original ticket which was actually the correct amount by simply adding in the missing line items so the final payment amount was then resolved in system.

  • Created digital PDF binder and emailed copy to Evan/Larry at Cheetah, showing where the omitted items had been added and confirmed that all was resolved/correct with the CC payment made a few days earlier (IE: no charges were omitted or left unpaid)

  • Time on phone with ACCNT discussing hand off of Quickbooks company file for ACCNT year end tax closure work (July 31)

  • Filed and digitall archived (cloud server) latest Amica claim settlement letter

  • Scanned and archived Amica’s initial settlement check, stamped scanned and returned check to TOMMY desk (dated/photo logged)

  • Emailed ACCNT recent TOMMY IRS tax delinquency charges request to be paid via AMEX 7005 and by ACCNT as the matter is TAX related

 THRS 08/15/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Emptied shredders and took city bins out for pickup

  • Stopped by shop to lend an ozone generator to owners of ETXParts at our shared brick/mortar shop addresses

  • Assisted TOMMY with finding an TGS invoice needed for pricing; ensured audio log was capturing and suggested, as I have countless times (tactfully) that I am not going to be available certain times in the coming weeks and that I’m genuinely attempting to assist him when I suggest, “you should just take a photo of every new invoice you make out, TOMMY.” … going on (see audio log) to calmly and honestly comment that I do it all day every day, myself and find it essential as a tool …  and it’s the obvious solution to needing to access data exchanged daily. I took care here as it’s truly a valuable archival tool. But as with many times before, he seemed nearly offended at my suggesting such a simple, immediate fix to a recurring problem that requires six to 10 more steps to solve than just taking a photo of each invoice, per client, once finalized (IE: call to me (while I’m working on several other things at once totally unrelated), asking me to hunt down a paper invoice, then asking that I photograph that invoice (if I can find it) and “shoot me a copy” so I can ensure the pricing is consistent.” … my then having to crop and message the invoice that he could have just taken a photo of yesterday when he made it out lol.

    - looked into cancelling TOMMY CapONE Spark card after having to pay the 5x.xx yearly fee and thought it best to discuss just leaving the card open until before the next yearly billing since the upcoming year has been paid for. 

  • Assembled and installed new Fujitsu Scansnap scanner; the 2019 OG unit we had died today and so had to ASAP replace as it’s central to batch invoicing and statements creation

  • tO Home Depot to have several sets of extra keys made for stowing in various locations

FRI 08/16/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Completely cleaned/replaced cat litter and cleaned surrounding bathroom area

  • Attended OTHER JOB global confefrence from 10am to 1pm

  • Messaged Orland at Magellan/OneOK re: ouistanding invoices

  • Messaged Santos for clarification on delivery of final quotes for home repair that will be submitted, per two open claims with Amica

  • To bank for deposit then to vape shop for nic vape

  • Spoke with brother for 30 minutes

  • Informed TOMMY of the few crucial “in process” items I’m still working on (client payments/etc.)

  • Spoke with mom for half hour

  • Installed hidden key device outside of house; made note to inform TOMMY of placement and usage; still have one more, different sort of hidden key device to install but waiting on where the best placement would be.

  • Went to Home Depot looking for hole saw to cut 6” hole in brick so I can install multiple portable AC exhaust ports in one to three different rooms in house; no suitable hole saws available so put on hold

SAT 08/17/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Called and spoke with Santoos(contactror) .. discussed invoicing topics and future ducing work for portable AC unit

  • Noted weird TOMMY behaviour where he entered m personal space randomly asking about phone cables; something which I had never heard of before.  I was pointedly closing off entry to my personal space but as soon as I made my space available (to whomever), TOMMY just walked right in and started a feigned dialogue about  some phone cable …. Right at my desk, hovering over me … as though the cable was something I should be aware of. It was weird and he obviously was seekin an opp to be close to me physically: circle back to his paranoia issue … 

SUN 08/18/24:


  • General personal space clean up; organized waiting QB/HTIRE work

  • Brief clean up of limbs/tree waste trimmed and left out in the front yard

MON 8/19/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • To store for groceries/scripts (and cat food)

  • Completed all waiting invoices, bill entries and also creation of four new payment receipt binders and sent to respective clients

  • Inputted all waiting customer invoices

  • Emailed CLyle at TGS a single new work invoice

TUE 8/20/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • To store for groceries/scripts (and cat food)

  • RECEIVEd new car registration sticker

  • Spoke with Diane Sare in NYC/Bronx about political work on east coast

  • Sent out all new remaining and recently received payment checks to respective clients copying TOMMY on all binders sent

  • Ordered new “hide a key” device for 2nd place to discreetly keep house keys outdoors (JOEL pay)

  • Researched sources for obtaining new FOB for my car (only have one)

  • Conversation with Dr. Cornelius office about re scheduling my normal 3 month check up due to his relocating to a new space.

WED 8/21/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • 10AM CALL from TOMMY claiming his “computer” didn’t work this morning and that “something must have happened” last night; I explained its likely normal, microsoft PC stuff that we all have to deal with and that I’d fixx it.

  • 5 minutes to fix TOMMY computer; Microsoft had slipped in update that changed EDge back to the default browser; I reverted Chrome to be the default browser and then used dependable utility to absolutely block MS Edge from being functional on TOMMY computer.  Also, adjust Win updates to be paused for the next 5 weeks as I think a lot of these sorts of issues (for all of us) are tied to microsoft updates “sneaking” unwanted stuff in.

  • Messaged Orlando at Magellan/ONEOk asking about the running of open invoices

  • Message Clyle with copy of new TGS work invoice

  • Attended Schiller institute online conference from 10am to 12 noon

  • Time on phone with Orlando at OneOK; ran two outstanding (older) invoices after confirming on both ends that they had not been paid; printed/created digital binders/receipts for both payments and emailed to Orland copying TOMMY; also printed “throw away” copies and left on TOMMY desk with typical photo documentation

THURS 8/22/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Shop from 10:30am to 130pm covering for TOMMY in VEGAS

  • Home depot to buy hole saw and other tools to start installing permanent, re usable “portals” through various bedroom walls to use the “roll about” portable AC unit. Think the hole saw I got from Home Depot (DISCV card) is not going to work so will be returning it for refund to DISCVR card.  I did manage to cut a 6” hole in the drywall of my personal office and am testing the portable AC unit simply exhausting into the wall until I can cut a proper hole in the brick outside wall (diamond bit saw coming in tomorrow). So far, it is working well.  Main goal is to see if once I fashion an appropriate wall exhaust, if leaving the home central AC off while I work with just the portable AC unit going might make any difference in monthly energy bills.

  • Printed various professional opinions on latest TOMMY investment fad (snake oil pitch man Ian King) …

  • Various emails to Greg M about possible collaboration in TOMMY investment strategy over next few months

  • Scheduled prelim meetings with Greg M to discuss TOMMY investment plan

FRI 8/23/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Slept through 8am alarm and was late to shop; 10am to 2:30pm; Nothing in the way of work

  • Home by 3pm; began work on exhaust modification for portable AC

SAT  8/2424:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Slept little and began work on portable AC wall duct 

  • Completed project, tested and verified function; video logged/documented entire process 

SUN 8/25/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Slept to a record breaking 11 am

  • To shopping for basics

  • Odd thing was that when I explained the installation of the portable AC unit and that it was hard but fun, TOMMY spoke as though he never intended to keep the thing, anyway. The odd part is that when first purchasing the unit and as it set, unused in the living room, I made a point to ask him at that  time if he’d prefer to just send it back as, after some reading, I realizeed it would require some real work to make happen.  He distinctly told me that day (see audio log) that he’d prefer to keep it. So, with him out of town this past weekend (only time I can get work done), I said fuck it and went ahead and installed a solid aluminum exhaust shaft, cutting outdoor brick, etc. just to have the thing (a valuable, useable, resource) available .. I mean, better than using it as a desk.

    But his immediate reaction, after showing him the install was one of repugnance, saying he’d rather have just sold it or something.  Fucking weird considering his earlier comment about wanting to keep it after I suggested it might be best to simply return it to AMZ due to the work tax.

MON 8/26/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Cut back yard early and before storms arrived

  • Printed new blank HTIRE invoices and delivered to TOMMY/SHOP

  • Spoke with Orlandon at OneOK to isolate whether two outstanding invoices have been paid or not; double checked numbers with our CC processor and could find no transactions for the amounts of either invoice; asked Orlando to double check things on his end as well and copied TOMMY on conversation. Created digital binder showing both invoices in question and forwarded the PDF to Orlando at OneOk for review

  • Photo’d two new “hidden key” locations to do simple note/print out showing TOMMY where they are and how they function as well as to simply inform him of their being two, well isolated areas outside the house where I have placed keys as discreetly as one can really do.

  • Emailed Alvia @ jacintoport (per her request) their latest statement ($0.00) as usua

  • Installed two outdoor hidden key devices

TUE 8/27/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Walmart for weeks food items

  • Home Depot to return un needed hole saw; printed refund/credit memo and left on TOMMY desk (dated/photo logged)

  • Spoke with Santos and arranged meeting with his son to finalize provision of insurance claim invoices

  • Confirmed that Santos (contractor) would be stopping by around 5pm to get his ladders that he has left in the back yard

  • Texted TOMMY to inform him of invoicing process and finalization of both claims with Amica that are still in process

WED 8/28/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins/emptied for trash pickup tomorrow

  • Emptied all house wide trash cans and changed bags; moved full bags to pickup bin at curb

  • Spoke with David Jimenez (contractor) and arranged provision of the two insurance claim quote/invoices to ultimately be submitted to Amica

  • Showed TOMMY where newly placed external “hidden keys” are located

  • Shop from 11am to 2pm; spoke with Judge P about any leads he might be able to help with in getting me involved in a new AMZ facility being built near our home

  • Handled call in from Atlas for balancing two 22.5” truck tires; tires balanced and invoice signed and posted while at shop; left new work invoice out on TOMMY desk, photo/date logged

  • Sent two new work invoices to CLYLE at TGS with PO applied

  • Processed latest TGS payment and created payment receipt binder; sent payment receipt to the payables department at TGS

  • Inputted new deposits against above mentioned payment (quickbooks)

  • Organized waiting hard copy work for Quickbooks time on thursday/friday and in preparation for statement creation soon after labor day weekend

  • Swept/mopped kitchen floor

  • Further troubleshooting on fridge ice maker not working; reached a point of not being able to do anything so suggested TOMMY call a professional to come and repair it

tHUR 8/29/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins/emptied for trash pickup tomorrow

  • Received request to transfer $2000 from TOMMY brokerage to personal checking

  • Transferred the $2000 from TOMMY Fidelity brokerage to personal checking

  • Printed/dated/logged transfer confirmation and left copy on TOMMY desk

  • Otherwise, saw to personal political work and collaboratioin with friends in NYC

FRI 8/30/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins/emptied for trash pickup tomorrow

  • Received random call (multiple..) from TOMMY requesting more invoicing data on Cheetah and their typical work at the shop; I sent all the same invoices he constantly requests I send but also made a (thousandth?) respectful recommendation that he simply photograph every invoice he makes out so as to be able to just look the up in his phone. He complained saying that was too much work but I qualified with the fact that it’s the most reasonable, efficient and super easy way to document his pricing habits.  Finishing my comments with the very true fact that I do the same thing with any invoice I handle.  Here again, he seemed offended that I should suggest *he* actually do something or develop a useful habit simply by DOCUMENTING every invoice he makes out.  It’s like he *expects* anything/everything to be “served” to him.  Very frustrating as I was in the middle of a conference call at the time and in my service to another company..

  • Scanned and sent about 100 Cheetah invoices to TOMMY; once more clarifying that he could always just go back to our text message log and find anything he needs as I just send him the same data over and over and it’s all on his phone already.

  • Further, vocal qualification with TOMMY (see audio log) that I did not  mean to offend when offering what I believe are simple solutions to recurring issues like simply wanting to know what one charged a customer most recently; IE: just take a photo of every new invoice.  I mean, it’s so simple and would eliminate at least 4 or more unnecessary steps in the way of phone calls, my scanning/re photographing, etc. Just basically repeating the same unnecessary process each day (and it should be said that this is FRI which is my “I’m working for the other company” day. Which he knows and has agreed to (see audio log). 

SAT 8/31/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Mostly personal political work via conference call all day

  • Demo’d function of newly acquired portable AC unit to TOMMY

SUN 09/01/24/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • PERSONAl projects, namely beginning the process of making simple video archives of many g0v songs simply to have as place holders digitally; finisinished “tHE rIVER TRIED” and published

MON 09/02/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Informed TOMMY I would begin doing statements this following morning and should have all customers handled by Tuesday or Wedesday

  • Inputted all waiting quickbooks work

  • Generated latest open invoice statements for all clients, created digital pdf binders and sent all statements to the relative payables departments

  • Left note on TOMMY chair that statements had been completed and that he could refer to any of such that were generated/delivered as I copied him on all statement deliveries; also made tactful suggestion that he remember the statements in his inbox as a way to quickly go back and identify pricing information (hence, cutting down on a LOT of unnecessary looking up/photographing and sending TOMMY invoice data every  day.

  • Dated/photologged all notes left in TOMMY office space

  • Printed random AMZ chair-side desk idea and asked TOMMY if he thought it would be suitable for his space

TUE 09/03/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Received random call from Jason Puerto at OneOk about purchasing a tire or /tires/ for his personal vehicle; I referred him to the shop to speak with TOMMY

  • Phoned/texted TOMMY to ensure he had received my messages re: Jason and OneOK

  • To Kroger for food/groceries

  • Home by noon to follow up on personal projects and contacting folks associated with my other job

WED 09/04/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Lengthy phone call with Paula at Sasol regarding invoicing/billing process; everything clarified

  • Spoke with Orlando from ONEok and processed two outstanding Magellan/OneOk invoices that had never been paid; printed disposable copies of payment receipts sent to Orlando and left on TOMMY desk/photo/dated/logged

THURS 09/05/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Created new folder in TOMMY yahoo mail inbox labled “CLIENT STATEMENTS”; informed him that I would archive all ongoing new statements there so that he could easily access any given, recent pricing information he might need

  • Created large desktop ICON on TOMMY desk for the “CLIENT STATEMENTS” folder

  • Spoke wite GP ISD about payment status of two invoices which I confirmed having received check copies for

FRI 09/06/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • All day on personal legal/creative/political work

SAT 09/07/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Certified and mailed official “cease and desist” letter addressed to TOMMY demanding a cease in his making frivolous, untrue claims about my mental health

  • Updated personal publishing platform with the info on the newly mailed certified cease and desist letter.

  • Repainted various areas of personal office space and other areas throughout home where paint damage had occurred

  • Killed the hornets outside our front door after being stung the third time in a week

  • Mowed the front yard, blew all sidewalks and driveway,, cleaned and stowed EGO mower

  • Rest of day spent on personal projects and political work

  • Moved junk cardboard boxes off the back porch floor where TOMMY had thrown them and into the garage on some of the spare shelving space in case he intended to use it for something; throwing it on the back porch floor was odd, though.

  • Ordered new personal wifi camera for install in personal space

SUN 09/08/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • All day on personal work

  • Got briefly sucked into a burglary drama that occurred on the previous day at HTIRE/SHOP. Discovered video of intruder, published video of even to youtube, printed multiple still shots of the individual and emailed both TOMMY and John E (property owner). At that point, I considered myself out of the conversation.

  • TOMMY/JOEL NOTE: See audio/video publication I did for this as I will be publishing this entire encounter caught on my office camera to youtube once I have time to edit and add subtitles as the audio is not that great. It won’t be attractive as I’m embarrassingly lacking in clothing but it’s not inappropriate (other than showing I need to get back in the gym lol.

    But later TOMMY comes back to my room a bit later and tries to engage me in further dialogue about the event, of course, just gross dialogue whether I thought the fellow/burglar was mexican or black or some clearly racsist type questioning (though he would frame it differently of course) and I, literally (see the online video) was doing my semi regular body wash bath in my private space and I politely commented that none of what he was saying was of any concern of mine and that should be the end of the conversation;

    This is a perfect example of how I have to lock myself away from him, especially on Sundays which are precious time for me, because even after calmly letting him know I was not interested in discussing the nuances of the burglars race or the event otherwise, he keeps pressing and pressing.

    And (see video) another thing he often does in reaction to calm requests for no more conversation goes on to say, “Now see your all worked up!” and I’m sitting their dumbfounded thinking how in the world could this man not understand my calm, decent response that I had nothing more to say on the matter and that I had done my job and that was that and then politely leave me be as any “normal” person would. 

    But it’s the length of time he presses and the way he points back to me, half naked as it were, enjoying my “bath” saying, “Now your getting all worked up!” … when, if you watch the video, it’s quite evident I simply tell him I have no more to say on the matter and in no part of the dialogue am I “worked up”; I’m, just trying to get some body cleaning done lol.

    I even, jokingly say, “see?  I’m even videoing myself bathing, how in the world could I be “worked up” about something lmao”.

    That is the real “danger” of leaving my office door open and so hence, I generally always slide lock or completely lock it as a means of forcing boundaries (something suggested to me by various council over the past months 

  • Refined and upscaled/printed several more of the burglar photos for TOMMY and left on his desk, informing him of doing so.

MON 09/09/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Printed small instructional graphic and taped to TOMMY office printer explaining how he can make either black and white or color copies as he’s been showing confusion about that for some time.

  • Inputted waiting quickbooks work/invoices/payments etc.

  • Sent payment receipt binders to clients

  • Ordered 90CT tall kitchen garbage bags

  • Spoke briefly with Sam Cannon about some Quickbooks work and company file hand off this week

  • Organized remaining company work for inputting tomorrow

  • Cut back yard, cleaned and stowed Ego mower

TUE 09/10/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Spoke with TOMMY about a strange invoice that was paid via two checks which amounted to an over payment; clarified that the client intended the excess to be a “tip” of sorts.  Will follow up with S Cannon/ACCNT for advice on inputting the dual checks and how to handle the excess/overpayment

  • Left message with Santos (contractor) still trying to get presentable invoices for our two open home insurance claims

  • Received word from HPD/MHD that my RFI and body cam data associated with the 12/11/23 “wellfare” check had been accepted; logged on and paid the $132 fee and was informed it could take up to 120 days to receive the bodycam footage but it is still a milestone of sorts in that personal effort of mine

  • Messaged Larry at Magellan to arrange phone CC payment of an outstanding invoice

  • Inputted more Quickbooks data

  • Spoke with TOMMY about most recent AMEX bill, clarifying a couple items, one being a down payment to T Mobile for my new company phone and the other being a ScanJet scanner that is being returned

  • Received word from ACCNT that two most central HTIRE CC statements had been paid

  • Logged onto HTIRE ACCNT invoicing site and paid his most recent invoice via HTIRE ACH bank transfer; printed/archived invoice payment receipt

  • Created new physical file folder in dining/TOMMY file cabinet titled “LEGAL” where I will be archiving hard copies of all documents associated wth my RFI with HPD; also included a non certified copy of the Cease and Desist letter sent to TOMMY earlier this week.

WED 09/11/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Continued quickbooks work; paid ATD outstanding invoice and left receipt on TOMMY desk

  • Finished all waiting quickbooks inputting, bills/invoices/new checks/deposits/etc.

  • Notified ACCNT that they could take control of company file for end of month closing

  • Created most recent payment receipt binders and emailed to associated clients

  • Paid HPD/MHD bodycam/event transcript data fee and archived confirmation of provision of requested data

  • Emailed multiple invoice copies to TOMMY for pricing info on new work invoices

THURS 09/12/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Processed CC payment via phone payment with Magellan employee

  • Created PDF receipt binder and sent to magellan contact

  • Emptied housewide trash and put at curb in city bin for pickup

  • Filed all office related AMZ CC purchase receipts in TOMMY/dining room office

  • Created new file folder in TOMMY/dining offic file cabinet titled “LEGAL” to archive and keep track of my ongoing HPD/MHD request process. I also included a copy of the cease and decease letter that TOMMY will receive later this week

FRI 09/13/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Most of day spent in global zoom meetings with “other job.”

  • Much time on further personal legal research regarding Cease and Desist letter to be served to TOMMY

  • Organized new hard copy quickbooks work

SAT 09/14/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Zoom meetings with “other job”

  • More legal research

SUN 09/15/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • All day spent viewing lectures and revisiting previous zoom meetings

MON 09/16/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Spoke with Sam Cannon about several minor issues with their quickbooks work; emailed requested documents and informed that I would follow up with a voice call to further discuss any remaining issues

  • Messaged Larry at Magellan about a supposed outstanding invoice.

TUE 09/17/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Quickbooks work/etc.

  • Followed up with Santos still trying to get official quotes for submission to home insurance

WED 09/18/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Brief organizing of waiting quickbooks new work

  • Spent time with TOMMY explaining how to use the new system I’m working on that will allow him to look up past client invoices quickly (goal being to eliminate unnecessary distractions like him calling me multiple times a day to comb through old invoices for pricing information; not an offensive thing for me but certainly an area where improvement can be made. So I’ve begun setting up a special folder in his inbox where all client statements will be stored each month; and since each statement includes a copy of every invoice from that month? Over time, with some practice, he’ll be able to simply go to that folder in hisi nbox and see any recent/past invoice to quickly assess proper pricing against previous work.

THUR 09/26/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • At shop from 10am to 2pm covering for TOMMY as he had left for vacation to Vegas

  • Personal work at night

FRI 09/27/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • At shop from 8am to 2pm covering for TOMMY as he had left for vacation to Vegas; multiple jobs completed at the shop; left noted/photo logged work notes on TOMMY desk at end of day including notes related to cash payments made by clients that day

  • Personal work at night

SAT 09/28/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Few hours further work on drainage hole drilling in personal office for portable AC; made it 50% and waiting on new tool to finish

  • Meetings, online conferences, political work, and more progress on archiving old song writing

SUND 09/29/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas


MON 09/30/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Got 100% caught up on a good pile of waiting quickbookss work

  • Otherwise personal studies

TUE 01/01/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • ANTOHER fortunate day of very little new Quickbooks work so personal work for the most part

WED 01/02/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • ANTOHER fortunate day of very little new Quickbooks work so personal work for the most part

THUR 10/03/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Some inputting of new work data, and then focused on generating client statements for Septempber

TUES 10/08/24::

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Some inputting of new work data, and then focused on generating client statements for Septempber

SUN 10/27/24::

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Posted all new payments to quickbooks

  • Scanned and emailed new TGS work invoices to Chris Lyle

MON 10/28/24::

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Organized all waiting client invoices in prep for statements

  • Much time on phone with ATD to verify our account was not due

TUE 10/29/24::

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Generated all client statements and sent out a bit early due to sleep issues escalating and wanted to get the statements out in case the sleep episode goes beyond 5 to 10 days as it would be impossible after that.

  • Sent new TGS invoice to Clyle

  • Organized remaining checks and vendor bills for later inputting

  • Inputted all remaining checks and bills

  • Time on phone with ACCT for assistance with a couple items

  • Spoke with John from ETX Parts and forwarded information on where he could buy ink for the shop printer.

WED 10/30/24::

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Time on phone with ATD rep verifying the lack of any open invoices which the ATD rep confirmed was the case

  • Inputted new invoices/bills/deposits

  • Copied all newly created client statements to TOMMY “client statements” folder on his Yahoo email inbox

THUR 10/31/24::

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted new payments/bills/invoices/deposits in Quickbooks

  • Paid two new open ATD invoices online via the ATD payment portal; printed receipt and filed

  • Time on phone with ACCT for assistance with some Quickbooks issues

  • Filed all new home utility bills in TOMMY dining office filing cabinet

  • Emailed Dan at Crumley with a revised copy of an invoice that had math errors on it; emailed him a corrected copy for reference

FRI 11/01/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Researched unknown item on TOMMY CC statement; determined it was associated with LBJ Hospital

  • FINALLY received dual quotes from home contractor for submission to home insurance company, one for Derecho storm and one for following Hurricane event

  • Scanned contractor quotes and stored on cloud server; filed OG docs in dining room office cabinet; made two copies and left on TOMMY desk dated and photo logged

MON 11/04/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Shredded large amount of old/redundant paper vendor bills 

  • Sent new work invoice to CLYLE at TGS and copied TOMMY on email

  • Entered all new invoices/checks/bills in Quickbooks

  • Oiled shredder blades in both office shredders

Tue 11/05/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted new work in Quickbooks

  • Messaged ACCT that I’d updated my version of QB to latest for file hand off in few days

  • Changed TOMMY Fidelity password

  • Printed and laminated new Fidelity password for TOMMY wallet

  • Updated TOMMY office workstation’s password manager with the new Fidelity password

  • Researched adding BROTHER as inquiry level user

Wed 11/06/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted new work in Quickbooks (invoices, posted new payments, single deposit, various bills)

  • Spoke with TOMMY and changed his Fidelity password per request

  • Researched method of adding sibling as inquiry level user with his own account to avoid having to use TOMMY master/ownership account (per request)

  • Emailed McGee company for clarification on payment process

  • Confirmed via TOMMY request that his CC running at shop location did not create any double payments

Thurs 11/07/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Most of day in West houston getting quotes on auto repair

  • Assisted TOMMY with Fidelity login issues

  • Received email from McGee payables clarifying my confusion around their billing process; problem was resolved

  • Signed up for McGEee web portal for invoice printing/viewing/paid status

FRI 11/08/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Organized waiting Quickbooks work for completion over weekend and prior to ACCT company file hand off next week

  • Assisted TOMMY with “trick” we have to use to log in to Fidelity website

  • Visited ProTech Collision

  • Picked up loaner quarter panel for Venza repairs

  • Bank for deposit

  • Shop 9am to rotate fix flats on car

SAT 11/09/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

MON 11/11/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted new work in Quickbooks, invoices, bills, checks and deposits

  • Organized waiting work for Tuesday

  • Spoke with TOMMY about missing M MARG invoice and how to obtain the check number for his payment so I could input the deposit

  • Ordered TOMMY new electric car jack from Vevor for his personal vehicle using AMEX 7005

  • Signed up as an authorized user at AMEX so I could have a “Business Expense Card” in my name to avoid having to constantly ask for TOMMY card. 

TUE 11/12/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks work

  • Phoned Mike M to get check number used to pay for recent Romar invoice purchase

  • Received text from TOMMY asking to print his insurance cards; printed two card pages and left on TOMMY desk

WED 11/13/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks work

  • Spoke briefly with ACCT regarding a quickbooks issue I was having; notified that I had updatated my version of QB to the latest (October) update. Scheduled Quickbooks file hand off to ACCT for end of month tax closing for upcoming Friday

  • Ordered two electric scissor auto jacks from VEVOR per TOMMY request; printed receipts and informed TOMMY of order being in route

THURS 11/14/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks work

  • Received call from Tommy requesting copy of the most recent 20.5x25 new tire sale to TGS; printed latest paid invoice from QB, scanned and messaged to TOMMY

  • Various meetings w/ political efforts throughout day

FRI 11/15/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Various meetings w/ political efforts throughout day; other educational work, lectures, etc.

  • Received previously ordered electric car jacks from VEVOR; have not unboxed. May send mine back as it’s so big

MON 11/18/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Organized new quickbooks work for inputting after ACCT hands back company file (monthly closing/tax stuff)

  • Took car to body shop in Jersey Village

TUE 11/19/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Retrieved new work and added to waiting work to be inputted starting Wednesday

  • Spoke with ACCT and received confirmation of Quickbooks company file handoff on Wednesday 11/20 

  • Messaged and voice mailed Rob at R Marine re: getting PO for new work invoice and final email of finished invoice after PO is applied

  • Emailed Clyle several new work invoices at TGS; copied TOMMY

  • Cleaned all house AC ducts of large amounts of black mold build up around grills (dining room, living room, bedroom

  • Cleaned all kitchen cupboard doors and handles of old food stains; first pass 90%; will have to do second pass

WED 11/19/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Recieved word from ACCT that month end tax closing was done and I could access QB company file

  • Inputted accumulated days work in QB (invoices, posted new payments, deposits, vendor bills and checks)

  • Sent CLYLE a corrected invoice due to math errors on Tommy hand written inv

  • Sent DCRUM a corrected invoice due to math errors on Tommy hand written inv

  • Spoke with ACCT and responded to request to send SEPT/OCT FIDELITY CORP statements; logged on to investment site and downloaded statements, subsequently forwarding them to ACCT per his request

  • Spoke with Uptown Auto receiving word that car would be ready FRI afternoon or SAT

  • Grocery shopping

  • Emailed JBEEN at TGS with latest payment receipt covering two outstanding invoices, cited check number and copied INV numbers that were paid

  • Spoke with JJEN about possible assistance with organizing later in the week and visiting for thanksgiving

  • Received call from TX workforce commission re: possibly finding four days  of outside work 

TURS 11/20/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Personal day - meetings/work search etc.

FRI 11/21/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Personal day - meetings/work search etc.

  • Picked up car from Uptown Automotive

Mon 11/26/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Scanned/archive to cloud 2024 GalPrk ISD TAX statement; also emailed copy to ACCT

  • Scanned/archived to cloud 2024 TX WRKFORCE TAX refund; also emailed copy to ACCT

  • Inputted waiting deposits/vendors/chks to Quickbooks

 Tue 11/27/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Cut back yard

  • Changed old blade on EGO mower for new blade

  • Cut back yard

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks bills/vendors/invoices/deposits

Wed 11/28/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Recieved and organized all new HTIRE work and prepp’d for inputting after Holiday weekend

Friday 11/26/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas


  • At J and B’s from 4pm to 9pm for Thanksgiving

SAT 11/26/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • HOLIDAY at home tuning/tweaking office workstations

  • Grocery store for weekly food

Sun 11/26/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Updated Kingdom storage with new TOMMY MGM card info after receiving a late payment notice due to card replacement

Mon 12/01/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted all waiting Quickbooks invoices/bills/deposits

  • Sent payment confirmation to TGS for latest payment check

Tue 12/03/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted new Quickbooks data

  • Conversation with ACCT to figure out a way to simultaneously print statements along with corresponding line item invoices

  • Paid ACCT NOV invoice via TOMMY Woodforest ACCT

  • Contacted ACCT to arrange printing of statements and handoff of company file to his team for NOV closing

  • Scanned and emailed multiple HTIRE tax documents to ACCT; also store digital copies on HTIRE cloud server

  • Assisted TOMMY with verifying home INS claim payment for Derecho storm was deposited; logged into WFBNK and located deposit. Printed deposit statement and provided to TOMMY

  • Received word from AWATSN at Amica that 2nd, supplemental claim check was issued in the amount of $xxxx.xx for extra work after Derecho storm

  • Scanned and archived all Amica claims communications re: 2nd payment to home info cloud server

  • Made note to email Jas at Amica regarding any supplemental payment for 2nd claim (Hurricane Beryl)

  • Several hours troubleshooting networking issue with home workstations

Wed 12/04/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Emailed CLYLE at TGs for mailing address per TOMMY request; for sending XMAS gifts

  • Received email from CLYLE at TGS with mailing address and phone number for second person TOMMY will send XMAS items too.

  • Reviewed AMEX bill (NOV) for any questionable items

  • Informed TOMMY I would be cancelling my unused/unnecessary VOIP personal line to save an extra -$25.00 on monthly phone bill

  • Received info from TexasBenefits re: financial assistance (food).

  • Emptied all house wide/office trash cans and took bins to road for next day cleanup

  • Several hours troubleshooting networking issue with home workstations

THUR 12/05/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • 3 Hours troubleshooting network issues / Home office connectivity between housewide machines

  • Shop from 11am to 1:30pm / TOMMY in Vegas

  • 2 Hours researching hidden (developer options) nozzle cleaning options for HTIRE Epson ET-4760 printer. 

FRI 12/06/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Shop from 8am to 1:30pm

  • SHOP: Mounted one 225/70R19.5 for Atlas / Invoiced in Quickbooks at shop / printed two tickets / copied pricing from identical order in OCT 2024

  • Ran a hidden “Deep Cleaing” option on HTIRE Epson printer; this fixed both black and white and color printing.  Copying and printing both now work.  Further, random, light cleaning and “PURGE FILE” printing n necessary as standard printing in b/w still has few lines.

  • Picked up single 225/70R19.5 from K&M (Iron Head)

  • Received 2nd AMICA supplemental payment check for CLAIM xxxx9017; scanned, printed and filed in TOMMY office cabinet; stored digital copy on office cloud server; left original check and letter on TOMMY desk, signed, dated and photo logged

Mon 12/09/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Spoke with ACCT and arranged Quickbooks end of month closing/file handoff date

  • Emailed ACCT Nov Fidelity statement

  • Began arranging Xmas gifts for TGS reps; documented mailing addresses for Mark, Hector and Chris

  • Talked with TOMMY about what XMAS gifts to send to whom

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work for inputting and statements creation on Tuesday

  • Joint meeting with TX Workforce and Recruitor in search of supplemental work (1pm Video meeting)

  • Packed and purchased labels (AMEX) for shipping Chris and Mark XMAS packages at TGS

  • Taped and labeled boxes to be shipped on Tue 12/10

Tue 12/10/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks invoices/payments/deposits and bills

  • Emailed payment receipts to customers

  • Emailed new work invoices to CLYLE at TGS

  • Took TGS customer XMAS gifts for dropoff at Wallisville UPS

  • Researched 2025 health insurance options

  • Spoke with Ang at TXWorkforce re: ongoing job placement efforts; signed two state forms and returned

  • Created new files in TOMMY office cabinet for various of his monthly accounts (AAA Texas, etc.)

  • Filed hard copies of TOMMY banking statements in his office cabinet


WED 12/11/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks invoices/payments/deposits and bills

  • Generated statements for all open invoice clients, emailed all statements to appropriate payables departments, copied TOMMY on all statements

  • Spoke with J.B. at TGS payables dept. Re: a missing invoice copy from issued statement; sent the requested missing invoice to J.B.

  • Printed 100 new/blank HTIRE invoices and left on TOMMY desk

  • Received call from TOMMY requesting photo

  • Empited all office shredder bins; placed in city bins for pickup tomorrow

  • Took both city bins to curb along with the small bit of yard waste accumulating at backyard fence

  • Began process of enrolling in 2025 market place coverage

THUR 12/12/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Organized waiting Quickbooks work for inputting on Monday

  • Several hours organizingj/paying personal CC/loan debt

  • Phone conversation with OneMain financial re: direct payments against principle vs. payments online against principe/interest combined

  • Phone call to Dr. STBRG to make payment against medical bill

  • Assembled TOMMY office bureau that was purchased over a year ago and has been in storage.  Setup printer on new bureau, updated printer firmware and restocked printer paper, folders, etc. in the newly built bureau

  • Spoke with S Hayes at NCEMS about paying outstanding invoices; forwarded latest statement to him via email and explained desire to centralize payment of statements via one person at NCEMS if possible. Also scheduled call for tomorrow (Friday) morning to discuss payment options.

  • Spoke with ANG at TXWorkForce/40hourStaffing about forms issues and possibility of job leads.

  • Received new invoice from ACCT and paid via HTIRE checking account; printed invoice and payment receipt and filed on compan cloud server

THUR 12/12/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • HTIRE: Contacted SHAYES at NCEMS to discuss paying invoices/statement over the phone

  • HTIRE: Contacted STEVEN at MM Sales to discuss paying invoice over phone

  • Scanned and prepared digital binder for MM Sales invoice to be emailed post payment

  • Atttended LPAC IPC zoom meeting

  • Spoke with CLABS reps re: repair/replacement of sound equipment having issues as well as replacement under extended warranty with Allstate

  • Spoke with Angela/40hourstaffing and TXWorkforce Commission re: forms submission and how delivery of job leads would be forwarded

FRI 12/13/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house VAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Attended IPC international Zoom meeting from 10am to 12pm

  • Organized hard copy work for inputting first of next week when ACCT has completed month’s end taxclosing for November

  • Shopping for groceries

  • Recieved several phone updates from TXWorkforce Commission and personal recruiter re: ongoing forms process and temporary delays due to edits

  • Scheduled Wed 12/18/24 PCP visit for blood work and general discussion/visit

  • Several hours troubleshooting office equipment (various network issues; these were fixed)

  • Consolidated all current personal loans/CC debts, organized in priority list and payed $150 across the four lowest balance cards (snowball approach)

  • Attended second NYC/joint Zoom video meeting with Jose Vega and others in NYC re: ongoing effort for congressional action on ATCM’s missiles policy redaction

  • Made notes to call local congressman/person on Monday to inform of need for action before Jan 20th

  • Phone call with B Jennings re: zoom meetings and info on congressional contact information

SAT 12/14/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Errands to bank and shopping from 12 noon till 1:3o PM

  • Rest of day doing ongoing system maintenance of office computers and networking configuration (relocated Nextiva phone base to different location to reduce wireless latency/interference (was very high due to base unit being directly next to Xfinity router.

SUN 12/15/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Ordered TOMMY girlfriend personal skin care product from AMZ Prime; printed receipt and placed on TOMMY desk (photo logged and archived to personal publication site)

  • Cleaned/dusted two personal JOEL office workstations

  • Researched new trail running shoes for return to weekly running schedule

  • Cut up empty box left over after office dining bureau construction/install; placed all materials in recycle bin for pickup next week

  • Gaming and recreation rest of day!

jbh MON 12/16/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Organized new QB work for inputting

  • Phone call with Tommy to discuss provision of item pricing; also instruction on how to look at email folder with all statements and invoice copies visible

  • Spoke with ACCT re: Tommy signature on tax document; applied signature and emailed back to ACCT

  • Packaged third TGS Xmas gift 

  • Purchased shipping label for TGS XMAS gift (HTIRE AMEX), printed and affixed to package; filed copy of shipping cost receipt for inputting and in TOMMY office cabinet

  • Trip to UPS on Wallisville to ship TGS (HCTR) Xmas package

  • Messaged TOMMY girlfriend that her order from AMZ would be a day longer than expected

TUE 12/17/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Received email from A.W. @ Amica asking for final invoice for contractor repairs at 1121 Westmont property; I replied, copying TOMMY, that the “quote” invoice was to be considered the final invoice.

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks checks/invoices/bills

  • Scanned/emailed new TGS work invoices to C. L @ TGS

  • Sent all new invoice scans to TOMMY “CLIENT NEW INVOICES” Yahoo folder

  • Created new folder in TOMMY email inbox to store new invoice scans from customers that have not been billed or applied to past statements

  • Phone time with ACCT to quickly verify that company file had correctly updated in Dropbox before beginning new HTIRE work. 

  • Phone time with ACCT to verify that it was okay to input an older TGS invoice from 09/24 which had erroneously been placed in “PAID” folder. ACCT confirmed anything pas year end TAX closing date of 07/30 is fine to input in retrograde.

  • Scanned and stored all new work invoices in Tommy newly created Yahoo inbox for ‘CLIENT NEW WORK INVOICES” for price checking on invoices that have not been billed via official statement

  • EMAILED Shaun hayes at NCEMS with edited statement showing the three original hand written invoices NCEMS needs to paid; followed up with secondary TXT message

  • Emailed Paula at SASOL for PO number to apply to most recent work invoice

  • Left voice message for STEVE at MM Sales re: credit card payment for INV 80027

WED 12/18/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks invoices/bills/etc.

  • Time on phone with ACCT discussing several Quickbooks issues

  • Processed MM Sales payment over phone via CC and employee, “steven”; had issues with first card then success with second card from Steven’s co worker

  • Printed CC authorization and paid invoice and left signed/dated/photo logged on TOMMY desk

  • Received PO# from Sasol contact (Paula) for most recent work order

  • Copied all new, non-billed (statement) invoices to TOMMY yahoo custom folder for new invoices

  • Doctors appointment from 9:30am to 12 noon

  • Inputted/payed TGS and Atlas new check payments; created PDF payment receipts for both and sent PDF binders to contacts at both clients payables department

  • Emptied house-wide trash and took to bins for Thurs pickup

  • Took city bins to curb for Thurs pickup

THURS 12/19/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted new invoices/payments/deposits in Quickbooks

  • Various online meetings and political situation research

  • Maintenance on office equipment incl oiling of TOMMY/JOEL shredder blades

  • Retrieved empty city trash bins from curb

FRI 12/20/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • IPC Zoom meeting from 10am to 12 noon

  • Kroger for groceries

  • Dropped off return at UPS (Wallisville)

  • Video conference with A Lewis from TXWorkforce/40hourStaffing to discuss a batch of new job leads she forwarded earlier this week. Video meeting from 3:30pm to 4:30pm

MON 12/23/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Inputted new invoices in Quickbooks

  • Scanned/emailed new TGS work invoices to CLYLE at TGS and copied to TOMMY “NEW INVOICES” yahoo inbox folder

  • Contacted Nextiva Phone and cancelled my personal line which is not being used; reduced monthly Nextiva bill by $30.00 per month. TOMMY/HTIRE line remains active.

  • Printed details of Nextiva line cancellation and provided noted copy on TOMMY desk (dated/photo logged)

  • Printed ACCT Nov sales/closing comments and left noted copy on TOMMY desk (dated/photo logged)

  • NOTED december HTIRE AMEX charges (drano, gas, etc.)

TUE 12/24/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Front yard weed eat/mowed/blew off front drive/sidewalks

  • Cleaned EGO mower and stowed

  • Organized waiting QB work from TOMMY file folder and transferred to JOEL office “new work” folder

  • Returned item to UPS/Wallisville

  • Attempted to deliver bottle of wine to neighbors; no answer at the door. NOTE: this is a TOMMY originated “gift” which I had no part of but for being asked to facilitate said delivery. Confusing as I was thrown in to the process at the final stage with zero context; ideally, TOMMY should see to the delivery of said item to neighbors as it is a matter completely unknown to me but I went ahead ad gave it a try

  • Informed TOMMy I had attempted to see to delivery of his item to neighbors with no results and that I’d simply wait till I saw one of the neighbors when we were commonly outdoors and try to explain/deliver the item per TOMMY’s request

WED 12/25/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • XMAS

THURS 12/26/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Gathered, organized new Quickbooks work

  • Attended IPC meeting from 10am to noon

  • Other zoom meetings throughout day

FRI 12/27/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Gathered, organized new Quickbooks work

SAT 12/28/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Organized new Quickbooks work

  • Cleaned JOEL 2nd/backup workstation/dusting/fan cleaning/etc.

  • Ordered TOMMY “To be or Not to Be” Blu Ray from AMZ; printed/scanned and filed receipt in TOMMY filing cabinet

  • Informed TOMMyy of old/spare Samsung Blu Ray player I had; dusted/cleaned player and left out informing TOMMY that I could assist with setting the unit up at J’s house for DVD/BLU ray playing.

SUN 12/29/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Fixed JOEL bath swiffer wet jet bottle so that the cap could be removed and then the bottle refilled with any sort of cleaner desired. Refilled the modified bottle with floor/all purpose lysol

  • Completely mopped and cleaned base boards in kitchen and TOMMY dining/office area

  • Organized JOEL office space (trash removal, unused/dead items removal)

  • Organized beginning process of configuring a personal hygiene routine in JOEL office for morning preps/etc. Mirror, shaving, lotions, soaps, drying towel and extra “dry wash” bath rag

MON 12/30/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work

  • 2 hours sidetracked off HTIRE work to research and gather Woodforest and Chase deposit information for TOMMY to demonstrate that I was due for payment of previous HTIRE work from previous week. Gathered all past JOEL contract payment check images from Dec/Nov 2024, printed copy of each; printed Woodforest HTIRE statements from Nov/Dec 2024 and noted/marked each JOEL contract payment date.. Then printed full month overview of Dec 2024 calendar and indicated where each of JOEL payment checks were paid at Woodforest and also when I deposited at Chase. Payment check information was gathered via logging onto HTIRE WF bank and viewing statement details.

  • Printed the Dec payment calendar mentioned above so as to clearly show that JOEL contract payment was indeed due for previous week

  • Later discussed the check payment/deposit date details with TOMMY, at which point he understood and could see that payment was due.  TOMMY then wrote the appropriate payment check

  • Recharged all batteries in JOEL office closet (AA mostly) and stored in the “charged” containers

TUESDAY 12/31/24:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen area

  • New Years Eve 

  • Organized waiting quickbooks work

  • Inputted new invoices/emailed new TGS wrk invoices to CLyle copying TOMMY

  • Inputted and scanned latest payment checks in Quickbooks

  • Created payment receipt digital binders for above referenced HTIRE client payment checks and emailed binders to payables dept contacts at applicable client offices

  • At SHOP from 10am to 2pm; TOMMY trip to LA with Julia

  • Stayed up all night for project work (personal); lots of audio/video testing/gathering. Zoom H4N mic testing for New Years sounds from back window, used phone to record audio/video from New Years fireworks and sounds from front yard around midnight to 1am.

  • Did 30 minute mini-LED/OLED visual video review/comparison to eventually publish on various niche platforms

WED 01/01/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • 4 to six hours doing hardware computer maintenance and doing loose rough edit of previous evenings audio video content from New Years.

  • Hacked JOEL bathroom Swiffer/Wetjet mob refill bottle so that I could refill it instead of having to buy a new bottle.  Hacked bottle (boiling water trick) and refilled with household Lysol all purpose cleaner.

  • Mopped kitchen and other exposed laminate floor areas around TOMMY office area

  • Created simple way to secure Swiffer/WetJet mop to JOEL bathroom inner door using existing door hanging hooks and 3M interlock tape to secure Wetjet mop end (where bottle is installed/heaviest portion) at lower point on door to avoid it banging around when opening closing bathroom door.

  • Emptied and replaced kitchen/joel waste cans and placed by front door for transfer to outdoor city bin on Thursday

THUR 01/02/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY: Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Took Wed collected waste bags to city bin and moved bin to street for pickup same day

  • Conversation with TOMMY re: his desiring my involvement in researching CD/bond options in regards to his current ALL CASH positions at Fidelity. Will have to revisit conversation with TOMMY as seeing to his request for investment assistance will require a very notable amount of time which will impact HTIRE work and JOEL personal work. Possible options are defining a secondary contract and see to the work properly under a contract payment arrangement (prelim idea would be simply adding a certain amount to my regular weekly payment for existing contract that involves only HTIRE Quickbooks/clerical work.  Second option would be for TOMMY to take the entire conversation to a professional consultant, either an hourly arrangement with a well vetted local consultant or the typical advisory relationship with a firm such as that which Greg C. works for. Those are the only two options considering the amount of time/research that will be required to facilitate the request properly and in a professional manner. 

  • Received second request from Tommy to facilitate the purchase of a new electric razor to replace the item that was stolen in LA on his casino trip.  Requested that he simply text me the desired model number and I would order from AMZ.  Did not receive requested text.

  • Continued wth razor topic and printed two of the current, top reviewed Norelco options at AMZ and left signed/noted/photo logged copy on TOMMY office chair for his review on Friday morning.

  • Printed Square CC processing data for complete HTIRE 2024 sales amount made via Square CC and left signed/noted/photo logged copy on Tommy office chair.

  • Printed updated pages to for JOEL work log and added to TOMMY office filing cabinet archive

  • Several hours researching current household/HTIRE internet plan:
    1. To ascertain the amount of time I paid 100% of the internet bill since I switched payments over to HTIRE AMEX in April 2024 (JOEL pay approximately 1.7 years before switching payment to HTIRE AMEX.

2. To ascertain what free streaming services we are afforded with Xfinity plan (partly to allow TOMMY to view ESPN or otherwise broadcasts of college LIVE football/etc.)

FRI 01/03/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY: Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Ordered new razor from AMZ for TOMMY (DISCVR); printed and filed receipt

  • Paid lates ACCT invoice via WF HTIRE acct.

  • Sent email to ACCT informing of my removing Dropbox from all of my workstations and that I would phone to discuss monthly hand off of Quickbooks file via either direct uploads to the Dropbox website or simply delivering via thumb drive each month

  • Organized new hard copy Quickbooks work and prepared for statements generation some time before ACCT company file hand off on Jan 16th

SAT 01/04/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY: Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Ran errands: delivered xmas gifts to J/B on SW side of town; grocery shopping/etc.

  • Received AMZ delivery of TOMMY new razor and left for his inspection/setup

SUN 01/05/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY: Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Ran errands: Visit to Julia’s to assist with Blu Ray player setup

  • $15 gas in JOEL car / gas to Julia’s and x2 Toll Road fees / printed/dated/photo logged receipt and filed in TOMMY office cabinet (AMEX purchases file)

  • Ordered new Airfanta 3pro with extra carbon filters / printed AMEX receipt and filed in TOMMY office cabinet indicating it as a possible return item

  • Prepared first Xmas time air purfifier for return and refund to AMEX / printed return receipt and filed in TOMMY office cabinet

  • Swept front back walk ways

  • Cooked food for week

MON 01/07/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Mopped kitchen/dining/hall/joel bath areas

  • Ordered air purifier and shelving for JOEL office and invoiced as office purchase

  • Inputted new Quickbooks payments/invoices/bills/checks/deposits

  • Sent two new TGS work invoices to CLYLE and copied TOMMY

  • Moved TGS new work invoices to TOMMY yahoo inbox for new invoices not billed; price reference archive

  • Paid on outstanding Stautberg medical bill

  • Paid on two lowest balance CC bills

  • Repaired USB backup drive for JOEL office computer

  • Printed JOEL work log documents and updated primary archive in TOMMY office file cabinet

TUE 01/08/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Updated AMEX info with new card number on ATD Radius and ATD wholesaler websites

  • Received and printed dual copies of new ATD order and marked for payment (315/30Z21) x2 tires; will pay online at ATD Radius

  • Scheduled TOMMY Hobby airport parking for Vegas trip; paid with AMEX; printed two copies and left in binder on TOMMY desk dated and photo logged

WED 01/09/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Received/filed in TOMMY cabinet latest water bill and WF bank statement

  • Paid two open ATD recent phone order invoices via the ATD online portal using HTIRE AMEX. 

  • Emailed ATD payment support to see if phone/shipping orders could be automatically paid via HTIRE AMEX to prevent my having to log on and pay each invoice that is open and created via a phone/ship scenario

  • Inputted recent invoices/bills/payments/deposits in Quickbooks

  • Emailed J Beenan at TGS requesting a copy of the latest TGS check as I was not given a copy to scan for reference re: invoices paid as well as maintaining the typical archive of check copies from all vendors who submit payment checks

  • Worked on arranging air purifiers in JOEL office; set up air monitor quality device and connected to phone.  Investment is to reduce the amount of wear/tear on office workstation fans and to reduce the need for frequent cleaning of office workstation fans and/or having to replace workstation fans due to early failure caused by excessive dust/particulate matter in office.

THUR 01/10/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY (but still worked for HTIRE)

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • At shop from 8am to 2pm

  • Lengthy conversation with spanish speaking phone in customer re: the purchase of x8 11Rx22.5 all position trailer tires. Used translator to facilitate purchase.  Customers card was declined but he is going to call his bank and try again once discovering the issue. Entire translation/phone process took 3 hours (approx).

  • Home from shop by 2:30pm

FRI 01/10/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY (but still worked for HTIRE)

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • At shop from 8am to 2pm

  • Attended weekly IPC zoom conference call while at shop

  • Received random walk in request from individual looking for work at palettes company; forwarded email to John (owner of palettes company) with the person’s name/number

  • Home by 3pm; out for shopping and back home by 8pm for evening

  • Various household maintenance routines

  • Packed  air purifier HTIRE AMEX for return/credit; found slightly more expensive by highly more effective option which I will keep for reduction of dust in JOEL office

SAT 01/11/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Ran errands / groceries / etc.

SUN 01/12/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Returned unneeded items (HTIRE) to UPS at Wallisville

  • Created pass through hole in bedroom drywall for CAT5 cable to run to JOEL office router; connected JOEL bedroom laptop to central router in JOEL OFFICE for syncing of Quickbooks data files produced/changed when working on company file at the shop and on mobile workstation

MON 01/13/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Received email from ACCT asking whether HTIRE would be filling out for for the currently “injuncted” Official Beneviciary Information request which is a data collection process created by the “Financial Crimes Enforcement Network”; as the requirement is currently not an officially mandated process TOMMY decided to not mess with it.  I replied to ACCT, letting him know of TOMMY decision and began creating list of new research points to better understand FCEN and the BOI forms process. Copied TOMMY on all replies to ACCT.

  • Inputted all waiting Quickbooks invoices, bills, deposits and checks; also sent revised copy of most recent ATLAS invoice to REECE @ ATLAS due to a small math error on the original hand written invoice; copied TOMMY on communication with ATLAS re: revised invoice.

  • Did weed eating, mowing and blowing of entire back yard/walkway and back porch area

  • Did further rearranging of new cat “relocation” which involves him now residing on the back porch 90% of the time due to constant vomiting inside of house (TOMMY particularly sensitive to this so figured some sort of attempt to avoid agitation of him would be beneficial).

  • Printed and filed most recent JOEL AMEX food purchase items while supervising the HTIRE shop/brick and mortar location while TOMMY was on regular (every 1.5 month VEGAS trip).

  • Prepared all client statement folders in JOEL office cabinet for statement creation on WED 01/15/25 as Quickbooks company file is scheduled to be handed off to ACCT on Thurs 01/16/25 for Dec year end TAX closure (ususally a two day process)

  • Printed and filed recent returns of air purifier and air monitor control for JOEL office and filed in TOMMY office cabinet for reference when HTIRE AMEX statement arrives around ~23rd of Jan 2025. Also made note of the Airfanta 3Pro air purifier invoice which is the device I kept for daily prevention of dust build up in JOEL personal workstations (non HTIRE items) which I use to see to all HTIRE work on a daily basis; intention is primarily to assist in dust prevention and short life of workstatioin fans/cooling system due to the frequent/daily use of JOEL personal workstations for contract work for HTIRE

TUE 01/14/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Received email from MCGEE with attached invoice; emailed back for clarification as to whether the invoice was paid already  or if I needed to pay it; email language said to “pay invoice” so double checking before filing/posting. My suspicion, in light of the invoice language showing a $0.00 balance is that the invoice was paid at the time of purchase and that the MCGEE rep simply meant that I needed to input the invoice as paid.  Copied TOMMY on MCGEE email correspondence

  • Booked TOMMY parking for Las Vegas trip from 01/16 thru 01/19 via Hobby terminal garage parking online portal; printed entry code and receipt/signed/dated/photo logged and left on TOMMY home office desk

  • Paid TOMMY parking with HTIRE AMEX, printed payment receipt for entry in Quickbooks on Wednesday

  • Received random request from TOMMY to log on and check his HTIRE AMEX account due to losing his card. Logged on, check account, then froze account to see if he would find the lost card.  TOMMY found his card.  Then I logged back in and “UNFROZE” his card per his request.

WED 01/15/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Received random request from TOMMY to research new NewsMax stock IPO. Did cursory research and replied via email to TOMMY that reputable sources were saying “stay away from it” … snake oil, etc.  Then said clearly that I could not assist with any volatile stocks work and that he’d have to deal with a payed advisor for anything stock related.  Also said I’d be more than happy to assist with strategy on anything safe and “risk free” such as traditional money markets, etc. due to those positions being the sort that would only fail if the entire global banking system failed at the same time.

  • Phone call to Allstate Tech Protection to get approval for replacement of failed Harris Tire electronics device

  • Printed Allstate replacement/reimbursement approval and filed in AMEX folder in TOMMY office cabinet

  • Discussed replacement/warranty claim with TOMMY and notified that $899.99 would be deposited in HTIRE AMEX account once Allstate reimbursement check is received.

THURS 01/16/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • At shop from 12pm too 4pm; TOMMY Vegas trip

FRI 01/17/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY/LAROUCHE JOB (meetings as possible while at shop; finished and/or joined other conference calls later in evening.

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Shop from 10:30am to 3pm; TOMMY Vegas trip

  • lengt=[[[[

SAT 01/18/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Several calls and emails to Creative Labs re: return of Squaretrade covered SXFI carrier kit with failed SXFI module; confirmed/approval of SquareTrade coverage and printed FedEx return label for shipping old SXFI carrier unit back to SquareTrade

SUN 01/19/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Removed leaking generator from back porch and rolled under cover of front porch; placed pan under gas leak to catch gas and covered generator with plastic tarp in advance of snow/rain

MON 01/20/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Received request from ACCT for Fidelity/LPL statements; retrieved from both respective web portal and sent back to ACCT

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Several hours organizing JOEL office area, shelving, adding small hanging baskets to main workstation stand for spare thumb drives, thermos, decibel meter, etc.

  • Checked batteries in all housewife LED “camping lamps” … replaced batteries in those needing such and left noteon TOMMY desk, dated/photologged. This in advance of possible heavy freeze over next two days

  • Left note on TOMMY desk informing that we would handle the setting up of the Westinghouse generator; in advance of possible power outages in next two days freeze

  • Filed two new TGS invoices for later inputting in Quickbooks

  • Emptied household fridge of all waste/expired items, cleaned fridge shelving

  • Emptied main coffee/coffee cupboards of lots of trash; organized all decent insulated cups and mated with those lids I could actually find; informed TOMMY of the cleanup and  placement of cups

  • Organized kitchen main shelving, getting rid of large boxes and consolidating whatever contents remained in small freezer bags; informed TOMMY of changes

  • Printed westinghouse generator quickstart guide for getting the gen running later in the day

TUE 01/21/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Discussed and indicated where gas leak is on home generator; took photos of leaking area of generator and marked up in photoshop; sent marked up leak photo to TOMMY for reference when discussing possible repair sources/options

  • Otherwise, frozen in for the day

WED 01/22/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Scanned new TGS work invoices and mailed to CLYLE at TGS; copied TOMMY email on new invoices

  • Contacted ACCT to see if I was clear post month end taxes to begin work in Quickbooks company file

  • Received word back from ACCT that Quickbooks company file was free for work

  • Gathered and emailed new work invoices to CLYLE at TGS

  • Organized waiting QB work for inputting on Monday

THURS 01/23/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Emptied housewife trash and took out to city bin

  • Took city bin trash and recycling to curb for pickup on Frid and Sat

  • Received final word from Amica insurance regarding reimbursement for contractor payment that was necessary after Hurricane Beryl; this was a two month process finally completed. The first property claim was for the Derecho storm which I also managed but for Derecho storm I dealt with A Watson at Amica and he handled/finished our claim very quickly. The following, soon thereafter Hurricane Beryl event claim was managed by JASMIN at Amica, a completely different representative who did not return my weekly emails and phone calls for over two months.  Today, however, another completely different Amica representative contacted me, sounding more so like a manager or leadership person and informed me that he has facilitated the provision of the last/final check for contractor reimbursement associated with home repairs after Hurricane Beryl.

  • Informed TOMMy of the incoming $1700.00 check and attempted to describe the two months of work it took to get it but I’m not sure he heard me saying only something like, “Well, they should have given us twice as much!” … which I found odd as he had arranged for false documents to be produced by the contractor which actually already equaled twice what we actually paid the contractor.  

  • Made note to publish that event/work as further indication of how I “pay rent” here at our property in lieu of having actual money to pay rent financially (I make $400 a week or so after taxes so paying rent in the traditional regard is impossible; therefore, I cover my part by managing all such insurance matters and doing all other property maintenance internally and externally

  • Gathered days most recent work and filed for inputting on Monday when working in Quickbooks

FRI 01/24/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Spoke with ACCT about ongoing effort to streamline Quickbooks file handoff process

  • Scanned and faxed multiple HTIRE and TOMMY tax documents to ACCT per TOMMY request

  • Organized waiting Quickbooks work for inputting on Monday

SAT 01/25/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Sent multiple emails to SquareTrade and Creative Labs re: returned/replaced equipment

  • Set TOMMY TV up for access to JOEL streaming services

SUN 01/26/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Cooked remaining food for week

  • Mopped kitchen/bath and all other hardwood floors

  • Emptied all office shredder bins

  • Put $25 in personal car (gas) and left note in AMEX folder 

  • Did so/so job of covering attic hole in garage per TOMMY request

  • Printed and marked up Jan 2025 AMEX statement; left noted comment for TOMMY revue and filed second copy in TOMMY office cabinet; also stored secure digital copy on HTIRE cloud server

MON 01/27/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac’d and mopped floors

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks invoices, bills, deposits, CC charges

  • Filed TOMMY misc personal items (Mercedez maint, etc.) in TOMMY office file cabinet

  • Emailed new work invoices to CLYLE at TGS; copied TOMMY on emails and placed copies in NEW CLIENT INVOICE Yahoo folder for future pricing reference

  • Printed Kindgdom storage key replacement charge and noted to input as MGM MC charge in Quickbooks

  • Confirmed payment card for HTIRE Progressive insurance payment (MGM MC); noted to input next time working on company file in Quickbooks

  • Printed and marked up latest JAN 2025 AMEX HTIRE statement; created file folder and left for TOMMY review; dated and photo logged before hand off

  • Organized masking material and sealant cans for treating outdoor living room windows to eliminate drafts; waiting for rain to cease before beginning work

The Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.