Having been involved in this exceptional workload over the past few weeks and spending more time in that particular neighborhood, I've recently decided it wouldn't hurt to give a brief recap of the uniquely active role that his personal social circles have played in many of the past actions against my person (both physically and socially) which have been utilized as /tactics/ of the investigation (the occasional rogue vigilante group not withstanding of course).
Furthermore, this article means to highlight and emphasize the role that the local authorities (namely, Houston Police) have played as a collaborative element alongside the FBI, in the past and ongoing investigation of myself as a person of interest.
This collaborative role of the local police assisting with and participating in conjunction with a federal investigation is important to note for a couple of reasons: first, my father's closest immediate and lifelong friends are members, respectively, of two distinct federal and local law enforcement entities, the federal secret service and houston police department and collaborative members from within both entities would be quite easy to come by; secondly, the general mode of operation involving a federal entity such as the FBI and in regards to very long winded investigations, is to, as a matter of course, distribute the workload among other local authorities simply due to reasons of man power and work hours.
This article will specifically address the above mentioned social circles and especially the much hyped and pervasively propagated rumors of pedophilia and/or otherwise sexual dysfunction that have been sewn throughout these social circles as well as others in the Houston area.
Child Adult Restraint Education (C.A.R.E.)
Around early 2002 or so, I was working full time at my father's company; this was the time-frame that was rife with the most direct and traumatic actions against my person; primary among these actions, some physical and some social, were covert druggings and truly socially debilitating rumor and slander campaigns.
Regarding the latter mentioned form of harassment, forced community-wide distribution of rumors testifying to my involvement or supposed proclivity to pedophilia (or even more generally, that I was a stalker or predator) was a particularly disastrous tool used by the investigators.
This rumor/slander was pushed into every social circle I had at the time and each was similarly infected in the way of quite slowly ostracizing me from their ranks ... or else, even worse than ostracization, many of these traditional friends were so convinced by the investigators that the rumors were true, that they very willingly became active participants in the network of informants and 'data-gatherers' employed by the investigation.
This was somewhat of an excruciating period; from my traditional surfing community friends, to my, literally, near life long friends, just about all were in some way incorporated into the efforts against me and I can assume, all the while were made to believe that the actions, ultimately, were 'for my own good.'
Again, I can't emphasize the amount of mental/emotional duress that was brought on by witnessing these processes firsthand and all the while not being able to address the claims or make the actions real to a single personal confidant (that would come later, thankfully).

The billboards main letters read: "C.A.R.E", a very prominent four letter acronym that dominated the billboards main content space. A closer inspection, upon leaving the parking lot that same day yielded the details of exactly what C.A.R.E, supposedly, was. According to the sub text of the billboard, C.A.R.E stood for "Child Adult Restraint Education", a program sponsored by the Houston Sheriff's Department which needed no further sub text to explain that it was some sort of rehabilitation program for pedophiles and/or sexual offenders.
I couldn't believe it.
Most persons, at least here in the southern U.S., are familiar with the D.A.R.E program which is used as a recovery program for violent and drug offenders. This billboard was unmistakably playing upon this other, very popular sheriff's department program and I knew immediately that the installation of the billboard was a part of the harassment campaign against myself.
Now, near 5 years later, I'm even more convinced that the billboard had been meant for me personally; also, i am convinced that the goal was to eventually incriminate me and introduce me to this mysteriously (so far) non-existent, C.A.R.E rehab process.
I'm more sure of these things now due to a couple of different reasons:
Around two months after the billboard went up was when the first of my long time friends came forward and confided in me their awareness of and participation in the investigation; they did this based on a genuine concern for how out of bounds the investigation had progressed and for the very real reason that I had truly been put at major risk by the past PCP overdose and other covert druggings. Furthermore, around the same time, I began a very disciplined and monthly update process with a select few legal witnesses that I had chosen as confidants as first step towards making my experiences and concerns legally public; this involved occasional face to face dialogue as well as letters carbon copied to each witness. Very shortly after these few key actions on my part, the billboard was suddenly taken down (it remained public and visible for about 1 month only).
I have searched the internet and asked members of the sheriff's department where I might find information regarding this so called C.A.R.E program and nobody thus far has been able to point me towards any information and nor have they heard any mention of it. The internet offers absolutely no responsive links either via thorough searching. So if this was an actual program sponsored by the sheriff's department and one prevalent enough to warrant a small billboard, then how come nobody at the sheriff's department knows about it? Funny stuff, huh?
My next step, simply because I've got the time and means to properly see to some of these past leads, is to actually write a letter to the sheriff's department or otherwise personally visit the office of my local sheriff's department to see if I can find any information on this program.
So far, other than the billboard installed across from my work location, I've found no evidence that such a program exists.
"Child Adult Restraint Education," for pete's sake! Sweet lord. For all I know, I was going to be it's first real participant!
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website, http://www.jbhfile.com/; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see http://www.jbhfile.com/ for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.