Recently, those few of you who read this blog might remember I discussed a certain friend of mine that is known by myself to be an informant to the investigation.
Here's a link to that blog entry and why I surmise this might be beneficial to the investigators: LINK
The jist of that article revolves around the fact that this friend was supposedly, and over some period of time, purporting to be experiencing similar experiences to those I make public in my main website, he claimed that he thought he was being survielled, said persons were harassing him, said he was having issues with 'questionable' pornography ... and on and on ...
Read the article linked above to better understand why I mention this fellow in my blog.
Lo and Behold! Here comes Another one!
Well, as of today, yet another basket case from my decades-ago 12 step social circles has now returned and guess what? He's claiming to be experiencing circumstances 'similar to mine!' And even worse, he claimed with much conviction that jesus sent him. (ACK!)
Anyway ...
It seems he contacted my father and was given my cel phone number and home phone. (I've since cursed my father for sharing my personal information with others) :-)
If a pattern is visible in the tactics of those behind the investigation, then it would only have to be one that seems bent on involving me with long dead social circles ... and specifically those that are either related to 12 step programs or even fucking worse, whacko christian types of persons/groups.
Anyway, this guy I used to know many many years ago suddenly locates me out of the blue last week and immediately begins explaining how he's sure the government is out to kill him and isn't sure how much longer he'll be around (death anxieties, etc.).
He claims that he's been waiting at a restaurant for 4 hours near an old residence of mine (which he supposed I still lived at) and that he's wanting to get together with me to discuss our mutually similar circumstances.
(oh god.)
Anyway, I kept it as cordial as possible while quite frankly informing him that I wanted nothing to do with any regular involvement with him and have basically cut off communication past that initial contact.
Now, he won't stop emailing.
I've never once in my life considered changing my phone numbers and email addresses ... but of late, the measure has crossed my mind.
Unique Nature of this Guy
Why is this interesting insofar as the contents of is concerned?
As with the previously mentioned friend (another article) ... this guy is an old acquaintance from the Houston Alcoholics Anonymous scene, a social circle/set I became a member of just after graduating highschool some two decades ago ... and when I was in a serious fight to free myself from the clutches of a very real although admittedly adolescent drug addiction. You can read the full acount of my association with such groups, HERE.
This guy, in fact, is what you might describe as a career 12 step junkie (although, judging by our brief conversation, he's since become a Jesus Freak(tm).
But back in the day, this old friend had a 12 step program for just about every thought that occurred to him as being an 'issue,' ESPECIALLY sexual issues.
He went to Sex Anonymous meetings, Sex and Love Addicts meetings and maybe a few more in between.
He was quite brainwashed by the whole psycho-social/12 step culture and genuinely found real discomfort in what I consider normal male banter, say, loosely discussing the hottie who might be seated next to us at a bar or restaurant.
To him, such verbiage resulted in painful episodes of shame and guilt; he would say that such discussions were 'relapse behavior' or some other atrocious and absolutely idiotic brainwash-induced discomfort surrounding his supposed issues.
I would say, "She's hot, man. You shouldn't sweat it"
Anyway, he seemed happy in his anguish, and after some time ... our paths through life naturally parted. And, this is a good thing ...
I mean, c'mon already ... any male who can't shamelessly objectify the hottie at the neighboring table is nobody that I want business with.
Which isn't to say that objectification of females is my modis operandi ... because it by far is not ... but it is quite fun at times (and rather acceptable in my world view).
Funny thing ... when he called me, he said he was staying at a hotel and as a silly sort of quip I mentioned as we were ending our conversation, "Hey, cool ... your staying at a Hotel, you should order a porno!".
And he replied in a spooky, sterilized way: "I'm not into that bro."
And I knew this was a freak I wanted nothing to do with.
No offense old friend.
But, to quote Beck, "the past is still the past."
Good luck out there.
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
Daily blog of general status of circumstances made public in more detail at my personal website and domain: WWW.jbhFILE.COM. Subjects and daily events are discussed quite casually here and nothing stated in this blog should be considered matter of fact. For the details of the circumstances that this blog further discusses, please see my main site, at WWW.jbhFILE.COM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The AA Connection
Certain of the persons I still retain as acquaintances from such social networks are the very same that have occasionally confided in me their awareness of the investigation, even up to warning me of possible set-us.
Furthermore, I know it is the goal of the investigators, after successfully setting me up via some sort of drug related scenario, to court mandate my attendance of AA type programs here in the Houston area, both as a way of solidifying the image they have worked to construct of my being a drug user and as well as a means of creating a controlled environment within which more psychosocial/"street theatre" dramas could be easily realized. (See my thoughts on detonation and secondary set-up events)
Why am I discussing AA, you might ask?
Because, as a teenager, I really did have a problem with elicit substances, namely, cocaine.
This is no secret to my family or any of my long-term friends.
When I was 17 years old, I voluntarily entered a treatment program because I was becoming terrified at how much of my life was being taken over by my addiction to cocaine; I had only used the drug for about 8 months at the time.
It was a very nasty thing, cocaine, and since those teen years, I've certainly never been so much as tempted to use it again.
I'm 38 years old, now, by the way.
That experience is some 19 years in my past.
As a part of recovering from the use of that substance, like most young persons who find themselves in such straits, I was immediately introduced to Alcoholics Anonymous, where, having been truly downtrodden and beaten up by my circumstances, I quickly acclimated myself to the culture and processes and began making strides in what's very dramatically, in AA circles, referred to as, 'my program.'
AA was not all a bad thing, in fact, I owe a great deal to it and what it gave me in the way of training and support in learning how to live a normal, passionate life.
The bad part comes when you want to leave AA, and possibly (god forbid!), consume alcohol.
I'll just say it outright, having had seven years experience with it; AA is, at the core, a cult.
Understand, in AA, alcohol is, basically, equivalent to the idea of satan; it is the Ultimate Evil(tm) to the serious AA lifer. Everything the serious AA lifer does, from forming social relations, to looking for work, to planning their day and eventual attendance of a daily meeting, revolves around the avoidance of anything related to the consumption of alcohol. I've really never seen anything like it in the way of a behavior-set, literally manufactured around what I consider to be a flawed theory (the disease concept).
AA lifers literally believe that to remain sober, even to simply have a productive life, they must attend AA meetings for the rest of their life and, most importantly, that they can never partake of alcohol again.
They believe they suffer from a biological disease that will always prevent them from making decisions for themselves and that certainly prevents them from consuming alcohol without disastrous effects.
Myself? I never bought into the disease aspect of addiction, and I still don't; I simply have not found support for such a definition of drug addiction and/or alcoholism in my life.
Drug and alcohol addiction are real, don't get me wrong; I believe this.
Yet I personally believe it has more to do with a person's existing passions and priorities, more so than it does with one's biological ability to make decisions for oneself.
The AA lifer says:
"I will always be sick and can never consume alcohol," he or she is literally programmed to believe this and so it becomes true in his or her life."
I say:
"I never consume any substance to the point of interfering with my life, my passions and/or my work," I have seen this demonstrated as accurate via my own experience and so it is true in my life."
It's an easy decision to make, really.
If something is going to get in the way of my relations, work and/or artistic endeavors, then it simply cannot remain as a factor in my life; this idea has been borne out time and time again since my leaving AA. I have excelled in every area of my life, from professional/career endeavors to my more personal explorations of literature, music and art, since leaving that organization.
So, the point of this brief bit of personal history, stated here in this most public of venues, is to demonstrate that it is known to me that the investigators are using this factual set of historical events, much like one would use a lever or pulley, to simplify their task of meeting any of the investigations main objectives, most importantly the behavioral science objective of personal isolation and free reign in conducting whatever sorts of invasive, or not so, investigations of my personal history.
"Once an addict, always an addict," or, "man, your denial is unbelievable," etc.
Personally, I don't buy it.
Re: sex drugs and rock and roll ... you can Read More HERE
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Forced home relocation, forced employment.
My current, daily political work has been a truly bothersome thorn in the investigation's side (if I may so personify), if only because the majority of the persons that I work with are genuinely trustworthy persons, many of whom have seen through their own legal requests made under FOIPA (Freedom of Information and Privacy Act) and many with long standing and strong ties to the United States intelligence circles.
They are persons who, due to their own experiences and legal efforts realize that the terms 'unlikely' and 'untrue' are far from being synonymous; said plainly, they are persons not easily bought.
My work with this political organization has been one of, if not the most beneficial changes to my daily environment if only for the above stated reasons.
It's an environment where I can work daily with a consistently similar group of persons, the vast majority of which are not under the control of the investigation and that means I can actually work and be involved in an endeavor unstressed by continuous actions against my person.
Furthermore, it's an environment where my actions are visible up to 15 hours a day, by the same regular grouping of my personal friends and co-workers and therefore any strange behaviours, attractions or mentally irregular tendencies are easily noted by others.
Frankly, my circumstances considered ... it's an environment near free from daily manipulations associated with the investigation. And this is a good thing.
Also, not only do I work 12 hours a day with said persons, but I as well share a three bedroom house with two specific members. Again, insofar as home invasions and manipulations of personal space, this is yet again a particularly bothersome fact to the investigation as, generally, there is usually at least one of us home at the house.
Therefore, some sort of legal mandate dictating my employ at some other locale would neatly open the playing field for increased and regular manipulations of my life to further buttress the long standing effort to build an image of myself as mentally ill.
Harris Tire - Forced Future Employment
The above comments considered regarding the question of mental illness. I feel it important to reiterate that according to direct conversation with others and especially considering what I've seen in the way of past unsuccessful incrimination attempts, the social circles related to my father's long standing personal business in Galena Park, TX have been the most important in supporting this claim of mental illness on my part.
These are the persons who, literally, were giving my father step by step instructions for how I could sign up to be a ward of the state or otherwise a registered mentally ill person (free meds and everything!) here in Texas; I of course declined to go through such a process.
As I've stated in, the investigators being able to make the mental illness label stick is ABSOLUTELY essential for the investigation to realize it's ultimate goals, including court mandated participation in psychiatric studies.
As per certain conversations I've had recently, and considering the recent fraudulent charges applied to my father's credit card account, it's come to my attention that the ultimate goal of the investigators is to 'shape the charge,' so to speak, towards an event that would land me back under full time employment at his business, Harris Tire.
This is important solely because the necessary work has already been done in the way of forming a very solid operative base around his social circles and once forced to work (possibly live) in that area, then all sorts of further fabrications could take root and be easily realized.
Furthermore, my father is totally unaware of the investigation and has been made to believe that I'm horribly ill or schizophrenic for thinking the investigation exists.
Again, as mentioned, the latest frenzy of activity around the Harris Tire social circles has been agitated by my working 2 days a week for him in an attempt to assist him with a recent employee loss. This is a temporary arrangement and one which I am already beginning to phase out of my weekly routine, but it has given the investigators cause to initiate a variety of possible set up attempts (like the proverbial child's hand which must reach for the candy ... they just can't resist).
Isolating me withing this environment is important as, my father, via direct dialogue with his closest friends, has been absolutely convinced that I'm horribly ill for believing that an investigation of myself exists; in other words, his best and life long friends, many who are members of local and federal law enforcement have continuously supported and somewhat fiercely promoted the notion that I am delusional. These are, of course, local houston police and federal law enforcement families, by the way. Just worth mentioning again ...
According to my conversations with others, the means of arguing for my being committed to his employment (sounds weird, I know) would be the following:
The bottom line is that if forced back into that environment, I would have no control over the probable increase of fabricated events which would have as a basis the continued effort to make me look mentally ill.
As I said at the start of this article, my appearing mentally ill is absolutely a must for the investigators and when considering their ultimate goal of unrestrained license to commit me to long term psychiatric evaluation; long term psychiatric evaluations due, simply, to the fact that those behind the investigation are simply curious ... not because of any aberrance of behavior on my part.
Don't get me wrong, I love dear old dad and I truly know he is completely unaware of the turnings of this investigation of myself ... even the existence of the same; and I do occasionally like helping him out here and there, but that work, which I did full time for him as a teenager, is nothing that I want to do full time; I'm involved in other daily tasks (political work, etc.) which are far more important both for myself and for others as well.
Finally, and this is just as important, isolating me under the employ of my father will neatly require that I sever all ties with my current work assisting with a federal political action committee; this is work I have been involved in for well nigh five years ... and more importantly, it's an environment not easily controlled by the investigation.
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
They are persons who, due to their own experiences and legal efforts realize that the terms 'unlikely' and 'untrue' are far from being synonymous; said plainly, they are persons not easily bought.
My work with this political organization has been one of, if not the most beneficial changes to my daily environment if only for the above stated reasons.
It's an environment where I can work daily with a consistently similar group of persons, the vast majority of which are not under the control of the investigation and that means I can actually work and be involved in an endeavor unstressed by continuous actions against my person.
Furthermore, it's an environment where my actions are visible up to 15 hours a day, by the same regular grouping of my personal friends and co-workers and therefore any strange behaviours, attractions or mentally irregular tendencies are easily noted by others.
Frankly, my circumstances considered ... it's an environment near free from daily manipulations associated with the investigation. And this is a good thing.
Also, not only do I work 12 hours a day with said persons, but I as well share a three bedroom house with two specific members. Again, insofar as home invasions and manipulations of personal space, this is yet again a particularly bothersome fact to the investigation as, generally, there is usually at least one of us home at the house.
Therefore, some sort of legal mandate dictating my employ at some other locale would neatly open the playing field for increased and regular manipulations of my life to further buttress the long standing effort to build an image of myself as mentally ill.
Harris Tire - Forced Future Employment
The above comments considered regarding the question of mental illness. I feel it important to reiterate that according to direct conversation with others and especially considering what I've seen in the way of past unsuccessful incrimination attempts, the social circles related to my father's long standing personal business in Galena Park, TX have been the most important in supporting this claim of mental illness on my part.
These are the persons who, literally, were giving my father step by step instructions for how I could sign up to be a ward of the state or otherwise a registered mentally ill person (free meds and everything!) here in Texas; I of course declined to go through such a process.
As I've stated in, the investigators being able to make the mental illness label stick is ABSOLUTELY essential for the investigation to realize it's ultimate goals, including court mandated participation in psychiatric studies.
As per certain conversations I've had recently, and considering the recent fraudulent charges applied to my father's credit card account, it's come to my attention that the ultimate goal of the investigators is to 'shape the charge,' so to speak, towards an event that would land me back under full time employment at his business, Harris Tire.
This is important solely because the necessary work has already been done in the way of forming a very solid operative base around his social circles and once forced to work (possibly live) in that area, then all sorts of further fabrications could take root and be easily realized.
Furthermore, my father is totally unaware of the investigation and has been made to believe that I'm horribly ill or schizophrenic for thinking the investigation exists.
Again, as mentioned, the latest frenzy of activity around the Harris Tire social circles has been agitated by my working 2 days a week for him in an attempt to assist him with a recent employee loss. This is a temporary arrangement and one which I am already beginning to phase out of my weekly routine, but it has given the investigators cause to initiate a variety of possible set up attempts (like the proverbial child's hand which must reach for the candy ... they just can't resist).
Isolating me withing this environment is important as, my father, via direct dialogue with his closest friends, has been absolutely convinced that I'm horribly ill for believing that an investigation of myself exists; in other words, his best and life long friends, many who are members of local and federal law enforcement have continuously supported and somewhat fiercely promoted the notion that I am delusional. These are, of course, local houston police and federal law enforcement families, by the way. Just worth mentioning again ...
According to my conversations with others, the means of arguing for my being committed to his employment (sounds weird, I know) would be the following:
- Most likely, an incrimination attempt would involve some personal financial account of his own; judge would say, "It'd do you good paying back some of those deeds with some nice hard work for him" ... or, "since he's clearly so unstable that he can't even remember or own the fact that he committed a crime, the best place for him would be with a family member."
- Prosecution would argue that since I owe him money, that it'd only make sense that I assist him full time until that debt is payed (which wouldn't be long as it's only about 700.00 dollars or so!).
The bottom line is that if forced back into that environment, I would have no control over the probable increase of fabricated events which would have as a basis the continued effort to make me look mentally ill.
As I said at the start of this article, my appearing mentally ill is absolutely a must for the investigators and when considering their ultimate goal of unrestrained license to commit me to long term psychiatric evaluation; long term psychiatric evaluations due, simply, to the fact that those behind the investigation are simply curious ... not because of any aberrance of behavior on my part.
Don't get me wrong, I love dear old dad and I truly know he is completely unaware of the turnings of this investigation of myself ... even the existence of the same; and I do occasionally like helping him out here and there, but that work, which I did full time for him as a teenager, is nothing that I want to do full time; I'm involved in other daily tasks (political work, etc.) which are far more important both for myself and for others as well.
Finally, and this is just as important, isolating me under the employ of my father will neatly require that I sever all ties with my current work assisting with a federal political action committee; this is work I have been involved in for well nigh five years ... and more importantly, it's an environment not easily controlled by the investigation.
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Schizophrenia? You sure?
This is a brief segment from a longer article I have published to my main website.
It's important because it discusses one of the primary mechanisms via which those behind the investigation have attempted to discredit my very legitimate efforts to obtain proof of the investigation of me, and that is ... that it's all just some 'delusion of reference' or otherwise construct of my supposedly sick imagination.
Read it carefully ... then visit the link at the bottom of this blog post to read the entire article published at my main site:
Insofar as the circumstances portrayed in are concerned ... there are many actions against my person which I have managed to obtain significant evidence of, both in the way of physical evidence and even direct witnessing of the events by others. For other actions, I've obtained no proof at all.
Also, I frequently reference certain persons from long time personal social circles who have confided in me their personal knowledge of the investigation; these same persons have also, on particular occasions, alerted me to possible upcoming actions against my person. These persons are essential to my being able to author occasional articles such as this.
Such persons remain anonymous for two specific reasons: first, they can in no way assist me in my legal efforts to obtain proof of an investigation as they are not actual 'numbered informants' to the investigators; secondly, these person's could be held legally liable for a number of different reasons related to the impeding of federal and local investigations.
That said, and since I happen to personally know that the stigma of mental illness of some kind, be it biological or otherwise, is absolutely necessary to the investigations ultimate goals, ... please consider the following questions:
Because a person claims that certain things have happened to him or her and if said person cannot generate adequate proof of the supposed event, does this necessarily give any other human being the right to call that person mentally ill? Does this give a legal system the right to then say that it will control the direction of the days of said persons life? Does this then give the same legal system the right to force the medication of said person with drugs scientifically proven to cause actual and permanent damage to a person's brain while simultaneously being unproveable insofar as their effects on the same person's brain?
Or consider this scenario: pretend for a moment that I am successfully incarcerated and a subsequent follow up investigation of my residence or otherwise turns up a planted cache of evidence related to ongoing unsolved crimes in areas I had resided or worked? Some clothing stolen from an ex girlfriends house, a weapon or something else stolen from some other person's property, property reportedly missing from a vehicle i was required to work on or drive under my employment circumstances, etc. ... all FOUND ON MY PROPERTY.
What would be my defense? I mean, c'mon ... it was found on my own property for pete's sake! I mean, dead to rights and all ...
I of course would cry foul play on the part of the authorities and would indicate my past five years of legal efforts to expose an investigation and then refer the questioners to my various online and otherwise writings on the subject. The answer in the courts eyes, of course, would be mental illness, and besides, there'd be 25 years of clinical study to show that I'm simply nuts.
As a counterpoint to that specific example, do we not know that, on occasion, authorities have been exposed countless times for planting evidence?
Do we not know, on occasion, that authorities have sometimes been discovered to be so obsessed with an investigative outcome, for personal or professional reasons alone, that they have been willing to lie or wrongfully prosecute to see that investigation's closure along lines acceptable to them?
Then why would it be so unlikely in a case such as that described above ... myself, a person who has written for years about an investigation of himself, one who has carried on a publicized legal effort with mature, reasonable and determined effort, who is suddenly and unexplainably implicated in some crime as described above.
Mental illness, the court would argue, what else should we believe? Some conspiracy among desparate officials desiring a specific end to a long winded investigation? Inflamed egos associated with federal and local law enforcement personas relative to my family social circles, simply wanting to look good? Save face?
Finally, and taking the question of how to properly and scientifically define mental illness a step or two forward, consider this question as well: Is it appropriate to label a person mentally ill who is simply claiming to be experiencing circumstances which might seem, in a popular sense, merely unlikely?
I think those are fair questions...
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
It's important because it discusses one of the primary mechanisms via which those behind the investigation have attempted to discredit my very legitimate efforts to obtain proof of the investigation of me, and that is ... that it's all just some 'delusion of reference' or otherwise construct of my supposedly sick imagination.
Read it carefully ... then visit the link at the bottom of this blog post to read the entire article published at my main site:
Insofar as the circumstances portrayed in are concerned ... there are many actions against my person which I have managed to obtain significant evidence of, both in the way of physical evidence and even direct witnessing of the events by others. For other actions, I've obtained no proof at all.
Also, I frequently reference certain persons from long time personal social circles who have confided in me their personal knowledge of the investigation; these same persons have also, on particular occasions, alerted me to possible upcoming actions against my person. These persons are essential to my being able to author occasional articles such as this.
Such persons remain anonymous for two specific reasons: first, they can in no way assist me in my legal efforts to obtain proof of an investigation as they are not actual 'numbered informants' to the investigators; secondly, these person's could be held legally liable for a number of different reasons related to the impeding of federal and local investigations.
That said, and since I happen to personally know that the stigma of mental illness of some kind, be it biological or otherwise, is absolutely necessary to the investigations ultimate goals, ... please consider the following questions:
Because a person claims that certain things have happened to him or her and if said person cannot generate adequate proof of the supposed event, does this necessarily give any other human being the right to call that person mentally ill? Does this give a legal system the right to then say that it will control the direction of the days of said persons life? Does this then give the same legal system the right to force the medication of said person with drugs scientifically proven to cause actual and permanent damage to a person's brain while simultaneously being unproveable insofar as their effects on the same person's brain?
Or consider this scenario: pretend for a moment that I am successfully incarcerated and a subsequent follow up investigation of my residence or otherwise turns up a planted cache of evidence related to ongoing unsolved crimes in areas I had resided or worked? Some clothing stolen from an ex girlfriends house, a weapon or something else stolen from some other person's property, property reportedly missing from a vehicle i was required to work on or drive under my employment circumstances, etc. ... all FOUND ON MY PROPERTY.
What would be my defense? I mean, c'mon ... it was found on my own property for pete's sake! I mean, dead to rights and all ...
I of course would cry foul play on the part of the authorities and would indicate my past five years of legal efforts to expose an investigation and then refer the questioners to my various online and otherwise writings on the subject. The answer in the courts eyes, of course, would be mental illness, and besides, there'd be 25 years of clinical study to show that I'm simply nuts.
As a counterpoint to that specific example, do we not know that, on occasion, authorities have been exposed countless times for planting evidence?
Do we not know, on occasion, that authorities have sometimes been discovered to be so obsessed with an investigative outcome, for personal or professional reasons alone, that they have been willing to lie or wrongfully prosecute to see that investigation's closure along lines acceptable to them?
Then why would it be so unlikely in a case such as that described above ... myself, a person who has written for years about an investigation of himself, one who has carried on a publicized legal effort with mature, reasonable and determined effort, who is suddenly and unexplainably implicated in some crime as described above.
Mental illness, the court would argue, what else should we believe? Some conspiracy among desparate officials desiring a specific end to a long winded investigation? Inflamed egos associated with federal and local law enforcement personas relative to my family social circles, simply wanting to look good? Save face?
Finally, and taking the question of how to properly and scientifically define mental illness a step or two forward, consider this question as well: Is it appropriate to label a person mentally ill who is simply claiming to be experiencing circumstances which might seem, in a popular sense, merely unlikely?
I think those are fair questions...
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
New Media Player = FRAUD?
The title is supposed to be provocative.
But it is the truth that I've recently acquired a wonderful new portable MP3 and video player. It's a Creative Zen Vision:M and I'm currently using it with a portable headphone amp made by Practical Devices:

The Implications
So what does this mean?
I mean, beyond having heavenly sound quality in a portable media system?
Well ... predominantly, that this device and specifically the acquisition of media to play on it could, theoretically be used against me in the way of wrongful incrimination.
Think about it.
Regarding the wrongful incrimination attempts discussed in the past, especially those involving the supposed wrongful use of other persons checking and credit card account information ... this new device represents a rather seductive opportunity to create more supposed criminal acts upon my part.
For instance, ...
I've recently published an obligatory post to my daily blog discussing my use of a family members credit card to make some online purchases ... this sort of arrangement, of course, not being unusual between myself and this particular family member. I've written enough about this practice in the past.
But suppose that next month, when I review the AMEX statement to verify that the above mentioned purchases (and no others) are properly reported, suppose that I find several other purchases to online music/.mp3 providors, using this same persons credit card information?
What then?
Anyway ... not wanting to take the fantasizing/projecting to far ...
I think it suffices for this lighthearted update to note that I have recently acquired a fantastic new media player and I'm certainly only playing media that I have the right to play.
I don't purchase online music anyway ...
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
But it is the truth that I've recently acquired a wonderful new portable MP3 and video player. It's a Creative Zen Vision:M and I'm currently using it with a portable headphone amp made by Practical Devices:

The Implications
So what does this mean?
I mean, beyond having heavenly sound quality in a portable media system?
Well ... predominantly, that this device and specifically the acquisition of media to play on it could, theoretically be used against me in the way of wrongful incrimination.
Think about it.
Regarding the wrongful incrimination attempts discussed in the past, especially those involving the supposed wrongful use of other persons checking and credit card account information ... this new device represents a rather seductive opportunity to create more supposed criminal acts upon my part.
For instance, ...
I've recently published an obligatory post to my daily blog discussing my use of a family members credit card to make some online purchases ... this sort of arrangement, of course, not being unusual between myself and this particular family member. I've written enough about this practice in the past.
But suppose that next month, when I review the AMEX statement to verify that the above mentioned purchases (and no others) are properly reported, suppose that I find several other purchases to online music/.mp3 providors, using this same persons credit card information?
What then?
Anyway ... not wanting to take the fantasizing/projecting to far ...
I think it suffices for this lighthearted update to note that I have recently acquired a fantastic new media player and I'm certainly only playing media that I have the right to play.
I don't purchase online music anyway ...
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.
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The Official Daily Blog
- Joel Harris
- Houston, Texas, United States
- This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.