Certain of the persons I still retain as acquaintances from such social networks are the very same that have occasionally confided in me their awareness of the investigation, even up to warning me of possible set-us.
Furthermore, I know it is the goal of the investigators, after successfully setting me up via some sort of drug related scenario, to court mandate my attendance of AA type programs here in the Houston area, both as a way of solidifying the image they have worked to construct of my being a drug user and as well as a means of creating a controlled environment within which more psychosocial/"street theatre" dramas could be easily realized. (See my thoughts on detonation and secondary set-up events)
Why am I discussing AA, you might ask?
Because, as a teenager, I really did have a problem with elicit substances, namely, cocaine.
This is no secret to my family or any of my long-term friends.
When I was 17 years old, I voluntarily entered a treatment program because I was becoming terrified at how much of my life was being taken over by my addiction to cocaine; I had only used the drug for about 8 months at the time.
It was a very nasty thing, cocaine, and since those teen years, I've certainly never been so much as tempted to use it again.
I'm 38 years old, now, by the way.
That experience is some 19 years in my past.
As a part of recovering from the use of that substance, like most young persons who find themselves in such straits, I was immediately introduced to Alcoholics Anonymous, where, having been truly downtrodden and beaten up by my circumstances, I quickly acclimated myself to the culture and processes and began making strides in what's very dramatically, in AA circles, referred to as, 'my program.'
AA was not all a bad thing, in fact, I owe a great deal to it and what it gave me in the way of training and support in learning how to live a normal, passionate life.
The bad part comes when you want to leave AA, and possibly (god forbid!), consume alcohol.
I'll just say it outright, having had seven years experience with it; AA is, at the core, a cult.
Understand, in AA, alcohol is, basically, equivalent to the idea of satan; it is the Ultimate Evil(tm) to the serious AA lifer. Everything the serious AA lifer does, from forming social relations, to looking for work, to planning their day and eventual attendance of a daily meeting, revolves around the avoidance of anything related to the consumption of alcohol. I've really never seen anything like it in the way of a behavior-set, literally manufactured around what I consider to be a flawed theory (the disease concept).
AA lifers literally believe that to remain sober, even to simply have a productive life, they must attend AA meetings for the rest of their life and, most importantly, that they can never partake of alcohol again.
They believe they suffer from a biological disease that will always prevent them from making decisions for themselves and that certainly prevents them from consuming alcohol without disastrous effects.
Myself? I never bought into the disease aspect of addiction, and I still don't; I simply have not found support for such a definition of drug addiction and/or alcoholism in my life.
Drug and alcohol addiction are real, don't get me wrong; I believe this.
Yet I personally believe it has more to do with a person's existing passions and priorities, more so than it does with one's biological ability to make decisions for oneself.
The AA lifer says:
"I will always be sick and can never consume alcohol," he or she is literally programmed to believe this and so it becomes true in his or her life."
I say:
"I never consume any substance to the point of interfering with my life, my passions and/or my work," I have seen this demonstrated as accurate via my own experience and so it is true in my life."
It's an easy decision to make, really.
If something is going to get in the way of my relations, work and/or artistic endeavors, then it simply cannot remain as a factor in my life; this idea has been borne out time and time again since my leaving AA. I have excelled in every area of my life, from professional/career endeavors to my more personal explorations of literature, music and art, since leaving that organization.
So, the point of this brief bit of personal history, stated here in this most public of venues, is to demonstrate that it is known to me that the investigators are using this factual set of historical events, much like one would use a lever or pulley, to simplify their task of meeting any of the investigations main objectives, most importantly the behavioral science objective of personal isolation and free reign in conducting whatever sorts of invasive, or not so, investigations of my personal history.
"Once an addict, always an addict," or, "man, your denial is unbelievable," etc.
Personally, I don't buy it.
Re: sex drugs and rock and roll ... you can Read More HERE
this post is intended to be supplemental to the facts made public in my main website, http://www.jbhfile.com/; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already made yourself aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed in that site. please see http://www.jbhfile.com/ for a necessary introduction into why this blog exists. or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. and, enjoy.