I finally got to attend the first official Houston Head-fi.org "meet" yesterday.

Boy howdy was it a fucking hoot!
I swear. If your not into the high end headphone/amp scene already ...
Do yourself a favor and STAY AWAY FROM IT!! LMAO.

Oh but it's a fucking hoot. I love it ...
Anyway ... I was proud to be able to demo my own humble equipment at the meet, an MHDT Havana DAC ($900.00), Grado RS1 Headphones ($750.00) and a Stello HP100 headphone amplifier ($600.00).
The prices are listed there to indicate that my system was among the least expensive there and not so much to brag. :-)

Mine is just a drop in the proverbial head-fi bucket ...
Electrostatic "STAX" systems (at left) will curl your toes with their unbelievably detailed and spatious sound reproduction. That's about a four thousand dollar setup there.
Anyway ...
Met a bunch of nice folks and can't wait for the next one.
Here's me trying to figure out how to get the money for my next upgrade:

Really ...
It's worse than crack.