Monday, January 27, 2025

Daily Work Log 01/10/25 thru 01/27/25

 THUR 01/10/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY (but still worked for HTIRE)

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • At shop from 8am to 2pm

  • Lengthy conversation with spanish speaking phone in customer re: the purchase of x8 11Rx22.5 all position trailer tires. Used translator to facilitate purchase.  Customers card was declined but he is going to call his bank and try again once discovering the issue. Entire translation/phone process took 3 hours (approx).

  • Home from shop by 2:30pm

FRI 01/10/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY (but still worked for HTIRE)

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • At shop from 8am to 2pm

  • Attended weekly IPC zoom conference call while at shop

  • Received random walk in request from individual looking for work at palettes company; forwarded email to John (owner of palettes company) with the person’s name/number

  • Home by 3pm; out for shopping and back home by 8pm for evening

  • Various household maintenance routines

  • Packed  air purifier HTIRE AMEX for return/credit; found slightly more expensive by highly more effective option which I will keep for reduction of dust in JOEL office

SAT 01/11/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Ran errands / groceries / etc.

SUN 01/12/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Returned unneeded items (HTIRE) to UPS at Wallisville

  • Created pass through hole in bedroom drywall for CAT5 cable to run to JOEL office router; connected JOEL bedroom laptop to central router in JOEL OFFICE for syncing of Quickbooks data files produced/changed when working on company file at the shop and on mobile workstation

MON 01/13/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Received email from ACCT asking whether HTIRE would be filling out for for the currently “injuncted” Official Beneviciary Information request which is a data collection process created by the “Financial Crimes Enforcement Network”; as the requirement is currently not an officially mandated process TOMMY decided to not mess with it.  I replied to ACCT, letting him know of TOMMY decision and began creating list of new research points to better understand FCEN and the BOI forms process. Copied TOMMY on all replies to ACCT.

  • Inputted all waiting Quickbooks invoices, bills, deposits and checks; also sent revised copy of most recent ATLAS invoice to REECE @ ATLAS due to a small math error on the original hand written invoice; copied TOMMY on communication with ATLAS re: revised invoice.

  • Did weed eating, mowing and blowing of entire back yard/walkway and back porch area

  • Did further rearranging of new cat “relocation” which involves him now residing on the back porch 90% of the time due to constant vomiting inside of house (TOMMY particularly sensitive to this so figured some sort of attempt to avoid agitation of him would be beneficial).

  • Printed and filed most recent JOEL AMEX food purchase items while supervising the HTIRE shop/brick and mortar location while TOMMY was on regular (every 1.5 month VEGAS trip).

  • Prepared all client statement folders in JOEL office cabinet for statement creation on WED 01/15/25 as Quickbooks company file is scheduled to be handed off to ACCT on Thurs 01/16/25 for Dec year end TAX closure (ususally a two day process)

  • Printed and filed recent returns of air purifier and air monitor control for JOEL office and filed in TOMMY office cabinet for reference when HTIRE AMEX statement arrives around ~23rd of Jan 2025. Also made note of the Airfanta 3Pro air purifier invoice which is the device I kept for daily prevention of dust build up in JOEL personal workstations (non HTIRE items) which I use to see to all HTIRE work on a daily basis; intention is primarily to assist in dust prevention and short life of workstatioin fans/cooling system due to the frequent/daily use of JOEL personal workstations for contract work for HTIRE

TUE 01/14/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Received email from MCGEE with attached invoice; emailed back for clarification as to whether the invoice was paid already  or if I needed to pay it; email language said to “pay invoice” so double checking before filing/posting. My suspicion, in light of the invoice language showing a $0.00 balance is that the invoice was paid at the time of purchase and that the MCGEE rep simply meant that I needed to input the invoice as paid.  Copied TOMMY on MCGEE email correspondence

  • Booked TOMMY parking for Las Vegas trip from 01/16 thru 01/19 via Hobby terminal garage parking online portal; printed entry code and receipt/signed/dated/photo logged and left on TOMMY home office desk

  • Paid TOMMY parking with HTIRE AMEX, printed payment receipt for entry in Quickbooks on Wednesday

  • Received random request from TOMMY to log on and check his HTIRE AMEX account due to losing his card. Logged on, check account, then froze account to see if he would find the lost card.  TOMMY found his card.  Then I logged back in and “UNFROZE” his card per his request.

WED 01/15/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Received random request from TOMMY to research new NewsMax stock IPO. Did cursory research and replied via email to TOMMY that reputable sources were saying “stay away from it” … snake oil, etc.  Then said clearly that I could not assist with any volatile stocks work and that he’d have to deal with a payed advisor for anything stock related.  Also said I’d be more than happy to assist with strategy on anything safe and “risk free” such as traditional money markets, etc. due to those positions being the sort that would only fail if the entire global banking system failed at the same time.

  • Phone call to Allstate Tech Protection to get approval for replacement of failed Harris Tire electronics device

  • Printed Allstate replacement/reimbursement approval and filed in AMEX folder in TOMMY office cabinet

  • Discussed replacement/warranty claim with TOMMY and notified that $899.99 would be deposited in HTIRE AMEX account once Allstate reimbursement check is received.

THURS 01/16/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • At shop from 12pm too 4pm; TOMMY Vegas trip

FRI 01/17/25:

  • PERSONAL DAY/LAROUCHE JOB (meetings as possible while at shop; finished and/or joined other conference calls later in evening.

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Shop from 10:30am to 3pm; TOMMY Vegas trip

  • lengt=[[[[

SAT 01/18/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Several calls and emails to Creative Labs re: return of Squaretrade covered SXFI carrier kit with failed SXFI module; confirmed/approval of SquareTrade coverage and printed FedEx return label for shipping old SXFI carrier unit back to SquareTrade

SUN 01/19/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Removed leaking generator from back porch and rolled under cover of front porch; placed pan under gas leak to catch gas and covered generator with plastic tarp in advance of snow/rain

MON 01/20/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Received request from ACCT for Fidelity/LPL statements; retrieved from both respective web portal and sent back to ACCT

  • Vac house/dining/kitchen areas

  • Several hours organizing JOEL office area, shelving, adding small hanging baskets to main workstation stand for spare thumb drives, thermos, decibel meter, etc.

  • Checked batteries in all housewife LED “camping lamps” … replaced batteries in those needing such and left noteon TOMMY desk, dated/photologged. This in advance of possible heavy freeze over next two days

  • Left note on TOMMY desk informing that we would handle the setting up of the Westinghouse generator; in advance of possible power outages in next two days freeze

  • Filed two new TGS invoices for later inputting in Quickbooks

  • Emptied household fridge of all waste/expired items, cleaned fridge shelving

  • Emptied main coffee/coffee cupboards of lots of trash; organized all decent insulated cups and mated with those lids I could actually find; informed TOMMY of the cleanup and  placement of cups

  • Organized kitchen main shelving, getting rid of large boxes and consolidating whatever contents remained in small freezer bags; informed TOMMY of changes

  • Printed westinghouse generator quickstart guide for getting the gen running later in the day

TUE 01/21/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Discussed and indicated where gas leak is on home generator; took photos of leaking area of generator and marked up in photoshop; sent marked up leak photo to TOMMY for reference when discussing possible repair sources/options

  • Otherwise, frozen in for the day

WED 01/22/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Scanned new TGS work invoices and mailed to CLYLE at TGS; copied TOMMY email on new invoices

  • Contacted ACCT to see if I was clear post month end taxes to begin work in Quickbooks company file

  • Received word back from ACCT that Quickbooks company file was free for work

  • Gathered and emailed new work invoices to CLYLE at TGS

  • Organized waiting QB work for inputting on Monday

THURS 01/23/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Emptied housewife trash and took out to city bin

  • Took city bin trash and recycling to curb for pickup on Frid and Sat

  • Received final word from Amica insurance regarding reimbursement for contractor payment that was necessary after Hurricane Beryl; this was a two month process finally completed. The first property claim was for the Derecho storm which I also managed but for Derecho storm I dealt with A Watson at Amica and he handled/finished our claim very quickly. The following, soon thereafter Hurricane Beryl event claim was managed by JASMIN at Amica, a completely different representative who did not return my weekly emails and phone calls for over two months.  Today, however, another completely different Amica representative contacted me, sounding more so like a manager or leadership person and informed me that he has facilitated the provision of the last/final check for contractor reimbursement associated with home repairs after Hurricane Beryl.

  • Informed TOMMy of the incoming $1700.00 check and attempted to describe the two months of work it took to get it but I’m not sure he heard me saying only something like, “Well, they should have given us twice as much!” … which I found odd as he had arranged for false documents to be produced by the contractor which actually already equaled twice what we actually paid the contractor.  

  • Made note to publish that event/work as further indication of how I “pay rent” here at our property in lieu of having actual money to pay rent financially (I make $400 a week or so after taxes so paying rent in the traditional regard is impossible; therefore, I cover my part by managing all such insurance matters and doing all other property maintenance internally and externally

  • Gathered days most recent work and filed for inputting on Monday when working in Quickbooks

FRI 01/24/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Spoke with ACCT about ongoing effort to streamline Quickbooks file handoff process

  • Scanned and faxed multiple HTIRE and TOMMY tax documents to ACCT per TOMMY request

  • Organized waiting Quickbooks work for inputting on Monday

SAT 01/25/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Mopped kitchen and TOMMY office floors

  • Sent multiple emails to SquareTrade and Creative Labs re: returned/replaced equipment

  • Set TOMMY TV up for access to JOEL streaming services

SUN 01/26/25:


  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Cooked remaining food for week

  • Mopped kitchen/bath and all other hardwood floors

  • Emptied all office shredder bins

  • Put $25 in personal car (gas) and left note in AMEX folder 

  • Did so/so job of covering attic hole in garage per TOMMY request

  • Printed and marked up Jan 2025 AMEX statement; left noted comment for TOMMY revue and filed second copy in TOMMY office cabinet; also stored secure digital copy on HTIRE cloud server

MON 01/27/25:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean

  • Vac’d and mopped floors

  • Inputted waiting Quickbooks invoices, bills, deposits, CC charges

  • Filed TOMMY misc personal items (Mercedez maint, etc.) in TOMMY office file cabinet

  • Emailed new work invoices to CLYLE at TGS; copied TOMMY on emails and placed copies in NEW CLIENT INVOICE Yahoo folder for future pricing reference

  • Printed Kindgdom storage key replacement charge and noted to input as MGM MC charge in Quickbooks

  • Confirmed payment card for HTIRE Progressive insurance payment (MGM MC); noted to input next time working on company file in Quickbooks

  • Printed and marked up latest JAN 2025 AMEX HTIRE statement; created file folder and left for TOMMY review; dated and photo logged before hand off

  • Organized masking material and sealant cans for treating outdoor living room windows to eliminate drafts; waiting for rain to cease before beginning work

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.

The Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.