As of 01/07/25 (New Year!) ... I've yet to receive the audio/video data from the lead officer responding to the "Mental Health Welfare Check" that some person called on me on December 23, 2023.
The HPD records request division still shows my request as accepted and "in progress," including provision (eventually?) of lead officer Gonzalez's body cam data.
Screenshot from HPD Public Records "in progress" request:
According to the timeline for provision of requested data, I should expect to receive the body cam data by March 26, 2025. This post is simply for tracking of the progress.
To reiterate the first post made nearly a year ago, the point of obtaining the body cam data is that it is clearly stated by the lead officer that my father (also, housemate) clearly told said officer, in matter of fact terms that I "HAD BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA."
This is a particularly important bit of data to make public as this claim has been made by my father and all of my immediate family for over two decades; this has been (as one might suspect) immensely damaging to my ability to have any sort of healthy, productive relationship with such family members. It has also, by way of filtering through all of our families social and professional relationships, made simply finding work or forming new relationships also particularly difficult if not impossible.
Such a damning, completely false and "opinion based" claim regarding a very serious and supposed mental health diagnosis, over a 20+ year period of time is something I've never been able to actually present publicly. The body cam data from the above mentioned well-fare check is the only time I've been afforded a solid, verifiable and accurate account of this misinformation about my mental health being propogated so rigorously over a very long period of time.
The importance of publishing the data is simply to publish the data. I do not intend to do anything with the data except publish it; the harm has been done in regards to falsely representing me to other persons but publishing a matter of fact and evidential account of what amounts to among the worst sorts of protracted and harmful defamation and slander of character one can endure will be satisfying if nothing else. It will, at least internally, provide a few more steps towards personal "closure," of the ongoing situation.
I say "ongoing" as despite the well fare check, despite my providing countless factual (and rather simple) explanations for how such a diagnosis is impossible (as well as immenently harmful), said family members continue to make such claims.
Hopefully, some time after March, I will be back to publish the full audio/video account from the lead officers body cam.