MON 11/04/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Shredded large amount of old/redundant paper vendor bills
Sent new work invoice to CLYLE at TGS and copied DAD on email
Entered all new invoices/checks/bills in Quickbooks
Oiled shredder blades in both office shredders
Tue 11/05/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted new work in Quickbooks
Messaged ACCT that I’d updated my version of QB to latest for file hand off in few days
Changed DAD Fidelity password
Printed and laminated new Fidelity password for DAD wallet
Updated DAD office workstation’s password manager with the new Fidelity password
Researched adding BROTHER as inquiry level user
Wed 11/06/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted new work in Quickbooks (invoices, posted new payments, single deposit, various bills)
Spoke with DAD and changed his Fidelity password per request
Researched method of adding sibling as inquiry level user with his own account to avoid having to use DAD master/ownership account (per request)
Emailed McGee company for clarification on payment process
Confirmed via DAD request that his CC running at shop location did not create any double payments
Thurs 11/07/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Most of day in West houston getting quotes on auto repair
Assisted DAD with Fidelity login issues
Received email from McGee payables clarifying my confusion around their billing process; problem was resolved
Signed up for McGEee web portal for invoice printing/viewing/paid status
FRI 11/08/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Organized waiting Quickbooks work for completion over weekend and prior to ACCT company file hand off next week
Assisted DAD with “trick” we have to use to log in to Fidelity website
Visited ProTech Collision
Picked up loaner quarter panel for Venza repairs
Bank for deposit
Shop 9am to rotate fix flats on car
SAT 11/09/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
MON 11/11/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted new work in Quickbooks, invoices, bills, checks and deposits
Organized waiting work for Tuesday
Spoke with DAD about missing M MARG invoice and how to obtain the check number for his payment so I could input the deposit
Ordered DAD new electric car jack from Vevor for his personal vehicle using AMEX 7005
Signed up as an authorized user at AMEX so I could have a “Business Expense Card” in my name to avoid having to constantly ask for DAD card.
TUE 11/12/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted waiting Quickbooks work
Phoned Mike M to get check number used to pay for recent Romar invoice purchase
Received text from DAD asking to print his insurance cards; printed two card pages and left on DAD desk
WED 11/13/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted waiting Quickbooks work
Spoke briefly with ACCT regarding a quickbooks issue I was having; notified that I had updatated my version of QB to the latest (October) update. Scheduled Quickbooks file hand off to ACCT for end of month tax closing for upcoming Friday
Ordered two electric scissor auto jacks from VEVOR per TOMMY request; printed receipts and informed TOMMY of order being in route
THURS 11/14/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted waiting Quickbooks work
Received call from Tommy requesting copy of the most recent 20.5x25 new tire sale to TGS; printed latest paid invoice from QB, scanned and messaged to TOMMY
Various meetings w/ political efforts throughout day
FRI 11/15/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Various meetings w/ political efforts throughout day; other educational work, lectures, etc.
Received previously ordered electric car jacks from VEVOR; have not unboxed. May send mine back as it’s so big
MON 11/18/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Organized new quickbooks work for inputting after ACCT hands back company file (monthly closing/tax stuff)
Took car to body shop in Jersey Village
TUE 11/19/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Retrieved new work and added to waiting work to be inputted starting Wednesday
Spoke with ACCT and received confirmation of Quickbooks company file handoff on Wednesday 11/20
Messaged and voice mailed Rob at R Marine re: getting PO for new work invoice and final email of finished invoice after PO is applied
Emailed Clyle several new work invoices at TGS; copied TOMMY
Cleaned all house AC ducts of large amounts of black mold build up around grills (dining room, living room, bedroom
Cleaned all kitchen cupboard doors and handles of old food stains; first pass 90%; will have to do second pass
WED 11/19/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Recieved word from ACCT that month end tax closing was done and I could access QB company file
Inputted accumulated days work in QB (invoices, posted new payments, deposits, vendor bills and checks)
Sent CLYLE a corrected invoice due to math errors on Tommy hand written inv
Sent DCRUM a corrected invoice due to math errors on Tommy hand written inv
Spoke with ACCT and responded to request to send SEPT/OCT FIDELITY CORP statements; logged on to investment site and downloaded statements, subsequently forwarding them to ACCT per his request
Spoke with Uptown Auto receiving word that car would be ready FRI afternoon or SAT
Grocery shopping
Emailed JBEEN at TGS with latest payment receipt covering two outstanding invoices, cited check number and copied INV numbers that were paid
Spoke with JJEN about possible assistance with organizing later in the week and visiting for thanksgiving
Received call from TX workforce commission re: possibly finding four days of outside work
TURS 11/20/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Personal day - meetings/work search etc.
FRI 11/21/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Personal day - meetings/work search etc.
Picked up car from Uptown Automotive
Mon 11/26/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Scanned/archive to cloud 2024 GalPrk ISD TAX statement; also emailed copy to ACCT
Scanned/archived to cloud 2024 TX WRKFORCE TAX refund; also emailed copy to ACCT
Inputted waiting deposits/vendors/chks to Quickbooks
Tue 11/27/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Cut back yard
Changed old blade on EGO mower for new blade
Cut back yard
Inputted waiting Quickbooks bills/vendors/invoices/deposits
Wed 11/28/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Recieved and organized all new HTIRE work and prepp’d for inputting after Holiday weekend
Friday 11/26/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
At J and B’s from 4pm to 9pm for Thanksgiving
SAT 11/26/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
HOLIDAY at home tuning/tweaking office workstations
Grocery store for weekly food
Sun 11/26/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Updated Kingdom storage with new DAD MGM card info after receiving a late payment notice due to card replacement
Mon 12/01/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted all waiting Quickbooks invoices/bills/deposits
Sent payment confirmation to TGS for latest payment check
Tue 12/03/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted new Quickbooks data
Conversation with ACCT to figure out a way to simultaneously print statements along with corresponding line item invoices
Paid ACCT NOV invoice via TOMMY Woodforest ACCT
Contacted ACCT to arrange printing of statements and handoff of company file to his team for NOV closing
Scanned and emailed multiple HTIRE tax documents to ACCT; also store digital copies on HTIRE cloud server
Assisted TOMMY with verifying home INS claim payment for Derecho storm was deposited; logged into WFBNK and located deposit. Printed deposit statement and provided to TOMMY
Received word from AWATSN at Amica that 2nd, supplemental claim check was issued in the amount of $xxxx.xx for extra work after Derecho storm
Scanned and archived all Amica claims communications re: 2nd payment to home info cloud server
Made note to email Jas at Amica regarding any supplemental payment for 2nd claim (Hurricane Beryl)
Several hours troubleshooting networking issue with home workstations
Wed 12/04/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Emailed CLYLE at TGs for mailing address per TOMMY request; for sending XMAS gifts
Received email from CLYLE at TGS with mailing address and phone number for second person TOMMY will send XMAS items too.
Reviewed AMEX bill (NOV) for any questionable items
Informed TOMMY I would be cancelling my unused/unnecessary VOIP personal line to save an extra -$25.00 on monthly phone bill
Received info from TexasBenefits re: financial assistance (food).
Emptied all house wide/office trash cans and took bins to road for next day cleanup
Several hours troubleshooting networking issue with home workstations
THUR 12/05/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
3 Hours troubleshooting network issues / Home office connectivity between housewide machines
Shop from 11am to 1:30pm / TOMMY in Vegas
2 Hours researching hidden (developer options) nozzle cleaning options for HTIRE Epson ET-4760 printer.
FRI 12/06/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Shop from 8am to 1:30pm
SHOP: Mounted one 225/70R19.5 for Atlas / Invoiced in Quickbooks at shop / printed two tickets / copied pricing from identical order in OCT 2024
Ran a hidden “Deep Cleaing” option on HTIRE Epson printer; this fixed both black and white and color printing. Copying and printing both now work. Further, random, light cleaning and “PURGE FILE” printing n necessary as standard printing in b/w still has few lines.
Picked up single 225/70R19.5 from K&M (Iron Head)
Received 2nd AMICA supplemental payment check for CLAIM xxxx9017; scanned, printed and filed in TOMMY office cabinet; stored digital copy on office cloud server; left original check and letter on TOMMY desk, signed, dated and photo logged
Mon 12/09/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Spoke with ACCT and arranged Quickbooks end of month closing/file handoff date
Emailed ACCT Nov Fidelity statement
Began arranging Xmas gifts for TGS reps; documented mailing addresses for Mark, Hector and Chris
Talked with TOMMY about what XMAS gifts to send to whom
Organized waiting quickbooks work for inputting and statements creation on Tuesday
Joint meeting with TX Workforce and Recruitor in search of supplemental work (1pm Video meeting)
Packed and purchased labels (AMEX) for shipping Chris and Mark XMAS packages at TGS
Taped and labeled boxes to be shipped on Tue 12/10
Tue 12/10/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted waiting Quickbooks invoices/payments/deposits and bills
Emailed payment receipts to customers
Emailed new work invoices to CLYLE at TGS
Took TGS customer XMAS gifts for dropoff at Wallisville UPS
Researched 2025 health insurance options
Spoke with Ang at TXWorkforce re: ongoing job placement efforts; signed two state forms and returned
Created new files in TOMMY office cabinet for various of his monthly accounts (AAA Texas, etc.)
Filed hard copies of TOMMY banking statements in his office cabinet
WED 12/11/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted waiting Quickbooks invoices/payments/deposits and bills
Generated statements for all open invoice clients, emailed all statements to appropriate payables departments, copied TOMMY on all statements
Spoke with J.B. at TGS payables dept. Re: a missing invoice copy from issued statement; sent the requested missing invoice to J.B.
Printed 100 new/blank HTIRE invoices and left on TOMMY desk
Received call from TOMMY requesting photo
Empited all office shredder bins; placed in city bins for pickup tomorrow
Took both city bins to curb along with the small bit of yard waste accumulating at backyard fence
Began process of enrolling in 2025 market place coverage
THUR 12/12/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Organized waiting Quickbooks work for inputting on Monday
Several hours organizingj/paying personal CC/loan debt
Phone conversation with OneMain financial re: direct payments against principle vs. payments online against principe/interest combined
Phone call to Dr. STBRG to make payment against medical bill
Assembled TOMMY office bureau that was purchased over a year ago and has been in storage. Setup printer on new bureau, updated printer firmware and restocked printer paper, folders, etc. in the newly built bureau
Spoke with S Hayes at NCEMS about paying outstanding invoices; forwarded latest statement to him via email and explained desire to centralize payment of statements via one person at NCEMS if possible. Also scheduled call for tomorrow (Friday) morning to discuss payment options.
Spoke with ANG at TXWorkForce/40hourStaffing about forms issues and possibility of job leads.
Received new invoice from ACCT and paid via HTIRE checking account; printed invoice and payment receipt and filed on compan cloud server
THUR 12/12/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
HTIRE: Contacted SHAYES at NCEMS to discuss paying invoices/statement over the phone
HTIRE: Contacted STEVEN at MM Sales to discuss paying invoice over phone
Scanned and prepared digital binder for MM Sales invoice to be emailed post payment
Atttended LPAC IPC zoom meeting
Spoke with CLABS reps re: repair/replacement of sound equipment having issues as well as replacement under extended warranty with Allstate
Spoke with Angela/40hourstaffing and TXWorkforce Commission re: forms submission and how delivery of job leads would be forwarded
FRI 12/13/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house VAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Attended IPC international Zoom meeting from 10am to 12pm
Organized hard copy work for inputting first of next week when ACCT has completed month’s end taxclosing for November
Shopping for groceries
Recieved several phone updates from TXWorkforce Commission and personal recruiter re: ongoing forms process and temporary delays due to edits
Scheduled Wed 12/18/24 PCP visit for blood work and general discussion/visit
Several hours troubleshooting office equipment (various network issues; these were fixed)
Consolidated all current personal loans/CC debts, organized in priority list and payed $150 across the four lowest balance cards (snowball approach)
Attended second NYC/joint Zoom video meeting with Jose Vega and others in NYC re: ongoing effort for congressional action on ATCM’s missiles policy redaction
Made notes to call local congressman/person on Monday to inform of need for action before Jan 20th
Phone call with B Jennings re: zoom meetings and info on congressional contact information
SAT 12/14/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Errands to bank and shopping from 12 noon till 1:3o PM
Rest of day doing ongoing system maintenance of office computers and networking configuration (relocated Nextiva phone base to different location to reduce wireless latency/interference (was very high due to base unit being directly next to Xfinity router.
SUN 12/15/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Ordered TOMMY girlfriend personal skin care product from AMZ Prime; printed receipt and placed on TOMMY desk (photo logged and archived to personal publication site)
Cleaned/dusted two personal JOEL office workstations
Researched new trail running shoes for return to weekly running schedule
Cut up empty box left over after office dining bureau construction/install; placed all materials in recycle bin for pickup next week
Gaming and recreation rest of day!
jbh MON 12/16/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Organized new QB work for inputting
Phone call with Tommy to discuss provision of item pricing; also instruction on how to look at email folder with all statements and invoice copies visible
Spoke with ACCT re: Tommy signature on tax document; applied signature and emailed back to ACCT
Packaged third TGS Xmas gift
Purchased shipping label for TGS XMAS gift (HTIRE AMEX), printed and affixed to package; filed copy of shipping cost receipt for inputting and in TOMMY office cabinet
Trip to UPS on Wallisville to ship TGS (HCTR) Xmas package
Messaged TOMMY girlfriend that her order from AMZ would be a day longer than expected
TUE 12/17/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Received email from A.W. @ Amica asking for final invoice for contractor repairs at 1121 Westmont property; I replied, copying TOMMY, that the “quote” invoice was to be considered the final invoice.
Inputted waiting Quickbooks checks/invoices/bills
Scanned/emailed new TGS work invoices to C. L @ TGS
Sent all new invoice scans to TOMMY “CLIENT NEW INVOICES” Yahoo folder
Created new folder in TOMMY email inbox to store new invoice scans from customers that have not been billed or applied to past statements
Phone time with ACCT to quickly verify that company file had correctly updated in Dropbox before beginning new HTIRE work.
Phone time with ACCT to verify that it was okay to input an older TGS invoice from 09/24 which had erroneously been placed in “PAID” folder. ACCT confirmed anything pas year end TAX closing date of 07/30 is fine to input in retrograde.
Scanned and stored all new work invoices in Tommy newly created Yahoo inbox for ‘CLIENT NEW WORK INVOICES” for price checking on invoices that have not been billed via official statement
EMAILED Shaun hayes at NCEMS with edited statement showing the three original hand written invoices NCEMS needs to paid; followed up with secondary TXT message
Emailed Paula at SASOL for PO number to apply to most recent work invoice
Left voice message for STEVE at MM Sales re: credit card payment for INV 80027
WED 12/18/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted waiting Quickbooks invoices/bills/etc.
Time on phone with ACCT discussing several Quickbooks issues
Processed MM Sales payment over phone via CC and employee, “steven”; had issues with first card then success with second card from Steven’s co worker
Printed CC authorization and paid invoice and left signed/dated/photo logged on TOMMY desk
Received PO# from Sasol contact (Paula) for most recent work order
Copied all new, non-billed (statement) invoices to TOMMY yahoo custom folder for new invoices
Doctors appointment from 9:30am to 12 noon
Inputted/payed TGS and Atlas new check payments; created PDF payment receipts for both and sent PDF binders to contacts at both clients payables department
Emptied house-wide trash and took to bins for Thurs pickup
Took city bins to curb for Thurs pickup
THURS 12/19/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted new invoices/payments/deposits in Quickbooks
Various online meetings and political situation research
Maintenance on office equipment incl oiling of TOMMY/JOEL shredder blades
Retrieved empty city trash bins from curb
FRI 12/20/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vAC
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
IPC Zoom meeting from 10am to 12 noon
Kroger for groceries
Dropped off return at UPS (Wallisville)
Video conference with A Lewis from TXWorkforce/40hourStaffing to discuss a batch of new job leads she forwarded earlier this week. Video meeting from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
MON 12/23/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Inputted new invoices in Quickbooks
Scanned/emailed new TGS work invoices to CLYLE at TGS and copied to TOMMY “NEW INVOICES” yahoo inbox folder
Contacted Nextiva Phone and cancelled my personal line which is not being used; reduced monthly Nextiva bill by $30.00 per month. TOMMY/HTIRE line remains active.
Printed details of Nextiva line cancellation and provided noted copy on TOMMY desk (dated/photo logged)
Printed ACCT Nov sales/closing comments and left noted copy on TOMMY desk (dated/photo logged)
NOTED december HTIRE AMEX charges (drano, gas, etc.)
TUE 12/24/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Front yard weed eat/mowed/blew off front drive/sidewalks
Cleaned EGO mower and stowed
Organized waiting QB work from TOMMY file folder and transferred to JOEL office “new work” folder
Returned item to UPS/Wallisville
Attempted to deliver bottle of wine to neighbors; no answer at the door. NOTE: this is a TOMMY originated “gift” which I had no part of but for being asked to facilitate said delivery. Confusing as I was thrown in to the process at the final stage with zero context; ideally, TOMMY should see to the delivery of said item to neighbors as it is a matter completely unknown to me but I went ahead ad gave it a try
Informed TOMMy I had attempted to see to delivery of his item to neighbors with no results and that I’d simply wait till I saw one of the neighbors when we were commonly outdoors and try to explain/deliver the item per TOMMY’s request
WED 12/25/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
THURS 12/26/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Gathered, organized new Quickbooks work
Attended IPC meeting from 10am to noon
Other zoom meetings throughout day
FRI 12/27/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Gathered, organized new Quickbooks work
SAT 12/28/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Organized new Quickbooks work
Cleaned JOEL 2nd/backup workstation/dusting/fan cleaning/etc.
Ordered TOMMY “To be or Not to Be” Blu Ray from AMZ; printed/scanned and filed receipt in TOMMY filing cabinet
Informed TOMMyy of old/spare Samsung Blu Ray player I had; dusted/cleaned player and left out informing TOMMY that I could assist with setting the unit up at J’s house for DVD/BLU ray playing.
SUN 12/29/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Fixed JOEL bath swiffer wet jet bottle so that the cap could be removed and then the bottle refilled with any sort of cleaner desired. Refilled the modified bottle with floor/all purpose lysol
Completely mopped and cleaned base boards in kitchen and TOMMY dining/office area
Organized JOEL office space (trash removal, unused/dead items removal)
Organized beginning process of configuring a personal hygiene routine in JOEL office for morning preps/etc. Mirror, shaving, lotions, soaps, drying towel and extra “dry wash” bath rag
MON 12/30/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Organized waiting quickbooks work
2 hours sidetracked off HTIRE work to research and gather Woodforest and Chase deposit information for TOMMY to demonstrate that I was due for payment of previous HTIRE work from previous week. Gathered all past JOEL contract payment check images from Dec/Nov 2024, printed copy of each; printed Woodforest HTIRE statements from Nov/Dec 2024 and noted/marked each JOEL contract payment date.. Then printed full month overview of Dec 2024 calendar and indicated where each of JOEL payment checks were paid at Woodforest and also when I deposited at Chase. Payment check information was gathered via logging onto HTIRE WF bank and viewing statement details.
Printed the Dec payment calendar mentioned above so as to clearly show that JOEL contract payment was indeed due for previous week
Later discussed the check payment/deposit date details with TOMMY, at which point he understood and could see that payment was due. TOMMY then wrote the appropriate payment check
Recharged all batteries in JOEL office closet (AA mostly) and stored in the “charged” containers
TUESDAY 12/31/24:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen area
New Years Eve
Organized waiting quickbooks work
Inputted new invoices/emailed new TGS wrk invoices to CLyle copying TOMMY
Inputted and scanned latest payment checks in Quickbooks
Created payment receipt digital binders for above referenced HTIRE client payment checks and emailed binders to payables dept contacts at applicable client offices
At SHOP from 10am to 2pm; TOMMY trip to LA with Julia
Stayed up all night for project work (personal); lots of audio/video testing/gathering. Zoom H4N mic testing for New Years sounds from back window, used phone to record audio/video from New Years fireworks and sounds from front yard around midnight to 1am.
Did 30 minute mini-LED/OLED visual video review/comparison to eventually publish on various niche platforms
WED 01/01/25:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
4 to six hours doing hardware computer maintenance and doing loose rough edit of previous evenings audio video content from New Years.
Hacked JOEL bathroom Swiffer/Wetjet mob refill bottle so that I could refill it instead of having to buy a new bottle. Hacked bottle (boiling water trick) and refilled with household Lysol all purpose cleaner.
Mopped kitchen and other exposed laminate floor areas around TOMMY office area
Created simple way to secure Swiffer/WetJet mop to JOEL bathroom inner door using existing door hanging hooks and 3M interlock tape to secure Wetjet mop end (where bottle is installed/heaviest portion) at lower point on door to avoid it banging around when opening closing bathroom door.
Emptied and replaced kitchen/joel waste cans and placed by front door for transfer to outdoor city bin on Thursday
THUR 01/02/25:
PERSONAL DAY: Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Took Wed collected waste bags to city bin and moved bin to street for pickup same day
Conversation with TOMMY re: his desiring my involvement in researching CD/bond options in regards to his current ALL CASH positions at Fidelity. Will have to revisit conversation with TOMMY as seeing to his request for investment assistance will require a very notable amount of time which will impact HTIRE work and JOEL personal work. Possible options are defining a secondary contract and see to the work properly under a contract payment arrangement (prelim idea would be simply adding a certain amount to my regular weekly payment for existing contract that involves only HTIRE Quickbooks/clerical work. Second option would be for TOMMY to take the entire conversation to a professional consultant, either an hourly arrangement with a well vetted local consultant or the typical advisory relationship with a firm such as that which Greg C. works for. Those are the only two options considering the amount of time/research that will be required to facilitate the request properly and in a professional manner.
Received second request from Tommy to facilitate the purchase of a new electric razor to replace the item that was stolen in LA on his casino trip. Requested that he simply text me the desired model number and I would order from AMZ. Did not receive requested text.
Continued wth razor topic and printed two of the current, top reviewed Norelco options at AMZ and left signed/noted/photo logged copy on TOMMY office chair for his review on Friday morning.
Printed Square CC processing data for complete HTIRE 2024 sales amount made via Square CC and left signed/noted/photo logged copy on Tommy office chair.
Printed updated pages to for JOEL work log and added to TOMMY office filing cabinet archive
Several hours researching current household/HTIRE internet plan:
1. To ascertain the amount of time I paid 100% of the internet bill since I switched payments over to HTIRE AMEX in April 2024 (JOEL pay approximately 1.7 years before switching payment to HTIRE AMEX.
2. To ascertain what free streaming services we are afforded with Xfinity plan (partly to allow TOMMY to view ESPN or otherwise broadcasts of college LIVE football/etc.)
FRI 01/03/25:
PERSONAL DAY: Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Ordered new razor from AMZ for TOMMY (DISCVR); printed and filed receipt
Paid lates ACCT invoice via WF HTIRE acct.
Sent email to ACCT informing of my removing Dropbox from all of my workstations and that I would phone to discuss monthly hand off of Quickbooks file via either direct uploads to the Dropbox website or simply delivering via thumb drive each month
Organized new hard copy Quickbooks work and prepared for statements generation some time before ACCT company file hand off on Jan 16th
SAT 01/04/25:
PERSONAL DAY: Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Ran errands: delivered xmas gifts to J/B on SW side of town; grocery shopping/etc.
Received AMZ delivery of TOMMY new razor and left for his inspection/setup
SUN 01/05/25:
PERSONAL DAY: Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Ran errands: Visit to Julia’s to assist with Blu Ray player setup
$15 gas in JOEL car / gas to Julia’s and x2 Toll Road fees / printed/dated/photo logged receipt and filed in TOMMY office cabinet (AMEX purchases file)
Ordered new Airfanta 3pro with extra carbon filters / printed AMEX receipt and filed in TOMMY office cabinet indicating it as a possible return item
Prepared first Xmas time air purfifier for return and refund to AMEX / printed return receipt and filed in TOMMY office cabinet
Swept front back walk ways
Cooked food for week
MON 01/07/25:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Mopped kitchen/dining/hall/joel bath areas
Ordered air purifier and shelving for JOEL office and invoiced as office purchase
Inputted new Quickbooks payments/invoices/bills/checks/deposits
Sent two new TGS work invoices to CLYLE and copied TOMMY
Moved TGS new work invoices to TOMMY yahoo inbox for new invoices not billed; price reference archive
Paid on outstanding Stautberg medical bill
Paid on two lowest balance CC bills
Repaired USB backup drive for JOEL office computer
Printed JOEL work log documents and updated primary archive in TOMMY office file cabinet
TUE 01/08/25:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Updated AMEX info with new card number on ATD Radius and ATD wholesaler websites
Received and printed dual copies of new ATD order and marked for payment (315/30Z21) x2 tires; will pay online at ATD Radius
Scheduled TOMMY Hobby airport parking for Vegas trip; paid with AMEX; printed two copies and left in binder on TOMMY desk dated and photo logged
WED 01/09/25:
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
Received/filed in TOMMY cabinet latest water bill and WF bank statement
Paid two open ATD recent phone order invoices via the ATD online portal using HTIRE AMEX.
Emailed ATD payment support to see if phone/shipping orders could be automatically paid via HTIRE AMEX to prevent my having to log on and pay each invoice that is open and created via a phone/ship scenario
Inputted recent invoices/bills/payments/deposits in Quickbooks
Emailed J Beenan at TGS requesting a copy of the latest TGS check as I was not given a copy to scan for reference re: invoices paid as well as maintaining the typical archive of check copies from all vendors who submit payment checks
Worked on arranging air purifiers in JOEL office; set up air monitor quality device and connected to phone. Investment is to reduce the amount of wear/tear on office workstation fans and to reduce the need for frequent cleaning of office workstation fans and/or having to replace workstation fans due to early failure caused by excessive dust/particulate matter in office.
THUR 01/10/25:
PERSONAL DAY (but still worked for HTIRE)
Cat litter/bathroom clean
Vac house/dining/kitchen areas
At shop from 8am to 2pm
Lengthy conversation with spanish speaking phone in customer re: the purchase of x8 11Rx22.5 all position trailer tires. Used translator to facilitate purchase. Customers card was declined but he is going to call his bank and try again once discovering the issue. Entire translation/phone process took 3 hours (approx).
Home from shop by 2:30pm