Thursday, July 25, 2024

All of this posted simply for the "he doesn't even pay rent!" folk I'm constantly accosted by. For the record, below is just ~1% of how I pay, many times over, for rent and utilities... and I haven't even got in to the full investment advisorial role I now perform daily ... (that's coming) ...

This is the part that I find highly unpleasant, as I will repeat over and over as I see to the documentation process that I only document and must (respectfully) make such documentation public every week.  

That said, I have spent a great deal of time (20 years) studying the legal nuances of such publishing, so I will take care to blur any personal or inappropriate information along the way.

In fact, not knowing everything (yet), if any viewer happens to see something that should be reconsidered as appropriate, please contact me so that I might consider whether a revision should be made.

Daily documenting of all household contractor work

Daily facilitation of applying for benefits/rewards from various vendors

Leaky freezer bags piled in the corner; notes left to explain that they are staining the floor; totally ignored. I am only doing this particular document after extensive conversations with contacts at TX Health/Human Resources for Aging. I don't enjoy this part.

Some random drywall/patch/repair/paint in the bathroom; this is one of, if not the ONLY, strange drywall hole that suddenly just fell apart in the bathroom and not the result of a rage event on the part of a housemate (like having countless holes violently bashed into my bedroom by a family member (for whatever irrational reason).

More drywall repair and painting / this after my brother, drunk as fuck (2020?), thought I ate a piece of his pizza; He then entered my personal office space around 3am one morning and had a full-on rage deathmatch with my personal office drywall material.  It was a lot of damage. I mean, he really went at it, lol. I, of course, had to repair and repaint everything. Brother never once offered to compensate or assist with repairs, to this day, still claiming I was to blame due to his belief I at a peice of his pizza lol and that "opinion" was enough to justify the extensive physical damage done to another person's private property. I've since set legal motions in place to handle him neatly in the event of future incidents (IE, destruction of property and subsequent lawsuits that will be filed against him should such happen again).

A recent manual drywall install of Dyson vac mount stations allows full-time charging. The general area was also repainted after drilling/sanding and installing the base units.

Dad's office, built out over the past six months, was formerly a completely empty room. I installed, configured, and assembled all items visible here (including setting up three machine LANs with scheduled redundant backup routines of all company critical data housed on all three primary office workstations. If contracted? The cost of just this one-room installation, considering not only the basic constructioin of all furniture but also the extensive housewide network cabling and setting up of switches/RAID arrays/etc. ... would easily surpass ~$10,000.00, which I (IMO) think would cover rent for pretty much a year or two.

That is another good DAD office shot. Here, too. Imagine a completely empty space. Everything seen in this photo was sourced, assembled, and configured by myself (it took several months): all lighting, all shelving, networking infrastructure, etc. Also, in late 2023, I set up a solid VOIP home office phone system and an equally solid CC processing system.  There too, again, just the (literal) 3 months that it took to facilitate the transfer of our legacy company phone lines from ATT to the new VOIP service (PITA!! that porting stuff lol) would have cost roughly ~$5000 (likely much more when also considering the complete restructuring of the companies CC processing solution) ... again, that alone covers another year or two of rent/utilities if measured, and calculated on paper and set against a reasonable, normal financial client/provider relationship.

The garage door is left open at least three times a week, fully lit with a department store's worth of property on display; this has been so problematic that even back in 2021, our neighbor would actually walk across the street to personally shut the garage door on a semi-monthly basis, as it bothered him badly enough that he felt obliged to assist.

This is one of several very effective solar-charged (roof-mount panel) lights that turn on motion detection every night; it was fun installing and learning about it.

I'm randomly and ongoingly working on external windows (all original framing) to seal the many huge leaks affecting household cooling/heating. This is an exterior view of the work on the first room I'm focusing on (which is mine, of course lol).

Better photo of the exterior window sealing I am doing as I find time...

Weekly communication and coordination with payment of all DAD company and personal accounting matters and with his legacy accountant, with whom I speak at least thrice weekly.

This is a public kitchen space, also a formerly empty room. I assembled and installed all visible utility items. I also clean/mop this (and the whole house) every day, so it looks exactly like that every morning (I do that work in the very late/early hours (1am/2am/etc.) since each day sees the space needing cleaning by days end.

This is one of the many furniture items I have assembled and placed at the property; this one is actually really nice (Ikea).

This is a general view of the formally empty living room. I was responsible for installing all lighting and hanging the painting(s) that had been lingering on the back porch for years.

More simple but fun drywall painting and picture hanging; that particularly hideous print hung in our home when I was 12 years old lol ... 

More lighting shelving and pictures were installed around DAD's personal space

Constantly installing corner shelving and lighting in spaces where needed; this is my personal space, BTW...

I'm constantly working to make the bathroom functional. These blackout curtains were installed by myself recently to replace the cheap, dilapidated "blinds" installed much earlier. Also, continuing to add these curtains throughout the household is something I'm hoping will assist with energy bills, etc.

More constant shelving was installed in the bathroom area...

Constant and random repair of yard equipment...

Damage to the house's exterior is becoming more frequent due to DAD-impaired eyesight, this being recent garage damage while attempting to back into the garage. Again, it should be said that this sort of thing should be documented during my discussions with various resources that assist with these sorts of aging-related matters

Must document ongoing filing system processes' and do daily updates to the work log I started in 07/23 when taking on these duties

Daily, random bits of food and trash are left out for days until I have to intervene and clean/throw them away before the space becomes toxic.

Recent drywall repair, repainting, and installation of the shelf visible at the center fixed required the sourcing of extra steel support brackets to be placed at the middle point to prevent future failures. I spackled, sanded, and painted after repair.

Daily and routine maintenance of DAD personal travel scheduling (and addressing errors such as double payments and the like)


One would think all of the above would neatly end any "onlookers" comments of my being a "freeloader" or having a "sugar daddy." Ironic because the opposite is most accurate if just considering facts...

More later....

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.


The Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.