Monday, September 9, 2024

An Exceptional Note from this past Sunday re: having to enforce personal boundaries...

SUN 09/08/24:

There will be a fully uncut (other than respectfully blurring) video of this encounter published to YouTube within a week or so; I have to go back and add subtitles as my office camera doesn't have the best microphone but it's good enough.

But the video neatly shows how, especially on a Sunday afternoon when I'm attending to highly personal matters, DAD expects me to just stop and engage in what amounts to (IMO) totally meaningless dialogue about an event that I know I no longer had any part in (short of providing the media and evidence to DAD and the other property owner).

I will publish a new post when the video is finished and published...

DAD/JOEL NOTE: See audio/video publication I did for this as I will be publishing this entire encounter caught on my office camera to youtube once I have time to edit and add subtitles as the audio is not that great. It won’t be attractive as I’m embarrassingly lacking in clothing but it’s not inappropriate (other than showing I need to get back in the gym lol.

But later DAD comes back to my room a bit later and tried to engage me in further dialogue about the event, of course, just gross dialogue whether I thought the fellow/burglar was Mexican or black or some clearly racist type questioning (though he would frame it differently of course) and I, literally (see the online video) was doing my semi-regular body wash bath in my private space and I politely commented that none of what he was saying was of any concern of mine and that should be the end of the conversation.

This is a perfect example of how I have to lock myself away from him, especially on Sundays which are precious time for me, because even after calmly letting him know I was not interested in discussing the nuances of the burglars race or the event otherwise, he keeps pressing and pressing (and this is just a super mild example of this regular tendency of his; IMO, it's like he's just desperately seeking some sort of mental/emotional stimulation and my being the only "target" for that obvious need is a problem.

And (see video) another thing he often does in reaction to calm requests for no more conversation is going on to say, “Now see, you're all worked up!” And I’m sitting there completely dumbfounded, thinking "how in the world could this man not understand my calm, decent response that I had nothing more to say on the matter?"  I mean, I even say, again, calmly, that I had done my job, and that was that, and then politely leave me be as any “normal” person would.

But it’s the length of time he presses and the way he points back to me, half naked as it were, enjoying my “bath” saying, “Now your getting all worked up!” … when, if you watch the video, it’s quite evident I simply tell him I have no more to say on the matter and in no part of the dialogue am I “worked up”; I’m, just trying to get some body cleaning done lol.

I even, jokingly say, “see? I’m even videoing myself bathing even as we speak (or, more appropriately, I trying to escape) how in the world could I be “worked up” about something lmao”.

That is the real “danger” of leaving my office door open and so hence, I generally always slide lock or completely lock it as a means of forcing boundaries (something suggested to me by various council over the past months

Refined and upscaled/printed several more of the burglar photos for DAD and left on his desk, informing him of doing so.

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.

The Official Daily Blog

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Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.