Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Finally, HPD/MHD agrees and informs they will be providing me with bodycam/incident data ..

I was expecting it to be a bit more of a fight (time-wise) to get this data, but lo and behold, I got a message from HPD's records division today claiming my request had been accepted and that full body cam data and transcript/minutes data would be provided as soon as I paid the necessary fees.

Of course, I immediately replied, expressing gratitude at the timely response and that I would be paying the fees ASAP.

This is good news.  

Thanks to whoever allowed me this tiny bit of return, as it's valuable to me in a strictly internal, personal manner. 

I know the process could have been made much more complex, so I'm grateful to those who know who they are; I'm very thankful for this small but significant decision.

Here is the main point of the below-posted image:

"We are releasing call slip and the body worn camera will be released within 120 business days of accepting the charges. Please be advised there is no other responsive information for the remaining categories of the request."

And here is the actual HPD/MHD response:

Plans from here are to simply wait for the data, which, as made clear, could take up to 120 days.  This is a life-mission for me at this point so 120 days is like a couple minutes to me. 

Once I have the body cam footage, minutes, and call data, I will consider how best to approach publishing and considering the issue (public claims of my being diagnosed with a mental illness).

The Goal

The goal is to find out if there is anything I can or should do regarding the public claim made by my father on 12/11/23, the matter-of-fact claim to a mental health representative of the Houston Police Department that I had been "diagnosed with schizophrenia."

Can I demand a public redaction of the claim? Should I even worry about that? Would it be worth my time/effort to seek such actions? I can't answer any of those questions, so it will be a lengthy process.

I've been at this for 20 years, and I'm 56 years old now. I have no problem spending my remaining years just focusing on this one thing as a lifelong endeavor.  

Anyway, my effort is gaining some definite traction as of today, and again, thanks to HPD/MHD (and others) for allowing me the typical civil right to the data.  

I have been through many other civil processes in the distant past (long forgotten) wherein I was required to make endlessly repetitive FOIPA requests. I was obviously required to take "the long road"- IE: pointedly protracting things time-wise.  

In the case of this local request?  Things seem to be moving normally.  This is good...

More later...

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website, http://www.jbhfile.com/; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see http://www.jbhfile.com/ for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.


The jbhFILE.com Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: http://www.jbhfile.com. The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in jbhFILE.com. have fun.