Saturday, September 7, 2024

Certified Cease and Desist Letter sent to DAD as of 09/07/24

I've waited and researched/studied this for several months and just today decided it would be an okay time to take matters to this level.

This is simply a Cease and Desist letter sent via certified mail. It is not a legal document but a seriously lawful civil request that recipients are generally advised to consider carefully as consequences of ignoring the demands of the letter are made quite clear in the letter itself (namely, the requirement of a Cease and Desist ORDER which then moves the matter into a legal/court arena.

Anyway, I don't expect this letter to be well received by my DAD, but every conversation I've had with all legal counsel over the past four months has adamantly made clear that the letter absolutely should be sent if these ongoing claims against my person continue (which I'm sure they will until my DAD is addressed in legal terms and with the indication of genuinely legal consequences; otherwise, he hears nothing I personally say about the absurdity (and damage) of his claims over the years.

In fact, even after two decades of presenting simple, and proveable data showing the impossibility of his claim, he will, to this day, react childishly/laughingly, even going so far as to say things like, "See? Your just acting like a crazy person again!" ... when all I'm doing/done is present some utterly basic facts that he's certainly keen enough to comprehend.

But as mentioned, in some gross way, over the years, it's seemed as though he's enjoyed promoting this unlawful and highly damaging claim of my having been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, even now, up to stating it as fact to members of law enforcement. 

It's hard to process, but it's as though he inwardly enjoys maintaining that notion as a means of control; I'm reminded of how he has treated his employees over the years, generally theses have always been very poor, ex convicts, immigrants or otherwise "unemployable" persons with families.

His classic model (at least back when he could afford to do so) was to "discipline" any given employee that might have angered him in some way by simply telling them, "Well how about you just leave right now and come back in three weeks" ... which, essentially, is economic enslavement IMO, especially when considering employees that might have large families who can barely scrape by anyway.

For decades, when the business was thriving and we had many employees at hand, this was common, weekly practice and generally it was something trivial like the employee not doing something fast enough or making a simple mistake.

It wasn't until he whittled his entire employee base down to just 3 persons or so that he 100% stopped that type of behavior as he knew if he sent any of of those persons home for a "three week confinement" period, he'd not be able to do any work at all.

Psychologically very scary and also interesting when looking back over the years.

So even the most basic of genuine and legally authoritative processes are my only recourse in my effort to simply and gently educate the man.  He's not big on education, btw.  So, like I said, he won't take the letter well but it's certainly something he can't just write off as whackery and or me acting "crazy again!".

Here is a copy of the letter I sent today:

And here is a link to a much more legible PDF copy of the same docoment:

Cease and Desist Letter / sent via certified mail on 09/07/24

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.

The Official Daily Blog

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Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.