Friday, September 6, 2024

Odd, telling observation in home life...

This sort of otherwise "not notable" thing occurs frequently in our shared household.

But in this case, after watching it for over a month, it becomes something worth noting here.

Dad will very occasionally receive packages labeled in his name or his company name. He will unpackage whatever the thing is and then leave the box and the packaging material out on the floor or the couch for over a month at a time.

I've trained myself not to intervene in anything I can identify as "his concern," so I've just watched for a little over a month as this empty, useless bit of cardboard (packaging) was left on the living room couch after he opened it some time back on 08/18/24.

It's just sat there like he unconsciously discarded it as though some other people were to come along and clean up the debris (IE, put it in the feck all trash can, man!).

This is where I've been instructed to "draw boundaries" ... 

IE: "I will not see to this for you, and the tiniest bit of dignity you might show would be to properly discard/dispose of this packaging material the same day that you unbox it as it is *your* business and your property."

But there it sits, still ... nearly a month later.  

He sometimes moves the box off the couch off onto the floor, but the implication is that somebody else should dispose of this trash. I mean, it's still there, lol!!

I do not hold to this.

So here is what I've been looking at on our living room couch for a month, again, strangely, he moves it from the couch to the floor ... but always, clearly leaving it out, visible, as though a reminder of something that *sombody* else should handle.

This is THIS MAN's trash, and he should deal with it lest he have some other use for it (which is unlikely as he doesn't really have any ideas to speak of that I'm aware of).

It was trash as soon as the product shipped and once removed from the box. But for some unfathomable reason, when any "normal" ... "rational" person would, of course, include disposal of the packaging material as a matter of course? (I do, anyway) ... DAD just leaves it sitting out in the open, like an eye sore, or worse, some quiet, angry reminder that somebody else should handle his problems for him (at the most superficial level? Just the disposal of trash).

It seems small-minded and trivial, but considering our circumstances and the obvious and *totally* intentional decision to leave the trash out on the couch?  My only conclusion is that he either (not likely) plans to use the box for something else ... or second, more likely, that he expects me to come along and clean up his mess.

It's vexing.

"The Box" sitting there for over a month... I mean, just blatant and offensive considering the care with which he takes to meticulously cover the couch with sheeting.... doesn't make sense.

"The Box" shipping label showing about when it arrived ... 

So I don't touch the thing. 

I know it's trash, but I can't take a chance that he had some other intention for the material. But why would it be left out on the couch in a public living room for over a month? It is beyond me. 

It's so simple. Just tear the thing up and throw it in the bin.

But I digress.  

Oddly, this afternoon, he took several minutes picking the box up off the couch, inspecting it in a weird way, and then setting it on the floor next to the couch.

What is one to think? Or *do*?  I'm just letting it sit there.

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.

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Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.