Thursday, September 12, 2024

UPDATE on HPD/MHD Request for incident data

Thankfully, after receiving the much-appreciated reply from HPD/MHD that my last request had been accepted, especially specifying that I would get both the body cam footage and a full transcript of the body cam minutes (dialogue), I've now been allowed to pay for the city's services, which I did yesterday. 

They also mentioned something about the call-in and what was initially claimed, but I'm not sure about that.

The body cam data and the written transcript of the body cam interaction minutes are really the only things I want since they include the all-important moment when the lead officer (bless him) clearly claims that my father told him I "had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia."

A Milestone of sorts

This is, at least for me, a two-decade milestone as it's the first time I've been able to capture a real, live and especially law enforcement-related and officially recorded moment clearly proving that my father has been propagating and truly believing this (still) unbelievable view he holds internally that I have *ever* been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, much less any other mental disorder of any kind, because, in point of fact? I have not, and this is easily proveable.

In fact, there is a certain point in the conversation with lead Officer Rodriguez where my father actually leans in and whispers, "Remember Dr. Rucelli?" which is super important, as I think it's central to my father's embedded and delusional notion of my suffering from *any* mental disorder.

Dr. Vincent Rucelli was a psychotherapist/talk therapist I'd worked with since my early teens.

During my times of extreme duress, back in 2000 or so, when I went through some extraordinary workplace politics and eventually very subtle but effective workplace harassment, I would visit Dr. Rucelli to discuss what I was seeing around me at that time.

I believe my father thinks Dr. Rucelli somehow (impossible btw) diagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia, which is 100% outside of (the now deceased) Dr. Rucelli's professional abilities.  

Dr. Rucelli was a well-respected Ph.D. psychotherapist who worked out Clear Lake City, TX but the bottom line is this man was a *psychoTHERAPIST*!  His job was to just talk to his patients and explore active therapeutic exercises to deal with any given "issue" a client might be seeking assistance with.

Dr. Rucelli was (thankfully) not a psychiatrist; he could not issue official diagnosis' of major mental disorders such as paranoid schizophrenia, much less prescribe the obvious medications such a person would require in the way of treatment. He was a "talk therapist." 

But in no way could he ever legally present a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, which is the domain of psychiatry, and going even further?  

Even though Dr. Rucelli recognized my genuine fear and authentic (and justified) paranoid behaviors at that time (~2000), if he was genuinely concerned? He would have immediately referred me to a qualified psychiatrist if he suspected I might actually or potentially suffer from that particular mental disorder. 

Latest from HPD/MHD

This is just more information from HPD/MHD confirming my payment and stating that the data will be provided according to their workload.

And once more, to Officer Rodriguez: You did great work that day, sir; I appreciated every minute of our dialogue. It's fascinating to see training so effortlessly and respectfully employed by a civil servant who retains immense power, allowing them endless opportunities for "less than civil" service.

There was nothing even remotely uncivil about my experience that day which is notable as there were/are endless means of handling things much less honestly/transparently than Officer Rodriguez did so well that day. 

So, hats off to HPD for that ... 

Despite popular opinion regarding myself and the obvious fact that there will always be a "few bad seeds" in those organizations, I'm nonetheless a huge supporter of law enforcement's presence in our communities.

So, AFAIK, now I only need to wait.

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.

The Official Daily Blog

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Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.