Wednesday, August 7, 2024

08/07/2024 Visual verification of work received and being handled..

It's just day-to-day, overly thinking and documenting. I call it "OPSEC" or, even more frequently, "Damage control"- a more fitting term. I make a point of photographing and documenting all of these sorts of updates left on DAD's personal space.

As discussed, I have literally inverted our mutual sleep/wake schedules as a matter of necessary protocol. So my need to leave regular updates like this is essential, considering the very little "face time" we have daily. It's as plain as stated here: When he retires to sleep?  I wake and begin work.  This has been protocol for ages and is necessary if I'm to actually get any work done.

It's also good for him (IMO) as it leaves him with Joe Namoth and commercials for about six hours a night which I think is (tough) but the most effective means of letting him know what he faces once the 24/7 servant is unavailable (me!). 

That said, he (so far) tends to be offended by these sorts of updates, in many cases, actually "transforming" into the RAGE guy ... accusing me of "saying something about me!!!" ...

In short, and I'll publish other, more uncofortable data if 100% necessary but I am aiming to not have to do that as it's ugly and damning and doesn't look good on my father but I do reserve that right/(obligation?) as a contact employee..

But he recently, quite literally, told me (all recorded/archived) that he does not want any "daily updates" that involve (direct quote, mind you) "saying anything about ME!"... 

It is massive and clinically provable, as just ... (the irony is, my friend) totally insane.  

How is any person able to improve in anything if not directly made aware of where they might want to work on things, especially considering a professional relationship.

I mean, after being contracted to improve this man's business (his whole life at this point lol), to tell me I am forbidden to ever "SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ME!!!" (and angrily delivered, mind you) is simple absurdity.

The job he contracted me to complete 100% demands that I constantly point out where he should do things differently to better the overall process.

So AFAIK, it's basically easily argued (ask me, please) that his demand that I never "SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ME!" is easily defined as insanity.  

Congnitive decline? I don't think so as he's always held that notion (think the golden goose girl from Willy Wonka; he's kind of her doppelganger when it comes to simply wanting things HIS way and no matter the points of process and/or procedure)

So, I'm ready for that time, but I'd rather not have to take it to that level.

With all due respect, sir.

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.


The Official Daily Blog

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Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.