Thursday, August 8, 2024

A good example of DAD "baiting" ...

Conjuring Demons...

Ever since my admittedly terrible binge drinking years, starting around age 44 and ending around age 54 (sober now for 1.7 yrs including occasional vacations which are fine by me).

But something DAD established as normal behavior during that time was to try and "bait" me into face-to-face, very close communication, frankly, so he could do what I call a "breath check." He's not fond of that term, by the way, but for what it's worth, I get it.

But lately, as mentioned, he's been showing the typical signs of paranoia and making obvious "breath check" or "baiting" attempts, just really obvious and glaring attempts to fish me into some sort of very close physical interaction.

It's similar to his following me around a few weeks earlier as I shopped about local convenience stores, something else he would often do back in the day.

But tonight was just blatant and funny, actually...

And what makes it especially annoying is that he attempted to do so very late this Thursday night as he was going to bed, and I was passing to refill my water bottle and get some ice cream before starting to work; as mentioned, I keep our schedules inverted as possible (I even keep a piss bottle in my room so I won't accidentally have to run into him in the hallway).

Yes. It's worth even doing that. ANY sort of encounter results in a request of some kind.  It is not an invitation to converse on some subject or other, not to comment on something noted as notable on the back porch earlier that day, but always a request for some sort of service or assistance. It's literally clinical how consistently it occurs.

It was especially bad first thing in the morning before I realized that just making sure to wake up and start my morning once I was sure he was gone was like a magic trick in helping with that.

So as I'm passing, knowing full well he had just told his "lady friend" on the phone he was going to bed, he attempts to stop and engage me ... myself just walking right by with a water bottle and ice cream in hand asking, "oh hey! my Dermatologist called and can you come show me how to access my voice mail on my phone?"  Mind you, this was 9:30pmish or so with him in his underwear. I have a good audio recording of the event.

But the really bad part...

I've shown him how to access his voicemail 1000 times, btw.  (IE: keypad and hold down "1" duh). Even he couldn't forget that.

But I already knew better than to go get my water refill and ice cream as I'm always aware of whether he's awake and if we might run into one another (I have to be). 

So it's really my fault for simply not waiting to see him disappear into his room (my own bedroom internal camera films anything below ankle level and is mounted in the tiny gap at the bottom of my door, fully in compliance with privacy laws). But it does offer me the bare minimum (non-identifying) in the way of what's happening outside my bedroom door at any time (I can see my cat's paws as I type, lol).

So I literally (as he's asking me to help him and all the while trying to advance towards me) just keep walking back to my office to continue work.

These are the things I've been asked to document that can be considered rather odd and a bit worrisome.

I'll post the audio log of the above encounter a bit later (just tonight). It's creepy.

Here is the sort of photo log documentation I have to do any time I leave a note like this; the reason being, simply leaving the note, clearly indicating it's for my own logging purposes, will result in violence or some sort of rage event:

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.


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Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.