Thursday, August 1, 2024

Example of daily technical admin type stuff I do for the household/business (cause it's fun) ...

This is a good example of one sort of daily administration/networking oversight that I've done since moving into the DAD property in 2016.

I set all this up immediately because I enjoy working with this sort of data and even more so, being informed.

This sort of work goes on constantly, and since DAD's entire business is now built out and functioning at our home address and involves "mission critical" business and financial data, I consider it highly valuable to monitor and keep track of this sort of thing (simple daily reports of our home/business Inet down times).

This is especially true now since the entire company (HTIRE) runs off of internet services. Not to mention that DAD/MY need to make on-the-fly positions/investment adjustments when needed via his online brokerage account, which I admin 100%.  

The home office VOIP phone system, the new (not so new anymore) CC processing system (Square), and everything else are essentially required to have consistently good broadband connectivity to work. 

In fact? After the recent Hurricane Beryl (sp?) event when we lost Inet connectivity or seven days?  It became immediately clear how essential solid, consistent broadband access is in today's personal and business world.

So I've already begun researching Starlink (and other) options simply to have in place as backup.

I signed up for this free service ages ago but still find it very valuable as a daily indicator of relative broadband outages (Comcast currently, and they have been decent enough in seven(?) years of monitoring data such as below:

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.


The Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.