Saturday, August 3, 2024

Daily monitoring of home/business surviellance cams..

This is a screenshot of my current view of all home/business wi fi cameras I've installed (upon request). At least those that remain and that I personally own and can produce receipts for as being owned by myself.

Below, you can see that two were installed in my personal office (with my magnificently narcissistic self clearly visible), one at our company "shop" location (where I've already captured several burglars in action), and two on our home driveway—one showing the entire driveway and one being the most recent installed to monitor my own personal car (along with the solar panel to keep it alive).

I monitor all of these daily as I see to DAD/HTIRE/JOEL personal work, and this view is always open on one of the panels in my main office.  These are just cheap, commonly available wifi cams that are quite capable if you work out the kinks to making them all work together, as shown below:

I'm sharing this to show how I am using the cameras. 

Ideally, any homeowner or business owner would be very pleased that someone else is constantly monitoring the security of said locations. 

Still, in fact, there used to be about five more cameras, all installed in common areas of the home the same as most all households these days desire ...  but these were physically torn from their mounted positions by my brother during my DADs freak out on 12/11/23 when HPD showed up cause somebody said I was a threat of some kind.  

When the other home internal cams were removed (by a non-resident of our household), the homeowner thought I was also using such cameras to monitor his movements within the house. And? I TOTALLY was and, frankly, still do, as much as possible and as often as I can.  

Without going into the gross details, the level of violence and lack of emotional control currently afflicting my father made "being prepared" or "getting ready" for any encounter with him as highly valuable.

IE: It totally helps to know when he is coming so I can either lock my door or do deep breathing exercises to prepare for whatever unpleasant thing he might be seeking me out for.

So yes. Absolutely. At that time?  

I used those (formerly) housewide surveillance cameras to monitor my DAD as he, inevitably, starved for some sort of mental stimulation, would always end up in my personal office space.

Back then, I was likely drunk as hell (albeit locked in my room talking tech with friends all over the world). Still, he would always end up forcing his way into my room. 

Once he discovered that his 50-year-old tenant was also enjoying an alcoholic beverage or two, he would go full psycho and start breaking my computers and overturning trash cans, etc ... and that was just the start.

On several occasions, he would drag me around the house, throw me in the shower, and scald me with hot water and far worse. All just in some psychotic, rage-induced state that I personally can't relate to as I don't get angry much ... certainly not rage-prone.

But the above shot shows the cameras I currently own, which remain my right to install as a tenant.

The other ones that were unlawfully removed by another family member, a non resident of the household at the time (and now), have all either died (EOL) or were simply returned to my DAD or not installed.

My own gear/rooms/car are all covered (as well as DAD shop space) but I'm thinking of just removing the DAD shop camera as I own that one too and can't see any reason to keep it there since it was made quite clear back on 12/11/23 that he didn't want anything related to himself as part of our security system so I'll likely be going to remove that soon and use it here for something personally beneficial.


This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.


The Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.