Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Daily work log ...

 TUE 08/06/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • SENT multiple invoices to DAD for pricing. Feck’d up the first time as I sent him TGS invoices when he was requesting Atlas invoices. My bad. Important to note.

  • Quickbooks work.

  • Updates with contacts in NYC orgnaizing with Dian Sare.

  • Sent severa invoices to DAD bit semt TGS arcjo

  • Meeting with Santos (contractor) to discuss recent fascia job; received final quote;

  • Several hours pesonal JOEL work

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website, http://www.jbhfile.com/; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see http://www.jbhfile.com/ for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.

The jbhFILE.com Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: http://www.jbhfile.com. The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in jbhFILE.com. have fun.