Thursday, August 8, 2024

Daily Work Log

 THur 08/08/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Tried to get keys made but ACE was closed so put off

  • Went by shop to troubleshoot the SQUARE CC terminal which had powered down during the last Hurricane event; simply needed to be started; informed DAD of future events and that all he needed to do was simply hold down the single power button to power the device back on

  • Trip across town to MicroCenter to return a network adapter we did not need (bought for temporary use during recent power outage

  • Sent several invoices to DAD for pricing purposes (I repeatedly suggest he simply use his phone to take a picture of any invoice he completes and everything will always be right there on his phone which would save him the need to call me three times a day to photo and send him a copy of an invoice he could simply photo as soon as he makes it out (and so on); but this is typically received as offensive or “how dare you” kind of thing but it’s so obvious and such a simple solution to his constantly needing to look at old invoices for new invoice pricing data that I still mention it from time to time; it’s exactly how I maintain a solid archive of every document I need to retain or refer back to. In fact? I photo document at least 5 to 20 work related documents every day simply to have quick access to them in the future.

  • Received call from DAD while seeing to personal matters about town (Thurs thru Sun are considered JOEL personal time; during our initial discussion, I asked that he just consider those days as my being back at AMZ working) asking me, literally for “surveillance” info on his disabled employee who had been sent over to weed eat. Basically asking me (while in the middle of MicroCenter) when Kevin arrived at the house and if he was still there and basically just a senseless, problematic (for me) phone call.  I tried to express this tactfully but don’t think he got it.

  • Met with Santos and was updated that he would be done with home facia repair (final sealant of hardyplank) and we could finish paying for the job by weeks end. Informed DAD of Santos conversation

  • Spoke with friends in NYC to receive semi regular political briefing about organizing efforts currently happening there.

  • Spoke with friends about possibly attending a Shakeaspeare production in/around the Austin area on Sunday; not sure if I will be able to attend but am going to make an attempt

  • Random maintenance on personal/DAD workstation; double checking scheduled imaging scripts/etc. (weekly stuff)

  • Spoke with personal surgeon office about data collections and the time frame within which I will have paid my surgeon off for a procedure performed about ~4 years ago.

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.


The Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.