Saturday, August 3, 2024

Daily Work Log (with bonus pics!)

SAT 08/03/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Kitchen and bath cleaning

  • Fixed two panels on my personal vehicle where OG/factory brackets had begun breaking; found parts at local auto store; super cheap, easy fix. No more sagging side panel.

  • Cut front lawn and blew off front walkway and drive area, including assisting with some of Santos’ (contractor) debris left from still-in-process housewide facia replacement

  • I spoke with Santos (the contractor), who informed me that for the last part of his facia repair project, he would have to source a taller ladder and would be continuing work first thing Monday morning (expecting to also finish on Monday or at least be at the point of painting/finishing the material).

  • Also, cut the immediate neighbors' front lawn as generally there’s not enough battery charge left in the EGO lawnmower to do our own backyard, so it’s an easy 20 minutes of extra exercise to keep mowing and over into their front yard. I had told them some months ago that I might be doing this at random and if their lawn was free of the many cars often parked in the grass. IE: fully informed and they had no issue with my proposition (duh). 

  • Installed new solar panel/charger for personal wi fi cam installed on CITY pole that is positioned within our drive space. This is a new, JOEL/PERSONALLY purchased camera installed specifically to monitor only my personal vehicle; I also self-payed for the solar charger (which works amazing considering it was only $18). I leave my car unlocked every night simply to avoid broken windows (it’s happened), and about six months ago, my car was entered and ransacked (but no windows broken!), and the camera will help in at least identifying such activity in the future.

  • I took photos of the new camera/solar panel installation and archived them on a cloud server in case others who have damaged my personal property (specific family members) might do so again. This allows me to pursue proper legal recourse in such an event should it occur again.

  • Before starting yard work, I noticed that my brother had left his personal 55” TV on our back porch with the main glass panel exposed to the constant contractor and my personal machine work around that space. Phoned brother to let him know that I would not be responsible for any damage to the TV due to it’s placement but needed to inform him as damage to the panel is almost guaranteed considering the way he left it.  I also let him know I would not be touching the property (TV) he left but would try and avoid damaging it as I saw to the work I need to do in that same area.  (my necessary protocol currently is to remain  100% uninvolved in random storage of other person’s property here at the home; reasons should be obvious).

  • Took photos of TV left on back porch by brother with signed/dated note and archived for future reference

  • Shopping for groceries/etc.

  • Several hours of personal legal research and documenting/general writing


Photos of TV left by brother on back porch with TV panel fully exposed to regular work area; damage to TV panel is almost gauranteed if left like that (which I will leave it as since I do not involve myself with random other person's (non residents) property unexpectly left in such a precarious position:

This is a close-up of my personal note stating that I first became aware of this TV being left as it was in a common household (very busy atm) work area.


Several photos of JOEL OWNED/PERZ wifi cam installed, including solar panel for constant power, to specifically monitor activity around my personal vehicle:

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.


The Official Daily Blog

My photo
Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.