Sunday, August 25, 2024

Work Log: 08/21/24 thru 08/25/24

 MON 8/19/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • To store for groceries/scripts (and cat food)

  • Completed all waiting invoices, bill entries and also creation of four new payment receipt binders and sent to respective clients

  • Inputted all waiting customer invoices

  • Emailed CLyle at TGS a single new work invoice

TUE 8/20/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • To store for groceries/scripts (and cat food)

  • RECEIVEd new car registration sticker

  • Spoke with Diane Sare in NYC/Bronx about political work on east coast

  • Sent out all new remaining and recently received payment checks to respective clients copying DAD on all binders sent

  • Ordered new “hide a key” device for 2nd place to discreetly keep house keys outdoors (JOEL pay)

  • Researched sources for obtaining new FOB for my car (only have one)

  • Conversation with Dr. Cornelius office about re scheduling my normal 3 month check up due to his relocating to a new space.

WED 8/21/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • 10AM CALL from DAD claiming his “computer” didn’t work this morning and that “something must have happened” last night; I explained its likely normal, microsoft PC stuff that we all have to deal with and that I’d fixx it.

  • 5 minutes to fix DAD computer; Microsoft had slipped in update that changed EDge back to the default browser; I reverted Chrome to be the default browser and then used dependable utility to absolutely block MS Edge from being functional on DAD computer.  Also, adjust Win updates to be paused for the next 5 weeks as I think a lot of these sorts of issues (for all of us) are tied to microsoft updates “sneaking” unwanted stuff in.

  • Messaged Orlando at Magellan/ONEOk asking about the running of open invoices

  • Message Clyle with copy of new TGS work invoice

  • Attended Schiller institute online conference from 10am to 12 noon

  • Time on phone with Orlando at OneOK; ran two outstanding (older) invoices after confirming on both ends that they had not been paid; printed/created digital binders/receipts for both payments and emailed to Orland copying DAD; also printed “throw away” copies and left on DAD desk with typical photo documentation

THURS 8/22/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Shop from 10:30am to 130pm covering for DAD in VEGAS

  • Home depot to buy hole saw and other tools to start installing permanent, re usable “portals” through various bedroom walls to use the “roll about” portable AC unit. Think the hole saw I got from Home Depot (DISCV card) is not going to work so will be returning it for refund to DISCVR card.  I did manage to cut a 6” hole in the drywall of my personal office and am testing the portable AC unit simply exhausting into the wall until I can cut a proper hole in the brick outside wall (diamond bit saw coming in tomorrow). So far, it is working well.  Main goal is to see if once I fashion an appropriate wall exhaust, if leaving the home central AC off while I work with just the portable AC unit going might make any difference in monthly energy bills.

  • Printed various professional opinions on latest DAD investment fad (snake oil pitch man Ian King) …

  • Various emails to Greg M about possible collaboration in DAD investment strategy over next few months

  • Scheduled prelim meetings with Greg M to discuss DAD investment plan

FRI 8/23/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Slept through 8am alarm and was late to shop; 10am to 2:30pm; Nothing in the way of work

  • Home by 3pm; began work on exhaust modification for portable AC

SAT  8/2424:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Slept little and began work on portable AC wall duct 

  • Completed project, tested and verified function; video logged/documented entire process 

SUN 8/25/24:

  • Cat litter/bathroom clean/house vac

  • Checked printer paper and shredder bins

  • Slept to a record breaking 11 am

  • To shopping for ba

  • Odd thing was that when I explained the installation of the portable AC unit and that it was hard but fun, Dad spoke as though he never intended to keep the thing, anyway. The odd part is that when first purchasing the unit and as it set, unused in the living room, I made a point to ask him at that  time if he’d prefer to just send it back as, after some reading, I realizeed it would require some real work to make happen.  He distinctly told me that day (see audio log) that he’d prefer to keep it. So, with him out of town this past weekend (only time I can get work done), I said fuck it and went ahead and installed a solid aluminum exhaust shaft, cutting outdoor brick, etc. just to have the thing (a valuable, useable, resource) available .. I mean, better than using it as a desk.

But his immediate reaction, after showing him the install was one of repugnance, saying he’d rather have just sold it or something.  Fucking weird considering his earlier comment about wanting to keep it after I suggested it might be best to simply return it to AMZ due to the work tax.

This post supplements the facts made public on my main website,; it probably will not make much sense to you if you have not already become aware of the legal and personal efforts discussed there. Please see for a necessary introduction to why this blog exists. Or, if you just like reading weird stuff, then don't. And, enjoy.

The Official Daily Blog

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Houston, Texas, United States
This blog is a supplementary text to my main website at: The purpose of this blog is to form a semi daily dialogue related to personal circumstances as outlined in have fun.